Rebirth, The/The Reaper Francisco Gonzalez, Ben Chandler 2013

In a modern office block, a government executive worries about his pregnant wife and the war-torn world he is bringing a child into. Just as peace negotiations seem about to bring the war to an end, a bright flash triggers the emergency shutters. What has happened in the outside world, and what has become of his wife and unborn child? Elsewhere in a post-apocalyptic landscape, a man tries to repair a broken pump with whatever parts he can scavenge from the rubble. But a raven is sitting on a nearby tree, a creature he knows to be an agent of the reaper. His companion scoffs at his superstition, but is there something to his beliefs? In both places the portrait, Lady Twiner by Montgomery White, hangs on the walls. Just what exactly links these men? Originally made for the One Room One Week 8 Competition, these are two mini-vignettes which form part of a greater whole. The Rebirth: A government official and his assistant have an unusual day at the office. The Reaper: A mechanic and his friend do some bird-watching. Each of these small adventures is an excellently illustrated escape-the-room affair and plays a short yet utterly engrossing game.
Free Game 11.6MB (uploaded by Adventure Game Studio)

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