Escaping The Dark Horror mxstudio 2013

Derek, a typical security guard at a warehouse, was driving home from work one foggy night. The fog itself is impenetrable and cold on this long torpid winding road. Suddenly, out of no where, a masked figure with a long black robe appeared out of no where. Swerving off the road to avoid hitting it, Derek veered down an embankment striking a tree and fell unconscious. Derek later awoke still in the pitch blackness of the night trying to piece together what had just happened and if he was even alive. He looks around trying to get an ideal of where he is but the fog is so dense. He feels around and finds a flash light in the glove compartment. Derek opens the door and climbs out to asses the damages of his vehicle as well as to see how far off the road he veered from. He’s screwed! His entire front end of his car is completely wrecked from the crash and will not start, let alone turn on. But Shhhh… In the mist of the dense fog is a horrifying growl; but from what beast? His heart skips beats in terror. It’s getting closer and louder. It sounds hungry or angry. Derek can hear from a small distance leaves ruffling and can tell that this beast is no small animal. Quickly he makes a run for it in the opposing direction of the growl hoping to escape it. He thinks to himself, could this be the same thing he saw on the road before he crashed? He knew he didn’t want to stop and find out. Running, for what seemed like forever, he makes it out of the woods and onto an open field and stops running. then fire rises around him blocking his every direction. Then the grim reaper appears out of no where in front of him. The game was made with FPS Creator.
Free Game 506MB (uploaded by IndieDB)

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