Gish Chronic Logic LLC 2004

Gish is a platformer with a twist. You play a blob of tar named Gish (yes, I said a blob of tar) who is on a journey to find his girlfriend, Brea - who is not another blob of tar, but rather a human. Using the complex, realistic physics engine, Gish must stick to walls, slide through cracks, topple boxes, and solve many other strange physics puzzles while battling enemies. Even jumping is very physics-heavy; Gish has to bounce up and down to gain momentum for a jump. The game includes three modes: Story, which is standard linear platforming, Collection, a sort of time attack mode, and Vs., where two Gishes fight to the death. It has dynamic physics and lighting, destructible environments, 34+ story levels, 20+ collection levels, 80+ player-made levels available for download, six unique VS. modes, unlockable game modes, over 15 animated enemies, six deranged bosses, five "super secret" levels, and a level editor.
Level Demo v1.6 10MB (uploaded by MegaGames)
Full Demo v1.6 33MB (uploaded by Terje_P)
Custom Levels (Fan-Made)

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