Cantrip Dadiu Games (RaaSool) 2012

You may think Hansel and Gretel had it bad, but at least their trail led them out of danger. Not so for the brother and sister team in Cantrip, an action adventure game. In this twisted interpretation of the fairy tale, the kids come upon a nasty witch as they are collecting a trail of cans in a scrapyard. They need to redeem the cans for cash to survive. And as if orphans collecting cans isn't sad enough, the witch accuses them of stealing her cans, snatches the sister, and curses the brother to be a human magnet. Sister is smart enough to leave a trail of cans behind as the witch carries her off, so there's at least some hope of tracking her down. As you wind your way through the junk yard, anything metallic will move toward you. This can be dangerous when there are knives or saw blades laying around, or helpful if you need to be heavier to flip switches at the cost of slower speed. Meters on the screen tell you how long you can demagnetize yourself, and how heavy you are depending on how much scrap you currently have stuck to you. When you demagnetize yourself, anything you've collected is flung off you forcefully. There are guard dogs on the premises, and this is good way to dispose of them. Cantrip manages the magnet aspect of the game wonderfully. There are places where it is a help, but others where it is a definite hindrance. Figuring out which is which and using it to your advantage is key. The only thing missing is a save button. You've got a beautifully atmospheric game journey ahead of you. Can you help the children live happily ever after?
Browser-Playable/Downloadable Free Game 70MB (uploaded by Official Site)

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