Lamarr Goes To The Zoo Valve 2013

This is a side-scrolling platform game created by several Valve employees for a 48-hour game jam. It was developed in Construct 2, an HTML5-based game editor. The game consists of a non-debeaked version of Kleiner's pet Headcrab Lamarr walking through platforms of the "Dam Zoo" and confronting zookeepers who use butterfly nets to catch her (they cannot be killed directly, and Lamarr will die upon contact), and eventually escaping the zoo. The game features only sprites. Lamarr can collect hats (one with the Lambda logo) and Mohawks that can be exchanged in a small menu. She can also zombify crocodiles and a giraffe to proceed, walk on flying bald eagles, "charge" herself to make higher jumps, and coo to influence the behavior of some NPCs (for instance summon a buffalo to clear her path and dispatch the zookeepers or modify the flight directions of the bald eagles). Watermelons are used as checkpoints (walking through them will smashed them), and green portals load the next map.
Free Game 58MB (uploaded by Official Site)

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