First Person Shooters:

| 1378 (km) | Alcatraz: In the Harm's Way | Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter | Aliens vs Predator | Aliens vs Predator: Bughunt Map Pack | Aliens vs Predator: Swarm Map Pack | Arctic Combat / Battle Territory: Battery - Arctic Wind / Battery Online | Arcturus | Arena Champion 2 | Arena Champion I: Erotic Game | ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead | ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead - British Armed Forces | ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead - Private Military Company | Ball, The | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Vietnam | BeGone | BioShock 2 | BioShock 2: Rapture Metro Pack | BioShock 2: Sinclair Solutions Test Pack | Blacklight: Tango Down | Bloody Good Time | Borderlands: Claptrap's New Robot Revolution | Borderlands: Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot | Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx | Bounce! | Brave Arms | Call Of Duty: Black Ops | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Resurgence Pack | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - The Stimulus Package | CellFactor: Psychokinetic Wars | Combat Zone: Special Forces | Devil Den [Pe] | Devil Den 2 [Pe] | Doom 2: No Rest for the Living | Doom 2: XBox Bonus Map | Evochron Mercenary | Fallout: New Vegas | Hellgate: Tokyo | Hey Baby | Incognito: Episode 2 | Incognito: Episode 3 | Left 4 Dead 1 & 2: The Sacrifice | Left 4 Dead 2: The Passing | Left 4 Dead: Dam It (cancelled) | Love | M.A.T. 2: Mission Against Terror / X-SHOT | Marisa Matrix | Medal Of Honor | Medal Of Honor - Hot Zone DLC | Metro 2033 (: The Last Refuge) | National Blood Sport | Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath | Operation Disposal: Black Scorpion 2 [Pe] | Operation Wolfsburg | Patriot [Pe] | Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II | PlayTribes (cancelled) | Quake Wars Online | Red Crucible | Reload: Target Down | Revenge [Pe] | Rexona Men Foot Zombie | Section 8: Seek and Destroy Map Pack | Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter | Singularity | Sniper: Ghost Warrior | Sniper: Ghost Warrior - Map Pack DLC | Terrorist Takedown 3 | Torrente Online 2 / Freak Wars | Typing of the Dead, The: Featuring Rakuten Minna no Shushoku Katsudou Nikki [J] | U.N.I.T.: Justice For All | Ultimate Doom: Xbox Bonus Map | Undead Online: The Zombies / Undead Defense Champion | Urban Warfare | Urban Warfare 2 | Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2) - US Army Lite

Third Person Shooters:

| A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda | Alien Breed 2: Assault | Alien Breed 3: Descent | Alien Breed Impact (Alien Breed Evolution) | Alien Hallway | Alien Shooter 2: Conscription | Alien Swarm | Alpha Protocol: The Espionage RPG | APB: All Points Bulletin / APB Reloaded | Assassin's Creed II | Assassin's Creed II: Templar Lairs | Battle Metal: Street Riot Control / Highspeed Control: Carbon Edition | Black Lightning / Chernaya Molniya | Blur | Booster Trooper | Bounty Arms | Brawl Busters / PlanB | Burn Zombie Burn | Burnin' Rubber 4 | Collapse: The Rage [Ru] | Crash Time 4: The Syndicate | Creed Arena | CrimeCraft: Bleedout | Cursed Mountain | Dark Void | Darksiders: Wrath of War | Dead Frontier | Dead Rising 2 | Deadly Race | Elemental Battle Academy [J] | Fire Storm | Global Agenda | Global Command [Ch] | Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City | Gulman 2: The Mystery of Magic Crystals | Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1 | Hessian | I'm Not Alone | Ion Assault | James Bond 007: Blood Stone | Just Cause 2 | Kane & Lynch 2 - Doggie Bag DLC | Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days | KIA: Killed In Action | Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light | Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - DLC Packs | Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West | Lost Planet 2 | Mafia II | Mafia II: Jimmy's Vendetta | Mafia II: Joe's Adventures | Mass Effect 2 | Mass Effect 2: Firewalker Pack | Mass Effect 2: Kasumi's Stolen Memory | Mass Effect 2: Lair Of The Shadow Broker | Mass Effect 2: Normandy Crash Site | Mass Effect 2: Overlord | Mass Effect 2: Zaeed - The Price of Revenge | Modern War: Somalian Pirates / Ordered Destroyed: Somali Syndrome | Orbital Destruction | Ouka Touhou Bou | Perpetuum | Poisonville | Procedure | Psychic Online | Scourge Project, The: Episodes 1 and 2 | Shaftdiver | Splinter Cell 5: Conviction | Splinter Cell 5: Conviction - Deniable Ops Insurgency Pack | Star Trek Online | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II | Stargate Resistance | Stargate Worlds (cancelled) | Tron Evolution | Warcry: Reign of Sword | Zero Gear

Free Fan-Made Games:

| A3P: Acquire Attack Asplode PWN / Stainless | Aero Flux | Antibody | Bang! | Blazing Wings | Boom | Bungle In The Jungle | Burning Thirst | Castle Totenkopf SDL | Coda | Dead Steel | Dead Wake | Decay | Deprivation: Direct Action | Euthanasia | Exodus | Fate: Outpost November | FPS Terminator | G-Style | Galactic Tournament | Guns and Spurs | Helios | HMS Diptera | Hopeless 2: Mercenary Camp | Hopper | Hydorah | Hypersonic 2 | Imagination World | Laichenberg | M.A.R.S.: A Ridiculous Shooter | Magnesian | Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch | No More Gentlemen | Noah's Jungle | Nova Strider | NOX | Painkiller: Supernatural | Pixel Force: Left 4 Dead | Resident Evil Memory (fangame) | Resident Evil: Raccoon Madness | Smart Shopper | Sp.A.I | Squadron AIU: Dark Storm | Star Castle | Super Crate Box | Terror Attack: Project Fateh / Mumbai Terror Attack | Turtle Arena | Utu Arena | Vapor Gliders | Vore Tournament | White


| 2025: Battle for Fatherland [Ru] | 3D Hunting 2010 | Ad Astra | Air Aces: Pacific | Apache: Air Assault | Bass Pro Shops: The Hunt | Deadsix: The Divided Battle Line / D6 Online | Dogfighter | First Eagles 2 | Front Mission Evolved | Front Mission Evolved: Last Stand | Front Mission Evolved: Map Pack | Galaxias | H.A.W.X. 2, Tom Clancy's | Heavy Panzer | Helicopter Wars / Helic | Heroes In The Sky | Hunting Unlimited 2011 | HyperTankz | Lift | Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2 | Reign Of Steel | Remington Super Slam Hunting Africa | Rise of Flight: Iron Cross Edition | Rising Sun | Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic | Sky Aces: World War II | Space Paranoids Online | Star Interceptor | Starpoint Gemini | Strike Fighters 2: Expansion Pack 1 | Strike Fighters 2: Expansion Pack 2 | Thunder Storm / Cobra Command [J] | Top Gun | Transformers: War for Cybertron | WarBirds: Dogfights | WarBirds: Red Baron | Wings of Prey: Wings of Luftwaffe | World Of Tanks

ShootEm Up 2D/3D:

| 7 Servant's Blade | Aclla: Taiyou no Miko to Sora no Shinpei | Akadai: 2nd Age | Alltynex Second | Another Apocalypse | Armalyte | Asteroids | Baldrsky DiveX 'Dream World' | Beat Hazard | Bind Soul: 1st Contact | Biology Battle | Biozone | Blue Star Saga | Bullet Hell! | Chicken Invaders 4: Ultimate Omelette | Contlade | Denkou STG [J] | Eclosion: Phase of Sky and Earth | Galshell 2 | Gravitar | Great Fairy Wars | Gun Dan: The Cloud Shooting | Hayabusa | Hero Core | Kuvader | Lethal Judgment HD | Life Fortress Volcabamba | Magical Cannon Girl 2 | Maria and a Red Bloom | Metal Assault / Giga Slave | Missile Command | Mission X | Monster Hearts | Moon Raid 3D | Mrs. Estacion | Nichibutsu Early Collection [J] | Pooyan | ProtoGalaxy | Razor2: Hidden Skies | Red Killer: 2nd Age | Redshift | Reisen Rush + Remilia Rush | Reverse Twinkle | Ruff 'n' Tumble | Snowball Power | Solace | Sora | Space Chunks II | Space Clusters | Space Trance Porter | Star Prince | Star Shooter Maximum 2010 | STG Tate vs Yoko | Super Laser Racer | Suwako's Shooting Jumping Game | THContra | Tori-Tatsu II: Avengers Ambition | Touhou 12.5: Double Spoiler | Touhou Akijinroku: Everyday Autumn | Touhou Gekiren Ki | Touhou Koukayaku The Game [J] | Touhou Shisengeki / Toho Dead Line | V.I.O

FPS Year Summary - 2010

The year in 3D shooters did not have many original titles and the popularity in sales for continuing series from previous years continued. Mass Effect 2 was an excellent followup to the first rpg in a sci-fi trilogy. It features third-person shooting more prominently while having an epic non-linear storyline with many conversations and puzzle elements. It contains the most downloadable content ever for a pc game. It also features several ideas to combat piracy - special in-game items available only with purchase of special editions, and codes in retail boxes which allow one-time access to free dlc so if game is resold as a used game, it can't access the extra content anymore. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 This first game on the pc of another Battlefield series is an excellent class based shooter where you play in squads with many vehicles and destructible environments which with advancing engine technology is becoming a standard. It also provided 7 free additional map packs and another excellent retail Vietnam expansion. Bioshock 2 was a successful sequel to the sci-fi story driven original. It also added multiplayer modes as the trend of FPS titles has moved more towards upgradeable characters in simple multiplayer shooters. Fans were disappointed when the final 2 singleplayer dlcs released on consoles which completed the story were cancelled on PC but then the decision was reversed. Many dlc for FPS games with console versions are never ported to the PC as publishers feel they can't make enough money on them.

Mass Effect 2
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Bioshock 2

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light was a change of pace for the old franchise as it was a cheaper downloadable title with isometric view and co-op play with another character besides Lara. Yet the good visuals and gameplay won over many critics. With the popularity of services like Steam and the console game download services, smaller and cheaper games are making a big comeback. Just Cause 2 was a continuation of the open-world cinematic action-adventure style of game popularized by GTA III and also present in the long awaited Mafia 2. In JC2, the character can take on stunt-filled missions or go where he pleases with various vehicles and a grappling hook. Metro 2033 was a well-received near-future post-apocalyptic shooter with mutants. It was under-advertised so did not sell particularly well but a sequel is planned due to its good notices. Zombies also continue to be popular fodder for shooters including the first appearance on pc for Dead Rising 2.

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Just Cause 2
Metro 2033

Sniper: Ghost Warrior was yet another budget shooter from the prolific developer City Interactive using the Chrome engine. Sales for this title exceeded one million copies and goes to show that with a lot of practice, even ridiculed developers can create a fan-pleasing game. They look to make fewer games with larger budgets now that they have success. Brave Arms is one of several FPS games now free on social networks like Facebook. With the huge numbers of people connected online there, it provides game makers with a large audience and a possibility to make money off small in-game purchases of items such as weapons and character upgrades. Technology has improved with engines such as Unity allowing for the creation of 3D game worlds within a browser. APB: All Points Bulletin was a try at a gangster MMOFPS with a large budget that unfortunately was closed less than 3 months after opening due to financial problems. It seems players are used to free online play with the purchase of an FPS and paying a monthly fee has mainly worked for fantasy worlds like World Of Warcraft and Everquest. APB was then bought by GamersFirst which will convert it to a free-to-play model in 2011.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior
Brave Arms
APB: All Points Bulletin

First Person Shooters

1378 (km) Jens M. Stober [top]

This serious game sends you to various inner-German border zones in the year 1976. It is possible the player to slip into the role of the GDR border guards or the political refugee. In detail mock scenarios of the relevant sections of the border between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, the dramatic situation can be experienced close up. It's a Half Life2 modification and adaptation of a previous game Frontiers of the artist group "Gold Extra". The game appeared on 20th anniversary of German reunification, on October 03 of 2010. Since the publication, the game was downloaded more than 750,000 times. It became one of the "Computer Bild Spiele" and was named one of "The World" Best German Computer Games of the last 25 years. Originally it required "Half-Life2: Deathmatch" to play, but later only a Steam account with the tool "Source SDK Base 2006" is needed.
Free Game 271MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Alcatraz: In the Harm's Way Silden / CITY interactive / Micro Applications [top]

When a terrorist group takes over Alcatraz island and threatens to shoot missiles at San Francisco, a special commando group is being prepared to respond to the threat. But such action needs a good recon, and there is only one man capable of doing it and staying alive: Joe Harmsky. A veteran special forces agent and instructor, Joe is now in jail for beating to death an officer whose mistake cost the lives of Joe's whole squad. Set free in exchange for his help, Joe heads for Alcatraz to provide information for the commando team. Referring loosely to the atmosphere of the story of "The Rock" movie, Alcatraz: In the Harm's Way will be an First Person shooter for PC, focusing on dynamic combat and action.
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DVD ISO Demo 730MB (uploaded by Egon68)
French ISO Demo 716MB (uploaded by Terje_P)

Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter Black Fire Games [top]

“Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter” is an indie game for the PC/windows platform (indie 3d space shooter) intended to be downloaded from various game portals. The player is in a role of a gunner/shooter of a ship escaping an alien invasion in order to warn the rest of humanity of the incoming attack. It’s basically a rail shooter, so the player does not control the ship only defends it.
There are 2 gun groups attached to the ship: upper and lower. As the player drags the mouse the cannon groups are switched to cover all the space around the ship. Each level has it’s story, but basically you need to take down all/most of the targets that are attacking and thus to survive.
The levels last for 10 minutes each and are finished once the player reaches that time point – and is alive. The last level lasts a bit longer (15 minutes).
After the level completion there is a shop with various utilities and armaments. Eg. better guns, shields, time-warp (slowdown), gun enhancements etc. Money (crystals) is gained by destroying alien ships – the better shooter you are more crystals for use in the shop.
At least 70 minutes are required to finish this game – if you survive all the levels in a raw, that is. So the game itself can provide hours and hours of quality audio/visual/gaming experience. The game length is similar as in popular top-down shooter games.
Can you survive all of the 6 worlds of total annihilation and destruction, over 1000 alien fighters and drones, with a couple of mother-ships launching wings like crazy?
ISO Demo 293MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Aliens vs Predator Rebellion / SEGA [top]

Aliens vs Predator is a title for PC and high-definition consoles from acclaimed British developer Rebellion, the team behind the 1999 original PC gaming classic.
Bringing the most intense war between two of science-fiction’s most popular characters FPS fans, AvP delivers three outstanding single player campaigns and provides untold hours of unique 3-way multiplayer gaming.
Experience distinctly new and thrilling first person gameplay as you survive, hunt and prey in the deadly jungles and swamps surrounding the damned colony of Freya’s Prospect.

See also: Bughunt Map Pack, Swarm Map Pack

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Multiplayer Demo ( @ Steam)
Multi7 ElAmigos Repack Full Demo including DLC 5.10GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
2DVD ISO Demo 15.92GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Patches Update 6 All-In-One 56MB (uploaded by GonnaHaveMeSumFun)
Steam Full Demo (provided by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 17.32GB

Aliens vs Predator: Bughunt Map Pack Rebellion / SEGA [top]

This second downloadable content costs $7.49. Welcome to the killing grounds of BG-386. Prove your skills on four new multiplayer maps spanning jungle swamps, Alien crashsites, industrial complexes and ancient temples. Your environment will be your deadliest enemy - constant rainstorms batter you, fog hides your predators with only a flash of lightning to show the way through. The Bughunt Map Pack features two maps for Survivor Mode and two maps for all other Multiplayer Modes. Crashsite - MP map Built for all game types except Survivor, Crashsite is an outdoors map placing players in a Jungle swamp – dominated by a crashed drop ship. Radiating away from the swamp is a waterfall overlooking an expansive vista, which is part of a large “ring” of playable area that surrounds the central swamp, with connecting spokes to aid player movement through the map. Furious - MP map Built for all game types except Survivor, Furious is an arena style map placing players in a central cylinder shaped area dominated by a huge active furnace in the middle. Tempest - Survivor map Built for Survivor only, Tempest is an outdoor map which places players in the BG-386 Colony area on a dark and stormy night. In addition to the never ending Alien swarm, players must also contend with their environment. A constant rainstorm batters the colony, with intermittent flashes of lightning illuminating the environment to show the Marines attackers bearing down on him. After each wave is completed, the fog rolls in for the start of the next one as ghostly shapes begin to stalk the player. Monument - Survivor map Built for Survivor only, Monument is an outdoor map set on BG-386 in a previously unseen Monument area to the deceased Predator Lord. With geometry purpose built to suit Alien navigation, Monument provides a challenge to players who are already familiar with Survivor. Aliens can appear from any direction, and if the player stands still for too long they become vulnerable to the Jungle Alien "spitters" who are present in this level.
Digital Download ISO Demo (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 1GB
included in Aliens vs Predator - Multi7 ElAmigos Repack Full Demo including DLC 5.10GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Aliens vs Predator: Swarm Map Pack Rebellion / SEGA [top]

This first downloadable content features four new maps for different multiplayer modes, previously only available in the Special Editions of the game. "Docks" and "Machine" maps are for six different online modes (Deathmatch, Predator Hunt, Infestation, Species Deathmatch, Mixed Species Deathmatch and Domination), while "Outpost" and "Hive" are Survivor maps in which up to four Marines battle to stay alive against increasing swarms of Aliens. It costs $7.
Digital Download ISO Demo (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 1GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Aliens vs Predator - Multi7 ElAmigos Repack Full Demo including DLC 5.10GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Arctic Combat / Battle Territory: Battery - Arctic Wind / Battery Online NHN Games / WebZen Inc. [top]

This game has a bleakly war-ridden global picture at somewhere around 2020: Resources crunch, as many fear now, really turns out to be the last draw on camels' back, pushing nations, big or small, out into cross-fires for the preciously meager which could nonetheless still keep things going for a while. The whole world thus becomes an inclusive Territory for Battle, where the entire military range from infantries, air forces to navy armies enter into tussles for dominance, and all modern arsenals such as cannons, destroyers or long-range missiles dash along for supremacy. Battle Territory, AKA, Battery, a futuristic military-strike MMORPG from the first person shooting perspective. The world is divided into two factions lead by America (AF) and Russia (RSU.) One side is the Attack Team and the other side is the Defense Team. From there each team will have a mission to destroy a target or stop others from destroying this target. They will be able to choose between different bomb carrier and a variety of settings available for the mode. These teams change sides in a cycle which keeps the team balance for the game. Gameplay is tough, speedy, gory and intensely realistic. The game is designed on the Unreal Engine 2.5 which means the graphics and gameplay will be both fluid and familiar to veteran gamers. There is a skill system and trophies to earn which help give the game a sense of progression. Battery soldiers never fight an aimless battle with nothing in return and would not waste a single shot with some random target. When they do gun someone down, it got to be something there that makes sense, be it an assassination of the enemies' head, a scuffle about a supply gateway, a rescuing operation of the big potatoes, or any other part of an entire carefully-crafted military plan. The great thing about modern warfare is that you can always expect a battling scene much more sensually-pervasive and visual-impacting than those spears-plus-shields ancient body-fights can ever provide. Bombs dropped from the hovering escort fighters up in the air, clashes heard between the lurking sub-marines deep down under the sea, and explosions fired from the giant tanks thundering their way across the battle zone. The English version was released in Dec/2012 and shut down Sep 2/2013.
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Download: None currently available

Arcturus Science And Magic / The Game Assembly [top]

This was a Swedish student project completed in 10 weeks. Go on a vast journey over the different reaches of the galaxy. As a member of the U.C. Navy, you have sworn your alliegence and will do whatever it takes to triumph over the Insurgence, and while this may seem a difficult task, an even greater enemy approaches. It features four levels, from escort missions to full scale assaults, smart AI with three different factions fighting each other at once, and an advanced and intuitive interface that gives you full control.
Free Game 193MB (uploaded by Official Site)
Free Game ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 164MB

Arena Champion 2 Circle MMx [top]

It's time again to test your skills against the best new teams in the galaxy and win the sexy prize girls. Only an Arena Champion is good enough to receive the top trophy and a night of pleasure with the hottest girls. Are you up to the challenge? Arena Champion 2 is a first person shooter game featuring full screen video, high quality images and professional voices and sound. Sexy strippers and full sexual fantasy video action await you in this adult game with hours of action packed game play, full screen 3D video, and more than 60 high quality images.
Full Demo 885MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Arena Champion I: Erotic Game Circle MMx [top]

Test your skills against the best teams in the galaxy and win the sexy prize girls. Only an Arena Champion is good enough to receive the top trophy and a night of pleasure with the hottest girls. Arena Champion is a first person shooter game featuring full screen video, high quality images and professional voices and sound. Sexy strippers, lesbian play and full sex fantasy action await you in this adult game. There's over 15 minutes of full screen 3D video and more than 60 high quality images.
Full Demo 799MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead Bohemia Interactive / Meridian4 [top]

A standalone expansion pack to ARMA II, Operation Arrowhead is set three years after the conflict in Chernarus, portrayed in the original ARMA II. A new flashpoint in the Green Sea region heats up and coalition forces led by the US Army are sent to Takistan to quickly restore peace and prevent further civilian casualties. Set into the new, visually attractive environment of hilly central Asia, Operation Arrowhead will offer realistic combat simulation experience in a modern day setting with unprecedented freedom of movement, actions and tactics. Players will enlist into various roles within the US Army, from basic infantrymen, through special operatives, to pilots and tank crew in this additional installment in the award-winning line up of military simulators. Operation Arrowhead will include three new maps, a variety of new units, vehicles and equipment, as well as the eponymous campaign. Among the new units are a new array of US army personal and vehicles, Czech forces and German KSK units. UN peacekeepers are also present as a independent faction.

See also: #Army of the Czech Republic, #British Armed Forces, #Private Military Company

Level Demo 2.6GB (uploaded by Game Pressure)
Total Conversion
included in ARMA II Anniversary Edition DVD ISO 7.38GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in ArmA 2 Combined Operations - GOG ISO + ArmA 2 Complete Collection - Steam ISO Demo 10.0GB+10.5GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead - British Armed Forces Bohemia Interactive [top]

This first DLC is priced at GBP 7.99/EUR 8.99/USD 9.99 and provides a surge in support of the ongoing coalition deployment in Takistan. Less than two months after Operation Arrowhead successfully routed the Takistani military regime, NATO coalition forces face a large-scale outbreak of guerilla insurgency. A mechanized force of British troops are about to deploy and embark upon a large-scale counter-insurgency campaign, which will define the future of the coalition presence in Takistan: Operation "Crimson Lance". The development of the brand new content has demanded engine updates, resulting in unique features and new gameplay options. The fully modelled artillery and mortar strikes and the extension of the engineer class to include new duties - such as vehicle repair and bomb disposal - add a new depth of realism to the most authentic mil-sim available. This brand new faction, with a large number of units, vehicles and models, will redouble the allied efforts in this volatile Central-Asian nation.
included in ARMA II Anniversary Edition DVD ISO 7.38GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in ArmA 2 Complete Collection - Steam ISO Demo 10.5GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead - Private Military Company Bohemia Interactive [top]

This $9.99 DLC is a mini-expansion that adds the new ION, Inc. playable faction to the game in a new single player campaign that will have the group investigating Takistan's (supposedly) shut down nuclear program through ten missions. It has fully implemented 2 player co-op mode, and a new map featuring abandoned wasteland style military weapons test range environment, built upon brand new models and textures. There's unique new character models, exotic new weapons (AA-12, fully modelled XM8 variants), and detailed new vehicles (Ka-60 ‘Kasatka’, Armed Helicopter UAV, Armoured SUV). Numerous new engine updgrades, including full Shotgun Ballistics Modelling and in-game Video Playback. One year after British and coalition armed forces successfully quelled the insurgent uprising in Takistan, the NATO Green Sea deployment is in the process of a strategic drawdown of its combat troops in the region. Private military contractors shoulder the burden of the increased workload, with competition rising between the multinational organisations for lucrative security contracts. Private Military Company, ION, Inc. (formerly Black Element), successfully bid for a contract – codenamed Black Gauntlet – to provide security for a UN investigation team as they seek to piece together information regarding Takistan's abandoned nuclear weapons programme.
included in ARMA II Anniversary Edition DVD ISO 7.38GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in ArmA 2 Complete Collection - Steam ISO Demo 10.5GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Ball, The Teotl Studios Ek. För. / Tripwire Interactive [top]

The Ball is a singleplay action and puzzle game that started as an Unreal Tournament 3 mod. It competed in the MakeSomethingUnreal Contest, and won several prizes (Best Gametype - 2 x Best Use of Physics, 3rd place Best Mod. Additionally it has won the ModDB MOTY Best Singleplay Mod of 2008 award. The Ball offers an adventure that puts you in the boots of a geologist who gets stuck in a cavern and bumps onto an ancient and Mesoamerican complex holding a mysterious ball. While making your way through the internal workings of ancient ziggurats, golden cities, and huge caverns, your only companion is a giant gold and metal-shelled ball, a mysterious artifact in its own right, that you use to make your way through a series of rooms and caverns, and to crush enemies with. As you progress through the mod, slowly the real purpose of this gigantic complex becomes clear, and you are sucked into a thousands of years old story of betrayal and secrecy.
UDK Standalone Level Demo / Level Demo 360MB / 490MB (uploaded by Gamestar / Game Pressure)
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Mod Addon *requires Unreal Tournament 3
DVD ISO Demo 1.54GB (uploaded by Egon68)
GOG ISO Demo including DLC & updates (provided by Wastrel & upped by Scaryfun) 939MB

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 EA DICE / Electronic Arts [top]

This sequel to the formerly console-only previous game brings the spectacular Battlefield gameplay to the forefront of next-gen consoles and PC - featuring best-in-class vehicular combat set across a wide range of huge sandbox maps each with a different tactical focus. New vehicles like the All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) and the UH-60 transport helicopter allow for all-new multiplayer tactics in the warzone, extensive fine-tuning ensures that this will be the most realistic vehicle combat experience to date. Tactical destruction is taken to new heights with the updated DICE "Frostbite" engine. Players can now take down entire buildings or create their own vantage points by blasting holes through cover, thereby delivering a unique dynamic experience in every match. Players can also compete in 4-player teams in 2 exclusive squad-only game modes, fighting together to unlock exclusive team awards and achievements. Spawn on your squad to get straight into the action, and use gadgets such as the tracer dart in-conjunction with the RPG to devastating effect. Excellence in the battlefield is rewarded with an extensive range of pins, insignias and stars to unlock along with 50 dedicated ranks to achieve. Variety also extends into the range of customizable kits weapons and vehicles available. With 4 distinct character classes, and weapons, gadgets and specializations players have over 15000 kit variations to discover and master players will be able to fine-tune their preferred fighting style to give them the edge in combat. All of these features combine to deliver spectacular and unpredictable action moments found nowhere else in a modern warfare experience. The game also sees the return of the B Company squad in a more mature and intense single player experience where the stakes are higher than ever. On Dec 8/2023, the online portion of gameplay will no longer work.

See also: #Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Vietnam

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Battlefield: Bad Company 2 + Vietnam DLC DVD Repack 2.95GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Limited Edition DVD ISO Demo 5.4GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Vietnam EA DICE / Electronic Arts [top]

Down in the jungles and rice fields below, the enemy is waiting for a chance to take you down with their T54 tanks and RPG launchers. This makes the journey to a new place and time - back to the 60's and the infamous Vietnam War. It's a content-heavy expansion for the game that has sold more than 5 million copies. At the heart of this expansion lie four distinct, brand-new multiplayer maps based on the Vietnam War. Each map brings a new gameplay experience and fresh visuals, with characteristics such as foxholes, tunnels and dense jungles from where the enemy can launch surprise attacks. Also, 15 classic Vietnam-era weapons and 6 vehicles are available from the moment you go online. All four multiplayer game modes from Battlefield: Bad Company 2, including the genre-defining Conquest Mode, will be playable. The expansion is integrated with the full game persistence, so no matter what theatre of war you participate in, you will continue to level up your soldier as usual. To set that unmistakable 60's atmosphere, the audio team at DICE has recorded all-new voice-overs for both sides of the conflict, based on authentic dialogue from the Vietnam War. On top of this, a rocking soundtrack with 2 hours worth of time typical tracks gives the expansion a truly characteristic sound.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 + Vietnam DLC DVD Repack 2.95GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

BeGone Proton / NPlay [top]

This is a free browser-playable FPS game made with Unity 3D engine. There's a 1 vs 1 duel mode, 1 weapon with ability to zoom, and a tactical shooter feel. Each team tries to eliminate the opposing team before time runs out. Advanced graphic shaders, dynamic character locomotion and optimized networking code create an intense gameplay experience that is quickly accessible from a browser with no signup required.
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Free Browser-Playable Game ( @ NPlay)

BioShock 2 2K Marin / 2K Australia / Arkane Studios / Digital Extremes / 2K Games [top]

Set approximately 10 years after the events of the original BioShock, the halls of Rapture once again echo with sins of the past. Along the Atlantic coastline, a monster has been snatching little girls and bringing them back to the undersea city of Rapture. You are the very first Big Daddy as you travel through the decrepit and beautiful fallen city, chasing an unseen foe in search of answers and your own survival.
Set during the fall of Rapture, players assume the role of a Plasmid test subject for Sinclair Solutions, a premier provider of Plasmids and Tonics in the underwater city of Rapture that was first explored in the original BioShock. Players will need to use all the elements of the BioShock toolset to survive as the full depth of the BioShock experience is refined and transformed into a unique multiplayer experience that can only be found in Rapture. On Sep 15/2016, BioShock: The Collection was released with remastered versions of BioShock, BioShock 2, plus BioShock: Infinite. All of the games run at 1080p and "up to" 60 fps. If you already own BioShock, BioShock 2, and/or the Minerva's Den BioShock 2 DLC on Steam, you can get a free upgrade to the remastered version of BioShock or BioShock 2.
See also: #Protector Trials Pack, #Minerva's Den DLC, #Rapture Metro Pack, #Sinclair Solutions Test Pack
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DVD ISO Demo 7.40GB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Bioshock 2 Complete - Steam Digital ISO Demo 11.9GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

BioShock 2: Rapture Metro Pack 2K Marin / 2K Games [top]

This second DLC costs $9.99. It contains six new multiplayer maps to add to the map list already in place. The maps include some levels from the game's single player campaign that have been redesigned for multiplayer. It also adds three new achievements, a new "Kill 'Em Kindly" melee mode, and adds the Rebirth Feature for players who have reached Rank 50 - using Rebirth. In 2015, this DLC is now included with the main game on Steam now free of charge.
included in Bioshock 2 Complete - Steam Digital ISO Demo 11.9GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

BioShock 2: Sinclair Solutions Test Pack 2K Marin / 2K Games [top]

Sinclair Solutions Test Pack, the first of several planned downloadable packages, contains a number of customization features that will allow players to further their character’s development in BioShock 2’s multiplayer modes and provide a deeper multiplayer experience.
The pack will include a rank increase to level 50, new playable characters (Louie McGraff and Oscar Calraca), 20 new trials, a third upgrade for each of the game's weapons, five additional masks, and more, all for the cost of 400 Microsoft Points. In 2015, this DLC is now included with the main game on Steam now free of charge.
included in Bioshock 2 Complete - Steam Digital ISO Demo 11.9GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Blacklight: Tango Down Zombie Studios / Ignition [top]

Blacklight is as conservative as it gets in the world of military shooters. War-torn streets littered with debris and peppered with bullet holes, the only time the palette gets to stretch its legs beyond muted greys and blues is the red of the blood you will be hopefully extracting from your enemies. The Washington-based studio hasn't set out to radically alter the concept either – admittedly a departure from Spec Ops and its strategic ilk, Blacklight is firmly routed in Call of Duty territory, full of daring dashes between cover, unsafe in the knowledge that it only takes the slightest amount of enemy fire to dispatch you back to your respawn point. At €15/$15, Blacklight is quite comfortably the most reasonably priced, fully-specced competitive online FPS on the market. Of course that digital distribution label requires the "fully-specced" qualifier, and Blacklight does indeed boast some impressive production values for its budget price-point. It has Unreal 3-powered visuals, 16 players, 7 game types, 12 maps and a serious commitment to weapon customisation. You can use Hyper Reality Vision, or HRV, much like Perfect Dark's Eraser-like Farsight gun many years before it, the x-ray-like HRV is designed to root out campers and promote more aggressive play, but unlike Rare's effort this is strictly a visor and you can't fire weapons while it's active. Your grenade load-out has seen a touch of tomorrow's technology too, with smoke grenades censoring your vision with a cluster of distorted pixels and the flash bang causing interference with your visor's computer. In further bad news for campers, respawn bases are protected by turrets, demonstrating their commitment to addressing the most reviled FPS exploits. Your six core weapons (handgun, shotgun, sniper rifle, assault rifle, sub machine gun and heavy support weapon) can be modded in five areas (barrel, muzzle, optic, magazine and butt stock) and equipped with up to 25 unique items that change a weapon’s perks, leading to a perversely wide selection of gun combinations.
Full Demo (provided by Molitor & upped by Scaryfun) 1.85GB

Bloody Good Time Outerlight / UbiSoft [top]

This is a game regrouping ambitious teen actors ready to kill for fame! Selected by a weird B-movie director looking for the best shot, they will do anything to get the lead role. From the developer responsible for the unusual murder-shooter title The Ship, this game also uses the Source engine. It's set on Hollywood sound stages where players have to kill other actors on the set using frying pans, golf clubs, barbeque forks, machine guns, flamethrowers, knives, and swords. Players can pick from several different types of classic B-movie characters to play as. Up to 8 players can play simultaneously on this exclusively multiplayer first person shooter. Choose your character and shoot down your competitors in 4 game modes (Hunt, Elimination, Revenge, Death Match) and on 3 Hollywood sets. Be prepared to run for fame and succeed at any cost or die trying!
Full Demo 678MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Borderlands: Claptrap's New Robot Revolution Gearbox Software/ 2K Games [top]

This $10 DLC invites single-player and co-op fans back to try to suppress a deadly Claptrap revolution using one of four infamous vault hunters. The foursome find themselves caught in the crosshairs of a deadly civil war between the Hyperion Corporation's well-armed armadas and the ever-amassing army of homicidal Claptraps led by one of the most eagerly awaited characters in the franchise's history - the cunning Ninja Assassin. It provides more than 20 new missions to loot and tons of fresh enemies to blast through, including original boss battles, waves of homicidal Claptraps, well-armed Hyperion soldiers, and local creatures that have been Claptrap-ified - including crab-traps, rakk-traps and skag-trapps. Fans can earn an additional 10 skill points for a total of 71 available skill tree points, and three more backpack slots.
Full Demo 1.64GB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Game of the Year Edition - Digital Download ISO Demo 10.23GB (uploaded by Shattered)

Borderlands: Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot Gearbox Software/ 2K Games [top]

In this entirely new game mode, you have cash, prizes and competition. It's like Smash TV in co-op FPS. This $10 DLC is an intense single-player or cooperative experience that expands the mayhem by adding three new Riot Mode arenas where players will endure an onslaught of Pandora's baddest enemies. Working together, players will fend off the masses as they fight for fame, honor, and more importantly, loot. It also adds a new bank feature, which allows players extra storage capacity for when they encounter one of the more than 16 million weapons that Borderlands has to offer; and the ability to acquire two additional skill points as quest rewards, making their characters even more powerful than before.
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Full Demo 588MB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Game of the Year Edition - Digital Download ISO Demo 10.23GB (uploaded by Shattered)

Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx Gearbox Software/ 2K Games [top]

Get ready to face off with brutal, never-before-seen enemies in a huge new environment complete with tons of brand new missions. Don't worry, you'll be able to get guns (even more guns) to give you the firepower you'll need as you discover entirely new weapons and items! This DLC extends the Borderlands experience, providing new challenges and opportunities for growth for characters from around level 34 to level 50. Growth for characters at 50? Yeah, that's right, we've raised the level cap; even players who think they've seen it all have tons more to do! The Secret Armory of General Knoxx offers hours of thrilling shooting and looting for Borderlands players!
Full Demo 1.99GB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Game of the Year Edition - Digital Download ISO Demo 10.23GB (uploaded by Shattered)

Bounce! Race Away [top]

Bounce! is a platform puzzle game, with a modern twist of the First-Person Camera. The concept is simple, yet supremely challenging. You basically have to shoot a bouncy ball into a goal. Simple you say? Well, if simple involves shooting a rubber ball around obstructions, through teleporters, off walls and through a dozen other puzzles, then this game should be a walk in the park for you. The game is designed for all ages. With rich, comic environments, plenty of bonus and unlockable features. There's more challenging puzzles the further you get in game. The game features a ton of content and is constantly updated with features including free stage packs. In-game tools are also free to use in-game, so you can even expand it with more levels or your own standalone modification. It features: 25 normal levels (over 125+ Tasks!), 3 challenge levels, and in-game mod tools to create own levels. Plus there's awards, level ratings, level statistics, 50 collectables, 4 original soundtracks, compass/range-finder, and in-game music player. In 2012, the developer made it available as freeware.
Level Demo ~74MB (uploaded by ModDB)
Freeware Game 145MB (uploaded by Trey)

Brave Arms 3G Studios [top]

This is a free 3D, cartoonish shooter (think Team Fortress or Battlefield Heroes) available as a Facebook app in which users will be able to create an avatar of varying styles (there's a guy in a banana suit, if that gives you any idea on the level of variety), and compete with Facebook friends in Death Match and Team Death Match modes. Furthermore, players will also be given the ability to change out accessories of both the aesthetic and functional variety. This includes hair, hats, and clothes, as well as gun clips, scopes, and gun barrels. Virtual goods will be available for real currency. The game will be supplemented with a mobile rendition as well. It wont exactly be the full game, but users will be able to customize their weapons and avatar, make purchases, or view the game's leaderboards from a supported mobile device. It feels a lot like your standard first-person shooter's multiplayer mode. Be it a Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch, it's really just kill everything with a red name. All the basics appear to be covered too as far as weapons go: Sidearm, machine gun, shotgun, grenades, and sniper rifle. The real uniqueness will come in to play with the weapon customization and how unique a player can make them. The game was shut down in 2013.
Free Open Beta ( @ Official Site) *Requires Logging in to Facebook Account, and Internet Explorer

Call Of Duty: Black Ops Treyarch / Activision [top]

Black Ops is set during the Cold War era. Players take the role of black ops operators involved in missions behind enemy lines, taking place in various locations such as the Ural Mountains, Laos and Vietnam. As SOG operators, playable characters will have much more significant roles on the battlefield than their previous counterparts who were often common soldiers. In this way, the player characters will have their own traits such as voices (during in-game sequences) and shadows. Black Ops is a sequel to Call of Duty: World at War as one of its main characters Reznov (the sergeant during the Russian campaign) returns. The game features new equipment for the series, such as a scoped crossbow with different kinds of ammunition as well as Dragon's Breath rounds for shotguns. During the campaign, the player will pilot aircrafts: an SR-71 Blackbird and a Hind helicopter have been confirmed. There is a dismemberment feature, and no-HUD gameplay when the player is using a crossbow. In multiplayer modes, vehicles will return but with a different handling to that in World at War. Some PC specific features that were taken away from Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2 will return, such as lean and dedicated servers. "Create-a-Class 2.0" will allow enhanced customization with appearance items as well as the usual perks. There will be a distinct four-player online co-op mode.

See also: #Annihilation DLC, #Escalation DLC, #First Strike DLC, #Rezurrection DLC

DVD ISO Demo 7.28GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demo Repack + All DLC's + Zombies + Multiplayer 7.29GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Resurgence Pack Infinity Ward / Activision [top]

The Resurgence Pack delivers 5 additional action-packed multiplayer maps in this second pack from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It hits first on Xbox LIVE online entertainment network worldwide on June 3rd with the pc version coming in July. Resurgence Pack includes remakes of Call of Duty 4 maps Vacant and Strike, while also adding Carnival (desolated amusement park map), Fuel (sniper haven), and Trailer Park (close quarters, a maze with tight corridors), and cost 1,200 Microsoft Points/$15.
included in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Full Demo including singleplayer + multiplayer + DLC 12.2GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - The Stimulus Package Infinity Ward / Activision [top]

The Stimulus Package delivers 5 additional action-packed multiplayer maps featuring a variety of locations: "Bailout", a multi-level apartment complex ; "Storm", an open industrial park littered with heavy machinery ; "Salvage", a snowy junkyard fortified by stacked debris and crushed cars. Two legendary fan-favorites from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare return, including "Crash", a war-torn urban environment ; and "Overgrown", which features a massive dry creek bed.
First released on March 30th, 2010 for Xbox 360, this DLC has been sold 2.5 millions of times in one week, even by costing $15, for only 3 new maps and 2 old. The PC version came out later on May 4th.
Full Demo 335MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Full Demo including singleplayer + multiplayer + DLC 12.2GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

CellFactor: Psychokinetic Wars Immersion Games / Timeline Interactive [top]

This commercial sequel to the Physx promotional game was first released on consoles over a year ago and has now been ported to pc only as a Direct2Drive exclusive selling for only $9.95. The main hook of the game is that in addition to weapons, player could select from three different classes, each with its own telekenetic powers. Caught in between the civil war of genetically-altered soldiers and robot rebels, the player uses their own superhuman psychokinetic powers to either prevent or hurry the end of man. Jumping between traditional weapons assaults and using their own telekinetic powers to move objects or rip pipes off walls, the player turns the enemies’ environment against them. In seven unique futuristic environments, from lava pools to weapons factories to ocean cliffs, the player uses their powers to fly, accelerate speed, shield and teleport. Choosing from the three superhuman characters, you can battle in three single-player challenge modes (with 30 single-player challenges), or take on live enemies in a massive combat in four multiplayer modes with support of up to 16 players. There's seven unique environments with psychics-defying gameplay styles. It has four multiplayer modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture The Flag, and Assault mode. Kill your enemies using Guns, Telekinesis, and/or Superpowers. Traditional weapons include Pistols, Snipers Rifles, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Proximity Mines, and Rocket Launchers. Whatever you can pick up or rip off walls or mountains to throw at enemies, energy bolts and electric beams, etc. Mind powers are Telekinesis, Bullet-Proof Energy Shields, Teleporting, Super Jumping, Flying, Accelerate Speed, and Kinetic Energy Assaults. Customize your character online using unlockable perks and visual customizations.
XBLA Full Demo + Xenia emulator 267+17MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
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Combat Zone: Special Forces CITY interactive / Micro Applications [top]

Play as a soldier of one of world's major military or anti-terroristic formations and test your skills against others in this dynamic multiplayer first person shooter. Use your formation's specific uniforms, weapons and tactics to fight your way through different battlegrounds around the world and prove that you are the best! There's a possibility to play as Spetznaz, SAS, French Foreign Legion, GROM, SWAT, and a mercenary group member or a terrorist. Different modes of play (Death Match, Domination, Capture The Flag and more) are available. There's a huge arsenal of available weapons for each formation, 15 unique arenas for multiplayer encounters, and the possibility to play either over LAN or Internet.
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DVD ISO Demo 2.79GB (uploaded by Egon68)

Devil Den [Pe] The Student Basij [top]

A number of Iranian elites go to Iraq to visit Imam Hussein and are captured by the Americans and the Israelis. We have a duty in this game to save the Iranians. The game begins when five young Iranians, after obtaining a bachelor's degree, plan to travel to the holy shrines to fulfill their vows, which are captured by the American occupying forces on the way and transferred to the occupied territories.
included in Plaque 1 - Persian 2DVD ISO Demo + Devil Den No-CD Patch 3.32+2.74GB+1.7MB (uploaded by Terje_P)
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Persian ISO Demo 1.87GB (uploaded by Old Persian Games)

Devil Den 2 [Pe] The Student Basij [top]

A revolutionary operation in the territory of the occupying regime, a group after identifying, releasing the prisoners and arresting several senior commanders of the occupying Israelis. According to the specialization of 5 students, and the documents obtained from a 5-piece microchip, which have obtained top-secret and important documents, but in order to decrypt these documents, they must obtain the sixth piece of the microchip. So they decide to go back to the temple and finish their half-finished work. When they get close to the temple, they are surprised to see that not only are there no strict security measures for their escape and sabotage, but that nothing has happened there for years. This worries them. In the meantime, they get acquainted with an Iranian-Lebanese commando who has been looking for information in the region for some time, which Arman and his friends accidentally obtained, and now, when it is completed, the group enters the Temple of Solomon and looks for the sixth piece of the puzzle. At the end of the second game, at the very moment when Arman and his companions secretly intend to escape from the temple by finding the object in question, they notice a prisoner who seems very familiar, who finally realizes that he is the same Sardar Javid al-Athar Haj Ahmad Motusalian.
included in Plaque 1 - Persian 2DVD ISO Demo 3.32+2.74GB (uploaded by Terje_P)
Persian ISO Demo 910MB (uploaded by Old Persian Games)

Doom 2: No Rest for the Living Nerve Software [top]

This new Doom II expansion set was developed for the release of Doom II on the XBLA & Doom Classic Complete for PlayStation Network. It was also included in Doom 3 BFG as a part of the additional bonus release of Doom II on it. The plot continues on Earth after Hell's forces have [seemingly] been vanquished. The goal of the expansion is to travel to a pocket dimension of Hell and assassinate a Cyberdemon that has been building an army of demons for his own personal use. It takes advantage of the expanded capacity of modern systems, with significantly more enemies on-screen at the same time than in the original Doom 2, especially in the later levels. The episode consists of nine levels in all, eight standard levels and a single secret level, as a homage to the similarly structured nine-map episodes in the original Doom, particularly Knee-Deep in the Dead. The new maps are a separate selectable campaign at the inception of the game, in a fashion similar to Doom's episode selection. Completing it in singleplayer on any difficulty unlocks the "And Back Again" Achievement, and unlocks the "Doom II Marine Suit" Avatar award. It was later included in 2020 as an official add-on for the Doom Classic - Unity port.
Full Demo 1MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demo (Nerve.wad) 3.6MB (uploaded by speedracer)
included in DOOM 3 Limited Collector's Edition & BFG Edition Wad Collection 71MB (uploaded by black_demon)
included in DOOM & DOOM II Classic Bethesda 2019 (Bundle Updated + All Add-ons Version 2019_12_17 Build #7155) (provided by dave & thanks to Scaryfun) 221MB
included in The Doom Royal Collection - Fan-Made DOOM, DOOM II & Final DOOM DOSBox Pack 102MB (uploaded by black_demon)
included in Doom Enhanced Classic Bethesda 2019 (Update Aug 2022) + Full Mods 880MB (uploaded by black_demon)

Doom 2: XBox Bonus Map Michael Bukowski / Vicarious Visions [top]

MAP33: Betray is a secret map exclusive to the Xbox version of Doom II, included with the Xbox Collector's Editions of Doom 3 and Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil. It can be accessed from MAP02: Underhalls, and contains SS Nazis for no apparent reason. It was originally a 1995 level designed by Michael Bukowski, a programmer for the Doom 3 port with Vicarious Visions. Completing this level takes the player to MAP03: The Gantlet. The Xbox 360 port of Doom II also contains Betray. However, it is not accessible due to the exit switch leading to the level being inoperable in MAP02 of the port. Betray uses the music track "d_read_m" which is otherwise used as the Doom II text screen soundtrack.
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included in Doom 2 & Ultimate Doom: Xbox Bonus Levels 1MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in DOOM 3 Limited Collector's Edition & BFG Edition Wad Collection 71MB (uploaded by black_demon)
included in The Doom Royal Collection - Fan-Made DOOM, DOOM II & Final DOOM DOSBox Pack 102MB (uploaded by black_demon)

Evochron Mercenary StarWraith 3D Games LLC [top]

This is a sandbox space game. While there is a basic main mission set, it is relatively unimportant to the game: its goal is is to give the player full freedom. Possibilities include becoming a mercenary, miner or trader. One of those roles has to be selected before the game begins, but this only changes the starting location and initial ship. The latter is of course the most important tool and so the game offers various options to customize/upgrade it at special shipyards and optimize its abilities for the things to come. The universe is populated with different clans and factions. Each of the player's actions influences the reputation (tracked overall and for each of the factions) which in turn determines the NPCs reactions. For example, a friendly faction may support the player in battle. Other options are accepting missions, answering distress calls, hiring crew members of even constructing new space stations. The controls and physics are simulation oriented.
Level Demo v2.928 155MB (uploaded by ModDB)
Full Demo 222MB (uploaded by Molitor)

Fallout: New Vegas Obsidian Entertainment / Bethesda Softworks [top]

As you battle your way across the heat-blasted Mojave Wasteland, the colossal Hoover Dam, and the neon drenched Vegas Strip, you'll be introduced to a colorful cast of characters, power-hungry factions, special weapons, mutated creatures and much more. Choose sides in the upcoming war or declare "winner takes all" and crown yourself the King of New Vegas in this follow-up to the 2008 videogame of the year, Fallout 3. A war is brewing between rival factions with consequences that will change the lives of all the inhabitants of New Vegas. The choices you make will bring you into contact with countless characters, creatures, allies, and foes, and determine the final explosive outcome of this epic power struggle. Enjoy new additions such as a Companion Wheel that streamlines directing your companions, a Reputation System that tracks the consequences of your actions, and the aptly titled Hardcore Mode to separate the meek from the mighty. Special melee combat moves have been added to bring new meaning to the phrase "up close and personal". Use V.A.T.S. to pause time in combat, target specific enemy body parts and queue up attacks, or get right to the action using the finely-tuned real-time combat mechanics. With double the amount of weapons found in Fallout 3, you'll have more than enough new and exciting ways to deal with the threats of the wasteland and the locals. In addition, Vault-Tec engineers have devised a new weapons configuration system that lets you tinker with your toys and see the modifications you make in real time. In a huge, open world with unlimited options you can see the sights, choose sides, or go it alone.

See also: #Dead Money DLC, #Honest Hearts DLC, #Lonesome Road DLC, #Old World Blues DLC

Total Conversions
DVD ISO Demo & Update 4 6.49GB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition 19.4GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Hellgate: Tokyo HanbitSoft / T3 Entertainment [top]

This is Hellgate Global’s major expansion with new maps, items, achievements, and bosses. As demons start to raze the city of Tokyo, heroes from London decide to help the remaining Tokyo soldiers in their war against demons. It boasts tons of new features and updates. Heroes start in Tokyo Base, and continue on to different locations as they progress through the story. Tokyo is composed of 24 new levels, with new monsters and boss monsters. There's two new modes, Cow Room and Base Defense. In Cow Room, heroes will test their strength by facing hordes and hordes of zombies. These zombies can puff out flames, and some of their rooms may contain boss monsters that drop new recipes and shield set items. Also, sandstorms hinder heroes’ seeing ability, adding extra challenge to the mode. In Base Defense, heroes defend supply bases against a horde of demons. In order to overcome the challenge, heroes are required to work with other heroes to ensure the safety of the bases. If the heroes manage to defend the bases, they will receive rewards ranging from palladium to rare set items or legendary items, depending on how well they manage to defend the bases. Heroes wanting more challenge will now be able to play in Hell Mode, with the chance of better loot and experience from upgraded mobs and bosses. It first came out in Korean servers on April 6, 2010 and later for the global revival Eternity on Sep 22, 2011.
Download: None currently available

Hey Baby LadyKillas Inc. [top]

This vigilante game has a female protagonist takes an .80 caliber machine gun to gross catcallers. It was made with the Unity engine. Ever had one of those seemingly endless days? All you want to do is to get home... You're the last one out of the office. Its getting dark outside... You walk down the streets and realize the streetlights are burnt out. There's no one around. You hear a footstep behind you. The light flickers. You turn and he says, "I wanna lick you all over..." And then you remember, you're packing a 3' long .80 caliber machine gun that's locked and loaded. Ladies, are you sick and tired of catcalling, hollering, obnoxious one-liners and creepy street encounters? Tired of changing your route home to avoid uncomfortable situations? IT'S PAYBACK TIME, BOYS. The full version of the game contains more characters and more blood.
Free Browser-Playable Limited Version ( @ Official Site)

Incognito: Episode 2 Magrathean Technologies [top]

The story of an old man lost in space continues...everything starts to go black, John wakes up in the infirmary of a large space station. He realizes that his cybernetic implants are malfunctioning. This episode requires the Episode 1 be installed as it uses files from it. It combines various genres that change at each "zoom level" of the game:
* When you're on foot, it's a First-Person Shooter with RPG elements
* When you're in your ship, it's a Space Trading/Combat Simulation
* When you're in low orbit of a planet, it's a Simple Real-Time Strategy Game
* When you're in your hovertank, it's a Tank Combat Game
In order to progess through each Episode, you'll have to conquer challenges at each level, gathering information on foot, exploring in your ship, landing on uninhabited planets and establishing bases, and on hostile planets, invading a planet's surface defenses in the hovertank.
Limited Trial Demo (requires Episode 1) 386MB (uploaded by Absolute Games)
Incognito Trilogy DVD ISO Demo (includes episodes 1-2-3) 1.80GB (uploaded by Molitor)

Incognito: Episode 3 Magrathean Technologies [top]

The old man has been taken prisoner and HEIDI the artificial intelligence that brought him to Sector 42 is assumed destroyed. All of this is because of the relentless Sector 42 Alliance refusing to step down from well established seats of power. A rescue attempt is being staged as we speak, but by whom? Contract killers and mercenaries from all sectors flock at the opportunity as news spreads about a job to go against the alliance itself. The Alliance knew this would happen, and is already transporting the earthling to one of their most secure prison ships for questioning about his involvement with the AI known as HEIDI. The race is on, who will you choose to rescue the old man? Will you sneak in? Or will you blast your way in? You decide!
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Limited Trial Demo Episodes 1-3 1.9GB (uploaded by Absolute Games)
Incognito Trilogy DVD ISO Demo (includes episodes 1-2-3) 1.80GB (uploaded by Molitor)

Left 4 Dead 1 & 2: The Sacrifice Valve Corporation [top]

This DLC is for both Left 4 Dead 1 and 2. It's a new three level campaign that tells the story of Left 4 Dead 1's original survivors before they meet up with Left 4 Dead 2's cast in the recent DLC The Passing. While The Passing shows us that (spoiler alert) Left 4 Dead 1's Bill is dead, The Sacrifice allows players to change which character from the Left 4 Dead 1 cast actually bites it. One of the cool things about Left 4 Dead 1's version of The Sacrifice is that it lets players try out the cool new melee and other weapons from Left 4 Dead 2. Left 4 Dead 2 players will also get Left 4 Dead 1's No Mercy campaign as an extra DLC download. In addition, there will be a massive 150 page online comic that will lead up to The Sacrifice's story starting in September drawn by Michael Avon Oeming who is best known for his work on the Powers comic book series.
Full Demo 1.83GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Left 4 Dead 2 - Multi22 Repack Full Demo (26.09.2020) including all DLC + updates 10.01GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Left 4 Dead 2: The Passing Valve Software [top]

Dubbed "The Passing," the first Downloadable Content for L4D2 brings the original Left 4 Dead (L4D1) Survivors down south for a meeting with the L4D2 cast, while delivering new single-player, multiplayer and co-operative gameplay.
"The Passing" takes place just after the Dead Center campaign of L4D2. Set in a small town in rural Georgia, players assume the role of the L4D2 Survivors as they meet with the L4D1 characters.
"The Passing" offers more than just a friendly Survivor get-together, adding one new "uncommon common" infected type (Fallen Survivor), new weapons —one melee (golf club), one firearm (M60)— and "a new co-operative challenge mode of play." The new campaign will naturally be playable in Survival, Versus and Scavenge modes in addition to that still unannounced newer mode.
Full Demo & Update 817+9MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Left 4 Dead 2 - Multi22 Repack Full Demo (26.09.2020) including all DLC + updates 10.01GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Left 4 Dead: Dam It (cancelled) Turtle Rock Studios [top]

TRS's last Left4Dead campaign that was never finished, along with a couple survival maps that never shipped. Dam It stitches Dead Air and Blood Harvest together. In 2016, the Beta of it was released as an addon. Releasing as an add-on means that code changes are not included. Missing code means that the following features are not working: Fire, smoke and explosions do not trigger panic events in the hangars; Zombies do not crawl all the time in the orchard; Farm house mob does not spawn in the far side of the woods; Covered bridge does not collapse with explosions; Burned forest area is missing wandering fires; The burning forest section has a burn trigger that stays on too long. If you move quickly you'll take burn damage; The dam spawn room is missing health kits and weapons; The elevator models have an offset origin in the dam. Players can still get on and use them, but they are invisible and wall collision is missing.
Mod Download 296MB (uploaded by Google Drive)

Love Eskil Steenberg [top]

Powered by the Quel Solaar engine, the game of procedurally generated worlds is a dreamy FPS that allows players to create fortresses and defences against AI mobs that will try and take over the planet. It gives players the tools to warp terrain. Even the simple task of climbing a tall ledge can be circumvented in dozens of ways. Building an engine from scratch and using a host of of custom-built programs, Love is a culmination of many different disciplines coded by one person. The game has a particular way of rendering so that the game takes up very little harddrive space, despite being quite an extensive 3D game. It has a huge learning curve and requires you reading the manual or wiki in order to play. Initially, the game cost 10 Euros per month but the price was decreased to 10 Euros per half-year in 2011 and in September/2012 it was made free, though the creator would hope that those who support his work will make donations.
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Free Game (uploaded by Official Site)

M.A.T. 2: Mission Against Terror / X-SHOT Kingsoft Dalian JingCai Studio / CIB Net Station [top]

Originally developed in China by the makers of Crazy Shooter Online, MAT delivers an exciting online tournament experience. By integrating aspects of traditional Chinese culture, MAT provides an exhilarating local element for Asia and for worldwide players. Beyond the key elements of an FPS game, MAT also provides unique weapons, specially designed maps, different gaming modes, and customizable equipment. The game features a variety of weapons including 18 types of primary weapons, 3 types of secondary weapons, 3 melee weapons and 5 types of grenades. There are also special items in the game that can turn opponents into pigs, turtles and other animals. Enemies come in the form of mummies and (in an upcoming release) Terminator-like robots. MAT gameplay modes include a single-player training mode, team battle mode, team survival mode, single survival mode, conquest mode and many more. In addition, the game also has an avatar system that lets players customize the look and feel of their characters. Additionally, Kingsoft's MAT is the only FPS game authorized in 2009 tournament play by the China Electrical Gaming Committee, a nationwide online gaming tournament organizer under the All-China Sports Federation, and controlled by the General Administration of Sports in China. In 2014, it was rebranded M.A.T. 2 with a brand new look from the inside out. All new gaming interface with adjusted missions for players; specially localized for SEA players. Updated mission Ul, outfit effects, battle actions and avatar's expression. Not only are the actions much smoother, your missions are way trendier and cooler. Updated Map Structure and Effect.
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Free Client (uploaded by Official Site)

Marisa Matrix Y-NRG [top]

This is a vertically scrolling shooter developed by a doujin circle previously known for Reincarnation shooter game. The player takes the role of Marisa Kirisame who shoots through available stages using both primary weapon, secondary weapon and unlimited supply of gravity bombs. The player can use focus which slows down the player's movement, makes the collision box visible, and focuses the player's attack to secondary weapon. To activate gravity bomb, the gravity gauge must reach 100% and player hold bomb button until gauge is emptied. When activated, an explosion damages all on-screen enemies and destroys all on-screen enemy bullets. Each level ends with a boss fight and the game begins with three lives, but the option to continue is not given when all lives are lost.
Free Game 4MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Medal Of Honor Danger Close, EA L.A., Dice / Electronic Arts [top]

The game is a reboot of the series and the first not in World War II as it's set in Afghanistan during the 2001 War in Afghanistan. Medal of Honor's single-player campaign will use a heavily-modified version of Unreal Engine 3 and its multiplayer will use the Frostbite engine. The game features a single-player campaign, in which the player will control multiple characters from both the “Tier 1” and “Big Military” perspectives. The storyline follows several "Tier One Operators" working under the National Command Authority in Afghanistan during the 2001 War in Afghanistan. Players will also step into the shoes of a Army Ranger and will fight on a larger scale than the "Tier 1 Elite Ops" campaign, as players will only be a small part of the 'war machine'. The gameplay is designed to be realistic, and to this end EA has hired several consultants from the United States military. Typical in-game objectives are expected to be similar to those issued in real life such as raiding terrorist hideouts, hostage rescues and undercover operations. The single player is set to include drivable vehicles such as helicopters, jeeps, and a quad bike.
Repack Full Demo 6.88GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Limited Edition DVD ISO Demo 8.4GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Medal Of Honor - Hot Zone DLC Danger Close, EA L.A., Dice / Electronic Arts [top]

This first DLC is available for $10 (800 Microsoft points). The King-of-the-Hill-inspired Hot Zone downloadable game mode will come with two all-new maps (Hindukush Pass and Korengal Outpost) and two tweaked versions of existing maps.
Download: None currently available

Metro 2033 (: The Last Refuge) 4A Games / THQ [top]

Set in the shattered subway of a post apocalyptic Moscow, Metro 2033 is a story of intensive underground survival where the fate of mankind rests in your hands. In 2013 the world was devastated by an apocalyptic event, annihilating almost all mankind and turning the earth’s surface into a poisonous wasteland. A handful of survivors took refuge in the depths of the Moscow underground, and human civilization entered a new Dark Age. The year is 2033. An entire generation has been born and raised underground, and their besieged Metro Station-Cities struggle for survival, with each other, and the mutant horrors that await outside. You are Artyom, born in the last days before the fire, but raised Underground. Having never ventured beyond your Metro Station-City limits, one fateful event sparks a desperate mission to the heart of the Metro system, to warn the remnants of mankind of a terrible impending threat. Your journey takes you from the forgotten catacombs beneath the subway to the desolate wastelands above, where your actions will determine the fate of mankind. The Ranger Pack is a DLC that adds new weapons, new achievements and the deadly Ranger Mode game rules. In standard Ranger Mode, ammo is dramatically reduced and all weapons cause more damage. Your foes are deadlier than ever - but so are you. Ranger Hardcore adds an additional challenge as the HUD is totally removed. The DLC also includes with two new weapons (the Heavy Automatic Shotgun, and the Volt Driver Miller's signature gun), as well as new achievements and 250 Gamerscore points.

See also: #Metro 2033 Redux

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Level Demo 3.01GB (uploaded by Game Pressure)
2007 Press CD ISO Demo 167MB (uploaded by Wastrel)
DVD ISO Demo 6.55GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Portable Full Demo 6.1GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

National Blood Sport Kuma Games [top]

A team based multiplayer game with an assortment of controlled combat objectives, National Blood Sport's weapons have pinpoint accuracy and are designed for rock solid game play. Power weapons aid in the dynamics of combat and each environment is the product of placement and pure balance. Join with your team to dominate the opposition in this sporty shooter gone seriously fun! This is an updated version of the Half-Life 2 mod Revolt: The Decimation.
As other Kuma Games projects, National Blood Sport is an episodic game using Valve's Source engine.
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included in Kuma Games - Full Package + Launcher 8.55GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Revolt The Decimation - Mod Download *requires Half-Life 2 304MB (uploaded by ModDB)

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Oddworld Inhabitants Inc. [top]

This was released back in 2001 as an XBox exclusive but has now been converted to PC and comes with "Steam achievements", giving additional rewards for players who enjoy tests of skill and endurance. For example, players who catch all the bounties "alive" will receive an achievement award for doing so. This is an FPS/TPS shooter where you take on the role of 'The Stranger', a tough-as-nails bounty hunter who is part animal, part Clint Eastwood, who must somehow scrape together 20,000 'moolah' for a mysterious operation. The player has the option of switching from classic FPS action to a 3rd person mode that allows the player to run at high speeds and navigate more classic platform-inspired environments. The Stranger's weapon is a double-barrel crossbow, upon which the player can load up to 81 combinations of 'live ammo'. Literally, the ammo is alive, from the wise-cracking 'ChipPunk', to the explosive 'BoomBat'. These critters live in the wild, and can either be bought in bulk at centrally located stores run by the chicken-like 'Clakkerz' in town, or can be hunted in the wilds. Missions are selected by the player when they accept bounties at the 'Bounty Store'. To help steer them in the right direction, the Clakkerz that are walking around town will offer bits of sometimes helpful, but always sarcastic conversation when the player 'gamespeak's them. The goal of the game, for the most part, is to bag the bad guys and bring them in, collecting 'moolah' in the process. Along the way, the player will encounter a new race of desperate, dying, amphibious creatures known as 'Grubbs', who will reveal much about who Stranger really is and where his destiny must, inevitably, take him. This all comes after a rather substantial twist is revealed to the player, altering both the plot and play approach. In Sep/2012 an HD version was released on Steam and buyers of the first version could download the update for free. In addition to the obvious boon of higher-resolution textures and character models built from more polygons, the HD release also includes 12 new Steamworks achievements that weren't in the original port, as well as new unlockable concept art and movie extras, additional difficulty levels, more Easter eggs and improved PC controls.
Included in Oddworld: The Oddboxx compilation Digital Download ISO 6.05GB (uploaded by Egon68)
DVD ISO Demo (provided by Delacroix & uploaded by Scaryfun) 1.44GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
GOG Digital ISO Demo + HD GOG Digital ISO Demo v2.1.0.12 1.5GB+2.94GB (uploaded by hgdagon)

Operation Disposal: Black Scorpion 2 [Pe] RSK Entertainment [top]

This is the second FPS in the Persian game series.
Persian DVD ISO Demo 2.18GB (uploaded by Old Persian Games)

Operation Wolfsburg Autumn Moon Entertainment / HQ Simulation [top]

Egypt, 1939 – Fritz Braun, leader of a German Special research unit discovers on one of his excavations a mysterious material from which, according to tradition an incredible amount of energy can be extracted. Immediately, the mysterious material is transported to Germany, where the possibilities employment as military weapon is tested in secret underground experimental plants. Even though the research is kept strictly secrecy, the Americans learn of the German plans and send their best secret service agent Mike Baker to Germany with the order to obtain information, to capture the leader of the research Fritz Braun and to destroy the experimental plants. In the middle of the raging war, Mike Baker has to search for hints for the secret location of the testing labs. Finally, he receives information which are leading him to a mysterious castle in south Germany: The Wolfsburg !
On his arrival, he notices that Germans have lost control of their excavations and are threatening lead to horrible disasters. Will Mike Baker succeed in destroying the underground experimental plants together with their terrible monstrous inventions?
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ISO Demo 405MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Patriot [Pe] Lohe Zarrin Nikan [top]

Following the Iran-Iraq war, Saddam's army clashed with some of his forces in Khorramshahr, and this group prevented the enemies from entering Iran.
2DVD ISO Demo 4.24+1.24GB (uploaded by Old Persian Games)

Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II Octoshark Studios [top]

This is a unique, total conversion of the Half-Life 2 Source engine that was initially released in 2007 but is now a free game on Steam if you have the Source SDK Base installed. It's a sequel to the popular original mod for Half-Life. 3 teams fight each other for kills, objectives and total domination! The combat system is something you will not find in other mods. Melee is based off of directional charged attacks and blocks, far from the usual click and slash method found in most games. Each class has their own set of unique weapons and play styles, as well as class specific special attacks that can be unleashed once the meter is filled. Each map features a game mode that you'll find both unique and entertaining. Game modes include Booty, Holy Grail, Last Team Standing, Territory, Objective Push and Team Deathmatch. Many more are planned for future releases. Each team sports its own set of unique classes. Each class offers its own play style and is most effective in different situations. Altogether there's 18 unique classes planned, 6 for each team. Pirate players can choose: Captains are armed with a cutlass, a blunderbuss and a parrot, which can be used for harassing enemies or as a distraction. Their special ability gives them the capability of firing an explosive cannonball from their blunderbuss. Skirmishers are equipped with a cutlass which they can lunge forward and impale enemies by using their special ability, a flintlock pistol and a gunpowder keg. Sharpshooters are the ranged class of the pirates, and are equipped with a long rifle for long distance shooting, a more accurate version of the Skirmisher pistol, and a small dagger for close quarter melee combat. The Vikings can play as: A berserker possess a two-handed bearded axe as well as a shorter axe and shortsword. They can use their special ability to drive themselves into a bloodlust, allowing them to move faster and attack more effectively. The huscarl is armed with a shortsword and a shield which can be used to ram enemies with their special ability, four throwing axes and a two-handed axe. The gestir is equipped with a shield and langseax, three javelins which can be thrown at enemies, and a spear which gestirs can use their special ability on to charge enemies and knock them away. The knights have access to a heavy knight and an archer. Heavy knights are slow moving but wield a longsword and can use their special ability to do a circular spinning attack. They are also equipped with a shield and a shortsword. By contrast, the archer is a fast moving class armed with both a crossbow and a longbow, and can use their special ability to fire three flaming arrows at once from the longbow. They are also equipped with a shortsword for close combat.
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Steam Free Beta 2.6 (uploaded by Steam)

PlayTribes (cancelled) GarageGames / InstantAction [top]

PlayTribes was Starsiege: Tribes ported to the browser for the browser-based gaming service InstantAction. The game was to have an updated code structure, though graphical improvements from the original game were minor. It ran exclusively in OpenGL, and include an updated HUD and built-in "ski" script. While there was to be a stand-alone client available, it lacked certain features the browser version would have, such as stat tracking. On March 3, a beta was leaked by a playtester without GarageGames approval. On October 23, 2010, Hi-Rez Studios announced that they had bought the Tribes IP from InstantAction, which canceled any future PlayTribes had on InstantAction.com which was also shut down on November 11.
Beta Standalone Executable v1.40.655 82MB (uploaded by ModDB)

Quake Wars Online Splash Damage / Activision, Dragonfly [top]

This is a free game for the Korean market based on the developer's 2007 released Enemy Territory: Quake Wars multiplayer shooter. It initially included 5 maps, and four gameplay modes of Team Deathmatch, Time-limited Attack, Challenging Task, and Default Quest. In 2060, the Strogg and humans battle for years on Earth. The planet of its natural resources become depleted, and humans soon discover that the Strogg are simply after the human remains of those they kill. This war is far from over. The game-play is based on massive warfare structure that vastly deploys strategic squad-team play and combat missions in responsive online environment. The game allows players to utilize the universe's most powerful weapons, vehicles, and deployable structures to demolish obstacles to speed progress and gain a tactical advantage over the enemy for mission completion. Desperate battlefields are set in the relative near future of Earth. The game was shut down on Dec 7 2012.
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Download: None currently available

Red Crucible Rocketeer Games [top]

Communism and capitalism, the two largest opposing pillars in the world, never intend to leave each other in peace for long. The melt-down of Soviet Union only secures a fleeting truce. Now as the East hits momentous development and the West wanes in influence, a modern day world war has become the closes thing we have to absolute certainty. This is a fully rendered 3D online multiplayer made with the Unity engine. It's an open world, web browser game with real time lighting, along with some of the most stunning 3D levels and arenas found on any web browser game anywhere. Blast, smash, crush and destroy other players with some of the worlds deadliest modern weapons and vehicles. It features both infantry and vehicle arena style combat within fully rendered 3D settings. Red Crucible is designed to appeal to both casual and hard core gamers.
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Free Browser-Playable Game ( @ Wooglie) Mirror ( @ Facebook)
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Reload: Target Down Mastiff [top]

This game is about shooting licensed guns, both civilian and military, at non-living targets. You will be able to shoot in a target range to a police "shoot box" and even in moving vehicles. The better you shoot at the targets, the more weapons and equipment you can unlock in the game (such as scopes, goggles and others). It's the ultimate weapons and tactics simulator with 50 plus actual, sponsored weapons and upgradeable equipment. Use the very best civilian and the heaviest military weapons. Learn to shoot everywhere from the skeet range to a police shoot house to out of a moving coast guard helicopter and army Humvee.
DVD ISO Demo 910MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Revenge [Pe] Phenomenon Studio / Arbatan twenty dynamic [top]

This gallery style shooter seems to be made mostly in Flash. It's basically an FMV game, where you have to shoot enemies when they appear. It's an Iranian interactive movie style game consisting of recorded images. In this style, the gameplay is a first-person shooter in which the player actually replaces the camera (although he has no control over the movement of the camera) and must shoot at enemies at a specific time in the film. In some games made in this style by foreign companies, puzzle stages are also included. Revenge game also has shooting game and puzzle solving. Maziar has been a member of an arms smuggling mafia in the past. In one of the transactions, after delivering the desired cargo, he picks up the bag containing the money and throws his accomplice out of the car by force of arms and runs away. After a few years, the smugglers find Maziar's house and take his son hostage. Maziar is forced to confront them to free his son.
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Iranian ISO Demo 624MB (uploaded by Terje_P)

Rexona Men Foot Zombie Splash Damage / Activision, Dragonfly [top]

This is a free game for a Brazilian marketing campaign involving the world cup soccer tournament in South Africa (FIFA 2010), zombies and the deodorant Rexona. Your objective is to un-zombie the fans and get to the field before getting infected with the football fever. It was made with Unity engine. Your gun is a loaded tube of deodorant and you should attack the zombies by shooting jets of perfume. If this is achieved they will no longer be smelly and will turn normal. Throughout the game there are several items to be collected, the tubes of deodorant and provisions to recover energy. There are several stages and each one is located in a different environment. At first, for example, you get the ticket for the match in your pocket and the zombies will try to bump into you and steal it. You can choose english menus but voices are in Portuguese.
Free Browser-Playable Game ( @ Official Site) *requires Unity plugin

Section 8: Seek and Destroy Map Pack TimeGate Studios / SouthPeak Games [top]

This first DLC was available for 560 Microsoft Points ($7), but is no longer being sold due to GFWL Marketplace being closed. It expands upon the game with three new maps for Multiplayer and Instant Action modes as well as adding 10 brand new achievements. Players will be able to fight for control of a geothermal energy plant on the salt flats of New Madrid in "Devil's Backbone" and battle in the narrow confines of a hazardous valley on the planet Titan in "Hornet's Nest". "Azure Basin" is set high atop a mountain plateau where a massive hydroelectric dam sits astride the map, with combat ranging from both inside and outside of the facility.
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Digital Download ISO Demo 469MB (uploaded by Delacroix)
Digital Download ISO Demo (provided by Delacroix and uploaded by Scaryfun) 469MB

Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter Croteam / Devolver Digital / Majesco Entertainment [top]

The glorious high-definition (HD) chaos continues in Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter, the highly anticipated arcade action FPS sequel to the Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter.
Developed by Croteam and powered by the Serious Engine 3, Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter combines spectacularly enhanced visuals, including more polygons, higher resolution textures and more special effects like hippy and kid’s mode, with trademark frantic gameplay for a non-stop action.
Featuring single-play, survival and cooperative play and mixed with brilliantly updated visuals, the game continues your battle against Mental's army with the classic over-the-top action, crazy humor and horror from the golden age of first-person shooters.
Combined with intense versus and team modes for up to 16 players and in over 18 multiplayer maps, demo recording option, spectators and dedicated server support, Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter is a worthy successor to the original masterpiece. On May 15/2012, the versus and survivor multiplayer modes were made free-to-play via Steam and available to download at no charge permanently. These free modes include Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Instant Kill, Last Man Standing, My Burden, Survival and Team Survival.

See also: #Fusion Pack DLC,#Legend of the Beast DLC

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Free versus and survivor multiplayer modes (click "download demo") (uploaded by Steam)
Full Demo & v1.126138 crkfix 2.04GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
ISO Demo + DLCs 3.83GB (uploaded by Egon68)

Singularity Raven Software / Activision [top]

In Singularity, you fight your way through an ever-shifting environment haunted with time ravaged creatures, while sudden time waves hurl you back and forth between 1950 and the present day. Set in an alternate present of 2010, players take on the role of a US Air Force pilot who while investigating an extreme radiation signature, stumbles upon a top secret Cold War era Soviet program, run amok which not only causes monstrous mutations, but also threatens to alter nature of time itself. Use your wits and the perfect weapon - the Time Manipulation Device - to unravel the conspiracy on the remote island of Katorga-12. Raven Software, who used to use id Tech Engines in its FPS, now uses the Unreal Engine 3 in Singularity. Action is a mix of combat mission gameplay and puzzle-solving. Combat is against both modern and 50s era Russian forces, as well enemies mutated through exposure to E99. In this players have their choice of conventional weapons including: pistols, shotguns, machine guns, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, etc., as well as as few Sci-fi weapons very specific to the game. These include the TMD (Time Manipulation Device) and the E99 pistol. The TMD is a gauntlet, which players acquire early in the game that can be integrated with conventional weapons. Its main function though relates it its ability to alter time within a small specific area. The major examples of this are: Reversion - The ability to alter encounters by rewinding the history of an item or entity to the time of your choosing. This can be used to repair broken items, render enemies harmlessly embryonic, etc. Aging - The ability to alter encounters by fast-forwarding the history of objects or entities, rendering the former rusted and worn and the latter decrepit with age or simply dust. Stasis - The ability to freeze time and thus dangerous situations in order to gain an advantage. Impulse - The ability to propel objects frozen in time in a targeted direction. Chronolite - Functionality that allows the player to look back to a time associated with a place, person or object. Players can also utilize the TMD in conjunction with the E99 pistol, a gun that shoots bullets infused with Element 99, to hit targets unreachable due to distance and otherwise indestructible cover. In addition, to the TMD's combat uses, it is also indispensable as a tool for solving the spatial-oriented and other types of puzzles that players will face on the island of Katorga-12.
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Fix for texture streaming issue 39MB (uploaded by Porus)
DVD ISO Demo 6.66GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Patch v1.1 + Fixed exe 22MB (uploaded by ModDB)
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Sniper: Ghost Warrior CITY interactive [top]

Originally called Sniper - Southern Strike, Sniper: Ghost Warrior is set on the fictitious South American island of Isla Trueno, where a despotic military regime lead by the ruthless General Vasquez has overthrown its democratic government to seize control. As one of a group of covert commandos, the player is charged with infiltrating the rebel stronghold and overthrowing the unelected powerbase.
Intelligence reports indicate that Vasquez is due to chair a meeting with his cohorts in an old refinery facility, and a government plant is in place to set up an assassination opportunity for the crack unit. But as the unit arrive on the island, it soon becomes clear that the plan has gone awry, and the team must adapt and use their combat skills if they are to complete the mission. Realism is at the heart of Sniper Ghost Warrior, and the game enjoys a truly realistic ballistic system that accounts for the distance of a shot, fall-off of the bullet’s trajectory, and environmental factors, such as wind direction. Similarly, the lush jungle environments, allow the user to use the cover of the foliage to take out key targets, while other members of your squad can act as "spotters" to detail the positions of key adversaries. Players must also manage the breathing of their sniper to provide a more accurate shot, while the game's "Bullet Cam" system offers stunning close-ups as the bullets thud into their unsuspecting targets. The game uses Techland's Chrome Engine 4, the one used in Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood.
See also: #Map Pack DLC, #Second Strike DLC
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Level Demo 1.36GB (uploaded by Guru3D)
DVD ISO Demo & 3 crkd Patches 4.75GB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Sniper Ghost Warrior Gold Edition DVD ISO Demo 6.61GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Sniper: Ghost Warrior - Map Pack DLC CITY interactive [top]

This DLC can be bought for $9.99. The Map Pack further expands multiplayer experience with 5 new maps. Battle to control ruined oil-rigs or lie in wait to capture one of mystic stone towers. It brings new sniping spots and chance to eliminate enemies from even longer distance. There's new maps for deathmatch, team deathmatch and VIP modes featuring a variety of new locations.
included in Sniper Ghost Warrior Gold Edition DVD ISO Demo 6.61GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Terrorist Takedown 3 City Interactive [top]

Members of a terrorist organization have developed a new chemical weapon to blackmail Mexico. As member of the Delta Force special unit, it is your task to put the terrorists out of business and secure the weapon. Modern weapons and equipment are at your disposal here. Use advanced warfare equipment, including nightvision goggles, M84 flashbangs or S10 gas mask. A covert firing system allows the player to "blind fire" from behind walls or low obstacles. Bullet penetration: the player can shoot enemies - and be shot - through thin walls, adding a further tactical element. Weapon modification: the player can modify his main firearm for maximum results (sniper mode to assault mode at any time during the game). There are 8 different mission environments varying from small Mexican towns, and slums districts to Mexico City. Once again, a modified version of the Jupiter EX Engine is used in this City Interactive title which delivers astonishing graphics that immerses the player in a realistic world of stunning detail, dynamic lighting and breathtaking effects.
DVD ISO Demo 2.67GB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Shooter DVD 3-2011 - Terrorist Takedown 3 + SpyHunter: Nowhere to Run - Polish DVD ISO Demo 4.2GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Torrente Online 2 / Freak Wars Virtual Toys [top]

The maker of the original Torrente game, Virtual Toys, has created a Free2Play games platform: Virtual Toys Arena (VT Arena). VT Arena is a website through which users access Virtual Toys' games, initially dedicated to "Torrente Online 2", users will be able to register, receive news, share thoughts with other users, etc. The first game in Virtual Toys Arena will soon be joined by many other titles as not only games developed by Virtual Toys will be available but also games developed by other studios. Whoever wishes to play Torrente Online 2 will only have to register on VT Arena. Torrente Online was originally the free multiplayer portion of Torrente. This sequel has spectacular graphics, new levels, new game modes (without giving up the classic and essential Deathmatch, Capture the flag or Search & Destroy), remastered sound, character customization, and all this without losing the essence and fun of the original game. One of the most significant differences will be its community or clan characteristics. The game will implement powerful clan support allowing players to organize groups, meetups and matches against other clans, manage forums, etc. The game was shut down in 2016.
Free Open Beta 5.7MB (uploaded by Softonic)

Typing of the Dead, The: Featuring Rakuten Minna no Shushoku Katsudou Nikki [J] Sega, Sega PC [top]

This is a special edition of The Typing of the Dead released exclusively to a Japanese audience. It was made in conjunction with Minna no Shuushoku Katsudou Nikki, a Japanese job hunting site, and contains a "Job Hunting Mode" where you have to type from a pool of 3000 job-related words. The long sentence mode in the "job hunting mode" contains many job hunting riddles devised by the comedian "Nezutchi (W Colon)" who is making a big break with riddles.
Download: None currently available

U.N.I.T.: Justice For All Aurora Gaming / Gamebus [top]

The game is a standard shooter made in Korea. Gain levels, buy equipment, get shot at. The graphics are serviceable, the ping low, and the sounds mediocre. Zooming is limited to sniper rifles. You can add bots to games if you choose. They're dumb as a stick. Lots of standard upgrades - guns, armor, grenades, knives, etc. You also upgrade your "character" by buying them in the store. It all works on points which you get from each match. You start at trainee and later can get a bunch of others. This online game is shut down.
Download: None currently available

Ultimate Doom: Xbox Bonus Map David Calvin & David Blanshine [top]

E1M10: Sewers is a secret map exclusive to the Xbox version of Ultimate Doom, included with the Xbox Collector's Editions of Doom 3 and Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil. It can be accessed in Knee-Deep in the Dead from E1M1: Hangar, and contains several textures and monsters not originally featured in the episode, such as Lost Souls and Cacodemons. Barons of Hell also appear as normal enemies, even though they were originally only fought in the episode as bosses in E1M8: Phobos Anomaly. It uses the music track "I Sawed the Demons." Unusually, completing this level takes the player back to E1M1: Hangar. It was originally a 1994 level, contained in the file SEWERS.WAD, intended for a nine-level episode replacement, and was designed by David Calvin, lead programmer of the Doom 3 port with Vicarious Visions, alongside David Blanshine. A bugfixed PC version can be downloaded at ClassicDoom.com alongside the Xbox version; in both cases, the level is located on E3M1. The original version is also available on the idgames archive on the 1994 compilations WADPAK2.WAD (as E3M7) and NEWDOOM.WAD (as E2M3,) but was not available on the archive standalone until 2005. This level is not included in the Xbox 360 version of Doom.
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included in Doom 2 & Ultimate Doom: Xbox Bonus Levels 1MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in DOOM 3 Limited Collector's Edition & BFG Edition Wad Collection 71MB (uploaded by black_demon)
included in The Doom Royal Collection - Fan-Made DOOM, DOOM II & Final DOOM DOSBox Pack 102MB (uploaded by black_demon)

Undead Online: The Zombies / Undead Defense Champion Devisoft [top]

This free Korean zombie shooter project had a beta download of offline play but the official site seems dead now. It uses the F.E.A.R. engine. The game progresses in rounds. After you clear all the zombies in the round a new round will start. There does seem to be a time component as well. If you don't finish one fast enough and there is one or two stragglers it will start a new round. There are a few "boss" rounds where there are some very tough zombies. One of the most difficult is round 20 where there are 3 or more chainsaw wielding zombies. They're very tough. You have 2 extra lives to help you last. Some zombies will spawn with guns later on, and zombies will have various speeds and toughness mixed together. Sometimes they will be both fast and strong. you want to be fleeing and dropping grenades or shooting backwards at that point.
Free Beta Version Offline Play (uploaded by Official Site)

Urban Warfare Retronamic / A10, Spilgame [top]

A first person shooter world where enemies randomly generate. A gang of terrorists lurks in an abandoned train station, just waiting for you to board. Take out the terrorists and make sure the train station is clear of bombs. Acquire knife, guns, and grenades.
Browser-Playable/Downloadable Free Flash Game 8.4MB (uploaded by BoysGames)

Urban Warfare 2 Retronamic [top]

In Urban Warfare 2, you're back into action. Your mission is to clear the area of any hostile activity and disarm the bomb that the terrorists claim to have armed. It's the sequel to the first FPS released for the Flash platform. Improved graphics, performance and control, guarantee a great gameplay experience.
Browser-Playable/Downloadable Free Flash Game 7.4MB (uploaded by BoysGames)

Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2) - US Army Lite BCKS, TCM Gaming, PEO STRI [top]

This is an official military first person tactical training game. As part of a bold and historic new initiative by the U.S. Army to revolutionize Army Training, it has now released effective 8 Mar 2010 for download by anyone who wants a copy of this game. It's a commercial-off-the-shelf game-based training platform, incorporating a high-fidelity semi-immersive environment and a scenario editor. The unique simulation engine provides extremely realistic semi-immersive environments, with large, dynamic terrain areas, hundreds of simulated military and civilian entities and a range of generic, geo-typical terrain areas. This training game is similar in many ways to the full version of VBS2 which was deployed to over 53 Army installations worldwide last year. As the name implies it is a "lite" version containing many, but not all, of the capabilities of the full version of VBS2. The lite version, which can be played against up to 11 other Soldiers on a network, will allow Soldiers to have their own personal copy of this application which they can train with as well as develop scenarios that are upwardly compatible with the full version of VBS2. Want a copy of VBS2 Lite for you or your unit? U.S. Military personnel and DA Civilians could obtain one at https://milgaming.army.mil/
Free Game 1.87GB (uploaded by GhostRecon.net)

Third Person Shooters

A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda Extend Studio / Origo Games [top]

This is a sci-fi themed game (which is also the first chapter in a possible episodic series) has you controlling a robot on board a space station that's filled with things that want to shoot you down. The game lets players collect spare parts from all the carnage that can be used by the robot for upgrades for weapons ammo and more. It's a hardcore action packed side scrolling platformer, in the traditions of retro classics, where you play as Ares, a combat robot created for the sole purpose of saving humanity. A symbol of how far human technology has come, you are the most advanced robot in existence; built to run faster, jump higher, and fire quicker. In addition to these core attributes, your design includes a system for converting spare parts and resources into valuable items, armor, and weaponry. You will need to use everything at your disposal in order to reach and rescue the survivors aboard the Zytron infected space station. Play through various locations in the A.R.E.S. universe, each a beautiful, unique, 3D environment with challenging obstacles. You are the ultimate weapon with the ultimate sidekick – Collect the secret items and get power up to become a perfect weapon. Come face to face with colossal opponents, learn their patterns to defeat them in battle. Destroy enemies, collect their parts, and then recycle them to make incredible items, including health packs, ammo, and weapon upgrades. In 2014, an upgraded version A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX was released with the five original levels retouched and redesigned at some point. The weapon/ability system and GUI are totally redesigned as well as the dialogue and the cutscenes. Original enemies and bosses are also re-balanced. Some of them are improved with the new AI. There are 2 new levels, built from the ground up, with new enemies, obstacles, mini bosses and bosses. The story is also rewritten, so it reflects new level line up. A new playable character, Tarus, is added with its own story and ending (but the sequence of levels line up is the same as Ares). Tarus comes with his own combat style and ability. The character leveling system and achievements are reworked. New soundtracks for Tarus campaign.
Steam Level Demo (uploaded by Steam)
Multi-7 Full Demo v1.4.2 310MB (uploaded by Molitor)
EX - Full Demo 741MB (uploaded by azuramki27)
EX - DVD ISO Demo 746MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Alien Breed 2: Assault Team 17 Software [top]

This is the second chapter in the Alien Breed series, and is an explosive science fiction arcade-shooter with an epic story, swarms of highly intelligent alien enemies, high-impact weaponry, highly detailed and rich environments, developed using Epic Games' Unreal Engine 3. Take control of the hero, Conrad, the ship's Chief Engineer, and continue your fight for survival across the fatally damaged space vessel, against a ruthless assault by an alien horde. Your only hope relies on reigniting the alien space craft’s monstrous engines to rescue you from impending annihilation. Deep inside the bowels of the unfamiliar craft, and with time rapidly running out, ready your weapons and begin to claw your way through the darkness in a fight for survival. But you are not alone. The ship is home to the carnivorous alien horde and something else ... something yet to reveal its true intentions ... something biding its time. In addition to the thrilling single-player campaign and all new "survivor" modes, the game also offers relentless, action-packed, two-player online co-operative battle modes. An action-packed mix of arcade-shooter, survival-horror and tactical weapons upgrades and customisation. It has new set pieces – fight the breed through the new vertical climb section and the mounted gun battle. Fight the alien horde with new hardened armour and new weaponry: Hyper Blaster – a destructive chain-gun, Rocket Launcher – blow the horde away. Take on new alien enemies – the "webber" alien and endure dramatic encounters with new shocking bosses.
Steam Level Demo ( @ Steam)
included in Alien Breed 1-3 Fan-Made DVD ISO Demo (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 1.45GB
DVD ISO Demo 1.25GB (uploaded by Egon68)

Alien Breed 3: Descent Team 17 Software [top]

This is the final installment of their Unreal Engine 3 powered arcade shooter trilogy. A fitting conclusion to the Alien Breed saga, this feature new weapons, bigger environment and new ways to battle swarms of highly intelligent alien enemies. With the Leopold and its unwanted attachment breaching the surface of an imposing ice planet, you have only a few hours to wade your way through flooded corridors and locate the origin of the threat that has so far laid waste to your once proud space ship. For the first time Conrad can venture outside of the ship in the breathtaking hull walk set pieces, and for those trigger-happy shooter fans there are vicious new enemies to fight, including the Electro-Shocker alien and the awe-inspiring final bosses. New armaments are also available in Descent, with the Electro-Link gun allowing for shockingly good crowd control whilst the formidable Project X weapon will tear through anything in its path.
Steam Level Demo ( @ Steam)
included in Alien Breed 1-3 Fan-Made DVD ISO Demo (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 1.45GB
DVD ISO Demo 1.02GB (uploaded by Egon68)

Alien Breed Impact (Alien Breed Evolution) Team 17 Software [top]

Powered by the Unreal Engine 3, this is an action packed, tense single player adventure and an absolute blast of a co-op game, a "retro-modern" remake of the 1991 original that helped the now indie dev/publisher burst onto the Amiga scene 18 years ago. Featuring an action packed, tense single player adventure and an absolute blast of a co-op game, it helps raise the production bar on download-only titles and underlines Team17's re-energised momentum since deciding to become an independent publisher in the digital distribution era. The game features incredible fidelity and attention to detail throughout, awesome audio effects and an engaging single player narrative. The pulsating story takes the game's hero through an intense ride through a stricken craft, onto a mysterious, ageing hulk ship and beyond. In addition to the explosive single player story, the game also offers a relentless, action packed, two-player co-operative battle mode for online and offline local action with a number of difficulty modes to challenge all skills. The game features hours of dramatic single and multiplayer action, unique and exciting set pieces, thrilling bosses to fight and incidental surprises throughout. The story is conveyed by fantastic comic-book art and quality voice acting, the narrative unfolds and twists with dramatic climaxes and truly epic battles. The title boasts stunning, state of the art visual effects. Fine audio finesse, including a fully re-mastered edition of Allister Brimble's cult original game title track, you have a title that's high on quality, nostalgia and meticulous attention to detail. It all adds up to make one of the slickest, directly entertaining titles in Team17's history and a worthy modern remake of one of its earliest and most admired pick up and play titles. Alien Breed Impact is an expanded version of Alien Breed: Evolution, the original XBLA game, and adds "suggestions from the community," such as weapons upgrades, increased difficulty, and a new "Prologue" campaign for newcomers to the franchise.
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Steam Level Demo ( @ Steam)
included in Alien Breed 1-3 Fan-Made DVD ISO Demo (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 1.45GB
ISO Demo 1.11GB (uploaded by Egon68)

Alien Hallway Sigma Team [top]

Alien Hallway is a new action/strategy shooting game developed by the Alien Shooter series makers where you control an entire army in a tough single-player campaign mode by simple mouse click. Fight classic green-headed aliens. The whole race from larva till adults is reproduced. Players can go through three-dimensional battlefields destroying the enemies with superpower weapons, throwing various types of grenades, using airstrike skill, and upgrading both the base and the units. Players take serious rational decisions saving the soldiers and earning gold bonuses which are vital in an intense confrontation. Changing settings such as bloom and glow effects along with hard continuous rhythm of the music bring life into the game same time never letting you relax. Players are able to intensify skills upgrading the base and the units in the shop, unlocking blocked slots increasing air strike skill, gold bonuses, cool time decrease, turret upgrade and energy cell capacity.
Full Demo v1.15 52MB (uploaded by Molitor)

Alien Shooter 2: Conscription Sigma Team [top]

This is the continuation of Alien Shooter 2, which is a unique blend of two game genres- Action and RPG. The Great War has begun! The world population capable of functioning is mobilized to serve in army. Hordes of monsters are destroying the cities and capturing new territories. The situation on the battlefront reached the critical emergency point and there's nobody to wait for help. Try to fight with the aliens as private soldier from regular army, who occurred to be in the very center of grand events. The outcome probably depends on you! The game features: huge crowds of enemies - more than 100 zombies on one map at a time, the ability to upgrade the main character's parameters, more than 60 weapon types (including sniper rifles), lots of auxiliary devices (including radar and battle drones), several types of vehicles to drive, and three game types: Campaign, Survive, Gun Stand.
ISO Demo 710MB (uploaded by Molitor)

Alien Swarm Black Cat Games / Valve Corporation [top]

Initially an Unreal Tournament 2004 mod, the modders started converting the game to Valve's Source engine and eventually Black Cat Games were bought by Valve and the game will be released as a free game on Steam. The game thrusts players into an epic bug hunt featuring a unique blend of co-op play and squad-level tactics. With your friends, form a squad of four distinct IAF Marine classes. Plan your attack using an unlockable arsenal of weapons with countless loadout configurations against a wide variety of aliens. Blaze your way through an overrun, off-world colony, eradicating the alien infestation in environments ranging from the icy planet's surface, to a subterranean lava-flooded mining facility. Along with the game get the complete code base for Alien Swarm that features updates to the Source engine as well as the SDK. Alien Swarm adds 3rd person camera, depth of field, improved dynamic shadows and a wide variety of gameplay additions to the Source engine. Unlock persistent items by gaining levels. There's over 40 weapons and equipment with countless loadout configurations, plus 4 unique classes and 8 unique characters, matchmaking, Steam Cloud, Steam Stats, 64 achievements, and a tile-based map generation tool.
Free Game ( @ Steam) How to play in FPS view
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Fan-Made Mappack

Alpha Protocol: The Espionage RPG Obsidian Entertainment / SEGA [top]

In the near future, worldwide political tensions are at a breaking point when a commercial airliner is shot down by a U.S. missile over Eastern Europe, killing all aboard. The U.S. government claims no involvement, and dispatches Agent Michael Thorton to investigate and bring those responsible to justice.
As the first modern day spy role-playing game, Alpha Protocol offers unprecedented control over the development of Thorton's abilities and his interactions with other characters. Upgrade skills such as physical combat, weapons mastery, cutting-edge technology and even seduction as you grow in experience and complete missions.
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Multi-8 English/Russian DVDRip Repack Full Demo 5.26GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
2DVD ISO Demo 9.9GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Repack ISO Demo including latest patch and all languages (provided by Wastrel & upped by Scaryfun) 9.43GB

APB: All Points Bulletin / APB Reloaded Realtime Worlds / Electronic Arts, GamersFirst [top]

From the makers of the console game Crackdown comes this MMOTPS in a living, breathing, city for the first time online, its streets full of vehicles and thousands of civilians going about their daily life. Introduce 100 players to this online city. Their mission is to gain fame and fortune, and gain them fast. Many will take to a life of crime, feeding on the city, its people and its businesses. Other players, the Enforcers, will feed on the Criminal players. It's an online sandbox. Many players will achieve celebrity or notoriety for their skills or style. Alliances will be formed, rivalries will be bitter. One thing we do know: every player will be unique. Thanks to cutting-edge technology using the Unreal Engine 3, players can personalize their looks, clothing, vehicles and music. Earn money, clothing, guns, and cars as you play. Experience fast-paced third-person action. Master different gameplay for each Faction. Participate in intelligent matchmaking: you play against real people and the better you get, the better your opponents will be. Work for Contacts, doing directed Missions, or complete open world sandbox activities. Gain real-life celebrity through in-game displays of your characters, vehicles, music and symbols. Become a top-ranking player or Clan in leagues that track Kills, Arrests, Mission Success rates, and many other competitive stats. The game includes 50 hours of action game play out of the box plus unlimited time in APB's social districts customising, socialising and trading on the marketplace. Once your game time is up, you have flexibility to top up your action game time from as little as $6.99 (£5.59, €6.29) for an additional 20 hours, while more frequent players can switch to a 30-day unlimited package for only $9.99 (£7.99, €8.99) with discounts available for 90 and 180 days. The retail package also contains a bonus 100 RTW points towards your next purchases. An additional benefit to this evolutionary model is the ability for you to convert your own customisations and rewards to tradable products to give to friends or clan-mates or to place on the Marketplace to earn more RTW points (convertible to game time) or in-game cash. After opening on June 29, it was shortly shut down in September 23 due to financial problems of the developer. It was then bought out by GamersFirst which will convert it to a free-to-play model as APB Reloaded on May 18, 2011.
APB Reloaded Free Client (uploaded by Official Site)
Steam Free Game (uploaded by Steam)

Assassin's Creed II Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft / Akella [top]

Four months after the console version, you can now delve deeper into the secret society of assassins with the sequel to the blockbuster action-adventure game. Assassin's Creed 2 is an epic story of family, vengeance and conspiracy. The game is set in 2012, with player-controlled protagonist Desmond Miles escaping from Abstergo Industries with an employee, Lucy Stillman, after being forced to relive the genetic memories of ancestoral assassin Altaïr ibn La-Ahad through a machine known as the "Animus". After escaping from Abstergo, Desmond enters a device identical to the Animus and relives the genetic memories of ancestoral nobleman Ezio Auditore da Firenze, who lived during the Renaissance period of the late 15th and early 16th centuries in Italy. Ezio befriends Leonardo da Vinci, takes on Florence's most powerful families and ventures throughout the canals of Venice where he learns to become a master assassin. This game retains the core gameplay experience that made the first opus a resounding success and features new experiences that will surprise and challenge players. There's stronger emphasis on open-world exploration and interaction, non-linear gameplay and greater mission variety compared to the first Assassin's Creed. The game also has improved non-player character AI and combat mechanics, and a new economic system.
The first two DLCs (Battle of Forli and Bonfire of the Vanities) for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 that were released in January and February 2010 are directly included in the PC version. Also, Ubisoft tried a new anti-piracy protection on this game that forces the players to be connected to the internet while playing.

See also: #Templar Lairs

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DVD ISO Demo 6.4GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Skidrow no-cd update1 (provided by basetta & upped by Scaryfun) 738kb
Deluxe Edition - Multi-11 Repack Full Demo v1.0 including DLC 3.89GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
DVD ISO Demo 5.8GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Assassin's Creed II: Templar Lairs Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft / Akella [top]

These are 3 extra quests (Palazzo Medicis in Florence, Santa Maria Dei Frari In Venice, Arsenal Shipyard Warehouse In Venice). Enter & explore the most prestigious moments of the Renaissance. Reveal mysterious unique artifacts hidden within their walls. These three dungeons/platforming puzzles, similar to the game's Assassin's Tombs but without special rewards other than treasure, were originally included in the Assassin's Creed II: Black Edition (European and Australian release), with one included in the White Edition and two in the North American Master Assassin's Edition. Ubisoft subsequently offered them as DLC via Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. Assassin's Creed II: The Complete Edition includes download codes for the two DLCs, Battle of Forl and Bonfire of the Vanities and the three Templar Lairs. Later Assassin's Creed II: The Game of the Year Edition was released, containing the extra content incorporated on the game disc. Eventually Assassin's Creed II: Deluxe Edition was also released, containing the three bonus areas & missions and the downloadable content Battle of Forlì and Bonfire of the Vanities. This Edition, however, is only available via Digital Download.
included in Deluxe Edition - Multi-11 Repack Full Demo v1.0 including DLC 3.89GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Battle Metal: Street Riot Control / Highspeed Control: Carbon Edition Team6 [top]

Customized, brutal sportscars (muscle cars, exotics, police vehicles, etc.) are equipped with heavy weapons and armor plates, causing chaos and destruction in a destructible urban street environment. You can use unique side-ram features to smash opponents in the nearest building, launch homing missiles or cluster-bombs, deploy mines, empty all 999 bullets of your chaingun, or just blow your opponent straight to the wreckyard with an enormous triple shotgun. The Carbon Edition contains a bonus.
German ISO Demo 331MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Black Lightning / Chernaya Molniya CCCP Games / New Disc [top]

This has dynamic racing action based on the movie "Black Lightning" produced by Timur Bekmambetov who did the Night Watch vampire series and Wanted. With the hero of the game you have to go the hard way - by courier to brave pilot, able to withstand the most brutal fight. Fighting businessman Kuptsov turns into frantic chases and gunfights. Use powerful weapons, fly dangerous road sections, destroying armored Hummers. To deal with the enemy, your flying car has machine guns and a compact rocket launcher. Save Nastya - his beautiful lover, along with all of Moscow on New Years. Experience stunning races on the streets of Moscow and spectacular car chases and fights in the night sky. It also has screensavers and videos with footage from the film.
Russian DVD ISO Demo 1.14GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Blur Bizarre Creations, Ltd. / Activision Publishing, Inc. [top]

Blur is an action-oriented racing game that features dozens of licensed sports-cars from several different manufacturers including the Audi Quattro, the Nissan 350Z and the Shelby GT-500 racing around fantasy and real-world tracks. Scattered around these tracks are three different types of power-ups including a repair kit and a shield as well as five different weapons, like the target-seeking Shunt, which of course are used to get rid of the competition. To that end, each car is very unique in its statistics like strength, acceleration and such, making it a very tactical decision which one to use for the different types of races and tracks. The events include normal races with and without power-ups as well as pure destruction focused ones either taking place in specially build arenas or on normal race tracks. The core of the game is the single-player campaign. Divided into nine groups and taking place at over 14 different real-world locations, the player has to make his way to the top. Each group includes several different events including a boss fight. If the player wins the latter, he earns their cars including the unique mods and finishing. To unlock new events and groups, the player has to earn lights - up to seven for each event. While he gets five lights for taking first place, the final two can only be obtained by pleasing the fans. Each event features a Fan Target and a Fan Run. Fan Runs are mini-challenges which are activated during a race and require the player to drive through a series of glowing arcs - while the normal race still continues. Besides a bonus light, this will also earn him additional fans. The rest of the fans which are needed to reach the Fan Target are "collected" by shooting and destroying other cars or by impressing with cool driving skills like making drifts or long jumps and such. The game also offers a multiplayer mode for up to four players on one machine or up to 20 online. While offline multiplayer only allows the players to choose from all the available cars, online multiplayer offers unlockable car upgrades and mods. In addition the player advances in rank by winning events. Once he reaches level 50, he can choose to enter Legendary mode. Similar to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the player then loses all his accomplishments and is reset to rank 1 but earns an exclusive Legendary car for doing so. This reset can be done up to ten times.
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DVD ISO Demo & 2 fixed patches 5.26GB (uploaded by Egon68)

Booster Trooper DNS Development [top]

Booster Trooper is the future of multiplayer platform shooters. It provides tons of fun with its fast paced action and larger-than-life weapons. You can run or fly around the map, blasting your enemies to bits with bullets, rockets, grenades, magma and other weapons from your arsenal. Whether you play it against the BOTs or a live player, it will constantly keep you on the edge. Rankings, co-operation, tactics and split second decisions will deliver hours and hours of online multiplayer entertainment. Fast paced, adrenaline packed game play. It has 12 player multiplayer, and online ranking boards. Various weapons, ranging from assault rifle, shotgun, sniper rifle to minigun, magma thrower and more - each weapon is unique, requiring different approach & tactics. It has more than 250 Achievements. There's Deathmatch, Team DM, Capture the Flag, Destroy the base and more.
Steam Level Demo ( @ Steam)

Bounty Arms Open-Reset [top]

Bounty Arms is an old school 3D side-scrolling action game powered by UDK. Gather power-ups that hugely alter your character and weapon arsenal. Explore distinct worlds as you travel across the galaxy, unlock hidden doors to secrets, meet up with new comrades, fight multitudes of enemies, and defeat bosses along the way. A single player demo was made on the pc but then development was changed over to iOS for the full game.
Mod Demo 130MB *requires Unreal Tournament III / UDK Standalone Singleplayer Demo v0.11 ~327MB (uploaded by ModDB)

Brawl Busters / PlanB SkeinGlobe, Rockhippo Productions / Weezor [top]

This is an action MMO that features fast-paced FPS gameplay mechanics and intense close quarters combat. It has colorful graphics like Team Fortress 2 or Battlefield Heroes. Players can choose from any of the 5 characters available, including Boxer, Rugby Player, Fireman and Rock Star and start playing right away without registration. The game features a variety of character customization options that are accessible via in-game gold earned during matches. It's based on established gameplay mechanics that are easy to learn and short but intense matches that should appeal to any shooter fans looking for some time to kill. It used to be called PlanB and had a Korean open beta in 2010 but then was renamed Brawl Busters for North America. The game was shut down on Sep/2013.
Download: None currently available

Burn Zombie Burn doublesix / P2 Games [top]

Welcome to the char-grilled world of Burn Zombie Burn, where the best type of undead is barbequed undead. The goals are simple: keep Bruce alive, as he tries to keep Daisy alive, and get the highest score possible. Standing (well, ambling) in your way is a never ending horde of the rotting, stinking and stupid undead. Fortunately our mild-mannered hero Bruce can get hold of some tasty weaponry. Burn, batter, shoot, maim, blow up, mince, and obliterate as many zombies as possible before they make Bruce their dinner. Flaming zombies are faster and more dangerous than regular uncooked zombies. But burning zombies drop better pickups and act as a score multiplier – light 'em up, score big, and have fun. There's a hoard of zombie types – dancers, exploders, armored, infectious, and fire-farting super zombies. An arsenal of weaponry – bats, guns of all sizes, chain saw, flamethrower, lawnmower, brain gun and groovy dance gun. Use weapon combos to enable the big red button and trigger unique level events. A healthy range of explosives – upgrade your everyday TNT for increasingly destructive explosives and mines. A truck load of pick-ups – ammo, defense for daisy, rampage, speed, time, TNT, TNT range and type upgrades, and junk food health boosters. It has 6 infinite play arenas – The Woods, Graveyard, Suburbia, Drive-in, Army Base, Secret Lab; 3 game modes – Free Play, Defend Daisy and Timed; and 10 challenges with alternate styles of play. Super un-lockable bonuses include multiple game rendering modes. There's a coffin full of in-game achievements to complete.
ISO Demo 319MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Burnin' Rubber 4 Xform Games [top]

Try to complete all the challenges in this 3d race game in your armored car. Complete all race and battle challenges to become the ultimate racing mercenary. Race to win; use winning to buy tight weapons like flamethrowers. Time trials, demotion matches, and more. Unlock and pimp out lots of cars, become filthy rich, and uncover all hidden secrets. Have fun exploring this huge racing paradise! It is possible to unlock new cars if you have the money for it. First start with the yellow car and try to earn some money for new upgrades. There are many secrets you can discover in the 3d city itself. The Game Of The Year Edition of the game came out April 2011 and expands on the original game in content and functionality.
Full Demo 136MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Collapse: The Rage [Ru] Creoteam / Buka Entertainment [top]

This is a continuation of the exciting game COLLAPSE and with it the continuation of the story of brave warrior Rodan. Your own anomaly starts to disintegrate into many small fragments, thereby populating the perimeter with new, terrible monsters. Politicians make decisions with the military to mop up the perimeter and destroy everything in it that's alive. Rodan is a hostage of war between the three fires, monsters and gangs. His life is in danger. Everything depends only on himself. Can he get out of this hell alive and well? The game features the possibility of powering up the main character. There will be new characters, new locations, and new game modes. The hero will be able to enter into a state of "Rage". There's also improved graphics and sound effects.
Russian Standalone DVD ISO Demo 1.59GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Russian DVD ISO Demo with updated crack 1.88GB+166MB (uploaded by Terje_P)

Crash Time 4: The Syndicate Synetic GmbH / dtp entertainment AG [top]

This is the eighth game based on the German TV series Alarm für Cobra 11. Once again the player takes the role of Ben Jäger and Semir Gerkhan to cause a lot of explosions in the city based on Cologne. Well, the goal is actually to monitor and neutralise a criminal syndicate which wants to take over the city. The player spends the whole time in his car; even the cutscenes consist only of voiceovers and shots of the vehicle. The predecessors consisted of a linear series of missions which the player had to beat - this instalment is more open. Most of the time is spent with driving to checkpoints and randomly generated missions. Those mostly result in a car chase in which the player has to stop another car by thwarting respectively ramming/shooting it. Additionally there are about 20 pre-defined missions which capture the ludicrous ideas of the predecessors, e.g.a course with jumping challenges or a full speed race through the inner-city to collect ransom money. Faster cars are unlocked by proceeding the campaign or beating optional race tournaments. There's more than 8km² and 100 km of streets and highways. For the very first time,it will be possible to play against real opponents, as the enemies can be used by other human players in split-screen or online mode (1-8 players). Black vs.White - Ben and Samir against the syndicate (multiplayer only). Physics model for more realistic game environments and interactions. A choice of more than 35 various vehicles.
Level Demo 356MB (uploaded by Game Pressure)
Full Demo 430MB (uploaded by Supernova)
DVD ISO Demo 3.26GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Full Demo with Custom Installer to run on modern o/s 599MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Creed Arena Safari Studios / Strategy First [top]

Become a futuristic gladiator and impress the crowds with your skills. Feed off the spectator's cheers to unleash your CROWD RAGE. Switch between top-down and over-the-shoulder camera modes. Compete in unique challenges like Collect the Kegs, and Survival. Fight your way up the popularity chart, and become the most honored gladiator to ever live. Creed Arena is a sci-fi shooter that allows the player to switch between top-down and first person modes. The player fights other gladiators in front of thousands of spectators with the goal of becoming the most popular fighter in the tournament. When enough fans are won, your "crowd rage" is unleashed, an intense rampage that makes you bigger, faster and more powerful. The game includes unique weapons such as the lightning gun and plasma cannon, 16 arenas and intense action fighting solo and with computer allies.
Full Demo 115MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

CrimeCraft: Bleedout Vogster Entertainment / THQ [top]

Bleedout, the first major expansion to CrimeCraft was launched as 10 consecutive weekly episodes starting in December/2010 that takes it in a major new direction. Each episode is comprised of several missions that tell the story of the devastating BLEEDOUT event through illustrations by some of the comic industry's brightest lights, including Tim Bradstreet, Howard Chaykin, and Ben Templesmith. The chapters guide players through a world thrown into chaos by a global economic disaster. With mission difficulty that scales with the player's character level, new and existing players can experience the action in a custom-balanced environment. Fans can expect about 20-30 hours of story-based content. Each episode will progress through a small part of the Bleedout storyline and will be free to subscribed players. There will be a small fee for each episode for those players who do not have subscriptions. The game shut down on Aug 31/2017.
Download: None currently available

Cursed Mountain Sproing Interactive Media / Deep Silver [top]

Set in the late 1980s, gamers will take on the role of a fearless mountaineer as he climbs into the Himalayas on a quest to find his lost brother. As he ascends the mountain, he encounters an ancient curse: the souls of the people who died in that region are stuck in limbo, caught in the Shadow World. Villagers, pilgrims, mountaineers and Buddhist monks – dead but not yet reincarnated – are all that is left on the mountain. Terrible visions will disorient him, and ghosts and demons block his path. But the question remains – is his brother still alive?
Originally designed exclusively for Wii, Cursed Mountain is now also on PC and features rich visuals and breathtaking views - set on the roof of the world in the life threatening death zone, the entire game world is visible from every level.
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DVD ISO Demo 5.91GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Review by wkduffy

Dark Void Airtight Games / Capcom / 1C [top]

Dark Void is a sci-fi action-adventure game that combines an adrenaline-fuelled blend of aerial and ground-pounding combat. Set in a parallel universe called “The Void,” players take on the role of Will, a pilot dropped into incredible circumstances within the mysterious Void. This unlikely hero soon finds himself swept into a desperate struggle for survival, joining forces with a rebel human group called The Survivors. Trapped in the Void, these resistance fighters are battling to hold off a mysterious alien race that plans to threaten Earth. Dark Void’s unique combination of jetpack-booster aerial dog fighting and third-person combat creates a thrilling new gameplay dynamic to the third-person shooter experience. Taking 3D action to a whole new level, Dark Void’s unique vertical combat system allows players to dangle from thousand foot drops as they take cover and hurl enemies to their doom, bringing a whole new sense of tension and thrill to the player. Will is also equipped with a powerful rocket pack which allows for fierce in-air combat, hurtling through the Void at blistering speeds while shooting down anything that gets in his path.
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Level Demo 1.04GB (uploaded by Game Pressure)
Repack Full Demo 2.43GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demo 5.1GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Darksiders: Wrath of War Vigil Games / THQ [top]

Darksiders allows you to take on the role of War, first horseman of the apocalypse, who has been tricked into bringing about a war between heaven and hell, the result of which was heaven's defeat and the Earth's enslavement.
Now stripped of his powers by the Charred Council, he must go to Earth and punish those responsible for deceiving him and causing the enslavement of Earth. As well as having to contend with hell's minions, you will have to contend with a group of vengeful angels that are bent on bringing you to justice, meaning you will have to make alliances with some of the demons you are contending with while attempting to clear your name. Aiding your quest, you will be able to traverse the Earth on your phantom horse, Ruin.
You will have a varied array of weapons at you disposal, both demonic and angelic, as well as those found on Earth. Amoung these are the Chaoseater which has foretold each of its victims through the screaming gaces carved onto it, and the Sentinal, which is a cannon that rips through targets with ease and causes them to explode. All of these will be upgradeable as you progress through the game. You will also unlock supernatural powers as you progress and regain favour with the Charred Council. On Nov 29/2016, a Warmastered Edition was released that runs in native 1080p, the animations are more fluid, the quality of shadows and graphical effects have been improved, while the texture resolution is now twice higher.
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2DVD ISO Demo 13.6GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Dead Frontier Neil Yates / Creaky Corpse [top]

Dead Frontier is the ultimate survival horror MMORPG. Log in and play with thousands of real players from around the globe as you struggle for survival in a zombie infested city. Battle for survival against an army of infected zombies. Explore a huge post-apocalyptic MMORPG world. Wield over 100 real world weapons from melee to miniguns. Pit your skills against other survivors in brutal PvP. Dead Frontier combines 3rd person survival horror action with more traditional role-playing elements to create a totally unique MMO experience. Players skulk around, avoiding death at every turn in the undead-infested city of Fairview. It plays exclusively in your browser and requires no extra downloads of any kind. Registration is straightforward and simple. Initially they were popular free browser-playable mini-games in 2D but this MMO has been upgraded to a 3D version.
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Free Mini Games Night One Night Two Night Three Outbreak Outbreak 2 (@ Newgrounds)
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Night One
Free Open Beta ( @ Official Site)
Night Two
Night Three
Outbreak 2

Dead Rising 2 Blue Castle Games / Capcom [top]

This is a sequel to the popular console-only TPS zombie shooter. Several years have passed since the Wilamette incident, and while Frank West was able to save America from a zombie apocalypse, the cause of zombification was not completely contained. This led to continued zombie outbreaks throughout the United States. Dead Rising 2 shifts the action from the everyday world of mid-West America to the glitz and glamour of Fortune City, America's latest and greatest entertainment playground. People flock to Fortune City from around the globe to escape from reality and the chance to win big. The game sees the introduction of former national Motocross champion, Chuck Greene, as the main protagonist. Before he hit the big time with a team and sponsorship behind him Chuck was forced to repair his own bikes, leaving him incredibly resourceful; a real handyman. A single father, Chuck dotes on his daughter Katey who, since the loss of her mother, he will do anything for. With hundreds of zombies on screen at any one time, the original Dead Rising forced gamers to turn the everyday objects they found in the Mall into improvised weapons capable of fending off attacks. Dead Rising 2 promises to increase the carnage with even more zombies intent on feasting on human flesh and countless new objects with which Chuck can make the undead dead.
DVD ISO Demo 6.23GB (uploaded by Egon68)

Deadly Race Gametop [top]

The thrill of speed combined with the adrenaline of destruction is available in this freeware 3D game. The Earth has been destroyed by the umpteenth global thermonuclear conflict and the few survivors think well to use the semi-deserted streets of the city to organize clandestine races of unprecedented violence. This is a videogame where we will have to run by pressing the tablet pedal, maybe get there first and in the meantime sow death and destruction. More cars will blow up and the game will reward us: skulls superimposed, combos, double combos, our opponents will have to burn literally on the asphalt. We will be able to buy 6 vehicles: from sports cars to trucks and every vehicle purchased can be further enhanced by purchasing useful power-ups. The challenges to be played are 24 in total but we will have to win certain medals to unlock all the tracks contained in this game. The graphics engine runs very smooth at 1024x768 (other resolutions are not supported) and offers a good number of special pyrotechnic effects. The controls to be used are clearly visible over the top during the races: X, C, V keys to target the pilots controlled by the CPU with rockets, machine guns and mines, CTRL for the turbo and the cursor keys to drive. The game will automatically save our progress in the only available profile.
Free Game 44MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Elemental Battle Academy [J] fly-system [top]

This is a 3D fighting doujin game by the co-creators of Magical Battle Arena. Unlike that game, this is not a Massive Multiplayer Crossover game and its battle system is relegated to ground combat with a mix of melee combat and gunplay. In this game, players can choose from one of six girls, each with their own Elemental Powers, preference of weapons, and abilities to battle it out with the other girls. The game features a Story Mode, an Arcade Mode, and online multi-player. Players can also dress up each of the characters in the game with currency earned through gameplay to purchase various outfits for your characters. In battle, each character can use their own weapons or ones found in green boxes to defeat the other players. Each character also possesses an Elemental Attack that can deal great damage to enemies in a wide radius, and an Elemental Burst mode to buff up their Elemental Attacks. They can also find their spirit animals roaming within the arena to use their elemental abilities or take their elemental magic into new heights.
Japanese Full Demo 198MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Fire Storm Intrepid Online-game Developer (IOD) / Ferry Game [top]

This is a TPS (Third Person Shooting Game) MMO for the Chinese market. Fire Storm does not only focus on combat, but also space for the needs of the character: to collect equipment and learning skills. It is the modern 21st century, more and more oil depletion, oil prices soar. Many countries are in chaos due to lack of energy, even in developed countries also fall into a miserable situation, international organizations lose credibility, the illegal armed organizations spring up like mushrooms after lots of rain, the greater the social order is turned upside down. Countries around the world start in a race to find new energy sources to replace oil. But scientists are studying the new resolution of fuel from CO², plus all the solar energy and water energy, to offset the shortage. The world is full of conflicts rising, the forces begin to tear each other apart. It has a DIY training system. Fire Storm takes MMORPG elements to the training system items, collect materials, and a new combat engine. Gamers can gradually improve their ability to attack and their defense. Players can freely gather in teams with a reasonable distribution of completed assigned tasks. These tasks may simply be fighting harder to avoid pitfalls or boss encounters. Gamers can arrange classes so that their members can develop the ability for: Pioneers, fire support, assault groups. The game was shut down in 2015.
Free Chinese F2P Game (uploaded by Official Site)

Global Agenda Hi-Rez Studios [top]

This is an MMO (massively-multiplayer online) third-person shooter video game using Unreal Engine 3. It mixes a science-fiction setting with a secret agent backdrop, leading the developers to refer to the game genre as spy-fi. The game is set on 22nd-century Earth in the wake of severe global disaster. A government called the Commonwealth tyrannically rules Earth. Earth's population is under one billion people and suffers from a shortage of habitable land. Advanced technology allows limited regions of Earth to be environmentally cleansed and habitable. As land becomes available there is intense competition to colonize the area and control that region's technology. This competition sets the stage for much of the game's campaign action. The game will primarily feature a third-person camera view, although some weapons allow scoping in a first-person view using a mouse action. Characters will have jetpacks, as well as various weapon types, including melee. The game will feature four classes - assault, recon, medic, and robotics. All will have customizable skill trees and their own weapons. The major features of Global Agenda will be available to players through a one time purchase of the game, with no monthly subscription required. An optional subscription package, dubbed Global Agenda: Conquest will be available for those players who wish to participate in the game's persistent Alliance vs. Alliance territory control game-play, as well as access ongoing content updates. On April/2011, all of the game's content and all 50 character levels can now be played for free. Additional features such as "in-game mail, auction house, priority access to servers" and more can be purchased with a one time fee of $19.99. The game also has added some new content in its switch to the free-to-play model including a new Dome Defense Raid for players of level 40 and above and a new gameplay mode, Acquisition, that has pilotable robots. The game was shut down in 2018.
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Free Agent v1.44 ( @ Official Site)

Global Command [Ch] YINGPEI Games [top]

This is the first China-developed TPS (third person shooter) using the Unreal 3 Engine. The developer even invited soldiers from the army to their studio in a bid to capture their movements on a blue-screen and transfer them into the game for optimized realism. It has double weapons and a cover system.
Chinese Free Game (uploaded by Official Site)

Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City Rockstar Games / Rockstar North [top]

Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City includes both The Lost and Damned, and The Ballad of Gay Tony together on disc. Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City does not require a copy of the original Grand Theft Auto IV to play, but you can still download episodes seperately and then you need GTA IV installed on your PC to play them.
In The Lost and Damned, experience Liberty City as Johnny Klebitz, a veteran member of The Lost, a notorious biker gang. Johnny has been creating business opportunities for The Lost in Liberty City but his first loyalty must be to the patch he wears on his back and to Billy Grey, the club's President. However, when Billy returns from rehab hell-bent on bloodshed and debauchery, Johnny finds himself in the middle of a vicious turf war with rival gangs for control of a city torn apart by violence and corruption. Can the brotherhood survive?
The Ballad of Gay Tony injects Liberty City with an overdose of guns, glitz, and grime. As Luis Lopez, part-time hoodlum and full-time assistant to legendary nightclub impresario Tony Prince (aka "Gay Tony"), players will struggle with the competing loyalties of family and friends, and with the uncertainty about who is real and who is fake in a world in which everyone has a price.
Both episodes feature a slew of new vehicles and weapons, and each episode adds new activities including cage fighting, gang wars and BASE jumping.
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2DVD ISO Demo 14.69GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Gulman 2: The Mystery of Magic Crystals Sviatoslav Gulyaev and Dmitry Malu [top]

This continuation of the third person shooter Gulman - the famous and fearless hero - has him go through nine large levels in different countries of the world (Antarctica, France, USA (Hollywood), Russia (Kamchatka), etc. ..), to unravel the detective story with the loss of ancient art and antiquities, and to stop the evil boss. In the game you will see more than 25 types of villains (individual animations), AI - with 10 types of weapons (great fre effects), and beautiful music written specially for this game. The game represents a fusion of detective adventure story with quest-arcade-shooter atmosphere. It has new animation, more animations, the ability to fight and do acrobatic jumps, flips, etc. New effects: weather (snow, rain, storm, water, etc.). New fire effects, explosions, etc. Discover delightful physics (Ragdoll effect and impressive explosions). More than 100 sounds and phrases (Voiced by professionals). New music and stereo-effects. This game is based on sketches and illustrations of scenic professional artist Svetoslav Gulyaev, and will bring you great pleasure. In 2020, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of its release, the game was made freeware.
Freeware Game v2.0.4 267MB (uploaded by Heartless Repository)
Russian Full Demo 274MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1 EA Bright Light Studio / Electronic Arts [top]

As the saga of Harry Potter looms towards a conclusion at the cinema it's time for video games fans to get the game they've always wished for. Based on the blockbusting movie and the original novel, the first part of the Deathly Hallows finds Harry and his friends fighting for their lives in a much more action-orientated adventure than usual. The time for exploring Hogwarts and solving puzzles is over, as the young wizards battle Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort himself. The game is designed like a third person action title, complete with an intuitive cover system but with a wand as your only weapon. Not all of the spells are purely for attack though, with Leviosa allowing you to create and destroy cover and Confundo giving you the power to turn enemies into allies for a brief period. There's never been a Harry Potter game like this before, with enough action and intrigue to suit every fan. The most action-packed Harry Potter game ever with intense third person combat, stunning graphics and a huge range of new spells to learn. Use a range of authentic attacking spells from the simple Stupefy to more powerful but difficult to use magic such as Crucio and Expelliarmus. Use non-lethal spells such as Leviosa to move objects, Confundo to bewitch enemies, and Expecto Patronum to rescue allies from Dementors. Gain experience as you fight and you can unlock and upgrade Harry's abilities and magic, with up to six different spells available at any one time.
DVD ISO Demo 7.04GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Hessian Yoitt Studios / GSP Interactive [top]

This Unreal Engine 3 powered third-person shooter puts players in the role of mercenaries vying for control over the world's oil supply in this free-to-play massive multiplayer online third-person shooter. Private military contractors are vying to win over oil supplies for the companies representing supply contracts to different countries due to a rise in terrorism. Gamers pick a “side” and ultimately throw out all forms of civility as they battle in 16 player PvP bouts for control of oil in levels designed around the theme of securing certain facilities associated with the “crisis”. The shooting mechanics in the game closely resembles Gears of War 2. The highlight, though, is that wall-covering and environmental manipulation plays a pretty big part in advancing through the ranks and burying the competition with a hail of gunfire. Many of the maps are large but with compact corridors and cover points littered throughout many of the levels to ensure that players just don’t run out into the open and get gunned down. Wall-hugging and melee attacks play a strong part in the actual gameplay of Hessian and it can be used to great advantage during team deathmatch and for exercising a little bit of stealth. There is actually a selection of different moves available for players to execute depending on the situation and position of the player. However, the game doesn’t just have standard close-combat moves but it also sports counter-moves that can be performed by players as well. Gamers have a fair selection of equipment, garb and accessories to choose from. The game is shut down.
Free Korean Open Beta (@ Official Site)

I'm Not Alone Pix Rev / The Games Company [top]

In the role of a bold exorcist the player travels to the Austrian mountains to free an old mansion house from the grips of a supernatural power. On location he has to face sheer horror. Disfigured demons have risen from the underworld and spread fear and terror. Now it is the task of the player to put an end to the sinister occurrences. His special skills as a psychic medium enable him to change between reality and demon world in order to take up the challenge and fight the creatures of hell. With a quick trigger finger and a sharp mind the player explores the eerie mansion and reveals a dreadful secret.
I'm not Alone is a PC survival-horror where you kill demons with weapons such as a crossbow.
ISO Demo 688MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Review by wkduffy
Full Demo (provided by hgdagon & upped by Scaryfun) 590MB
Portable Full Demo + Full Demo 605+278MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Ion Assault Coreplay GmbH / bitComposer Games GmbH [top]

This is a twinstick shooter with a space ship, set in enclosed arenas in space similar to Geometry Wars. The left stick is used for movement and the right one for aiming, shown through a red laser. The goal is to survive waves of enemies and space debris (mainly rocks, splitting up into smaller elements similar to Asteroids), but there is a twist to it. Rather than shooting directly, the ship can activate a mass reactor, slightly slowing down movement, but it enables the ship to gather a large mass of ions floating in the arena and concentrate it around the ship. These can then be fired in the desired direction and the amount determines the damage. These ions ricochet off walls and can therefore target multiple enemies, or be caught, before they spread out in the playfield again. There are no other basic means of attack, so the "bullets" are all around the field to be gathered and recycled again. There are four main levels that consist of five stages each, along with a boss fight. Destroyed ships leave behind score orbs that can be collected. Certain ships carry power-ups, divided in an active and passive category. Gravity power-ups for instance extend the range of the mass reactor, while a shield temporarily guards the ship against enemy attacks. The campaign can be played in a cooperative mode and there is also versus multiplayer. Gameplay is entirely different in the latter, as the player needs to call on friendly ships to target the opponents, and vice versa.
Full Demo 143MB (uploaded by Supernova)

James Bond 007: Blood Stone Bizarre Creations / Activision [top]

This original game features the likeness and voice talent of Daniel Craig, Joss Stone and Judi Dench and features an epic story developed by legendary screenwriter Bruce Feirstein (Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is Not Enough). Players can engage in cover-based firefights, lethal hand-to-hand combat and speed their way through explosive adrenaline-fuelled driving sequences as they embark on a global chase leading to action on land and sea through Athens, Istanbul, Monaco and Bangkok. Gamers can also feel what it is like to be a 00 agent, as they take the battle online in several robust 16-person multi-player modes that require skill, teamwork and strategy as players compete in matches that will have spies battling mercenaries. Joss Stone provides an original musical track to the game, titled "I'll Take it All" written and performed by her and Dave Stewart of the Eurythmics.
DVD ISO Demo 5.54GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Full Demo 4.5GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Full Demo *runs on Win11 (provided by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 4.87GB

Just Cause 2 Avalanche Studios / Square Enix / Eidos [top]

Developed by Avalanche Studios, JUST CAUSE 2 stars Rico Rodriquez, back to wreak havoc once again, this time with a new destination - the huge playground of the South East Asian islands of Panau, in an over-the-top Hollywood-esque blockbuster of a videogame. With more stunts, vehicles and weapons than ever before and an incredible overhauled grappling hook, Rico returns to action in Panau, an incredibly detailed and vast 1000 sq km game world of different climates and ultra-realistic weather effects. Leap from your plane and skydive from 10,000 feet down into a tropical jungle, tear across an arid desert in a dune buggy or climb your way up a snowy mountain in a 4x4. The vast open-ended, unique gameplay is back, allowing you full freedom once again to free roam and explore the massive world of Panau and tackle your assignments however you want. With a new and improved air, land and sea stunt system featuring Rico's notorious parachute and grappling hook, taken to incredible new extremes and a massive array of new vehicles featuring an advanced driving model, players can now pull off some of the finest action stunts ever seen in a video game in a truly massive and beautifully rendered environment.
Two DLCs priced at $1.99 each were released in April & May. The Black Market Aerial Pack adds the F-33 Dragon Fly Jet Fighter, the Multi-lock Missile Launcher and the Dual Thrusters jets for your character's trademark parachute. The Black Market Boom Pack adds the Quad Rocket Launcher, the Cluster Bomb Launcher and the Air Propulsion Gun, which is so powerful it can send soldiers and even vehicles flying in the air.
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Level Demo (DirectX 10) ( @ Steam)
DVD ISO Demo 4.00GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Multiplayer Gameplay Mod

Kane & Lynch 2 - Doggie Bag DLC Io Interactive / Square Enix [top]

This first DLC can be bought for $5.99. Take on new heists and unlock new Achievement points with two never before seen maps and five exclusive weapons for Multiplayer and Arcade modes. Dockyard and High Rise maps, plus the Radio Tower map provide new opportunity to increase your wealth. And with the inclusion of five new weapons, including the DD 33, KL Viper, RTS, SMi 69, and the TOQ Model Four S the odds are in your favor of pulling off a successful heist.
included in Russian/English Repack v1.2 + 4 DLC - Full Demo 4.21GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days Io Interactive, Nixxes Software / Square Enix [top]

This sequel has a new visual style inspired by documentary films and user-generated content. Every aspect of the game has been designed to deliver a fresh perspective to the words 'intensity' and 'realism'. Dog Days is presented from "self-medicated psychopath" Lynch's point of view, rather than Kane's like in the first game. The story begins with Lynch having found peace in Shanghai and attempting to make a fat deal where the pay is beyond his wildest dreams and nothing is going to get in his way. It includes new Fragile Alliance multiplayer modes, expanding on the hybrid cooperative/competitive gameplay of the first game. This mode allows a team of players (online) to steal money and get away with it by gunning down all the opposing forces. However, the mode can turn if a single player in the group goes traitor, starts killing his accomplices for the loot. A bounty is issued for that player and the rest of the group can hunt him. The cooperative mode includes Fragile Alliance and story/campaign mode. The different multiplayer modes include: Arcade Mode, Fragile Alliance, Undercover Cop and Cops & Robbers. It plays in a third person over-the-shoulder perspective with cover playing a large role.

See also: #Doggie Bag DLC

Level Demo ( @ Steam)
DVD ISO Demo 7.25GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Russian/English Repack v1.2 + 4 DLC - Full Demo 4.21GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

KIA: Killed In Action Virus Studios [top]

This is a free online TPS (Third-Person Shooter) made with Unreal Engine 3 by a Thai game developer. The setting is a war between China and Japan. The game has 6 character classes as well as 3 specialist classes. Various cars, boats and planes will be added in future. The action is run & gun. It uses a cover system, including a Gear of War which uses a shelter like taking a corner or a wall with the gun to shoot out. The game was shut down in 2013.
Download: None currently available

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light Crystal Dynamics, Nixxes Software / Square-Enix, Eidos [top]

Crystal Dynamics is trying out some new ideas in Lara's latest adventure like co-op play and arcade-style leaderboards. Lara teams up with Totec, the Guardian of Light, in order find an enchanted mirror – that means you'll be teaming up with a friend in order to solve the game's many puzzles. This is an arcade-inspired action romp with a fixed isometric camera and a focus on high scores and replay value. This latest Lara Croft adventure maintains much of the feeling of earlier games (tombs, booby-trap puzzles, and so on). The odd couple of Lara and Totec find themselves in a battle against Xoxolt, an evil spirit released from the Mirror who has the distinct advantage of controlling all manner of spirits to do his bidding. Expect to be going up against undead tribesmen, giant salamanders, and everything in between. Each playable character has unique weapons and skills for maneuvering through those Central American jungle ruins. Lara's got her iconic dual handguns (which, befitting of the retro style, have infinite ammo), and Totec hurls deadly spears. But these weapons aren't used purely for combat. For example, the spear works both against enemies and as a tool for traversing past obstacles: Totec can throw a spear into a wall to allow Lara to get up to an otherwise unreachable ledge. Lara, on the other hand, has a grapple hook to make it across seemingly impossible gaps, and Totec often must place his life in her hands with assisted jumps. Other co-op tricks include Lara's ability to jump on top of Totec's shield when he holds it above his head and Totec's tightrope walk across a gap using Lara's grapple rope. You'll also encounter a number of tombs to explore. These indoor caverns offer up the chance to take a break from the frenetic combat to do some old-fashioned puzzle solving. Think booby traps that can only be overcome with two people working as a team, and you've got a good idea for how these puzzles will function. This co-op system (added in a later patch) works both online and locally, featuring a drop-in system for adding a second player on the fly. The whole game can be played using a single player, as well.

See also: DLC Packs

Steam Level Demo ( @ Steam)
DVD ISO Demo 2.56GB (uploaded by Molitor)
Original Soundtrack (uploaded by hgdagon)

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - DLC Packs Crystal Dynamics, Nixxes Software / Square-Enix, Eidos [top]

Five $3.49 DLCs: Each challenge pack has four short levels — maybe 1/10 the size of a normal game level—some packed with fiendish traps, others swarming with enemies. Rather than navigating a full, varied level, each of these short levels requires players to beat either a time challenge or score challenge to win. You can play through the entire game as someone else with Kane & Lynch or Legacy Of Kain Character Packs. All The Trappings Challenge Pack 1 - Four new challenge maps filled with hordes of undead enemies and devious traps you must maneuver and exploit to survive, Things That Go Boom Challenge Pack 2 - Four new explosive challenge maps featuring a variety of tense puzzles, deadly traps, and relentless combat encounters. Hazardous Reunion Challenge Pack 3 - Four new challenge maps featuring mind-boggling puzzles, waves of intense combat action, and a fiery reunion with an old friend.
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5 DLC Packs - Full Demos 723MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West Fatshark Games / Paradox Interactive [top]

Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West is a third person shooter delivering an intense team based multiplayer experience. Relive the violent era of the Wild West as it ought to be with adrenaline fuelled action and fast paced gunfights. Fight gritty battles in beautifully rendered classic western settings. Test your mettle in genre specific game modes and levels tailor-made for satisfying team play.
Lead and Gold features the unique Synergy system, a power up system encouraging co-operation and team tactics. The Synergy system permeates the frantic shooter gameplay and rewards the player for objective oriented gameplay.
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Repack DVDrip ISO Demo 743MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Lost Planet 2 Capcom [top]

This third-person shooter game built on the Unreal Engine 3 is the sequel to Lost Planet: Extreme Condition which is also made by Capcom, taking place ten years after the events of the first game, on the same fictional planet. It comes 5 months after the initial console version. The face of E.D.N. III has changed dramatically. Terraforming efforts have been successful and the ice has begun to melt, giving way to lush tropical jungles and harsh unforgiving deserts. Players will enter this new environment and follow the exploits of their own customized snow pirate on their quest to seize control of the changing planet. Players control their heroes across 6 interconnected episodes, creating a truly unique interactive experience that changes depending upon the actions of the players involved. With this concept, players will have the opportunity to engage in the story in a much more dynamic way as plot threads evolve from different players' perspectives. Beyond the deep single player mode, Lost Planet 2 is loaded with extensive multiplayer modes. The intense and action packed campaign mode comes with the ability to form teams of up to 4 players online to clear mission objectives with friends. The PC edition uses DirectX 11 for smoke with lifelike volume and depth, reactive water and level bosses rendered with more detail than ever before. It also has support for Nvidia's 3D Vision and 3D Vision Surround technologies.
Benchmark Demo 955MB (uploaded by Clubic)
DVD5 rip ISO Demo 3.50GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Mafia II 2K Czech / 2K Games [top]

Born the son of a poor immigrant, Vito is a beaten down Italian American who is trying to escape the life of poverty that consumed his childhood. It was on the streets that Vito learns that joining the Mafia is the only route to wealth and respect for people of his standing. Wanting to escape the life of hardship that his father led, he dreams about becoming a "Made Man." A petty criminal his whole life, Vito, along with his childhood friend, Joe, will descend into the world of organized crime. Together, they will work to prove themselves to the Mafia as they try to make their names on the streets. Starting with low-level jobs like robbery and stealing cars, Vito and Joe escalate quickly up the Mafia family ladder...but the life as a wise guy isn't quite as glamorous as it seems. Through strong, authentic characterization, compelling narrative and stunning presentation, the mature storyline will make players understand the pull and impossible escape of life in the Mafia. Take part in heart-stopping car-to-car chases, visceral hand-to-hand combat and intense gunplay. The proprietary Illusion Engine, allows gamers to explore Empire Bay's 10 square miles while transitioning from beautifully rendered outdoor environments to intricately designed interiors seamlessly without the need for loading times. Experience an epic story set across two decades where the clothing, cars and advertising are meticulously created to replicate the feel of a '40s and '50s American city; as players progress through the eras the city and its elements will change to reflect the time period. Players will be immersed in the Golden Era of America as Mafia II features music tracks from some of the era's most influential artists. In May/2020, a Definitive Edition was released as free upgrade to owners of original game that adds all previous DLC and refreshes the audiovisual settings with HD textures and lighting.

See also: #The Betrayal Of Jimmy, #Jimmy's Vendetta, #Joe's Adventures

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Level Demo 941MB ( @ Steam)
Definitive Edition - Screenshots/Videos
DVD ISO Demo 5.67GB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Mafia II: Director's Cut ISO Demo 9.60GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Mafia II: Jimmy's Vendetta 2K Czech / 2K Games [top]

This first DLC can be bought for $9.99. The DLC features players controlling Jimmy, another character in the game who is the guy the other guys call when they need to finish the job. Jimmy takes part in over 30 new missions in the DLC which include assassination and timed vehicle pursuits. You will also be able to rack up points, combos and multipliers for precision-timed vehicular power slides, lofty jumps, and supercharged velocity.
Full Demo 352MB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Mafia II: Director's Cut ISO Demo 9.60GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demo 355MB (uploaded by ModDB)

Mafia II: Joe's Adventures 2K Czech / 2K Games [top]

The player controls Joe Barbaro, the best friend of Mafia II's main character Vito Scaletta. The player explores new areas in Empire City in the DLC (including a "cathouse"; hide the kids) along with new clothing and collectibles and more classic 1940's and 1950's songs. While there's a storyline for the DLC (Joe finds out the real reason behind Vito's prison sentence) there's also some optional quests with arcade-like gameplay.
Full Demo 1.33GB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Mafia II: Director's Cut ISO Demo 9.60GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Mass Effect 2 BioWare / Electronic Arts [top]

Two years after Commander Shepard repelled invading Reapers bent on the destruction of organic life, a mysterious new enemy has emerged. On the fringes of known space, something is silently abducting entire human colonies. Now Shepard must work with Cerberus, a ruthless organization devoted to human survival at any cost, to stop the most terrifying threat mankind has ever faced.
To even attempt this perilous mission, Shepard must assemble the galaxy's most elite team and command the most powerful ship ever built. Even then, they say it would be suicide. Commander Shepard intends to prove them wrong.
A one-time use Cerberus Network code is included which allows for the free download of 3 DLCs: Zaeed: The Price of Revenge, Normandy Crash Site, Firewalker. For 160 MS Points or Bioware Points each you can also get: The Alternate Appearance Pack which features new outfits for your favorite squad members, including Garrus, Thane, and Subject Zero. The Equalizer Pack adds to Shepard's armor locker: The Capacitor Helmet which stores power for kinetic barriers, allowing Shepard's shields to recharge faster, the Archon Visor which manages omni-tools and biotic amps, reducing the recharge time of Shepard's powers, and the powered Inferno Armor speeds up Shepard's movements and increases his tech and biotic power damage, additionally stress analysis software even gives him an edge in negotiations outside of combat. In Mar/2021, a Mass Effect Legendary Edition was released that includes single-player base content and DLC from Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3, plus promo weapons, armors, and packs – all remastered and optimized for 4k Ultra HD.

See also: #Arrival, #Firewalker Pack, #Kasumi's Stolen Memory, #Lair Of The Shadow Broker, #Normandy Crash Site, #Overlord, #Zaeed - The Price of Revenge

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3-Mission Demo 1.91GB (uploaded by Game Pressure)
Legendary Edition - Screenshots/Videos
TeamJPN Repack Full Demo 3.87GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Patch v1.02 & DLC Unlocker 78MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
11 Various DLC 177MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
2DVD ISO Demo + Update v1.02 14.25GB (uploaded by Molitor)
Fan-Made DLC Installer which includes Alternate Appearance Pack & Equalizer Pack 6.15GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Mass Effect 2: Firewalker Pack BioWare / Electronic Arts [top]

This provides new outfits for Garrus, Thane and Jack and the Hammerhead, a heavy assault vehicle that hovers over the battlefield at up to 120 kilometers per hour and features a guided missile system ensuring accuracy even during aggressive maneuvering. Hammerhead is basically the successor of the Mako from Mass Effect and has an automatic target acquisition. The quest series consists of five missions where the player through linear levels respectively collects data packages. It could be downloaded for free only once with a Cerberus Network code. If the game was resold, this dlc wouldn't download again. However, people could buy it separately. All DLC for Mass Effect 2 was made free on July 12/2022 for owners of the original game.
included in Fan-Made DLC Installer 6.15GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Mass Effect 1+2 DLC Packs for Steam games 3.38GB (uploaded by Delacroix)
included in Complete DLC pack 4.30GB (uploaded by Delacroix)

Mass Effect 2: Kasumi's Stolen Memory BioWare / Electronic Arts [top]

Cerberus has procured the service of Kasumi Goto, the galaxy's most enigmatic master thief. In return for her help, Kasumi has asked Shepard's help on a dangerous heist to infiltrate the vault of a deadly master criminal named Donovan Hock. Gain Kasumi's loyalty on the planet Bekenstein, where Hock is throwing a party for some of the galaxy's richest and most deranged criminal minds to recover data of great importance to Kasumi... and to the galaxy at large. Includes a new squad member, mission, weapon (Locust SMG), research upgrade, casual outfit, and achievement. Price of this DLC was 560 MS or BioWare Points. All DLC for Mass Effect 2 was made free on July 12/2022 for owners of the original game.
Full Demo 0.99GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Fan-Made DLC Installer 6.15GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Mass Effect 1+2 DLC Packs for Steam games 3.38GB (uploaded by Delacroix)
included in Complete DLC pack 4.30GB (uploaded by Delacroix)

Mass Effect 2: Lair Of The Shadow Broker BioWare / Electronic Arts [top]

SPOILER ALERT: After Shepard died, his blue-skinned friend Liara T'Soni fought a desperate battle to recover his body from the mysterious Shadow Broker. Now it's time to settle the score. Detailed in the Mass Effect 2 comic book series from Dark Horse, Liara went through hell to recover Commander Shepard's remains from the mysterious information broker known as the Shadow Broker, delivering them to Cerberus, where our hero was eventually reconstituted. Now that the universe has been saved once again and Commander Shepard has recovered from that nasty death, he's teaming up with Liara once more in order to repay the Shadow Broker for its hospitality. Price of this DLC was 560 MS or BioWare Points. All DLC for Mass Effect 2 was made free on July 12/2022 for owners of the original game.
Full Demo 1.56GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Fan-Made DLC Installer 6.15GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Mass Effect 1+2 DLC Packs for Steam games 3.38GB (uploaded by Delacroix)
included in Complete DLC pack 4.30GB (uploaded by Delacroix)

Mass Effect 2: Normandy Crash Site BioWare / Electronic Arts [top]

This adds an additional quest where Shepard visits the crash site of the old Normandy to find a suitable place to build a memorial and memorabilia from fallen crew members. It's an emotionally charged and reflective moment for Shepard as he/she is on a mission of salvage and recovery. There is no fighting involved but the mission provides the player with plenty of background information. It could be downloaded for free only once with a Cerberus Network code. If the game was resold, this dlc wouldn't download again. However, people could buy it separately. All DLC for Mass Effect 2 was made free on July 12/2022 for owners of the original game.
Full Demo 64MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Fan-Made DLC Installer 6.15GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Mass Effect 1+2 DLC Packs for Steam games 3.38GB (uploaded by Delacroix)
included in Complete DLC pack 4.30GB (uploaded by Delacroix)

Mass Effect 2: Overlord BioWare / Electronic Arts [top]

When sent to investigate a Cerberus research base that's mysteriously gone silent, Shepard arrives to find Geth overrunning the base. The sole survivor, Chief Scientist Archer, paints a dire picture: an experiment to fuse a human volunteer with a virtual intelligence created a dangerous hybrid "VI overlord". The rampaging VI has already attacked three other Cerberus bases, controlling any technology it finds in an attempt to break free–and unleashing Geth across the planet. Unless Shepard can infiltrate the VI's fortress and shut it down, this homicidal intelligence will beam itself-off planet and wreak havoc on other systems. The action unfolds over five new level areas, with two new achievements. Price of that DLC was 560 MS or BioWare Points. All DLC for Mass Effect 2 was made free on July 12/2022 for owners of the original game.
Full Demo 1.04GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Fan-Made DLC Installer 6.15GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Mass Effect 1+2 DLC Packs for Steam games 3.38GB (uploaded by Delacroix)
included in Complete DLC pack 4.30GB (uploaded by Delacroix)

Mass Effect 2: Zaeed - The Price of Revenge BioWare / Electronic Arts [top]

Shepard's shadowy backers buy the loyalty of a feared bounty hunter, Zaeed Massani in order to help the Commander on the mission. His loyalty assignment involves liberating an oil rig overrun by the Blue Suns mercenary group and kill an old enemy of his. The mission however goes awry, turning out to be an almost exact repeat of the situation that occurred during Captain Anderson's failed Spectre examination during which he worked with Saren Arterius, the antagonist of the first game (see novel "Mass Effect: Revelation"). Apart from the said squadmate, the player will also obtain a new heavy weapon, the flamethrower, a few research projects and achievements. The DLC could be downloaded for free if you had a code for the Cerberus Network (included free of charge with sealed copies of the game). If Mass Effect 2 was purchased as used, such a code would have to be purchased separately. All DLC for Mass Effect 2 was made free on July 12/2022 for owners of the original game.
Full Demo 513MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Fan-Made DLC Installer 6.15GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Mass Effect 1+2 DLC Packs for Steam games 3.38GB (uploaded by Delacroix)
included in Complete DLC pack 4.30GB (uploaded by Delacroix)

Modern War: Somalian Pirates / Ordered Destroyed: Somali Syndrome Studio 4 / Akella [top]

Armed to the teeth, fast boats, Somali pirates can catch up and grab any civilian vessel, unequipped for combat. Tankers and dry cargo ships have nothing to oppose large-caliber machine guns and RPGs. Chasing small and brisk courts at large military ships - is like firing a cannon at sparrows. Output is obvious - hired paramilitary corporation, which can take over the protection and preservation of ships. These pros, "dogs of war" in no way will yield the sea bandits, and thanks to the brilliant skill and a great outfit can cope with the scourge of much smaller force! Take a seat boat commander, whose task is to escort and defend civilian vessels in the waters of the Gulf of Aden. Try yourself as a machine gunner attack helicopter or boat, Gunner MLRS. Many types of weapons: machine guns Browning KPVT and DShKM, automatic grenade launchers, Mk. 19, minigun Gatling GAU-17. Variety of techniques: motorboats, fishing boats, sport aircraft Cessna-182, Catalina flying boats and a helicopter, UH-60 Black Hawk. Many civilian ships in the game have real prototypes you'll see the twin cargo ship Faina, a tanker Sirius Star, cruising yachts Leponant. The names change, but it is absolutely similar craft have been victims of pirate attacks.
German DVD ISO Demo 1.02GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Orbital Destruction MyPlayCity [top]

If you are in search of extraterrestrial adventures in the outer space and eager to take part in a defense mission, this game is full of thrills and unexpected turns, strange creatures and frightful attacks. The mission is against dangerous and hostile aliens who attack the planet and destroy everything they see. You are a pilot whose task is to stay invisible for their weapons - so you have to be a real professional. Get ready for extremely fast attacks and bullets aiming at you. Start your defense program with this extraordinary game. Orbital Destruction is full of fantastic surprises you will see that immediately. If you are not sure in your skill level and want to train a little - you are free to choose the level appropriate for you. The game process will be even more captivating when you discover that there are many types of weapons available. You will see that it's possible to gain points when you play and can get bonus items if you play well enough. What is more it's easy to control the game and the rules are quite simple to learn. Orbital Destruction is a good type of entertainment if you like speed, exact shooting and extreme conditions. So what are you waiting for - find your way through the numerous obstacles and enemies, protect the planet and get rid of disgusting monsters encroaching your freedom and well-being. Feel what it's like to become a real warrior.
Free Game 47MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Ouka Touhou Bou PictureCode [top]

This is a three dimensional danmaku focused battle with various spellcards effects, projectiles and special attacks. Set in a large square arena, there are eight playable characters and the player objective is to win a match by depleting their opponent's life bar. The game features a Story Mode, where player can play the game's storyline based on a chosen character; and Versus Mode that enables players to fight against each other or computer player opponents in a variety of settings.
Full Demo 122MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Perpetuum Avatar Creations [top]

Perpetuum is a persistent, single-shard MMORPG in a science fiction setting. The game is set on the world of Nia, encompassing twelve islands, each of which is a large game zone, covering approximately 1000km² each. The game primarily focuses on combat between customizable robots, both player and non-player controlled, as well as catering to free-form diplomacy between corporations run by the player and industrial or economic professions. Player bots and mechs are fully customizable. The range of activities is aided by a time-based character growth system, which continues even when players are not directly logged in to the server. Extension points (EP) are used to increase skills, allowing players to control bigger bots and upgrade them (increased speed, damage; decreased weapon cycle time). These upgrades are tied to the "agent" (the player and not the specific bot), similarly to the skill system of EVE. Since 23rd of April 2014, the game changed from subscription based to buy to play. With this change, only the players that log-in into the character selection screen at least every 3 days gain EP. Alternatively, the player can buy a booster, for an increased EP gain (50%) and as long as the booster is active, it drops the requirement to log in every 3 days. This booster is cheaper than the previous subscription (both lasting 30 days). The growth rate is 1440 EP/day or 2160 EP/day with a booster. The EP is granted at 8am local server time. Combat is action-based between people who control their bots or people versus computer controlled NPC (mobs). The game revolves around PVP with PVE elements as a support for in-game research and production. Bots and mechs are of different types/factions (color based) and use different weapons (blue - magnetic, yellow - lasers, green - missiles). There are supporting modules such as E-WAR, repair modules, armors and other. There is also a neutral type of industrial bots. The official Perpetuum server shut down on January 25th, 2018 but the server source code was released for standalone servers to be used by community.
Download: None currently available

Poisonville Bigpoint Games / Playboy [top]

Poisonville is a 3D action browser game with a mafia theme made for in excess of $2 million for Playboy to further reach males aged 18-34. Players explore a large urban area where they are free to shoot NPC ruffians, and steal cars from civilians. Watch out for other players since Poisonville has open PvP! Form gangs, complete missions, and become the most respected gangster on the streets! Poisonville is Bigpoint's most ambitious browser game to date. Built using Java, Poisonville is a huge urban metropolis where players control characters on the run from the authorities. Earn cash doing missions for NPCs, or make your own way by gunning down thugs on the street. Jack cars and drive them to get around the large city, but be careful. You're not the only gangster in town. Open PvP means other players can gun you down on sight. Work together to form gangs and take control of the streets. Buy new guns, ammo, and other accessories to stay on top. The game is shut down.
Free Game ( @ Official Site)

Procedure Eugene Kalenyuk and Alexander Kalenyuk [top]

It took ten months to develop this simple yet fun rail shooter game that would allow you to see your PC from inside and feel the thrill of debugging procedures. Assorted cyberweapons await you as well as countless digital bugs to demolish. At the end of each campaign level you will meet a boss-bug far more tough than common bugs, so be prepared and train in survival mode to gain more experience.
Trial Demo 21MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Psychic Online LIZARD interactive [top]

Psychic Online, a next-gen game overcoming the limitations of both FPS and TPS and striving to present itself as a new TPS action and fighting game. When maximizing the FPS style "shooting" elements and the TPS style "action" elements, Psychic Online integrates much new content like diversified characters and "super powers" and offers dynamic gameplay, which are all the game's special features. It's very much like Sega's Psychic Force meets Maiet Entertainment's Gunz: The Duel. Just imagine lots of off the wall action in corridor style maps, with, yes, you guessed it, psychic powers. It features several character classes to choose from, a fair selection of weapons to utilize and, like the name says, several psychic powers to manipulate which can drastically change the flow of the combat. There is a total of four character classes: Movers, Faders, Modulaters and Binders. Not only do the classes breakdown in what psychic abilities they'll utilize (i.e., Movers can push or pull objects, Faders can disappear or manipulate visibility, Modulaters can repel objects and Binders can alter their own gravity to leap high distances) but character classes will also determine what weapons will be made available for players to use. Snipers are relegated to the sleek Binder class with an optional side-arm. Just about all the heavy weapons and close-quarter shotguns belong to the beefy looking Modulaters. Small arms pistols and blades are for the femme fatale Faders. Movers basically specialize in sub-machine guns and automatic pistols. There's the option to roll, shoot, dodge and perform skill-based maneuvers, which, for some characters includes using the physics-based properties to throw or move objects around within a map. The game has shut down.
Free Korean Open Beta ( @ Official Site)

Scourge Project, The: Episodes 1 and 2 Tragnarion Studios / bitbox games [top]

Set in the near future, The Scourge Project throws you into the boots of Echo Squad, an elite group of mercenaries hired by The Tarn Initiative to deal a decisive blow against the power-hungry Nogari Corporation. Your mission: First, to locate and rescue Dr Reisbeck, Tarn's double-agent inside Nogari; Second, to recover a piece of the meteorite fragment that Nogari has used to develop Ambrosia, the powerful new energy source with which they now control the world economy.
Stranded on Nogari Island shortly after being mysteriously attacked during your covert insertion, and surrounded on all sides by hostile forces, you'll need all of your skill to stay alive as you fight your way through the chaos that has consumed the alien-infested facilities that lie before you...
Originally developped as a FPS, The Scourge Project is now a 3rd-Person Shooter created using Unreal Engine 3 to deliver exciting single, co-op (up to 4 players), and multiplayer game play. The game is episodic and as of April 2010, only Episodes 1 and 2 are released, giving players more than 5 hours of gameplay.

See also: #Scourge: Outbreak

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Co-op Level Demo 1.52GB (uploaded by Game Pressure)
Review by wkduffy
Full Demo Episodes 1 & 2 plus Updates 1 & 2 (provided by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 3.75GB

Shaftdiver D.N.A. Softwares [top]

This is a pseudo 3D Doujin STG, a "Space Harrier" clone starring characters from the excellent and popular Doujin shooter "Hellsinker". You play as returning characters "Deadliar", "Mino Game", and "Fossil Maiden" with a decidely younger look as you blast your way through eight default segments in this fast paced arcade-style shooter that takes a page from Sega's glory days. The game features numerous settings, four difficulty levels, and was later patched in 2011 to include two really AWESOME soundtracks; one by D.N.A. Software Creations (the original) and another by two members of the popular music group "Diverse System" (Recreated). Each character has different strengths, weaknesses, and special weapons. Deadliar is the typical average character with average attack power and average speed but with a powerful widespread bomb special weapon good for large enemy waves. Mino Game is weak attacker but fast mover and shoots many homing shots with "her" special weapon which are pretty good for waves but tough against smaller waves and bosses. Fossil Maiden, just like in Hellsinker, is potentially the hardest character to use; slow but powerful and with a special weapon which makes a huge energy field that covers a majority of the screen and destroys almost anything that comes in contact with it. However, to use it effectively requires skill and timing. Completing the game allows you to select which segment you want to play on. The graphics are pretty good by doujin standards with nice character sprites and neat little effects like splashing against water and smoke trails, but one of the interesting things about the game is that you can alter the game's resolution through the command line, opting for different aspect ratios like 4:3, 16:9, or whatever you see fit. The gameplay is not complex and mirrors the core aspects of SH right down to racking up points just for moving, but adds things like Special Weapons, multiple characters, and "Immortality Bonus" for skilled players.
Japanese ISO Demo + Updates 126MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Splinter Cell 5: Conviction Ubi Soft Montreal / Ubi Soft [top]

You are a fugitive, ruthlessly hunted by the very government you used to serve. Your only choice is to improvise to survive.
Experience original gameplay based on improvisation in which your environment is your top weapon. Always on your toes, you need to react on the fly to any changing situations and use the environment and the crowds around you to create diversions and deter your enemies.
As a fugitive, quick thinking and adaptation are essential to turn the situation to your advantage. A gameplay experience delivering 100% adrenaline includes close combat and shooting sequences. To survive, build an underground network of allies who will help you obtain high-tech gadgets and stay one step ahead of your pursuers as you struggle to unmask the forces that frame you.
You've never played Splinter Cell like this before.
DVD ISO Demo 7.79GB (uploaded by Egon68)
dll unlocker, speedhack 106kb (uploaded by basetta)

Splinter Cell 5: Conviction - Deniable Ops Insurgency Pack Ubi Soft [top]

Priced at $9.99 or 800 MS Points, the Insurgency Pack brings forth new missions for Archer and Kestrel on four additional maps that sprawl over several locales, from the docks of San Francisco to a New Orleans cemetery. Players can take on challenges in the Hunter, Face Off, Infiltration or Last Stand multiplayer modes. It's set in locales ranging from the docks of San Francisco to a New Orleans cemetery, a prison in Portland to a hidden research complex in Salt Lake City.
Full Demo + Patch 1.04 & Unlocker/DLC Extras 842MB+12MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)

Star Trek Online Cryptic Studios, Inc. / Atari Europe S.A.S.U. [top]

This is a MMORPG set in the Star Trek universe. The game takes place 30 years after the events in the movie Star Trek Nemesis and builds upon the destruction of the Romulan homeworld Romulus portrayed at the beginning of Star Trek (2009). With the Romulans being crippled and even at the point of extinction, the Klingons seize the opportunity in 2382 and start conquering the Romulan sector, leading to a strained relationship with the Federation. In 2399 the band snaps and the Khitomer Accords, the sole reason for 106 years of peace, are broken. Now the current game date is 2409 and war rages in the Alpha Quadrant with the Federation fighting against the Klingons, an again-strong Dominion, the Borg and several other enemies. At the start of the game, the player creates a Federation character and can choose from nine different races including Trill, Andorian and Vulcan. The ability to create a member of the Klingon Empire like a Gorn or an Orion becomes only available after reaching level 6 (of 50) as a member of the Federation. This limitation takes into consideration that the Klingon Empire is focused on Player-vs-Player-Combat either against themselves or members of the Federation in combat-arenas or in space with only a handful of quests being available to Klingon players. Besides that difference, the gameplay remains the same on both sides. The game is divided into two parts: Space and Land. Right from the start of the game, the player has full control over his own star-ship from a 3rd-person point-of-view allowing him to traverse the space between the sectors and the star-systems on a tactical map as well as take part in full-blown space battles. The player always directly controls the movement of his ship and has full control over its speed, weapons, shields and energy-allocation making the battles very tactical, although not as complex as in the Star Trek: Starfleet Command series. In addition the player has access to special abilities depending on which of the three classes (science, engineering or tactical officer) the player chose for his character. He can also employ help from up to three bridge officers who themselves have special talents. NPC bridge officers also beam down with the player to planets, stations and such if he's not in a team with other human players. Land battles are fought in real-time (again from a 3rd-person perspective) but are more stationary and play more like combat in other MMOs than the space battles. Although flanking an opponent gives a bonus to damage, using abilities is the main way to success and experience points. Each enemy whether killed in space or on the ground grants experience points and advances both the player and his bridge officers in rank (which function as levels). This way the player and his officers earn skill points to be distributed among the several different skill trees, unlocking new abilities for both ground and space or improving existing ones. The player always has full control over his bridge officers. He alone decides their armor and weaponry, which skills they level up and if they are worthy to be promoted to a new rank. This is also the case for his ship which he can outfit with better gear, change the appearance of or replace with a completely new one once he's reached specific ranks and unlocked access to new ship classes. Each star system in the game is its own instance while the overall tactical map is hosted on one server. Once a player enters a system, he'll automatically join other players already there and be brought up to speed regarding the current status of their quest (if there is one). Once the objectives - usually a combination of space and ground battles - are completed, the players return to the tactical map and can get their reward right away through the use of the communicator instead of flying back to the quest-giver. Typically new quests are also obtained this way. At launch, the game required a game purchase and a recurring monthly fee. On January 17, 2012 it relaunched with a tier of free-to-play access available.
Free Client (uploaded by Official Site)

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Aspyr Media / LucasArts [top]

The game takes place about six months after the events of the first game, and a year before Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Players will once again control Starkiller, Darth Vader's secret apprentice and the protagonist in the first game, who believes he is a clone. Starkiller escapes from captivity on Kamino where Darth Vader has again betrayed him by placing him in shackles and ordering his execution. After eliminating his stormtrooper captors, Starkiller embarks on a quest to understand his identity and to find his love interest from the first game, Juno Eclipse. Meanwhile, Darth Vader has hired Boba Fett to track down Juno Eclipse to lure Starkiller out of hiding. The game includes fewer enemy types, instead focusing on making enemies more "special and unique"; the game also has "epic" boss battles. The game also allows players to dismember enemy characters. There is a new mind trick which makes enemies fight along side you or run off a ledge killing themselves.
DVD ISO Demo 5.97GB (uploaded by Egon68)

Stargate Resistance Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment, Dark Comet Games / FireSky / MGM Interactive [top]

Stargate Resistance is a fast-paced and deadly 3rd person shooter for control of the entire galaxy!
The arrogant System Lords believe they are the true masters of the universe, and have begun a savage campaign to dominate and enslave the known worlds.
Stargate Command operatives are the first line of defense against this menace. Small teams of brave agents use the Stargate to travel about the galaxy and parry the thrust of these alien overlords. Whichever side you choose, each battle will be one of wits, skill, and reflexes that can decide the fate of the entire galaxy!
Due to bankruptcy of the developer, the multiplayer servers for the game will be shut down on January 15/2011.
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Full Demo v1.0.1.9 *no longer playable 1.16GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Community-powered multiplayer modes *requires registration to download (uploaded by Official Fan Site)

Stargate Worlds (cancelled) Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment / FireSky [top]

This was to provide players with a form of ranged combat unique to MMORPG that would take full advantage of modern and science fiction weaponry, cover, and terrain. Players would be able to form squads with their friends or use bots for players who wanted to go solo. Squad leaders would control maneuvers and objectives through an innovative combat control interface. Players may have chosen to create characters that are members of either the SGC (the Good Guys) or the System Lords (the Bad Guys). Characters were equipped with varied and mixed skills, with the choice to form such classes as Research, Combat Marine, Medical, Scientific, Diplomatic, Engineering, Archeological, and Exploration. PVP would be possible between the two alliances on many contested worlds, actually swaying the balance of power on those planets, and unlocking hidden content. Cooperative play would also be possible, and players would be encouraged to forge temporary alliances to deal with greater threats, such as the Ori. The universe evolves as players inhabit and vie for control over alien worlds. Local populations would shift their allegiance between the two alliances. Outside threats, such as the Ori, would conspire to further change the face of these worlds. Players would be able to tip the balance of power on these worlds, beating back the Ori invasion, and swaying the local populations to their side through quests, combat and trade. Whether you are a solitary explorer, master tradesman, or commander of a massive armed force- your every action would alter the worlds of the Stargate universe. Work was started on the game in 2006 but it only reached being a closed beta before the game was cancelled when the developer filed for bankruptcy.
Beta Demo v0.8348.1.4046 ( 2009 06 30) 3.9GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Server emu *register to view (uploaded by Stargate Resistance)
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Tron Evolution Propaganda Games / Disney Interactive Studios [top]

Evolution is a third-person action game with racing and RPG elements incorporated. The game shows how the virtual landscape deteriorated to the state seen in Legacy. And the game shows several areas that the movie doesn't. T:E bridges the gap between the original Tron movie and Tron Legacy, Evolution puts players control the character of Anon, an AI created by Flynn to investigate a massive virus that's tearing the grid apart. There's heavy platforming elements. Anon's movement style combine elements of parkour/free running and capoeira and he'll be leaping and scaling the walls of the gridworld like a neon-&-black Prince of Persia. The disc combat moves along in brisk fashion and comes off as far more brutal than expected. When the digital bad guys discorporateinto bits of data, it really feels like something violent is happening to them. Anon will wield four kinds of discs: bomb, heavy, corruption and stasis. Stasis lets him levitate and has a slowdown effect, bomb blows stuff up and so on. Anon will also be able to shift between various states–defense, sprint, and combo–which all create new functions for the four disc types. Any upgrades you earn in the single-player game will be available in online play and multiplayer will be comprised of five-player teams battling it out on huge maps. But Anon won't be doing all of his battling on foot. Of course, the iconic lightcycles show up in Evolution. Huge imposing light-tanks will be part of the vehicular combat in the game and they do not mess around. Olivia Wilde will be reprising her role as "Quorra" from the film.
DVD9 ISO Demo 7.27GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Keygen (uploaded by Github)

Warcry: Reign of Sword T3 Entertainment / Hanbit Soft. Inc. [top]

Warcry is an online third person shooter game set in a fantasy world. In the game, the player can select from 12 characters and each map allows a maximum of 16 players to fight against each other. And the players will experience both real-time strategy and shooting in Warcry. There's a wide variety of weapons that each character can use. Unlike your average TPS Online games in War Cry Online you can use magic, swords, dual axes, dual daggers, magic, and different kinds of guns depending on which character you pick. The game also has a leveling up system the more players you kill during a match, the more skill points you will earn to invest into different skills during that session. There are two sides of each game which are Horde and Empire. Each faction has their own mirror hero on the other side. For example the Empire Alchemist has similar skills, weapons, and spells just like the Horde's Shaman. Each side has around four playable heroes. The game is no longer running.
Free Korean Open Beta ( @ Official Site)

Zero Gear Brian Cronin [top]

This is physically-fueled, online multiplayer kart combat madness. Deck out your kart and character before jumping into one of many different game modes. Outrageous kinematic gameplay and weapons make every round a blast. The potential for tiny vehicular mayhem has never been so humongous. Boost, flip, spin, and slide your way to victory. Features: Up to 8 players; Customizable karts and characters; Multiple game modes to compete in, including Race, Tag, Goal, and Target modes; Over 15 maps to compete in; Non-stop physics driven action; Ridiculous weapons and power-ups, including tornadoes, repulsor shields, and love-seeking L.U.V. bots.
Steam Level Demo (uploaded by Steam)
Full Demo 233MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Free Fan-Made Games

A3P: Acquire Attack Asplode PWN / Stainless Evan Todd (et1337) [top]

A3P is an indie online shooter that runs right in your web browser. It combines the best aspects of the Third Person Shooter and Real-Time Strategy genres. Load out your units with weapons and special abilities, then lead them to victory on the battlefield. In a deathmatch game, you earn money by capturing drop pods, then use it to purchase weapons and abilities for yourself and up to two other units. Or you can save up for better stuff later on. In Survival mode, up to four players cooperate to defeat an army of enemy AI. Each wave pits you against enemies with different weapons and abilities. You receive a fixed amount of money after each wave, and no helper units are allowed. Weapons include a shotgun, chaingun, sniper, pistol, grenade launcher, and molotov. Special abilites include a cloak, shield, awesome invincibility, kamikaze explosion, and rocket.
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Free Game v1.0 64MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Aero Flux pieterator [top]

This is a bullet hell shooter created using Game Maker 8.1. Each sprite was loving rendered in Photoshop, and the sounds edited in Audacity. You will notice that the game draws heavily on Dodonpachi. Gameplay mechanics: Tapping the fire button makes you move at normal speed, holding it down makes you move at halve speed; Destroying enemies fills up your experience bar (Orange), which increases your firepower; Destroying enemies increases your multiplier, which increases the rate at which you score points; Dodging or Grazing enemy bullets fills up your bomb bar (Magenta), which when full, adds one bomb to your bomb stock; If you get hit by an enemy bullet, and have bombs in stock, the bomb save will activate. This will clear the whole stage of enemy bullets for about two seconds, but will not damage the enemies; There are 8 bonus enemies per stage (Big orange orbs) that double their score each time one is killed i.e. 500, 1000, 2000 -> 64000. They account for a quarter of your score, so don't miss them; Destroying all enemies in a certain group (Hinted at by "+" signs appearing when enemy is destroyed) will give a bonus; Destroying the bigger enemies at point blank range releases bonus stars. You can choose a different costume colour for your character at the select screen by pressing up or down before you select them.
Free Game Beta v1.5 41MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Antibody Blue Barracudas Studios [top]

This is a rails shooter that takes the player on a journey through a very sick person. You control a prototype white blood cell, injected into an extremely sick body in order to erase any traces of disease by way of heavy medicinal artillery. Your goal in the game is to destroy all viruses, bacteria, and parasites that you encounter through your trip. The inside of the human body is a dark place and the only real light source comes from your ship. In addition to avoiding walls and creatures popping out of hiding spots, the player will also have to be careful not to get ambushed by enemies coming in through the foreground. These sneaky baddies often come in packs and can easily catch unaware players off-guard. As onslaughts become greater, the player can pick up standard power-ups from discarded foes, like double shots and extra missiles. It was made by a group of Full Sail University students from Winter Park, Florida.
Free Game v1.1 180MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Bang! DigiPen (USA) Corp. [top]

Navigate your way through a swarm of enemy ships, deftly dodge incoming fire, and strike back with your own arsenal, cutting a swath of destruction through your enemies' ranks. This is a student project at Digipen.
Free Game 39MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Blazing Wings Christophe ‘Aligarion’ Simon [top]

This is a fan-made remake of Wings of Death, a vertical shmup developed by the German team Eclipse Software and distributed by Thalion, originally released in 1990 on Atari ST(e) and Amiga. As a true ode to fantasy, it makes you be the magician Sagyr in his fight against Xandrilia, an evil witch. Metamorphosed into a bat by the traitor witch, the game makes you become a dragon, an eagle, a dragonfly or a gryphon. Seven worlds full of ugly beasts stand between the player and Sagyr deliverance from the mischievous spell. It was made with Game Maker. Features: Modern remixes from Nils Schneider; Super Eagle filtered GFX (will be remade in the future); Seven original levels of pure action plus an eigth bonus level designed by myself and drawn by Daniel Buehler with a tune from Nils ‘505’ Feske, as a true ode to the original game, in this new level I wanted the player to find Xandrilia and fight her in an ultimate bloody fight.
Free Game v1.1.4 59MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Boom Unknown [top]

We are now in a difficult time, as our planet has been the target of a raid by many thousands of ruthless aliens who want to deplete all their minerals and exterminate humanity. It won't save anyone, quite the opposite. Fortunately, there are a handful of daredevils who intend to put their lives on the line to free their species from this terrible threat. Become a hero who holds a submachine gun in his muscular hands, with which he sends every intruder under flowers. At the beginning of the game we can choose the level of difficulty and then we have to rely only on our vigilance and especially a good line of sight. We appear somewhere in a residential area, where we wander through living spaces and cellars, which we patiently comb. We soak our eyes into the darkness and look for the slightest movement. Caution is of the utmost importance here, as we should strike at the enemy before he strikes us if we do not want to give up our precious life. We fire a few shots at him from our magazine using the Z key. Controlling our hero is also very easy, he moves using the directional arrows on the keyboard, quite faithfully and smoothly. Although the game does not have particularly good graphics, after a while we will get well acquainted with the environment and learn to distinguish between individual objects and enemies. Action music dominates throughout the game.
Free Game 21kb (uploaded by FreeGameArchive)

Bungle In The Jungle Irrelevant Modding [top]

This is a free team death-match, first person shooter set in South America during the Spanish invasion. Players are split into teams and will take control of a "class" or "character" and work together in the effort to complete their objectives. The game is not historically accurate by any measure and many of the characters are made with a light-hearted sense of humour in mind. It was made by a team of 5 students from RMIT University. The project was conducted over 24 weeks and was made with the Unreal Development Kit (UDK).
Free Game 229MB (uploaded by IndieDB)

Burning Thirst Ninja Monkeys Team [top]

This is a free action game with brutal fighting, using contact weapons in a God of War style. Following a Grindhouse esthetical it is set in a post apocalyptic world. In the game we play as Joe Blades, an ex aircraft pilot who survived the catastrophe. Our main object is to retrieve the last existing whisky bottle, which is in Perdition City, under the custody of Bruce Krauser and his band of mutants. To get it back we'll have to use all our extraordinary skills to finish with all the enemies who get in our way. There will also be the final battle in the city's casino. The core mechanics consists in the linking of several attacks with a short and medium range weapon, which will allow us to get rid of several enemies all at once. We also have the option of doing special attacks or of finishing off enemies in an especially cruel way using fatalities.
Free Game 126MB ( @ ModDB)

Castle Totenkopf SDL Wolf Skevos-Jones [top]

This is a reboot of WJS' first mod 'Castle Totenkopf' (Sep 2002), using the Wolf4SDL source port. Here are just some of the features: new graphics, new high-quality sounds and music, new weapons, including a scoped rifle and usable MG42's, smarter enemies, improved levels, floor/ceiling textures, and light shading.
Free Game 21MB (uploaded by The Wolf 3D Dome)

Coda Coda Team [top]

Coda started as an Unreal Tournament 3 mod before using the Unreal SDK to make a standalone game. It focuses on thoughtful, unforgiving, competitive, fast paced and stylish gameplay. It will provide several interesting systems which players will have to use in harmony in order to defeat their opponents. Initially the mod will focus around an original sword fighting system based on mouse movements. Next magic and psionic energy systems will be implemented, and tightly integrated into the sword fighting gameplay. Coda will feature a player control system which borrows mechanics from fighting games such as Guilty Gear. Several maps and completely original characters are available.
Free Standalone Game v1.3 158MB (uploaded by ModDB)

Dead Steel Radnom Games / Media Design [top]

Dead Steel is a top-down shooter game created with Gamebryo. The game was made as a team project of seven students (four programmers and three artists) to create a fully-functional game within six months. It's a top view space shooter. The protagonist, Space Marine, dressed in armor, must try to survive, battling with a lot of monsters. They are attacking waves, each of which becomes more and longer than the previous one. The game has two modes: Classic and Survival. In the Classic mode, you try to reflect the fifteen waves attacking from all sides of monsters. After each wave will be available to upgrade weapons. At 8 and 15 you have to fight with the bosses. In survival mode your goal is simply to survive as long as possible. The game also can attach the two main characters to the overall management, and destroy the monsters one at Two Smoking Barrels.
Free Game 210MB ( @ Official Site)

Dead Wake PolyCount Productions [top]

Dead Wake is a top down shooter zombie survival game which was originally developped as a FPS but changed the view when the Beta 5 was released. Your mission is to get out of a town infested by zombies and to help you, you have many different weapons and a dog.
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Beta Demo 4 (FPS view) ~33MB ( @ FileFront)
Free Full Game v1.0.3 ~31MB ( @ Official Site)

Decay Saytek [top]

This is a free First Person Shooter made with the FPS Creator Engine. Story: My Name is Samuel B. Born and I'm a common soldier in the Army. I've wanted to follow my normal workday, but suddenly something unexcepted happenened. There was a loud explosion out of nowhere which robbed us of our hearing and all i can remember is that i fell to the ground. When I was back on my legs, I couldn't believe what I saw...it was a disaster - blood was spread trough the whole corridors, and I haven't heard anything that indicated any survivor. And it's been so damned silent... I was alone...and it was my part to escape this chaos and to find out what happened in this station.
Free Game 345+5MB ( @ ModDB)

Deprivation: Direct Action Wolf [top]

This is a Game made in only 8 hours in FPS Creator X9 with Fenix Mod and is a somewhat tactical shooter. You play as a Mercenary of the Silent Waters Agency, a Merc. Group unofficially sponsored by several governments. You joined 3 Years ago, no one knows about your past or your real name, no one knows what happened to you and made the cold, brutal Mercenary out of you. All they know is that you always complete your Missions as long as the pay's good. You are "Silent Waters" Top Men for Dirty Business... one man who can kill hundreds. One man without a name, without a past and without any conscience. You've been contracted by a person who called himself "the French" to break into a secret bunker complex of the German terror group "Tollwütige Schakale"...Your Mission: Recover a Laptop. Features: Air-modded highly upgraded weapons; Cool Graphics; Tactical Shooter Action; Voice Acting.
Free Game 144MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Euthanasia Serygala [top]

You play as Shaun Randall... after your time in the military, you lived a quiet, maybe a bit boring life. You worked as an office employee in a preserved food facility. Your payment was good enough for you, your son Mike and your attractive but ordinary wife Kelly. One day, you wanted to go to work, but a Taxi knocked you down. You survived the accident but you've lost your legs. They were paralyzed forever. You would be bound to a wheelchair for the rest of your entire life. You've been assigned to a mental hospital after your first try to kill yourself. One of the Therapists, Doctor Van Wargen, had understanding and compassion for you. He gave you an injection that killed you. You've been euthanised. The Doctor did everything necessary so it would look like a suicide. Patient Shaun Randall: Suicide - Died 21 January 1965. In that sleep of death...what dreams may come? This free FPS is made with FPS Creator x9 and has 10 full playable levels.
Patch 1 74MB (uploaded by ModDB)
Free Game 429MB (uploaded by hgdagon)
Free Game Patched Version 484MB (uploaded by 3Spot)

Exodus Exodus_Game [top]

This is a free sci-fi FPS made with Unreal Development Kit (UDK). The world's natural resources have been exhausted. The U.S. government has ordered all remaining resources to go into research and development to rapidly grow the dying plant life in the world. Multiple science labs across America have begun independent research on the best course of action. One of the teams is led by Dr. Reed. His lab has found a concoction that can be used as a chemical weapon; the lab is divided on if this experiment should be pursued. Dr. Reed's assistant Aiden is used as a patient zero and is injected with the compound that produces rapid growth. The experiment fails. The lab they all worked in has been contaminated. The plants that were used to test, rapidly increase in size.... and hunger. The lab is destroyed and the lucky scientists are the ones that get crushed by falling debris and not eaten by the carnivorous plants. The plants' vines pierce through the ground and reach a nearby dam which expedites the growth of the plant menace ten fold.
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Free Game 664MB (uploaded by IndieDB)

Fate: Outpost November PW Productions [top]

You, Shaun Pyrril, must investigate abandoned BioChem Industries Outpost November for clues leading to the whereabouts of The BioChem headquarters. But in this case, exploring does not come without surviving. In the level made with FPS Creator, you move very slowly due to the heavy gravity of the environment. Also, there is little oxygen in the base, so you will be continuously breathing off of a gas mask type mechanism, which you will hear quite loudly. Your helmet has a zoom ability activated only by certain weapons, in this case, the Heavy Assault Rifle. You can use this by right clicking and checking out the environment. Enemies will pop up when you least expect it, and you will run into a few as well. Preserve ammo, and be careful...
Free Game 195MB (uploaded by The Game Creators)

FPS Terminator The Original Studios [top]

This is a single player experience for all Terminator fans using the Unreal Engine 3 UDK. Set in the year 2029 you are placed in the boots a of soldier serving for humankind against the ruthless army of machines. The final campaign will feature nine chapters of a roller coaster ride, inspired by James Cameron's masterpiece franchise. Confront the many killing machines at Skynet's disposal including the HK aerial, the HK tank, the mini HK, and the legendary T800 with an arsenal of futuristic plasma weapons.
Free Standalone Alpha Demo v2.0 372MB ( @ Official Site)

G-Style WEVAquadrant [top]

This is a completely new shmup from same developer as 2005's GStyle but with totally new graphics and losing the Gradius style. It has a normal mode and an easy type with reduced difficulty. You can't clear it without using the important system "Reflect Shot" of this game. By inserting a music CD into the CD drive, it will be played as BGM. This game does not contain music (includes sound effects). You can use three types of attack methods: Normal Shot, Sub Weapon, and Reflect Shot. Reflect Shot is a weapon that absorbs enemy bullets and releases them all at once. A powerful shot that penetrates enemies and terrain. Effective against enemies protected by terrain or armor. Other shots cannot be used while absorbing enemy bullets. Only energy bullets can be absorbed. Live bullets such as enemies and missiles cannot be absorbed. Also, the powerful lasers fired by some enemies cannot be absorbed.
Free Game 4MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Galactic Tournament Mikael Danielsson / The Game Assembly [top]

This is a space shooter made in 10 weeks as a student project at The Game Assembly.
Free Game ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 35MB

Guns and Spurs Sakis25 Games [top]

This is a free 3D western game that can be played from a first-person or third-person perspective. The player takes the role of the cowboy Johnny, who wants to take revenge after the death of his wife. The game is set in an open world environment that can be explored freely. Johnny can ride on a horse, and enter buildings such as saloons, gun shops and banks. The appearance be customized through the hat, torso and pants. Fights are done as challenges where actions have to be performed as in a quick-time sequence. The game contains six weapons. There are ten wanted missions and ten horse races. You can also buy new safehouses from around the map. The 'Wanted' missions have quickdraw mini-games.
Free Game 17MB (uploaded by GameJolt)

Helios Egomaniac Productions / DigiPen Institute of Technology [top]

Fly in the face of an epic alien assault in this fast-paced shoot 'em up. Run circles around your enemies as you collect different weapons to maximize the punishment you dish out. This was a student project at DigiPen.
Free Game 47MB (uploaded by Official Site)

HMS Diptera Ben Thompson / BootStudios [top]

This is a short first person shooter created with FPS Creator. You are John Reid, a security guard assigned to the cargo ship HMS Diptera. When the game begins you are about to start your shift guarding the cargo hold and a radiation wave is about to hit the ship. After the wave hits the ship strange things starts to happen and it is up to the player to save the day. This game features only three weapons and limited ammunition.
Free Game v1.03 183MB (uploaded by CNET Download.com)

Hopeless 2: Mercenary Camp Necromanthus / Infodata [top]

This is an online multiplayer shooting game made with Shockwave in which everyone fights for themselves. You can play from third person or first person view. Choose your character, one of the 14 maps, the server and start the battle. You get an up-close and personal seat as players from all around the world battle it out with over a dozen weapons, including favorites like the RPG, AW-50 sniper rifle, XM-29 and M-249 machine guns, and even a killer Colt .45 powerhouse handgun. There are also different mods that can be chosen: Retro, Retro 2, Stryke and WWII. More maps and gameplay changes continue to be added.
Browser-Playable Free Game *requires Shockwave (uploaded by Official Site)

Hopper Marc P. Michel [top]

This is a 3D game taking place on the surface of planet. You control a lunar lander style of vehicle which you have to manoeuvre over indicated paths. Keep an eye on your fuel and hull damage gauges. The goal was to replicate the Psygnosis' Lander ship control in a very simple gameplay: landing on landing pads without crashing. It has a material-based collision system, a level editor, gameplay modes, a tutorial, a minimal GUI system, a configurable input manager. It was made with Ogre3D engine.
Free Prototype ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 92MB

Hydorah Locomalito [top]

Choose the path to follow and fight planet by planet against hordes of meroptians. Hydorah features lots of short and intense levels with fantasy spacial landscapes, unlockable weapons, secrets, and a large library of enemies and bosses. There is a single dificulty level, based on the 80's standards. It can be hard, but with every beaten level there will come the glory. Graphics and playability are both old school style, simple but hard polished. The huge original soundtrack was composed exclusively by the brilliant Gryzor87, who has not hesitated in taking legendary synthesizers to create a retrofuturistic, powerful and sometimes dark soundtrack. Each level has a same-length track, composed to fit the visuals like a glove. The whole game takes obvious influence from Gradius, Castlevania or R-Type, but also from other classics treated worse by the time: Turrican, Enforcer, Space Manbow, Hellfire, Guardian, Hydefos, Armalyte and many others.
Free Game v1.1 82MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Hypersonic 2 GameCrafterTeam [top]

This is the second free air combat simulator from the Thailand developers. Welcome to the ultimate action war game which will bring you to the continent Gaia in 2003, 12 years before the passage of HyperSonic, before the world will be left with just two terminals, power connectors, and Ground Zero. With realistic physics system and masses of wise enemy AI. The concentrated story has a voice in harmony with the game. This is a game you will not put down until you finish the last checkpoint.
Free Game 454MB (uploaded by Thaiware)

Imagination World Jblade35 [top]

IW v2 is a overhauled version of the original IW. It holds little in common with the original as the 3 episodes that featured in it have been heavily updated. Plenty of new weapons have been added and there are 2 new episodes as well. One of these consists of maps made by the Duke Nukem community for both IW v1 and V2. The other episode is a much more story orientated episode with time travel and even has a choice of endings. Iw v2 uses Eduke32, an Enhanced version of JfDuke with much more coding control allowing fantastic effects. The port it is based on allows for models and high res textures which IW v2 takes full advantage of.
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Free Standalone Game v2.1 340+40MB (uploaded by ModDB)

Laichenberg AND-OR [top]

Laichenberg is a firstperson shooter with a defect and was made with Unity engine. Frags are corpses; and they do not disappear in this game. The corpses of the enemies you kill, remain where they died and fell to the ground. If you kill more enemies, their remains start blocking your way and the narrow tunnels of the bunker system become insurmountable. Laichenberg refers to Friedrich Dürrenmatt's narrative fragment "Winter war in Tibet". Soldier 23 has to substitute his legs with rolls and his arms with weapons. In the end, all that remains for him is scribble on the wall, meter for meter, back and forth. Laichenberg means mountain of spawning (german: "laichen") and piles of corpses (german: "Leichen"). In an apocalypse it shows how a simple defect alters a game. Laichenberg does not make the dead disappear such as firstperson shooters usually do. The effect is that soon enough there is no space left to play in the labyrinth.
Free Game 15MB ( @ Official Site)

M.A.R.S.: A Ridiculous Shooter Simon Schneegans and Felix Lauer [top]

This is a first attempt to create a game in OpenGL with SFML. It is a game for two players, flying with ships in a two-dimensional space setting, governed by the laws of gravity. In year 3547, civilizations all over the galaxy have settled their own planets, living in peace and harmony with its environment. But outside the contemplative habitats, the GREAT WAR is raging. As a famous fighter on your way to never ending honor and prosperity, you have to protect your planet from the oncoming doom of your jealous neighbours. Fight the battle, a true hero as you are was born for: SPACEBALL. Protect your planet from the sphere of death and defeat your enemies by letting it crush into their ridiculous globe. The negotiations have failed. Both of you and your neighbours had to record enormous losses in conclusion of the abiding GREAT WAR. As a last attempt of gaining the upper hand, you are ordered to decimate your enemy’s resources and to protect your own one’s. The only way to do so is an epic TEAMDEATHMATCH. Protect your comrades and destroy your enemies. As the GREAT WAR reduces your resources drastically, scientists were engaged to find a way of efficiently destroying your enemy by limiting the given input. They did a lot of research and eventually created a new weapon with an incredible property: It kills instantly, but launched projectiles are really affine to any gravitation and they’re quite difficult to handle. Therefore they called it: INSTA-GRAVE. Unfortunately someone stole the technology, so your enemies can use this evil weapon, too. Now it is your turn: Defeat those thieves in the great GRAVE-ITATION-PIT to regain the upper hand. Win this battle, and the victory of the GREAT WAR may be yours. As if the GREAT WAR was not enough, your planetary system is threatened by a new source of incredible evilness: A giant ship of unknown invaders is levitating over your galaxy, aiming on the home planets with a monolithic weapon of mass destruction. As a sign of cynicism, the attackers dropped a remote control to adjust this provenance of death and fear. Reach it first to turn your enemy’s home planet into a place of desolation. Be the CANNONKEEPer. As a result of the GREAT WAR you have lost everything: your home, your family and your self-esteem. Your last chance to get out of the miserable life you are stuck in, is to become a gladiator in the glorious DEATHMATCH-arena. Resist the other fighters and earn points by destroying the nutshells, they call ships. Features: awesome 2D-graphics with an unique style and shader support; a stunning amount of particles; single- and multiplayer-support; artificial intelligence using an aggro-system, which reacts differently upon varying situations and uses inter-bot communication via jobs; many impressive weapons and specials; customizable ships; a very sexy GUI; support for many different languages.
Free Game - Alpha v0.7.4 72MB (uploaded by Sourceforge)

Magnesian PineApple Fish [top]

This is a free side-scrolling platform-puzzler game made with the Unreal Engine 3 UDK. The player uses magnetic abilities to move blocks and launch their character around. Left click fires the blue laser, while right fires the red. Fire red at a blue surface and you'll pull it towards you, but fire red on red and it'll push it away. Fire red at a blue wall, however, and you'll be pulled towards the wall. Firing red at a red floor will allow you to fly! See, tons of neat ideas to explore, and it's very pretty too. It can be a little fiddly at times, but still good solid fun.
Free Standalone Game 306MB (uploaded by Izzy Games)

Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch Cutman Mike [top]

This is a new multiplayer game that aims to take Mega Man's 8-bit style gameplay and turn it into an online multiplayer first person shooter. Everything you know and love from the classic series will appear in lovely 3d with 8-bit textures and sprites. You will be able to pick from any of your favourite Robot Masters from Mega Man 1 through 6, as well as find and use their weapons scattered around levels. With its intense battles, unique style, various game modes and huge amount of weapons and levels, MM8BDM is sure to please Mega Man and old school FPS fans alike. The game can be played in pretty much any game mode in Skulltag, but will be designed for Deathmatch. To keep the gameplay balanced and simple, you will have to find weapons scattered around the map and pick them up like in standard Doom fashion. Along with the huge amount of weapons, there are special inventory items which can be used at any time, such as the Rush Coil and E-Tank. The aim of the game is to destroy the enemy players and earn the most frags. It includes 4 maps, 5 skins and over 10 different weapons to try out. Supported gameplay modes on launch will include: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Last Man Standing (Randomly selected weapons), Team Last Man Standing, Possession, Team Possession, Capture The Flag, One Flag CTF, Terminator, Duel, Instagib (All robots fire instant killing Metal Blades). The game also has a single player campaign that is split into chapters, based on each Mega Man game. Each chapter takes you through all the standard maps with a predefined bot set up and boss battles. Between chapters you return to Dr. Light's lab, where you can practice with weapons etc.
Free Standalone Game v5c 119MB (uploaded by Official Site)

No More Gentlemen The Gentlemen's Club / Media Design [top]

This is a final six month game project. It combines all the knowledge and experienced gained over the last two years at Media Design School by a team composed of four programmers and four artists. No More Gentlemen is a Victorian based, third person zombie shooter which is playable with up to four players - a so called "Victorioperative Explosaganza". You play a rich upper class Gentleman in an old fashioned gentlemen's club, when all of a sudden the club comes under attack by wave after wave of zombies. There are a variety of weapons available, from the Victorian era, some that are cutting edge (with a steam punk feel), as these gentlemen must have the best of the best money can buy.
Free Game 500MB ( @ Official Site)

Noah's Jungle Noah's Jungle Development Team [top]

Have you ever forgotten where you put your underground laboratory? Do you ever get back pains when running from an angry tiger? Or have you ever felt the urge to terrorize the jungle with your band of monkey minions? If so, then you may enjoy Noah’s Jungle, a fun action-filled shooting game where you play as Noah, an insane (and slightly senile) scientist who has vowed to ‘save’ the animals of the jungle with the aid of his loyal band of monkeys. Explore a lush jungle forest, hunt and capture wild animals and command your monkey minions to do your bidding! But beware of Rangers, who may not enjoy your presence in their precious jungle! This game was made with UDK.
Free Game v0.6 263MB (uploaded by ModDB)

Nova Strider Eiksoft [top]

This is a shump made with BlitzMax. There are four levels / color variations, and the speed is continually increased as you go on so it gets quite difficult.
Free Game 3.6MB (uploaded by Official Site)

NOX Oliver [top]

NOX is an open source FPS game engine for DarkBASIC Pro. It has features such as: fast polygon collision, jumping, Stairs, Sliding down slopes, shooting, multiple weapons, projectiles, entities loaded straight from 3DWS (doors, health packs, ammo...), lightmaps, pixel shader flashlight, offset mapping (similar to bump), enemies with smooth animation and intelligent AI, vehicles (capable of anything from bulldozers to hovercrafts), and an unique HUD for picking up items, opening doors.
Free Beta v3.0 10MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Painkiller: Supernatural Sviatoslav [top]

This standalone fan-made game is based on the PainEngine v.1.64 and in fact it is not a modification but a separate game, not requiring the resources of the original. It contains 15 remade levels of Painkiller: Overdose (replaced with classic weapons, changed monsters, changed the sky, lighting, effects, gameplay), converted three-levels of Painkiller: Resurrection (changed gameplay, placement of monsters was modified, fixed some bugs), and two new ones. Added new secrets and fixed bugs and other changes.
Free Fan-Made Standalone Game 1.6GB (uploaded by PK Zone)

Pixel Force: Left 4 Dead Eric Ruth Games [top]

This fan-made game reimagines Left 4 Dead as if it was released as a NES game. It is a top-down shooter where you must go through levels based on those from the original game, battling zombies and special mutants, as you go between the different safe rooms that serve as checkpoints. Like in Left 4 Dead you have two weapon slots - one for shotguns and machineguns and one for pistols. Pistols have unlimited ammo but are slow and weak. You also have a melee attack that pushes enemies away. Holding down the fire button will lock your direction, allowing you to strafe or shoot while walking backwards. Killed enemies might drop ammo or health packs, which otherwise are only found in the saferooms. While you have unlimited lives, dying will send you back to the last saferoom. The game is playable with 1 or 2 players and there are two difficulty settings.
Free Game 19MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Resident Evil Memory (fangame) PsiquiGames [top]

This is an FPS video game tribute to the Resident Evil series (1, 2 and 3). It was made with FPS Creator. In the game you will find puzzles, zombies and many things related to this series made for the PSX.
Full Freeware 285MB ( @ Official Site)

Resident Evil: Raccoon Madness Victor Follandor [top]

In this free fan game, you guide Leon S. Kennedy or Claire Redfield from the Resident Evil series through several rooms inside a building in Raccoon City until you reach the top to flee by helicopter. However, there is a problem: the building is infested with zombies and other creatures and you have only 20 minutes to escape before everything collapses. Note - if you manage to collect 6,000 points, you get a special opponent. This game was made exclusively for the contest on the Sixty Four Digits forum theme of Game Maker Brazil to make a shooting game.
Free Game 4.4MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Smart Shopper Vancouver Film School [top]

This is a free cartoon-style standalone first person thrower (FPT) in which four characters try to win the most calories in a fictionalized grocery store. It was developed by six students at the Vancouver Film School using the UDK engine. With over 60 different items to use as weapons, the design team assign a calorie count value to the store's items based on size and weight. The higher your calorie count, the better your game standing.
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Free Standalone Game 315MB ( @ Official Site)

Sp.A.I Queensland's University of Technology in Australia [top]

This is a slick Tron-style puzzle-platformer in which you hack firewalls, decrypt files and try not to activate the security protocols. Developed by a team of students using the Unreal Engine 3 SDK, Sp.A.I sees you taking control of Aiva, a virtual world infiltrator. She brings down firewalls via increasing difficult block puzzles, swims through the innards of the program dodging lasers and security bots, and decryps files by entering them and navigating her way to the core. It's incredibly lovely stuff, and something you should definitely check out.
Free Game 215MB ( @ IndieDB)
Level Demo final version presented at Epic Games studio 233MB (uploaded by IndieDB)

Squadron AIU: Dark Storm David Graham [top]

Squadron AIU is set in a world 200 years in future. Earth's history is not what we thought it was and the true past will soon be revealed. The consequence of this truth could change the human race and the universe forever. Earth's true enemy are the Sulin, a race that was once human, but now twisted by the power that had changed them 80 million years ago. One group stands in the path of the evil Sulin, a secretive unit. The Union of Planets only hope is the Alien investigation unit or simply referred to as Squadron AIU. The game was made with FPS Creator.
Free Game 972MB (uploaded by Terje_P)

Star Castle S. Borgquist (aka Sokurah) [top]

This is a fan remake of the black and white vector graphics arcade game by Cinematronics from 1980, but is here, with this remake, brought into the new millennia in all its glory with nice and glowing vector graphics, while retaining its great gameplay. It's a space-shooter, where the object is to destroy the central cannon, by shooting through the rotating rings surrounding it – the castle. Heavily defended – the cannon will do what it can to take you out before you can succeed. This must be done while avoiding or destroying ‘mines’ – enemies that spawn from the core, pass through the energy rings, and then home in on the player’s ship. They can stick back to the shield if the player maneuvers in such a way that a ring is between the ship and the mines. The player-controlled spaceship can rotate, thrust forward, and fire small projectiles. The cannon’s shields are composed of twelve sections each, and each section takes two hits to destroy. Once a section is breached, rings beneath it are exposed to fire. Once the innermost ring has been breached, the central weapon is vulnerable to attack from the player. However, the player is also more vulnerable at this point, as with the shield rings eliminated, the gun can fire out a large projectile that hisses with white noise. Moreover, the central core tracks player movement at all times. If the player manages to hit the cannon, it explodes violently, collapsing the remnants of the shield rings, and the player is awarded with a nice bonus. Extra ships are awarded every 10.000 points. The next level then starts with a new gun and fully restored shield rings, with the difficulty increased (the mines move faster, the rings rotate more quickly, and the core tracks the player faster). If the player completely destroys the outermost shield ring, the cannon will create a new one. The middle ring expands to replace the lost outer ring, the inner ring replaces the middle, and a new ring emerges from the core to become the inner ring. Therefore, in order to penetrate the cannon’s defenses, the player must be careful not to completely obliterate the outer ring. The game will start with three homing mines that will destroy the player’s ship on contact, but as you progress through the game there will be more of them. The mines can be destroyed, but they are very small and difficult to fire on, and the player does not receive points for destroying them. Mines are revived when shield rings regenerate (some variants keep the mines churning constantly so that a new mine respawns from the core as soon as one is destroyed). As the player progresses through the levels, the mines get faster and faster, forcing the player to keep moving to avoid them.
Free Game 6.6MB (uploaded by Tardis Remakes)

Super Crate Box Vlambeer [top]

This is a hectic shooter set in a single screen area filled with an endless amount of enemies. They spawn near the top and then run down to disappear in a fire at the bottom or are killed by the player. When the player does not manage to kill them, they return enraged, with a different colour, and a much faster speed. The main goal of the game is to collect crates that spawn in different parts of the level. Only one crate appears at all times and when it is picked up by the player it reappears at a different part. Each crate builds up a counter but also supplies the player with a new weapon, discarding the existing one. Three different areas can be unlocked as well as three modes per area, offering variations in the enemy strength and speed, or the spawn position. In each level different goals can be completed (usually based on collecting a number of crates). This unlocks new playable characters and weapons such as mines, a grenade launcher, a bazooka, a revolver, a laser rifle, a katana, and more.
Steam Free Game (uploaded by Steam)
Free Game 20MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Terror Attack: Project Fateh / Mumbai Terror Attack Shivam Sai Gupta / Indiagames Ltd. [top]

The sole purpose of this game is to unite you all to stand up against terrorism and was made by a 14-year old Indian boy. The catastrophic incident on the 26 November 2008 the day when Mumbai was attacked with massive explosions and brutal gunfire which took the lives of 195 fellow citizens and injured many, is still painful. This was his effort to tell them, We will not fall; We will stand tall. Kasab, the only terrorist caught alive will be sentenced to death and her-eon, all such anti-social elements will be exterminated from our society. We salute to all our policemen and NSG Commandos who risked their lives to keep us safe.
Free Game 119MB (uploaded by IndieDB)

Turtle Arena Zach Middleton [top]

This is a free and open source cross-platform third-person action game using the Spearmint engine. It's a multiplayer oriented with multiple game modes that can be played in splitscreen, over a network, and with bot players. Features: Four player splitscreen; Network multiplayer; 7 Playable Gametypes; Single Player / cooperative platformer mode (unfinished); Free for All (Deathmatch); Dual, one vs. one dual; Team Deathmatch; Capture the Flag (CTF), take the other team's flag back to your base; One Flag CTF, take the center flag to the other team's base; Overload, attack the other team's base; Four playable characters; Melee and projectile weapons; Shurikens, pick up projectile weapons that are usable regardless of currently held weapon; Player AI bots enable playing alone; Modification support, create your own levels, characters, weapons, and more.
Free Game v0.70 114MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Utu Arena Blue Trigger Team [top]

This FPS made with UDK (Unreal Development Kit) and is designed for players of deathmatch games like Quake 3. It has several settings including the University of Work in Uruguay which is a public institution in the city. It was created for a science club for an investigation of the impact of videogames in society.
Free Game with ITSP Expansion Pack & El Espiritu De Huancayo Addon 473MB+582MB (uploaded by IndieDB)

Vapor Gliders Creajeux [top]

This is a French student project which offers the player to leave reality aside for a moment by plunging him into a cold, lifeless electronic universe; a universe that doesn't does not rely on virtuality to simulate a world and try to find a way for it. The goal of the Vapor Gliders project was to see what Assault Rigs could have looked like, after fifteen years evolution of hardware and software. In this sense, Assault Rigs represents the spiritual father of Vapor Gliders. It gave us its gameplay, its universe and its atmosphere. However, it's not a simple copy of Assault Rigs. Some new features have been introduced, taking advantage of the possibilities offered by current computers. Others have been modified or even deleted, usually because the date of their implementation was on the wrong side of the the last deadline.
Free Game (provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 87MB

Vore Tournament Mircea Kitsune [top]

This is a very nice looking FPS game with future weapons, where you can eat opponents! It's a furry vore game forked from the Nexuiz project. Players will be using a harpoon-like gun and need to swallow and digest their enemies to score. It's playable both offline with bots and online with other players. There's several common gametypes, with different ways of interacting with your team mates (such as eating them to heal them). One interesting part of the gameplay is that the more you keep eating players (and carrying them in you) the heavier and slower you get. So you play at different "gravity states" throughout the game, which also affects how the Hook gun (now called a Grabber) pulls you. It also changes how far jumppads can push you up (if you are heavier you can't take them as high any more).
Free Game v0.6.1 1.04GB (uploaded by SourceForge)

White ENJMIN [top]

White is a free first-person shooter using the Unreal Engine 3 UDK where the player has to shoot creatures with different weapons. His actions and the violence that ensues is used to create a drawing, as the environment is a large blank canvas. Shooting enemies of different colours leaves behind paint and through specific weapons (minor bullet impacts, large shotgun blasts, a boulder that crushes a creature, ... ) different types of visual effects can be achieved. The opponents do not engage the player and they keep respawning. When the player is happy with the result, the game can be quit to get a top-down view of the painting. Afterwards it can be exported outside the game as an image file. Next to the different weapons there is a magnet gun to drag and throw the creatures to get the colours in a specific area of the canvas.
Standalone Free Game (@ Official Site)


2025: Battle for Fatherland [Ru] Primal Software / Akella [top]

2025: Battle for the Fatherland is a third-person shooter offering the player opportunities for extensive unit customization. The game plot takes us to a very near future – 2025 – that will embrace countries with fire, explosions, deaths and threatening enemies. Nations face hazard of terrorism that rules the world! You can just watch your nation getting suppressed and crushed or…you can fight, fight as fiercely as your muscles endure. You, as a brave soldier of Peacemaking Forces, can’t stand this passive non-involvement any longer. To destroy aggressively acting and lurking within terrorist hordes (hostile troops, separate units and mechs) you have a diverse arsenal at your disposal including tanks, jeeps, and mechs.
Russian Full Demo 310MB (uploaded by Molitor)
Performance Patch and English Translation 55kb (uploaded by rockerlalee)
Russian Patch + English Language/Performance Patch ( provided by Wastrel & upped by Scaryfun) 59kb

3D Hunting 2010 SoWhat! Software Studios / Kalypso Media [top]

Get ready to track down 26 different types of animals ranging from deer to elephants in a variety of exotic locations around the world – including the African savannah, North American prairies and European forests. You can purchase 16 different and varied weapons including bows, hunting rifles and other items to improve your tracking, shooting and hiding skills. Stalk your prey and remain undiscovered by park rangers and game wardens. Create your own unique hunter and develop your skills. It has advanced AI with realistic and dangerous animal behaviour. There's 72 missions with varying difficulty levels. Dynamic day/night lighting and weather effects impact gameplay.
ISO Demo 544MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Ad Astra Steve Chapman [top]

This is a space simulator game, where the player starts with a rudimentary craft, and is expected to earn money and buy better vehicles. This can be done by various means, including piracy, salvage, missions, scavenging, mining, and trading. It's an open-ended game set in a future several hundred years from now. There are no objectives other than to survive and make money. Although it's possible to trade, the emphasis has been placed firmly on combat and exploration with lucrative career opportunities available in the form of bounty hunting, deep space salvage, law enforcement and crime. In the one hundred years since the first artificial wormhole was developed, the exploration of the star systems surrounding our sun has been aggressively pursued. Thousands of planets have been colonised and the need for an ever-greater supply of resources drives further expansion at a relentless pace. Whilst the inner star systems are relatively safe the uncontrolled pursuit of wealth has allowed crime to flourish and the frontier is effectively lawless. Whilst alien life is abundant and varied throughout the known galaxy, nothing particularly intelligent has so far been discovered. However, constant rumors and tall stories from the distant edges of space abound and there is a dawning realization that we may not be alone after all. The game does not include music, but this can be installed by downloading midi or ogg-vorbis files and placing them into the 'midi' or 'ogg' directory.
Full Demo v13c 27MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Air Aces: Pacific Wastelands Interactive / Vipagames [top]

Air Aces: Pacific is an aerial combat simulator with an arcade-like approach. Launching from an aircraft carrier the player can take part in a campaign against the Japanese, controlling a single fighter. Some missions are done alone while in others a wingman offers assistance. Players can control the speed and perform a boost (needs to be recharged) and there are three weapons to engage enemies: unlimited machine gun fire, and limited rockets and torpedoes. The latter are especially useful against naval enemies, but most opponents fly a plane as well. Each mission has multiple objectives and landing back safely on the carrier is an additional requirement. There are five planes to choose from but only one is unlocked initially. Objects and buildings in the environment can be shot, but there is no permanent damage. There also is no way to repair the plane once a mission is in progress and no types of power-ups are available. Opponents are marked as red dots in the radar mini-map in the top left corner. There is a double cross-hair and the state of enemy planes is shown through a health bar.
Digital Download v1.2 ISO Demo (provided by mr.editor & uploaded by Scaryfun) 349MB
Working crack for any version (provided by basetta & upped by Scaryfun) 34kb

Apache: Air Assault Gaijin Entertainment / Activision [top]

This is a high-definition version of the 2003 title Apache AH-64: Air Assault. The title promises players several variations of Apache attack helicopters and 16 multistage single-player missions throughout volatile regions of Africa, the Middle East, and Central America. It has two options of play for virtual pilots. Arcade mode is designed to introduce players to the game's controls. In addition to the introductory level, the game supports a Realistic mode, where "realism and precision" are the core focus. In addition to the single-player experience, the title features a cooperative component where two players team up as pilot and copilot and fly through a combat experience together. Further, the game supports online multiplayer in the form of Team Deathmatch, Ground Attack, Capture the LZ, and Ground Strike.
DVD ISO Demo 2.03GB (uploaded by Egon68)

Bass Pro Shops: The Hunt Bass Pro Shops / Console Classics [top]

Set your sights on 10 of North America’s most famous hunting regions. Featuring a huge variety of animals, massive playable maps, and authentic weaponry and gear used by the pros. Features: Over 20 species of game including whitetail deer, mule deer, elk, moose, and bear; Dozens of customizable weapons including rifles, shotguns, side arms, and bows; A true hunting experience with factors such as scent, stalking ability, calls, decoys, and GPS mapping technology; Four mini-hunt games including Target Range, ATV Racing, Blind Fire, and Coyote Cruise; Fun gameplay options for experienced hunters or first timers.
ISO Demo (provided by _Antithesis_ & upped by Scaryfun) 692MB

Deadsix: The Divided Battle Line / D6 Online GPAX / GamenGame [top]

In this free-to-play aerial shooter game, players choose their characters from a large roster of playable mercenaries with their own unique back-story and skills. The game features a variety of combat aircraft, each with a unique defense, maneuverability and speed attribute. Players can go on PvE missions in teams of 8 or compete with each other in 4 against 4 PvP matches. The game was shut down 25th of July 2011.
Download: None currently available

Dogfighter Dark Water Studios Ltd [top]

DogFighter is a fast paced, arcade aerial combat game with arena style gameplay values. Players can compete against up to 7 opponents in 3 multiplayer modes, or go solo in 6 single player game modes, using beefed up biplanes sporting over 20 different offensive and defensive weapons. Using a state-of-the-art flight model and controls, ensure that players will have unprecedented command of DogFighter's craft. Complete control of the craft, combined with easily executed advanced manoeuvres such as the Barrel Roll, give DogFighter players the tools they need to master the skies. With environments built to both slay and save you, the environments in DogFighter offer the player a more interactive experience than is usual for the genre. Players can enjoy piloting their craft down mining tunnels, through pyramids and active volcanoes, in environments designed to deliver a more varied, more interactive gaming experience. Fly low, fly fast! Take to the skies against up to 7 players in classic multiplayer game modes such as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the flag. Use several advanced server options to enable variations on the normal game modes by including the likes of Insta-Gib, Turbo Mode and Black Death. Easy-to-fly flight model with the controls you need to execute advanced manoeuvres such as Barrel Roll and Immelmann Turn. Beautifully created environments that are as much a player in the game as the people piloting the craft. With seven unique craft and over 20 different weapons and defensive measures, DogFighter caters to all game play styles.
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Steam Level Demo ( @ Steam)
ISO Demo & crkd Patches 1 & 2 597MB (uploaded by Egon68)

First Eagles 2 Third Wire Productions [top]

First Eagles 2 is a World War I air-combat game set in the skies over France 1917-1918. Player flyable aircraft include Albatros D.III, Albatros D.V, Fokker Dr.I triplane, Fokker D.VII, and S.E.5a, Sopwith Camel, and SPAD 13! Four campaigns feature air combat action in the last two years of the Great War 1917-1918. Join the British Royal Flying Corps, French Aviation Militaire, US Army Air Service, or Imperial German Air Service and engage in a desperate struggle to control the sky over the trenches! The game is designed for Windows 7/Vista with DX10 capable video card.
Digital Download ISO Demo 245MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)

Front Mission Evolved Double Helix / Square Enix [top]

The Front Mission strategy series has been around for ages but has struggled to find an audience outside Japan. It has its cult following, but it's not one of Square Enix's most recognizable franchises beyond its homeland. This new entry in the mech series ditches the strategy in favor of third-person shooting. It's set in the year 2171 when war is fought with Wanzer mechs, 50 years after the events of Front Mission 5: Scars of the War. The human race has started a massive push for space exploration through orbital elevators. However, tension rises when one of the elevators being built in USN North America is destroyed by unknown forces. Engineer Dylan Ramsey finds himself involved in a new war brewing between the OCU and the USN. Players control an ordinary Wanzer mechanic who gets in trouble with the law and ends up having to enlist in the military, finding himself piloting the units he used to fix. The campaign is single-player, but there's also four-on-four multiplayer mode. Running around and blowing the crap out of things in your mech is great fun, but there are on-foot sections where you jump out of the machine and run around unshielded. Players will have a lot of freedom to customize and fine tune their mechs a la Armored Core. Purchasing new parts and building the perfect machine will be a big part of the game. You can carry up to four weapons at once, jump and dash. When your bullet time meter is full you can slow down time and deal massive damage to the enemy. On foot you lose the ability to jump and instead can merely roll out of harm's way.
DVD ISO Demo + Update 1 6.50GB + 10MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Front Mission Evolved: Last Stand Double Helix / Square Enix [top]

This $4.99 DLC has endless swarms of the enemy invading. Can you and your team hold them off? It pits you and a friend against an all-out incursion of enemy wanzers in the middle of the frozen tundra of the Antarctic. It will stress the wits and endurance of you and a partner to the absolute limit. Although best experienced with a buddy, the mode also enables players to play "lone-wolf" style, by using the Private Match option within the Multiplayer menu. Players will share a common trove of lives, placing the emphasis squarely on team work and coordination. It's all about the score. You will be aided on this quest for the perfect score with a series of multipliers that can be earned during gameplay: Annihilation, Kill Streak, and Destruction Spree. Destroying any body part on an enemy wanzer before the torso will net you an impressive Annihilation modification your overall score. This multiplier will continue to increase, provided that at least one other limb is taken out of commission first, for every successive wanzer destroyed! The Kill Streak multiplier will increase with each successive wanzer destroyed in a row. Last but not least, Destruction Spree will be awarded when destroying wanzers within 10 seconds of each other. While there is ample opportunity to grow your score – players will find doing so increasingly difficult as they progress through the waves. Dispatching enemy Wanzers is the easy part. But if you can keep your cool during the chaos and manage to destroy every limb on an enemy Wanzer before destroying their torso, you will be handsomely rewarded with an Obliteration Bonus. Finally, it adds an all new Leaderboard for you and your friends to track and compare high scores! Can you survive all 25 punishingly merciless waves?
Download: None currently available

Front Mission Evolved: Map Pack Double Helix / Square Enix [top]

This $3.99 DLC includes two never before seen multiplayer stages: Desert and Docks. The Map Pack will be playable with all four multiplayer modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Supremacy and Domination. The Desert and Docks maps revisit familiar territory from the single player campaign, but this time with an all new design and layout streamlined for multiplayer action! Set amidst an urban environment, the Docks are rife with cranes, freight containers and a dense network of buildings that leave no shortage of places to skate, snipe, ambush and wage all out war from. Multiplayer matches here will play out against the dramatic backdrop of a fiery orange sky and the Manhattan skyline in the distance. The Desert map presents all new challenges to players with its numerous coves, nooks and crevasses to hide between. Well balanced between long open sections of space and large walled in areas that can be employed as cover, Desert offers players numerous opportunities to devise and employ unique strategies to defeat their enemies. Beware of precipices however; players must remain sure footed around the canyon edges here, as the main playable area is flanked by sheer cliffs that drop steeply into the ocean.
Download: None currently available

Galaxias Malcolm Hall / Jexea [top]

This is a 3D space trading and combat PC game in the "Elite" tradition with a thousand solar systems and over 3500 planets spread over 27 sectors. You have on-board navigation database, ship upgrades, Space Station docking, intelligent ship behaviour, asteroid mining, and discover new worlds in 18 missions. As a novice trader with only 500 credits in the bank you have it all to do. You start off flying a Swallow and will have the opportunity to upgrade your ship as the game progresses but be aware; upgrading is not cheap. The game was made freeware in 2012.
Free Game ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 22MB
Free Game v1.10 + Missions + HiResPlanet + User Guide ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 129MB

H.A.W.X. 2, Tom Clancy's Ubisoft SRL / Ubisoft Entertainment SA [top]

Following the events of the first H.A.W.X, the USAF decided to retain the services of the previously disbanded and reformed H.A.W.X (High Altitide Warfare eXperimental) squadron who have been sent to the middle east to investigate what happened to several missing nuclear warheads and locate them before they are put to use by the bad guys. New features to H.A.W.X is the ability to pilot your aircraft during both take off and landing which can be done from either a landing strip at an airfield on terra firma or from the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. You also now have the ability to refuel your aircraft whilst in flight. As well as new features, the graphics have been improved along with the A.I, which will now make more of an effort to dodge your weapons and break your weapons lock. GeoEye mapping technology is once again used to provide recreations of various worldwide cities. Once again, there will be a selection of planes to choose from, including the A-10 Thunderbolt II, F-22 Raptor, F-2A, Eurofighter Typhoon, Harrier GR.9, F-117A Nighthawk as well as the ability to remotely fly UAV's. As with the original H.A.W.X, you can play the entire campaign on your own, or do it co operatively with up to 4 friends in a drop in/drop out game or play against them competitively in modes that include straight up dogfights and bombing AI controlled ground AA sites to earn points.

See also: #Open Skies Expansion Pack

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DVD ISO Demo 6.21GB (uploaded by Egon68)
H.A.W.X 2 + All DLC - Russian/English Repack Full Demo 4.19GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Heavy Panzer Fancy Goal Entertainment Software [top]

This is a second world war tank simulation game using the NeoAxis Engine with PhysX. In the vast 3D landscape, the player can spend hours to experience the biggest tanks battles of world war II 1942 - 1945 with this game. the game will offer a realistic combat environment, including cars, armored cars, artillery, aircraft, etc. The two sides have a total of 28 type tanks, and you can fight in 10 large levels. The game offers a realistic combat environment, including cars, armored personnel, artillery, aircraft, etc. Episode 1 includes El Alamein, Tunis, Sicily, Normandy, Bastogne and Rhine battles. Here you'll drive a variety of different tanks--like crusader, matilda, M4 sherman, M4 firefly, and M26 pershing. There's visual effects such as smoke, explosions, fire and smoke plus great sound effects, atmosphere and gun handling. Destroy nearly every element of the surroundings (vehicles, trees and buildings). You have four perspectives as the player: driver, gunner, commander, and telescope. There's more than 64 square kilometers in every level. According to different rank insignia, you can command 1-8 tanks, 3 kinds of airplanes, 3 kinds of armored car, and 4 kinds of ships.
Level Demo v1.4.0915 ~174MB ( @ Softpedia)

Helicopter Wars / Helic My Play City [top]

Greetings, pilot! Do you like driving well-balanced crafts? Grab your control wheel and let Helicopter Wars start! This game is an awesome simulation of military helicopter. Controls are quite easy - drive your steel bird with mouse or keyboard or, if it is more convenient, with both simultaneously. You can change elevation, direction, tilting and speed. The command post will guide you through battlefield and give you necessary directions. First mission will help you learn how to control your war machine. Do not be in panic, this is a battle simulation where circumstances can change every second and a good pilot must handle with this. Missions are various: overpower the hostile aviation, stop the convoys, pursuit opposing leaders, protect allies and so on. As you complete them, new and more powerful air crafts (including fighter plane) will be available. And you should be ready to face outnumbering hostile forces. So, high mastery level is welcome. You can choose one of 3 difficulty levels that suits you best. Animation is also very cool: high-quality 3D graphics, numerous visual effects, dynamic interface and a balanced engine. Moreover, the action takes place in the sky over the archipelago, so you can enjoy beautiful water textures. Gameplay is dynamic and delightfully catching. Go to the skies of battle for adventure, gunfire and adrenaline surge! It has 10 awesome aircrafts, 3 campaigns, 20 dynamic missions, a dynamic survival mode, and cool soundtrack.
Free Game 102MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Helic - Free Game (provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 48MB

Heroes In The Sky GamesCampus [top]

This is an intense airborne MMOTPS (Massively Multiplayer Online Third person Shooter) that combines high impact PVE and fast paced PVP as it chronicles the events from the beginning to the end of World War II. PVP combat is taken to a new level as players must not only worry about the basic danger from in front, behind, and to the sides, but also from above and below. Cannon fire, machine gun blasts, missiles, and bombs flood the skies as up to 16 players shoot it out for air superiority! If that isn't enough for you, soar across the sky recreating critical battles of the European and Pacific fronts to help your side take control in the occupational war. Cities will be bombed, boats will be sunk, blimps will be blown to pieces, fighters will be torn asunder; all this and more will unfold as players compete to become the top Ace in WWII. The core gameplay is obviously the multiplayer PvP battles, but Heroes in the Sky also supports several mission based PvE modes. There’s even a crafting system in place to help players customize their warplanes! The game has over 70 unique airplanes, plenty of missions and more. It’s also one of the few dog fighting MMOs out there, so if you’re looking for one, it's well worth checking out.
Free Client (uploaded by Official Site)

Hunting Unlimited 2011 ValuSoft / THQ, Inc. [top]

This long-running hunting series returns for another season. Players head through pine forest, rolling countryside, woodland forest summer, and winter mountain environments, tracking down whitetail deer, American elk, moose, and bighorn, all while avoiding the jaws of brown bears and cougars. "Gaunlet" mode challenges players to bag the biggest trophy game in each of the 50 states, while "Straight Rail" mode asks gamers to kill two trophy animals from the same position, and "Eight Ball" mode requires players to bag seven animals in a row with one-shot kills. Proud virtual hunters can then upload their score online to see how they compare to the competition.
ISO Demo 567MB (uploaded by Molitor)

HyperTankz Sector3 Games [top]

HyperTankz is a fast paced 3D arcade styled single player hover tank fighting game where you control one of four futuristic hover tanks, each with differing speed, weight, armour and damage strength, in a non-stop battle against enemy gun towers, laser towers and tanks, while you search for and collect all of the flags to complete each level. It consists of three general play themes, VALLEY, ICE & DESERT, and each of these themes has five arenas to play (four in each need to be unlocked) as well as a five part campaign level called The Bunker, that you must play from start to finish in one session to complete.
Full Demo 23MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Lift Lift Studios [top]

Lift is a Mech based multi-player game that doesn't just LOOK like the anime its based off of, Eureka Seven, but feels like the anime its based off of. You will fly thought the sky and battle for your life, in over the top action packed mech battles. Battle on the ground or in the sky on Reff boards that give you control over crazy amounts of power and speed. It was made with Unity engine.
Free Game 95MB (uploaded by ModDB)

Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2 Eagle Dynamics / The Fighter Collection [top]

This is a further evolution of the LockOn: Flaming Cliffs addon. All of the player-controlled aircraft available in Flaming Cliffs have been transferred to the virtual environment created for the Digital Combat Simulator series, started with DCS: Black Shark. It's online compatible with the Ka-50 attack helicopter simulation DCS: Black Shark and allows Lock On pilots and Black Shark pilots to now fly online together in both cooperative and head-to-head online play. It's a PC-based combat flight simulation of the following modern combat aircraft: Su-27, Su-33, Su-25, Su-25T, MiG-29, MiG-29S, F-15C, A-10A. The geographical territory modeled encompasses the region of the western Caucasus mountains from Kuban to Georgia. It features a new graphical user interface, a new mission editor which includes a trigger system for scripting actions and events, and an updated graphics engine, new player campaigns, and many other improvements.
DVD ISO Demo 2.96GB (uploaded by Molitor)
Proper Crack 33.7MB (uploaded by Supernova)

Reign Of Steel Yoone UG [top]

This is the ultimate realtime multiplayer action game played right in your browser. Choose your weapon of mass destruction and compete or team up with your friends from facebook and other social networks to see who got what it takes to be a winner on the battlefield. You will experience high quality 3d visuals, based on the Unity 3D-Engine, directly in your browser! Enter a new era of browser gaming with a realtime multiplayer experience with up to 30 simultanous players which has never been seen before. It's set in the future when a post-apocalyptic nuclear war left the earth looking like a cratered moonscape. It's dog eat dog, ruthless and with gloves off. People fight each other and the only thing that counts is the fire-power of your gun. If you want you can also team up and fight together with your friends to destroy the enemy. The main thing to do is quickly gathering many victories, since it is the only way to gain the necessary experience points with which you can buy better weapons and stronger armor in the shop. From T90 to the M1 Abrams, from mini-gun to rocket launchers. Everything the tank-heart desires is included. You should not forget to reload, because without enough ammunition you will end up with pistons and screws blowing up in your face on the battlefield.
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Browser-Playable Free Game (uploaded by Official Site)

Remington Super Slam Hunting Africa Mastiff Games [top]

Head into the deepest reaches of Africa, armed with only your wits... and... well, actually, armed with a virtual arsenal of high-powered weapons and accessories! Experience action arcade hunting excitement like never before as you explore 35 challenging missions across a variety of terrain. Hunt over 15 different big game animals, birds and varmints. Pull off amazing long shots, zoom in for spectacular head shots, and take down dangerous predators before they attack. Match the right weapon to the situation and maximize your score. Earn achievements and purchase new weapons as you fight your way through the safari. Go back to earlier levels with improved equipment and try to beat your high score. Log your best scores to the worldwide leader-board. Compete with up to 4 players in co-op and challenge modes. Show the world your chops with on-line leader-board. Outfit your hunter with an array of over 30 weapons, scopes and hunting accessories. Hunt over 15 big game animals, including the Big 5: Leopard, Buffalo, Rhino, Lion and Elephant. Venture into 35 unique and dangerous environments, each with it's own threats and rewards. Match the right weapon to the task and maximize your score. There's 1-4 players in co-op and challenge modes and an online leader-board. Stalk your prey through the open plains, into murky swamps, over rocky cliffs and into an abandoned gold mine. A variety of weather conditions include rain, fog, wind and even a raging brushfire. Hunt day and night, rain or shine.
ISO Demo 196MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Rise of Flight: Iron Cross Edition Neoqb / 777 Studios [top]

This edition comes chalk full of new features, exclusive content and numerous game play improvements. It brings intense WWI aerial-combat to your computer like never before with enhanced graphics, new modes of gameplay, new campaigns, new terrain, new special effects and twice the flyable planes! Two new Multiplayer dogfight modes with re-spawn capability with support up to 64 players. Two new scripted campaigns- “Hat in the Ring” and “Do Docht Nicht”, both campaigns feature new awards and medals you can win. Bonus Skin-Packs featuring hundreds of new life-like, historical paintjobs included. A Quick mission builder allows you to quickly create custom combat scenarios in seconds. Offline mode let's you fly single-player missions without the need for an internet connection plus online mode that includes statistics tracking and online Leaderboards. New winter Terrain textures with snowflakes. New G-effects with blackout and red out and pilot wound effects featuring blood splatter, ringing ears and control difficulty. Two new original terrain maps for custom mission creation and multiplayer matches. Support for Mods and custom skins with Mods On/Off modes including custom skin viewer tool. Enhanced Graphics featuring High Dynamic Range (HDR) lighting, updated cloud layers and ultra-realistic looking rain-drops. Realistic wind patterns that interact with functioning Windsocks and smoke. Fully adjustable and customizable controller options including custom joystick curves.
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Trial Demo 3.42GB (uploaded by File Planet)

Rising Sun John “Zerocinco” Shelton [top]

This is an addition to the Third Wire simulation Strike Fighters emphasizing the Pacific Theatre of the Second World War. Rising Sun requires either Strike Fighters or Strike Fighters 2 to work. It ships with 39 unique missions covering Burma, Wake, and Pearl Harbor, and includes missions from the December 7th attack, the sinking of the Repulse and Prince of Wales, and the attempts by the Flying Tigers to defend Burma against the Japanese assault in early 1942. This is the first of four Rising Sun releases covering the war between the Imperial Japanese forces and the Allied forces. Aircraft added to the game include such famous aircraft like the A6M2 Reisen/Zero, the P-40B Warhawk, P-36 Hawk, Ki-27 Nate, G4M1 “Betty”, D3A Val, B5N2 Kate, Hurricane MkII and others. Missions range from a simple CAS missions to ship strikes, airfield attacks, and escort missions. All of these missions are based upon real missions that occurred during the first months of WWII.
Download: None currently available

Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic Ubisoft Romania / Ubisoft [top]

In the fifth installment of the Silent Hunter series, the game returns to the Atlantic-setting and puts the player back in the control of German submarines starting from the attack on Poland until 1943. As opposed to previous installments of the series however, the game features only four Type VII-U-boats as playable submarines. The Type VII was the most produced class during World War II (more than 700 units), saw seven iterations in total and sunk more ships than any other submarine. To really appreciate the realistic simulation of every aspect of this U-boat, this time around the player can actually walk from back to front both in- and outside his very detailed submarine, looking his crew over the shoulder while they load the next torpedo or engage in chit-chat with the ship's cook to increase his morale and most importantly use all the stations himself as it is no longer possible to switch between every station with the press of a button. Moral is important to keep the ship running and the efficiency of the crew up. Low moral may even lead to an early Game Over when the crew decides the player is no longer fit for command. The core of the game remains the same and is once again a complete and realistic simulation of the submarine-war during World War II. The player takes control of his ship, navigates it to the mission area and searches for enemy merchant ships. Once found, he uses his torpedoes to sink them and come home as a hero. To do just that, the player can either play several different historic scenarios or engage in the dynamic single player campaign. Split into different time-frames, the player talks to his officer in base at the start of the game who gives him a general overview of the war and explains what the goal in the next few month is on a map. Once he's finished, the player can pick a mission and is then send off to basically do what he wants in the mission-area as long as the overall goal is accomplished, giving the player total freedom over what he does with his submarines, which targets he engages and, to a limit, how long he takes to do so. As the player successfully takes down enemy ships and survives, he earns career-points. These points are used to unlock and increase the passive and active skills of the main crew-members like the navigator or the ship's cook. The ship's machinist for example has the passive skill to increase the reloading speed of the internal batteries once the ship is above water. One of his active skills on the other hand allows him to increase the output of the diesel-engine for a short amount of time. The game features a multiplayer-mode for up to four (online) and eight (LAN) players in which they form a wolf-pack to fulfill different, general objectives including famous historic battles. In addition an editor allows the players to create their own scripted missions to enjoy with friends.
DVD ISO Demo 3.83GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Sky Aces: World War II Fly-Games / Xing Interactive [top]

This is an arcade aviation simulator dedicated to the events of WW II, and the airplanes participating in the conflict over the whole world. This updated version includes improved graphics, better frame rates, new features, improved user interface and HUD plus experimental support for local network games with two players. The distinctive features of the game are models of airplanes of elaborate detail, copied from drawings and historically colored. Using slightly simplified physics, learning the controls of the airplanes is accomplished quickly and easily while providing for a fun gaming experience. The game is not a full fledged simulator and cannot make a pilot out of you; instead it lets you experience, from virtual piloting, a maximal adrenaline rush.
Full Demo ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 39MB

Space Paranoids Online 42 Entertainment / Disney [top]

Master Control Program: "I've got a little challenge for you, Sark - a new recruit. He's a tough case, but I want him treated in the usual manner. Train him for the games... let him hope for a while... and blow him away." Sark: "You've got it. I've been hopin' you'd send me somebody with a little bit of guts. What kind of program is he?" Space Paranoids is a fan-made creation of a game seen briefly at Flynn's in the motion picture TRON. Unlike the 2004 version, this game has better graphics, different levels, different goals and more enemies. The object of the levels is to destroy all the enemies within. The enemies are recognizers, tanks and turrets. Recognizers require three shots to kill them. If they touch you, you lose a life. Tanks require two shots to kill. Tanks do not fire on you but if they touch you, you lose a life. Turrets require one shot to kill. Turrets do fire but do not move. One shot from a turret will kill. Your tank carries five shots. If you need to, there are yellow spots on the floor that reload you. These will reload you only so much then they run out. You have four lives. If you lose all your lives, the game is over. If you restart the game, you will have the option of starting from the beginning or continuing at the last level you got to.
Browser-Playable Free Game *requires Unity plugin, use IE or Firefox 4.6MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Star Interceptor Xing Interactive [top]

This is an action space game with strategic elements. It's a remake of The Last Starfighter from the Atari XL. Destroy enemy bases before enemies destroyed allied cities. You have to attack enemy fleets in open space and on planet orbits. Use proper weapon for a certain kind of enemy ship. Don’t forget to defend space stations – these are the only place where you can get ship repairment and weapon rechargement.
Free Game 29MB (uploaded by GameHitZone)

Starpoint Gemini Little Green Men Games (LGM Games) / Iceberg Interactive B.V. [top]

This is a combination of RPG, simulation and tactical strategy. It is set in a science-fiction version of the Gemini star system, which is a former colony of Earth Empire in this game. Because of certain events that happened during a war over twenty years ago, a wormhole that was the sole entry point to the system got closed, and the system was isolated from the rest of the universe. Countless anomalies appeared inside the system, which enabled technology to advance at an astounding rate. The player assumes the role of Jared Hunt, who has been in his space ship inside a stasis rift anomaly all this time. He is rescued by a science vessel and finds the Gemini system totally different from how he remembers it to be. There are three main factions: the Korkyran Triumvirate, the Baeldor Republic and the Nyxian Consortium. As captain of a space ship the player can freely traverse the system, making money by trading or salvaging. Several career paths can be pursued, for instance researching the anomalies, repairing ships or mining asteroids. Space is not a safe place, however, and players will have to fight rogue ships that try to steal their cargo. By upgrading his ship, or buying a new one, the player can equip weapons, thrusters and energy shields. It is also possible to enlist experienced personnel and gaining extra skills and perks like the ability to turn your ship faster, increasing the chance of a critical hit or being better at evasive maneuvers. During combat, it is extremely important to make optimal use of the relative positions of ships to avoid being outflanked or exposing your vulnerable side. The Gemini star system is divided into 50 sectors, connected via T-Gates, and contains many space stations, mining bases, anomalies, trade convoys, pirates, asteroid fields, nebulae and other phenomena to explore and interact with. The game has a main storyline, consisting of thirty missions, numerous side missions that aren't necessary to further the main plot but help the player understand the world of Gemini, and more than 300 freelance missions for gaining money and experience. It starts with a mandatory tutorial and is played from a third person perspective. A sandbox mode is also included.

See also: Starpoint Gemini 2: Origins DLC

DVD ISO Demo 1.15GB (uploaded by Molitor)
Level Demo 754MB (uploaded by Game Pressure)

Strike Fighters 2: Expansion Pack 1 Third Wire Productions [top]

This is the first expansion for Strike Fighters 2 Israel. It adds Mystere IVA, Meteor F.8, and P-51D Mustang as player-flyable aircraft. New historical campaign is set in the 1956 Suez Crisis ("Operation Kadesh") where the propeller-powered fighters mixed it up with jet-powered fighters, join the Israeli Defense Force / Air Force and engage in struggle for survival over the desert. It also contains additional textures for when merging with other Strike Fighters 2 titles.
Digital Download ISO Demo 230MB (uploaded by Molitor)
Strike Fighters + all expansion packs + campaign editor DLC + latest (May 2013) patch 3.22GB (uploaded by Supernova)

Strike Fighters 2: Expansion Pack 2 Third Wire Productions [top]

This second expansion pack is for Strike Fighters 2 Europe. It features a new Mission Editor that allows the player to easily edit and change any mission parameters, change enemy aircraft types, and add/remove new flights. The new hypothetical campaign is set in the 1956 Cold War Europe - what if the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956 lead to a full scale invasion of West Germany? The Expansion adds Lightning F.1/2/3/6, Hunter F.1/2/4/5 and F-100A/C Super Sabre as player-flyable aircraft, and also includes few "bonus" items if you have Strike Fighters 2 or Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 merged with your Strike Fighters 2 Europe. All 3 original campaigns are also updated to include the new aircraft introduced in this Expansion Pack.
Digital Download ISO Demo 223MB (uploaded by Molitor)
Strike Fighters + all expansion packs + campaign editor DLC + latest (May 2013) patch 3.22GB (uploaded by Supernova)

Thunder Storm / Cobra Command [J] Data East Corporation / Jitensha Sōgyō [top]

Originally an arcade game in 1984, this is a conversion of a helicopter shooting game from Data East. It is an "on rails" style shooter with the player controlling only the aiming of the shooting but not the direction of the helicopter. Your job is to shoot down the enemies as you are flown through footage of New York streets, the Statue of Liberty, the Atlantic Ocean, Italy, the Grand Canyon and finally, the treacherous corners and return fire of the enemy's stronghold on Easter Island. There is no background music to go along with the sound effects. The levels are fairly short with a total game run through possible in about 20 minutes.
Level Demo 49MB (uploaded by myloch)
Browser-Playable Emulated SegaCD Version (uploaded by Game Oldies)
Japanese ISO Demo (provided by myloch & upped by Scaryfun) 1.58GB
Japanese DVD ISO Demo + CD ISO Demo + X68030 Full Demo + Scans (provided by rockleevk & upped by Scaryfun) 1.63GB+268+57+3MB

Top Gun doublesix / Paramount Digital Entertainment [top]

Based on the iconic film, Top Gun is a free-flying air combat expanding the legend of Maverick, Iceman and the rest of the Top Gun flyers through new combat scenarios and dialogue written by the film's screenwriter, Jack Epps, Jr. Along with Radar Intercept Officer (RIO) Goose, players take the role of Maverick as they take on the best of the best at the Top Gun Academy. Upon graduation, gamers take to the skies over the Indian Ocean to go up against the Soviets in large-scale dogfight battles. It includes five online multiplayer modes, allowing up to 12 players to battle it out. While learning the ropes at the Academy and progressing toward active duty, players will team up with seasoned pilots to take down enemy planes over the Indian Ocean in the game's Campaign Mode. For an added challenge, Top Gun fans will have the task of facing the top Soviet ace pilot while managing the tumultuous new wingman relationship between Iceman and Maverick. Aside from some fantastic flying, players can soar into two single-player and five multiplayer modes. It also adds the Horde Mode, where players must defeat endless amounts of challenging enemies while showing off their flying prowess against increasingly difficult odds. Whether enlisting in the US Navy or joining their Soviet comrades, players get to feel the rush of multiple head-to-head online multiplayer modes for up to 11 live opponents. It also features a total of six completely unique planes, starting with the US Navy's F-14 and unlocking five more: the F-16, F/A-18, and the enemy's MiG-29, MiG-31 and Su-27.
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Full Demo 265MB (uploaded by Supernova)

Transformers: War for Cybertron High Moon Studios / Hasbro / Activision [top]

An original game creation in the Transformers universe (not tied to the feature film series or cartoon show), Transformers: War for Cybertron takes players to the TRANSFORMERS characters' home planet of CYBERTRON for a new look into the epic story of the grand civil war that spawned one of the most brutal rivalries of all time. For the first time in a TRANSFORMERS title, fans will be able to play the game with their friends through team-based online co-op, or go head to head in a variety of intense, online multiplayer game modes. The game features a sci-fi art style that introduces to fans the entire living, metallic world of CYBERTRON, as well as all-new visualizations of the iconic TRANSFORMERS characters in their original Cybertronian forms.
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ISO Demo 7.62GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Russian/English Repack DVDrip ISO Demo 4.79GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

WarBirds: Dogfights Interactive Magic Ltd. [top]

WarBirds: Dogfights is an aerial combat game featuring 100 authentically modeled aircraft from World War II. The developers boast that no two scenarios in a single-player campaign will be identical, thanks to a dynamic game engine that generates mission types from more than 40 possible combinations. Fly over England, Europe, North Africa, and the Pacific Ocean as you engage up to ten enemies at once in deadly dogfights. Three difficulty settings are available to accommodate pilots of all skill levels. Also included is a 30-day trial to a subscription-based version of WarBirds, where you'll be able to join online squadrons and test your flying skills against rival pilots from around the world.
DVD ISO Demo 2.18GB (uploaded by Egon68)

WarBirds: Red Baron iEntertainment Network [top]

In WarBirds: Red Baron, players will be able to launch in one of over 12 different, accurately modeled World War I aircraft! Sopwith Camel versus a Fokker DR VII is an example of the fun and challenging air battles that players can choose to test their flying skills! With its Dynamic Game engine, no two air battles will ever be the same in WarBirds: Red Baron. In each air battle, the player can score points, build rank, and acquire medals to compete for the opportunity to battle the great Red Baron. WarBirds: Red Baron adds exciting World War I flying action with Sopwith Camel, Fokker Triplane, and Zeppelin Airship combat with lots of game variations from flying fighters or bombers, gunnery missions, and a final, intense one versus one combat, against the famous Red Baron!
DVD ISO Demo 1.12GB (uploaded by Egon68)

Wings of Prey: Wings of Luftwaffe Gaijin Entertainment / Iceberg Interactive [top]

The German attack begins! This is the first major add-on for the highly popular World War II air combat sim for the PC, Wings of Prey. It features ten single missions with support for up to four players in co-op mode, two new planes and over 40 skins for the various planes. In Wings of Luftwaffe, the player takes the role of a German pilot and participates in explosive battles over Britain, Sicily, the USSR, Belgium and Germany. From blocking airdromes, to attacking aircraft, to destroying ground targets, the player will fight with honor and bravery for the glory of Germany. Players will enjoy strapping into one of the game's many planes and seeing the Second World War through the eyes of a German pilot. New planes are the Ju 88 A-4 and the P-39N-0.
included in Wings of Prey Collector's Edition DVD ISO Demo 11.2GB (uploaded by Egon68)

World Of Tanks Wargaming.net [top]

This is a 3D team-based massively multiplayer online game featuring historically accurate fighting vehicles from the 1930's to the 1950's. World of Tanks is a PvP-focused project that promises action and strategy based gameplay. It includes more than 150 armored vehicles from America, Germany, and the Soviet Union, carefully detailed with historical accuracy. All in all there will be around 500 vehicles available in the game including light, medium and heavy tanks, tank destroyers and self-propelled artillery and some well-known prototypes and low-volume vehicles. The game blends of action, strategy, simulation and MMORPG genres. It's the first game of Wargaming.net studio to be released under "Play 4 Free" model, which will see the game released for free with revenue generated from micropayments. Each new player will start a game driving a German or Soviet light tank. By gaining experience and credits, a user will be able to upgrade his tank or other unit to a heavier model. There will also be a chance to modify the existing tank by changing turrets, chassis, engines, guns, radios and various ammunition types and thus try a new experimental machine and increase the player's fighting potential. Every unit has about 10 modifications with different combat characteristics and all modifications are historically grounded. It has a "virtual" crew system with certain leveling options. With every new battle the crew gains more and more experience which leads to improved performance of your panzer on the battlefield. Items in the environment are destructable - buildings, hedges, trees, telegraph poles, cars, etc. If the engine suffers a 50%-damage – it works at its half power. The same goes about other modules of a tank. If the engine is broken – a tank stops and some repairs done by the crew is needed. There are three primary types of battles: random battles, team battles and clan battles.
Free Client v0.9.2 6.2GB (uploaded by Official Site)

ShootEm Up 2D/3D

7 Servant's Blade Maoh Bancho [top]

This is an arcade vertical shooting game starring Saber, one of the main characters of Fate/Zero and main heroines of Fate/stay night anime series. The game feature TATE mode, the ability to rotate the game's display by ninety degrees while the player's monitor rests on its left side, for full-screen arcade size. Players will be equipped with two shot types: straight and wide along with Counter Nouble Phantasm, a powerfull celestial sword fueled through a conversion of Mana into photoelectric energy. There are five levels and two game modes; Normal Mode with default difficulty setting, and Ranker Mode with higher difficulties and reserved for advanced player.
Level Demos (uploaded by Official Site)
Full Demo 98MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Aclla: Taiyou no Miko to Sora no Shinpei Fu-rin-ya [top]

Literally translated as The Warrior God of the Sky and Sun, this is an unusual Japanese horizontal scrolling shooter based upon South American culture. The project was started in 2008 and has been revised up to three times in trial versions. The player assumes the role of Kay, a young priestess and member of elite warrior who goes out to rescue her sister. While relatively short, Aclla offers beautiful soundtracks that is the best part of this game.
Full Demo 85MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Akadai: 2nd Age Crescent Stone Company [top]

2D vertical axis STG where the body painting and the system are similar to Shenwei, which can be regarded as SITER SKAIN 's fan works. In the initial stage, only red self-machines can be used, and mass production molding machines (blue) can be used under certain conditions. Features: Electromagnetic induction shooting, Automatic burst and wide range 9-direction shooting (3 directions for mass production); High-density particle beam; Straight beam (can dispel bullets, more powerful than electromagnetically induced shooting); Cannot be used with shooting, you need to release the shooting button to restore the beam energy meter; Armor can only withstand 10 attacks.
Free Game ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 11MB
Free Game v2.00 30MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Alltynex Second Siter Skain / Nyu Media Ltd [top]

This vertically scrolling doujin shoot 'em up was released at Summer Comiket 78. It's essentially a remake of the original FM Towns ALLTYNEX that was released in 1996. Although it is the third game by the doujin circle, it is actually the sixth developed. The year is 2192 AD. The stellar-class all-purpose adminstrative computer ALLTYNEX goes berserk upon the Satariel System's activation, and 85% of humanity is wiped out. The remainder escape to the reaches of the solar system, but humanity is unable to cope with the new conditions. The ALLTYNEX War continues for fourty years until 2232 AD. Humanity is down to a single fleet over Jupiter. The ALLTYNEX OS has too many resources, and humanity has one last chance. The fleet is commanded to pierce into ALLTYNEX's defenses as far as it can and then launch 108 Armed Saboteurs (The player craft). The player controls a fighter - in this case, the Tactical Melee Craft Armed Saboteur - that can transform into a somewhat slower-moving semi-mech form, similar in look to Gerwalk mode from Macross, that is capable of using four different weapons; it has two basic attacks and two special attacks. The two basic weapons are it's frontal shot in it's fighter form (pressing Shot button alone) that can increase up to five levels of power and spread, and its energy blades in it's semi-mech form (accessed by pressing the Blade button alone) that not only can inflict high amount of damage, but can also destroy most enemy bullets as well. The two special attacks are the homing lasers (pressing the Blade button while holding down the Shot button) and fire a powerful energy beam (pressing the Shot button while holding down the Blade button) that can also destroy bullets, both of which will consume your Energy Gauge. The player can also use the Special Attack button to use each form's special attack instead of using both Shot and Blade buttons. The power of your fighter's frontal shot is tied to your Energy gauge, meaning that as your Energy Gauge's level decreases, so does the offensive power and spread of your frontal shot. There are three ways to replenish the Energy Gauge: recharges over time, collecting large energy chips from destroying an enemy, or collecting small energy chips from destroying enemy bullets. Going into fighter form will draw all the large energy chip to the player. Small energy chips are always drawn to the Armed Saboteur. An English version came out in 2013.
English Level Demo 63MB (uploaded by Sk8Tokyo)
1-Level 20080229 Japanese Trial Demo 36MB (uploaded by Supernova)
Japanese ISO Demo 212MB (uploaded by Supernova)
2013 English Full Demo 110MB (uploaded by Molitor)

Another Apocalypse Mercenary [top]

Far in the future, humanity in the year 2XXX A.D. has reached a period of prosperity, and has successfully colonized numerous planets. Suddenly, an entity known as Coordinator of 6th Heaven appears with intends to eradicate all of humanity. A small group of courageous pilots was fled to Mars in order to fighting the invader. Now with only few peoples are left, the survivors gathered in Apocalypse, a gigantic aircraft capable of firing hundreds of bullets. This is a space-themed shooting game. Playing as a rescue pilot, the player choose a ship with two charge attack options; laser and shield, each with different form and purpose. The player begins with two weapons: a straight shot and limited bomb supplies. It also features multiple endings which can be achieved if the player meets certain conditions.
Full Demo 430MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Armalyte Psytronik Software / Cyberdyne Systems [top]

The stunning C64 shoot 'em up first released in 1988 has at long last been converted to the PC by the same team responsible for amazing PC remakes including Hunter's Moon, Bruce Lee and Myth. The gameplay has been precisely replicated on the PC thanks to involvement from the original Armalyte developers Dan Phillips and Robin Levy. The graphics have been specially enhanced for the PC version by Trevor 'Smila' Storey and the game features brand new soundtracks by Chris 'Infamous' Bailey. In the Delta region of space, the remnants of a long forgotten war remain - far beyond what those in the Terran system were used to. This technology is potentially valuable, but retrieving it from the 8 sectors will involve a lot of blasting and dodging. Armalyte is a left-to-right horizontally-scrolling shooter and was marketed as the sequel to Delta, even though that one was done by different developers. Extra weapons are gained by shooting crystals and then collecting the resultant pod. Weapons on offer including lasers firing vertically and outwardly, as well as faster weaponry recharging. Weapons upgrades are not lost when dying, but they are taken away at the start of a new level, except for the batteries and the generators that are reduced one level above the initial one, if applicable. There are eight levels and a boss at the end of each one, with smaller bosses in the mid sections. Some parts of the scenery can also be lethal to the ship. The craft is accompanied by a computer-controlled drone with the same capabilities and in the two-player mode it is replaced by a regular ship.
Level Demo 10.9MB (uploaded by Official Site)
Full Demo 33MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Asteroids Pj Crossley [top]

You have to avoid the asteroids with your spaceship while trying to destroy them. Rotate your spaceship using the left and right arrow keys. Increase speed using the up arrow key. Use the down arrow key to teleport yourself away from a dangerous situation (but be careful, you might end up in an asteroid). Use the spacebar to shoot. You will meet some special objects when you move along: Spinning stars extra lives; large UFOs that shoot without aiming; More clever small UFOs; Very fast UFOs that try to ram you.
Free Game 1.12MB (uploaded by Caiman)

Baldrsky DiveX 'Dream World' Team Baldrhead / Giga [top]

This is the fandisc for GIGA’s Baldr Sky series, featuring a variety of different stories and mini games. Included are Dream Stories original another stories, survival mode dungeon crawlers, battle arena, and more. There’s also a collaboration with NekoNekoSoft (Scarlett), Minato Soft (Majikoi) and Nitro+ (Muramasa).
Japanese 2DVD ISO Demo + Audio CD + Trial Demo 4.1GB+620MB+683MB+317MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Beat Hazard Cold Beam Games Ltd [top]

This is a single screen arena shooter where the behaviour of enemies, gameplay and visual effects are dynamically adapted based on the chosen soundtrack. Just like Audiosurf about any custom music track can be imported to alter the game experience. Players control a small ship and need to survive waves of enemies. Only one level is provided, but the ship's firepower and the opponents dynamically change by analyzing the music. During slow sections the ship's weapon is very weak and only a few enemies appear. When the rhythm and beat is built up, the weapon will gradually slow stronger, ending in large gushes of lasers (the beat hazard weapon) with different colours and visuals flashing along with the beat. At that point larger ships often appear and they can take a lot of damage before exploding. Players do not need to match the music in any way contrary to other games where the gameplay is centered around sound. Defeated enemies, and objects such as rocks and space debris leave behind a number of modifiers that remain persistent regardless of the changes in the music. These include power-ups that increase the sound volume or raise the ship's firing power, provide bombs that clear the entire screen, or grant score multipliers. Multipliers are also awarded by not firing for five seconds (Dare Devil) and every 30 seconds that are survived (Survivor). When the ship is destroyed all upgrades are lost and generally a few more tries are provided before the game ends. There are three difficulty modes and a survivor game mode along with sessions that consist of single tracks and where multipliers are gradually dropped. The overall score is stored across sessions and moving up ranks opens up starting bonuses and provides other types of benefits. The gameplay works best with tracks that have a consistent and fast-paced rhythm. Slow songs generally numb the experience through a lack of firing power and enemies. An online leaderboard is also included.
Full Demo 34MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Bind Soul: 1st Contact Moonlit Musicbox [top]

A one way trip to hell with gameplay able to combine the style of classic shooters with the typical frenzy of the latest generation. It's a journey without return to the center of the Earth where the alien enemy has taken refuge and fortified. Our spaceship, returning from the depths of space, will be forced to face numerous hordes of aliens before reaching a planet now hopelessly taken hostage by an enemy hidden in its depths. It's a freeware game consisting of five long levels, apparently tackled without too much effort (the "continue" are numerous), but which soon proves to be an adrenaline-pumping battle against the huge alien flying fortresses. The controls are the classic cursor keys, with Z we will activate the primary fire while with the X key we will try to steal energy from the enemy fleet. The accumulated power can then be poured against the enemy in the sparkle of pyrotechnics with multi-beam edging. The technical realization gives the player spectacular two-dimensional explosions and enveloping sound effects while the backgrounds (however fluid and with impeccable scrolling) are not always up to the frenetic action that dominates them. Despite some minor flaws, this game is still a recommended download for all fans of Japanese origin shooters. The game must be installed and run with the bindsoulver100.exe file. Full screen viewing is supported and activated by pressing the ENTER key.
Free Game v1.50 43.8MB (uploaded by Vector)

Biology Battle Novaleaf Software Co. Ltd. [top]

TauCorp Pharmacuticals [sic] developed medical nanobots. The player is one of those and is sent on missions to kill stuff. In practice, this is a survival mode. The controls follow the usual twin-stick shooter conventions and there are some special moves available: blackhole (sucks in everything, including the player), blast and a lightning attack. Those have a cooldown period after usage. Additionally there are a number of versus modes against other players or the AI available, for example turrets (the players can deploy turrets), wire cycle (players leave hazardous trails behind them), lasso (similar to wire cycle, but the trails disappear after a time), froghop (checkpoint races) or worms (getting close, but don't touch, worms which fly around the playfield).
Full Demo 62MB (uploaded by MyAbandonware)

Biozone G5 Entertainment / Konami Digital Entertainment Inc., Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH [top]

Play as Major Strike in this side scrolling, action-packed do or die operation to save your fellow soldiers against an uncontrollable bio-terrorist, Dr. Membranus. Investigate the strange activities of a massive infection that has transformed your comrades into evil mutations. Take on limitless enemies in this classic arcade-style game based deep within the jungles of Latin America. It is your mission to use your cutting edge weaponry to take down Dr. Membranus, find the cure, and take down the hordes of bio mutants in an effort to save the world. Features: Battle in Non-stop Action – Play through 15 different missions as you take on relentless enemies; Choose from a Variety of Weapons – Select your weapon of choice, collect upgrades, grenades, and power-ups in every level; Face off with Enemy Bio-mutants – Kill evil mutations including former soldiers with tentacle arms and bird-like legs, acid-spitting orangutans and monstrous insect-like birds; Make Your Way Through Enemy Camps – Shoot your way through each level or blow up enemies to pieces with your grenades.
Portable Full Demo 28MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Blue Star Saga Annex [top]

A shooting game that won prize in the 6th Freem! Game Contest. You can transform weapons, skillfully uses bombs, and capture all eight stages. Board the space-time fighter "BLUE STAR" equipped with AI (Artificial Intelligence), it is a vertical scroll shooting game (scrolls slightly to the left and right) to capture all 8 stages with various mechanisms. While exchanging the arms with three different performances by the button according to the battle situation, and increasing the number of bombs with the bomb gauge which goes up each time there is a shot. Further strengthen the shot with the enemy defeat numbers. Some stages and bosses are a bit difficult, but there are 20 self-made aircraft, one continuum from the start, and there are 3 bombs if it is done, so even beginners will advance to the far side. The strategy is to use bombs that can attack completely and invincible.
Free Game v2.0 85MB (uploaded by Freem!)

Bullet Hell! ちく(Chiku) [top]

This is a very polished danmaku shmup. There are the 2 classics shot types: wide and focused. When you power up with the P item you get either fixed modules shooting straight ahead for the first one or auto aiming for the second one. There's the slow button with concentrated shot and visible hitbox on the player. The 3rd button shoost an Ikaruga style auto aiming laser (MP). When you destroy an enemy with the normal shot you collect yellow stars which resplenishes the mana gauge. When full you get another laser (MP). You can also get one by collecting a B item. If enemies are destroyed with a laser shot you collect green stars which value more points and resplenishes the mana gauge faster. Strategic use of the laser is required to score and get extends. The required score to get one is the value written next to the 1up line. Moreover if you use the slow button on certain parts of a level you collect hidden fruits for points. Each stage gets new enemies or new gameplay elements, like the third one where there are blocks moving similarly to those of Radiant Silvergun or the second one where wind abounds. Enemies and boss pattern are similar to many danmaku shmup classics but effective. There's a hard mode with faster and more plentiful ones. Graphic wise it looks like a fantasy rpg from the Super Famicom era. Backgrounds are pixelated but characters are in a higher resolution. Music fits the game but is not that great: it's standard fantasy orchestral synths.
Full Demo 38MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Chicken Invaders 4: Ultimate Omelette InterAction Studios [top]

This is the fourth game in the series and has 120 waves across 12 or 13 levels. It includes weapons which can be upgraded through 12 power levels, with a supercharged 12th level. The weapons from Revenge of the Yolk are available as 'unlockables'. Ultimate Omelette unlockables can be purchased individually by collecting keys, which are dropped from destroyed enemies during the course of the game. A new feature in this game is the capability of the player's spaceship to face in any direction depending on the level (it was always facing up in previous games), and the camera can also zoom in or out depending on the wave (boss fights typically have the camera zoomed out to contain all the action). This game also has special holiday editions, which are the New Year, Easter, Veterans, Thanksgiving, and Christmas editions. The game is also on Steam, with the graphics partially remastered in HD ( HQ2X Mode).
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30-Wave Demo + Christmas Edition Demo + Easter Edition Demo + Thanksgiving Edition Demo 17MB (uploaded by CNET Download)
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Windows 8 Level Demo + Christmas Edition Demo + Easter Edition Demo + Thanksgiving Edition Demo 27MB (uploaded by Windows Store)
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Fan-Made All In One Game Pack - ISO Demo 143MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Contlade Zakichi [top]

This sequel to Arginaros has a great oldschool vibe with cool, cartoony visual effects and generous amounts of action. It has some Engrish and a decent introduction, and has some good ideas implemented in this otherwise traditional shooter (you can clash beams with enemies and win if yours is stronger, slash bullets and find secrets with electric blades, etc.). You can rack up great score multipliers and fire off several weapons to bring the pain.
Free Game v1.02 55MB (uploaded by Vector)

Denkou STG [J] Tama's / Seikei University Electronics Research Department [top]

This 3D vertical shmup has a nice feature in that your ship is able to have different attacks by switching three types of weapons. There's normal shots, melee weapon which you can use to hit and destroy other ships with yours, and explosive fire which is slower but causes a wide range of blast and is useful for cleanup of breakable enemy bullets.
Japanese Level Demo 123MB (uploaded by Vector)

Eclosion: Phase of Sky and Earth Ever Juvenile [top]

In the future, earth facing great danger from the outer space. "Project Eclosion," a mass destruction weapon from unknown source is threaten mankind. As a pilot of the Earth Defence Force, soar your jet and destroy the core of Eclosion. This doujin game featuring 6 levels that can be chosen from the beginning, 2 types of aircraft and nice music.
Full Demo v0.92 56MB (uploaded by Supernova)

Galshell 2 Artesneit [top]

In this adult shmup, you're descending into Hell for some reason. The art style reminds of a lot of Irem games; X-Multiply namely, but also a bit of R-Type and In The Hunt. H.R. Giger for sure, as well. Shooting enemies releases brains which grow your item chain. Every brain you collect fills the meter on the right by one unit. Once the meter is full, gold skulls start dropping instead of brains. Gold skulls will increase in size as you collect them. I'm not exactly sure how this fits into scoring. Getting hit will significantly downgrade your chain, and I can't remember if letting a brain or skull fall off the screen also does the same. The game is unfinished so it's still rough around the edges and there may be additions and adjustments in the future.
C79 Trial Demo 80MB (uploaded by Vector)
C78 Trial Demo 38MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Gravitar Atari Inc. [top]

The evil being called Gravitar is out attempting to destroy the universe in this difficult arcade game first released in 1982. With each galaxy he conquers he leaves behind extreme gravitational forces, a powerful, explosive reactor and deadly bunkers. Your job is to stop Gravitar by taking back the twelve solar systems located in four galaxies that are under his control. In each solar system there is a sun, an alien reactor base, and three to four planets. To free the solar system, you have two choices; either visit all of the planets and destroy all enemy bunkers, or activate the reactor at the core of the alien base and escape before it explodes. On each of the planets and the alien base, there will be strong gravitational forces to deal with; make sure you keep your ship in space, since a crash into the ragged landscape will be fatal. After a galaxy has been freed, you then automatically move on to the next galaxy which will be even more difficult to save. The game includes five different skill levels which vary in difficulty by supplying different amounts of ships to begin the game as well as different strengths of gravity. It uses vector graphics (this time in color) and the same "rotate-and-thrust" controls as Asteroids. It started the cave-flyer genre of shooters.
Browser-Playable Free Emulated arcade version (uploaded by Vizzed)

Great Fairy Wars Team Shanghai Alice [top]

This is a 2D vertically-scrolling bullet hell shooter. It is installment 12.8 in the Touhou series. The main heroine is Cirno, an ice fairy, who is able to freeze enemy bullets next to using regular shots. But to be able to freeze she must first charge a counter to determine the strength of the freeze attack. The bomb is a replaced with a 'perfect freeze' technique that freezes all bullets on the screen. Three Fairies of Light (Sunny Milk, Luna Child, and Star Sapphire) wants co-operation between all fairies and destroyed Cirno's house. For her, this is war and she wants to punish them. Cirno does not have a regular life system, but 'motivation' instead. One life equals 100% motivation. She has 200% and can charge this rate. The game has three stages with multiple paths and these can be played in any order.
Full Demo 190MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Gun Dan: The Cloud Shooting D.N.A. Softwares [top]

Gundan, literally translated as Bullet Group, is a horizontally scrolling shooter. The gameplay of Gundan puts the player in control of a group of troops consists of 10 members, who destroy enemies on-screen using bullets and a limited supply of bombs. At the beginning of stage only Reimu and Marisa are available as the team leader. The player can only choose up to three different formations which can be changed at any time during the game progresses. There are eight stages which can be chosen freely by the player and each stage ends with a boss fight. Defeated boss will join the players and could be added in the troop formation before entering into a new stage. The game ends when the player's leader is lost by run out of life points, but the option to continue will be given.
ISO Demo 99MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Hayabusa Entis Soft [top]

You play the role of a satellite in this vertical-scrolling shooter. This game has some impressive CGI cut-scenes and is an homage to Ikaruga. You get colour chains from collecting enemy drops so it's like medalling in Raiden Fighters. 11 years have passed since humans launch their last space shuttle to collect samples on asteroids. Now they preparing to re-launch a similar project with the code name "Hayabusa." In this game player will control their space shuttle through 5 levels with 3 difficulties. Besides "D-Energy" as bombs, players will be equipped with "charge sampler horn." A special weapon that powerful enough to withstand bullets and create major damage. It also has stereoscopic 3D graphics options.
ISO Demo 445MB (uploaded by roioros)
Level Demo 25.5MB (uploaded by Sk8Tokyo)

Hero Core Daniel Remar / Remar Games [top]

This is a freeware shooter game created by Daniel Remar, the developer of Iji. It was created in Game Maker, with music composed by Brother Android. It is a sequel to the game Hero. Hero Core is a “Metroidvania” styled shooter, where the player controls Flip Hero, and using two fire buttons, navigates his way through Cruiser Tetron’s asteroid base. The ultimate goal of Hero Core is to get to the center of the asteroid base, and defeat the Machine Warlord, Cruiser Tetron. Beating the game on either difficulty unlocks a bonus screen with additional game modes, maps etc. Getting 100% computers, bosses and exploration will only add dots to the end of your savefile, rather than unlocking more stuff.
Free Game v1.4 2.5MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Kuvader Studio Til [top]

A group of hair ball creatures are attacking, and Risu (English: squirrel), our heroine, must ward them off. Kuvader is an action shooting game in which the player controls a character and firing at the enemy waves. The player earn points by destroying enemies in a row with a single shot, and prevent them from passing through player's character. In Kuvader the player is penalised for any enemies that are managed slip past their defense and jump off the screen. Also, part of the tension arises from the single shot capability of the cannon. Player can't fire again until they hit an enemy, and defeating the enemies brings another wave that is more difficult. The game is infinite and will keep going until player's demise and achieve a high score.
Free Game 26MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Lethal Judgment HD B-Software [top]

Get ready for the new version of Lethal Judgment, in High Definition 720p updated for the Xbox 360 as well as PC. Fight all along 5 new levels against powerful aliens and huge bosses. Welcome to the new old school shoot them up experience. Each level has an end of level boss. Instead of lives, your ship has a shield represented by an energy bar which will have to last throughout the entire level as there is no way to recharge it. It makes for a challenging game as you get sent back to the menu if your shield runs out. You have three weapon types which can be changed between at any time; fire gun, blind gun and a laser. Each gun can be upgraded up to three times via floating power ups. An upgrade can be lost when colliding with an enemy or bullet so be careful! You also have a special weapon which can be activated and protects you from incoming enemies. The levels are of fairly good length and packed full of enemies. There is a slight strategic element to the game, enemies can appear from anywhere on screen so using the right weapon is a must if you want to keep that shield, for example using Blind to shoot enemies from behind. Bosses are naturally tricky to kill and despite the five levels sounding fairly short you will not be completing the game in your first attempt. The updated visuals look great, if you can take your eyes of the action you will notice the well designed backgrounds which are animated and add to the atmosphere. Enemy sprites are large in number on screen, they are also detailed and look the part. The provided techno style music sounds good and goes well with the fast paced nature of the game. Sound effects are plentiful and include speech for weapons selection which all sound good. It was later made freeware in 2011.
Freeware Game included in Lethal Judgment HD Collection 501MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Free Game ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 82MB

Life Fortress Volcabamba Zakuro Fantasia [top]

This is a shmup made as if it came out for MSX computer, with appropriate palette and jerky scrolling. While the influence of Konami is visible, the gameplay is more inspired by other older shmups like Hellfire and Double Ring. The ship cannons fires in two opposite directions and can be rotated, alternately with just the pressure of a button, or button+direction while not firing; the latter method takes more time to master but is also more versatile and satisfying. Only a few levels but, given their difficulty, you won't regret this; they are well designed. Finding all the hidden Volca spheres to access the final boss, some of them in really difficult places to spot, is a feat only for the most persistent players.
Free Game v1.1 1.92MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Magical Cannon Girl 2 KIT-Station [top]

Two years ago, the world was dealing with the terror of the powerful demon, Belial (this means that the story would take place two years later in MCG2). However, one magical gun/cannon girl appeared and defeated him (Rebecca, the heroine) and it looked as if the world had returned to a calm, normal state. However, capitalizing on the chaos that had occurred due to Belial, the "Shubarg (or Shubarugu) Empire" appeared and invaded countries while they were vulnerable. The Shubarg Empire possesses a powerful military force and the invasions were ordered by a powerful dictator...unfortunately, the emperor of the Shubarg empire is still young and basically at the mercy of the military and doesn't have much, if any, control. With this new crisis around, the leader of Firan Kingdom (the same kingdom from the first) once again requested help from Rebecca's family...the request was simple: "I want you to save the kingdom and the countries from the Shubarg Empire!" This time, however, 2 magical cannon girls accepted the kingdom's request. The first is Rebecca, who is itching for some action and hasn't done any major fighting for 2 years. The newcomer, Yuna, is close to Rebecca and if Rebecca goes, she wants to go too...however, Rebecca, being a bit of a "veteran" at this point, urges her that the matter is serious...to which Yuna responds that she understands and will be careful...and with that out of the way, the 2 girls take to the skies...Rebecca, the spunky one, and Yuna, the more shy and timid one...the dialogue is different depending on who you choose. If you played the first one, you will notice that Rebecca doesn't have her companion, Rapha, with her...instead, Yuna takes over Rapha's ability when using her bomb attack (she fires a homing shot that spirals and hits enemies on screen). Rebecca's standard shot is a spread shot that covers a pretty good area when powered up. Yuna gets "option" type units that go to the sides of her to cover a bit of a radius when she is powered up, but they can also come close to her to concentrate her firepower to a small area for maximum damage. Rebecca's shots are weaker than Yuna, so it depends on your play preference. Rebecca's bomb is the same as the first game; a powerful magical beam cannon that destroys things in a straight path. You still have the ability to make your character turn around to attack enemies that try to come from behind. Also, regarding the aforementioned bombs, just like the previous game, the longer you charge your energy, the stronger the bomb attack will be. There are point items (as well as stars that give you bonus points; you can get these by using your bomb attacks to take out enemy fire; they reset after each stage) as well as healing items too...Your power will drop whenever you are hit and bomb attacks can be interrupted if hit, even though they can destroy enemy bullets, so it is ideal to learn to spot openings to charge your energy. At any rate, the visuals are decent (a step up from the previous game), the music is actually very nice (better than the first), and the game can get VERY intense...like the previous game, it's solid and inexpensive to download.
included in Magical Cannon Girl 2-in-1 - Full Demo 65MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Maria and a Red Bloom Mike Splechta [top]

This is a vertical shooter with scrolling 3D backgrounds but lackluster sprite designs. Your character is able to swap equipped spells at the touch of a button. Your secondary attack can be activated in spurts as indicated by a blue gauge on the bottom right of the screen.
Full Demo 145MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Metal Assault / Giga Slave GNISoft / Gravity Interactive, Inc. [top]

This is a free to play action packed 2D side scroller with rough 'em up, shoot 'em up fun. Grab some friends, grab a weapon and get in the thick of battle with defense specialist Carl, sharpshooter Marie, the brute force of Burton and tactical expert Ai. Mission Mode - Discover the world of HERZ, while leveling up and finding new items! Enjoy the riveting story mode and open up mystery boxes. Good luck, gunners. Co-Op vs. ZOMBIES - Gather your comrades and cooperate with them to survive. Battle against hordes of zombies and more. Don't let them swarm you. Battle Mode - It's an all-out war. Prove that you're the better soldier with the better team in this Player vs. Player furious assault. Fight in teams of up to 8 players in DEATH MATCH, CAPTURE THE FLAG and ZOMBIE INFECTION MODE.
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Free Game 278MB (uploaded by Baixaki)
Steam Free Game (uploaded by Steam)

Missile Command Atari Inc., Krome Studios Pty Ltd. / Microsoft Game Studios [top]

Aliens from the planet of Krytol are attacking your cities in this classic arcade game first released in 1980. As the commander of a missile base, it is your responsibility to defend them. A variety of enemy weapons and planes will be incoming trying to destroy the six cities at the bottom of the screen. You need to fire missiles to destroy the incoming weapons. If anything gets through, one of your cities could be destroyed. When all of the cities are gone, the game is over. On each level you have a limited amount of ammo, so make sure most (if not all) of your shots are accurate or you could run out of ammo and leave your cities at risk. As the levels progress, there are more and more enemy weapons to destroy which come in at an increasingly faster rate. The game was later playable free at My IGN in browser-playable Flash emulated form.
Browser-Playable Emulated arcade version (uploaded by Vizzed)

Mission X FroggySoft [top]

If you love flying like bullets in the depths of space facing hordes of enemies you can't miss this very interesting open source project completely made in Italy. A video game written entirely in Java (compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Linux) made using the EasyWay 4 (an open source graphics engine for creating video games in two dimensions). The shooter must be installed (and it will not be necessary to have JRE on our PC) and then run through an elegant graphical interface where we can select the display mode (window or full screen), adjust the level of detail and choose the type of controller to use (mouse, joystick or pad). We will control the NCC-01 spaceship on a mission to protect the Earth from the Macronian invasion. The gameplay is truly amazing: furious retro action with alien structures to destroy, end-of-level bosses and an evocative galactic scenery animated by impeccable scrolling. An indie project definitely worth trying: the source site is also available on the official website and future versions will allow us to upload customized game levels, mods and skins.
Free Game v1.2 + OST (uploaded by Official Site)

Monster Hearts DOS810 [top]

In this world humans are coexist with Asmodian, special creatures being proficient in science and magic. In the small district of Akebonocho there exist "Monster Hearts", a cafe managed by three girls; Kyurarisu, Tama-chan and Francoise. However, no one knows that this cafe helps others overcome problems caused by Asmodians. This is a vertical scrolling shooter with visual novel developed using Shooting Game Builder. It utilizes three systems; life bar, moon gauge and spell options. Life bar is character's life points and when the life bar of a player character reaches zero, the player may lose a life. Moon gauge is required to launch special attack and added after destroying enemies. Spell options is a power-ups and obtained throughout the game. There are four magics with different effects.
Full Demo v1.5 67MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Moon Raid 3D H+Soft Retro Arcade Entertainment [top]

Prepare yourself for a fast passed mission over the surface of the moon in 3D. Two hundred and fifty giant grey aliens are cresting the moon in a hostile attempt at taking over earth. You must attempt to take out every alien in this initial attack. For every alien that escapes and reaches earth, they will summon others and billions will die! So grab your game pad or joystick and destroy this hostile take over attempt. Do you have what it takes to save earth? Will you get a 100% chance of survival and the final high score? To access the main title menu during play, Tap your Space Bar, ESC, or Button 3 on your game pad. From the menu you can: Start, Quit or Resume a game, Turn the 3D graphics on/off, Turn the retro line FX on/off, or Exit. You can also hit ESC from the title menu, not the pause menu, to exit/quit. Shoot the aliens when they are furthest away to earn more points. Aliens will appear at different altitudes, make sure you are at the right height to shoot them. Try not to fire to much in the beginning you will loose more points. When you hear a jet pass sound the alien has already passed, so don't bother shooting it. You can't die in this game, so don't worry about colliding with aliens, just focus on blasting them. The more you play the better you'll get.
Free Game ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 2.6MB

Mrs. Estacion Kaito Kaito / Palace Heaven [top]

When finding herself trapped in a dream world, Himeka decides to begin exploring while searching for a way to wake up from her dream. This is a vertical shooting game with references based upon various Touhou Project, though it's not related directly. It features four stages, three difficulties and with special mode as a boss rush mode. The scoring system is based on Touhou Chireiden, where player is urged to actively graze at every possible opportunity in order to increase the point item value. Also, a bullet will award graze points as long as the player is close enough to it.
Full Demo 110MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Nichibutsu Early Collection [J] D4 Enterprise [top]

This is a 80's game golden age collection of 6 games of Nichibutsu born in that era are in one package. Includes: Magmax - Meadow, desert ... and underground! All battlefield side shooting games; Seicross - Racing + shooting! ?? Overtake the enemy! An incandescent high-speed shooter; Terra Cresta - Collect parts, transform into a phoenix, and defeat Mandler! Vertical scroll shooting with an impressive coalescence system; Crazy Climber - An action game that gained popularity due to its unusual operation. Climb the skyscraper... Without a lifeline; Booby Kids - Primitive era, Edo era ... Dig up various eras! ?? A comical action game where you dig and fight against enemies; Galivan - Accumulate power and transform! Save the universe from the hands of the dark organization Madou! An action-adventure that runs through the vast world. Bonus Music CD - The sound you've always listened to on a single CD. The sound source is a discerning actual recordings. Includes rare advertisements as PDF files.
Japanese 2CD ISO Demo 266MB (uploaded by myloch)

Pooyan Konami Industry Co. Ltd. / Microsoft Game Studios [top]

This was initially a 1982 arcade game where you play the role of a pig, protecting its piglets from wolves. The first screen takes place near the pigs' home. Mrs. Pig rides up and down in a cable car, shooting at wolves, who are riding balloons downward, towards the ground. If the wolves land safely on the ground, then they can climb a ladder, near the cable-car, and catch Mrs. Pig. But if she shoots their balloons, they splat on the ground instead. The wolves shoot acorns at the pig. But Mrs. Pig has a food based weapon too. If she gets to the top, she can get meat, to toss at the wolves and make them jump off their balloons in pursuit. Each wolf taken out this way is worth bonus points (on a doubling scheme: 400, 800 1600...) The second scene takes place at the wolves lair. Here the wolves have reinforced balloons - it takes multiple hits to make them fall. Here they float upwards toward a big rock, which they push on top of Mrs. Pig, when seven wolves are present. Additionally, an alpha wolf (wolf leader) appears and summons wolves in packs. It first appeared on PC in Microsoft Game Room release (Game Pack 12). A free fan remake was done in 1998 by Allan Tengg, in 2011 by Micky4Fun and in 2019 by RoskGames. In 2017, a free Pooyan Remake by Gamecodeur students using Pico-8 was released.
Pooyan Remake - Browser-Playable Free Game (uploaded by Pico-8)
2011 Free Fan Remake 4.7MB (uploaded by Classic Retro Games)
2019 Free Fan Remake 2.8MB (uploaded by Classic Retro Games)
1998 Free Fan Remake 238kb (uploaded by Classic Retro Games)

ProtoGalaxy Source Studio Ltd. [top]

Earth is under siege. A mysterious and powerful alien race has come to enslave the entire galaxy, and your fleet is humanity's last hope. You must put an end to the attacks and rebuild a home for the survivors. With the invaders in hot pursuit, and the dangers of the unexplored at every turn, do you have what it takes to forge a new galaxy? Features: Team up with up to 4 players and explore the galaxy; Enjoy challenging action, smart puzzles, and deep adventure; Customize your ship with a huge selection of parts; Use physics to solve puzzles or defeat your enemies; Create your own galaxy using the built in editor; Download new galaxies from other players for endless gameplay; Proto Defense DLC is it's first Arcade map. It's the first online multiplayer co-op turret defense game for ProtoGalaxy. Team up with your friends to defend Earth from alien invaders in this unique turret defense experience. Features: Team up to defend Earth from alien invaders; Pick from a big selection of turrets; Reposition your turrets at any time to deal extra damage; Take down huge bosses; Compete in leaderboards for the highest score; Tackle 8 new challenging achievements; Built using the ProtoGalaxy Editor. Initially a commercial game, it was later made freeware.
Steam Freeware Game (uploaded by Steam)

Razor2: Hidden Skies Invent4 Entertainment Ltda. / Strategy First [top]

After a surprise attack, the Federation has lost control of several key positions. Commanding the best warship available, Razor2, it's your job to drive back the rebels from the Earth. The best available equipment will be put at your disposal, offering you the choice of which upgrades to purchase for the ship at the end of each mission. This is a top-down "bullet hell" shooter, created in the style of classic arcade games. Over the course of the eight missions, the player will battle against fifty waves of enemies and massive bosses. It is not only possible, but in fact very likely to advance through a mission without destroying all enemies. However, purchasing ship upgrades requires coins and the number of coins earned depends on the number of enemies destroyed. The game features three difficulty levels and ten achievements that can be earned, ranging in difficulty from moderate to almost impossible. Rankings are also available, players being able to compare their scores in both local and global classifications.
Full Demo 179MB (uploaded by Supernova)

Red Killer: 2nd Age Rolie [top]

This is a shmup clearly based on the Siter Kain ones. It looks like a Reflex clone but there's no reflection system. There's a front beam, which gauge depletes when used and slowly resplenishes when not used, but that's all. The standard shot is a 7 ways shot: it aims at every angle minus the back. There are no power ups at all. You've got 5 lives and a shield bar. Enemies shoot fast an the screen is easily full of bullets. Bosses patterns are based on those of Reflex and Kamui. Again graphics and sounds are clearly based on those of the aforementioned titles but are not as great. Option menu translation: number of lives, background, sound effects, music, flash effects (you may turn them off for the level 5, they are nasty on the eyes !), screen mode, save settings and return at the title screen.
Free Game 11MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Redshift Diseased Productions / CrazyMonkeyGames [top]

An evolution of Blueshift. Redshift features over 250 weapons and shields and a huge campaign across the solar system. Now it features a full story, campaign, and a slew of equipment that enemies will drop. Loads of enemies, bosses, and destruction.
Browser-Playable Free Flash Game (uploaded by Newgrounds)

Reisen Rush + Remilia Rush BNelsey [top]

Reisen Rush is a game made as a Christmas present to all Touhou fans. It's a mouse-controlled 360 degree danmaku shooter. Some stage 2 bosses decided to attack Eientei and brought a fairy army with them. The player takes control of Reisen to stop the army and save the day. A revised version called Remilia Rush was later released but this time with (simpler) keyboard controls and a much higher difficulty setting. People will tend to enjoy this game more than the original Reisen version.
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Free Games 8.1+8.3MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Reverse Twinkle Desunoya [top]

A free-movement side-scrolling B&W shooting game. Accumulate the same color type of bullets to create a Charge Shot, clear the screen with the powerful Force Break, have fun blasting your way to victory. It also has two player co-op. It's a polarity based game, like Ikaruga, Hayabusa or eXceed2nd. Apart from the polarity system though, the game is entirely different as you can shoot in 8 directions. It pretty much plays like a twin-stick shooter, except it doesn't use sticks and is locked to 8 directions.
Full Demo 242MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Ruff 'n' Tumble Ironclaw [top]

This is a remake of the 1994 Amiga game of the same name but it's got totally different Levels. The controls are (just like the original) very good and even if the Sounds and Grafix (and even the BOSSES) are ripped from Alltime-Classics, it comes along with it's very own style. Ruff Rogers has lost his marbles - in the literal sense of the small round balls used to play a game on drains. He's been armed with a gun to retrieve them from 16 levels of side-scrolling platform shooting. The gun you start with isn't especially powerful, but various machine guns and flamethrowers can be collected, which make much lighter work of the enemies. Your character can jump and duck responsively, and fire at all angles. There are 3 different colours of marbles, which a quota to recover from each level. Collecting enough of each particular colour sees all similar ones turned to coins, which can go towards extra lives and points bonuses. Switches are built into the levels; these act as restart points.
Free Game 10MB (uploaded by Classic Retro Games)

Snowball Power HamCorossam [top]

In this doujin shooter, you play as a girl trying to fight an invasion of chickens with snowballs.
Full Demo 4.7MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Solace One Man Down / DigiPen Institute of Technology [top]

This is an interactive aesthetic experience utilizing dynamic audio and bullet hell overtones to provide a unique perspective on the five stages of grief. As the player journeys through each level, the game presents a musical and visual interpretation of each stage of grief representing a range of emotions.
Free Game 93MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Sora Orange_Juice / Rockin' Android, ΩTH [top]

This mixes the fast-paced action of a 3D dash brawler like Zone of the Enders 2 with the tighter controls, greater situational awareness, and much greater danger level of a 2D shmup. Sora is the 3rd game in the Suguri line. It's a prequel, taking place at the end of the war that left the Earth in ruins. It is a refinement and improvement over the original Suguri in every way. The most noticeable improvement Sora brings to the table is the graphics. Gone are the fuzzy flame-spitting tinker-toy enemies replaced by dark and crisply-drawn combat robots with glowmaps that look like they’re made to fight. Energy attacks are now drawn in sexy bloomy bolts that look even more striking against ubiquitous dark clouds in the background. While Sora and the enemy cyborgs are still look like teenagers, they're no longer throwing exploding maracas or showing up to a warzone in a baby-T and jeans. In fact, one of the bosses is downright creepy as her arms were amputated and replaced with interfaces for her giant robot suit. Cloudphobia is still safe in its place as the prettiest indie shmup on the PC, but Sora is definitely a treat for the eyes. Gameplay-wise, Orange Juice has learned from its experience in the multiplayer arena. Overpowered weapons have been toned down (eg. Spread shot) while useless weapons have been pumped up (the Bazooka is now devastating). Like in AoS, the sword is now a mainstay weapon, with the awkward 2-button approach replaced by a single button. Dash attacks now build up way more heat than Suguri, increasing the price of abusing them. Level design has improved greatly. Popcorn enemies no longer fire a single volley and disappear if you can’t get them fast enough; they’re perfectly happy to hang around and pepper you with fire until you take them down. Bad stage ideas like the twisty corridor have been scrapped while good stage ideas like the battleships have been expanded. AND! the damage chain gauge pauses between enemy waves, making it completely possible to boost your score by chaining the entire stage. It's even the first game in the series where you can change the awkward keyboard arrangement (however clumsily) by plugging Virtual Key Codes into the external_option file. It unlocks additional weapons based on total gameplay time. An English version was released in 2012.
Japanese Full Demo 340MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Trial Level Demo 80MB (uploaded by Sk8Tokyo)

Space Chunks II George Thornton / Crunchy Frog [top]

This is a fast-paced, action-packed classic arcade style game packed to the brim with gorgeously glorious graphics and shudderingly superb sound. Fly missions through multiple stages, encounter a variety of enemies from fighters to capital ships, enhance and upgrade your ship. Earn promotions, unlock new upgrade tiers, build your squad. Fantastic graphics, sound effects, music. Save your games, post your scores on the global high scores chart.
Free Game v0.99 31MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Space Clusters Jayenkai [top]

A somewhat simplified version of the classic Space Hawks, from the Amstrad CPC. As always Jayenkai delivers in the section for oldschool goodness, and throws you a classic (-ish) game with a twist on gameplay. Destroy the baddies as you would a regular shooter, but should the enemy be stationary when hit, it drops a little pod which'll kill you. This gives it a nice controllable difficulty level, whereby if you don't shoot like a crazy person, then you won't be bombarded by falling pods... whereas if you go mental, the game will similarly be much more difficult. It's nice and fast, and again it's better on the harder modes.
Free Game 2.9MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Space Trance Porter DOS810 [top]

This is a mix of STG and radio show. So, yep, the game contains a lot of voice acting. The space is silent and scary, there really is no BGM to accompany you in your boring journeys as a transporter, thus, instead of regular music, during the stage you hear a radio show along with the other two pilots chatting at you. It's absolutely on LSD half of the time, both the enemy designs and your own characters. A shuttle launching cows? A space pilot with cat ears and a space suit that leave the chest area open? Mechanics-wise, you have a charge attack (which sometimes glitches or I timed it terribly bad) that makes you invincible and a regular weapon that grows in power as you pick those golden thingies that look like Kero-chan from Card Captor Sakura. Your lives are represented by the cargo you are bringing. The game is made, like Mana Blast and a couple more, with the STGBuilder tool. Special mention to the boss. A terribly bad, mean and ugly hentai chicken-man space pirate hybrid (even the girl calls him hentai) that makes even the manliest Terran marine cry. You don't want to face him in the night. It's weird, definitely and clearly surreal, strange and weird.
Trial Level Demo v0.321t 116MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Star Prince MyPlayCity [top]

This is a colorful two-dimensional shooter with excellent cartoon-style graphics. The prince of the stars is walking hand in hand with his beloved on his beautiful lush planet but when he goes away for a moment to collect a bouquet of fragrant flowers to give to his beloved here comes the manigoldo on duty and takes it away from him. Now some of you might think: well, if there are seven princesses for each prince what sense does it make to run to get the spaceship to try to save it? Well, he decides to do so and here he is then immersed in a furious horizontal scrolling battle ready to destroy as many flying snails as possible. Unfortunately, if the Star Prince graphics make a good impression (the game runs only in full screen in 1024x768 in a very fluid way) the same cannot be said of the general gameplay. The game automatically saves our position and offers a good number of levels the problem is that the AI ​​of the enemies is practically non-existent. Not that who knows what artificial intelligence is necessary for a two-dimensional shooter but here the enemy hordes will pour against us following patterns that are sometimes rather predictable and without creating too many problems for the player. It only becomes difficult when there are so many objects on the screen that we will struggle to follow the position of our ship.
Ad-Supported Free Game 27MB (uploaded by iDownGames)

Star Shooter Maximum 2010 Aoshima Rakusaku / ARECT [top]

This is a free Chinese vertical-scrolling shooter. Instantly respond to enemy attacks that change each time you play. The key to the strategy is to master "Three Formations" and the weapons integrated with offense and defense, "Beam Saver". It has α high tension soundtrack. If you start with "GAME START", you can enjoy endless battles. " EASY START " is exactly the same as when the beginner's shield was turned on. It is ending with 4 sides clear. " NORM START " has the same difficulty as when you started with GAME START, and it is a four-sided end. With " HARD START ", you can start the game from the 2nd week difficulty level. And it's a four-sided end. If you clear EASY, NORM, and HARD, you will be able to get different colored trophies if you clear them, so the purpose may be more "clear" than before .
Free Game v2.80 27.3MB (uploaded by Vector)

STG Tate vs Yoko stg.pazru [top]

This is a homebrew shoot em' up mashup that includes many different ships and characters from other pouplar shmups such as: Gradius, Darius, R-TYPE, Xevious, Star Force, Star Soldier, black metal, Ray Force, Parodius , Otomedius, Thunder Force, Ainhanda, Twinbee, XEXEX, Thunder Cross, Salamander, Giga Wing, Wing Zero, Death Smiles, fantasy zone, Galaga, Moon Cresta, Terakuresuta, Kamui, Rajiozonde, east Project, Radiant Silver Gun, Ikaruga, Garegga Battle, Battle magic, Azure Guren Corps and others. You can choose from those of vertical (Tate) or horizontal (Yoko) titles.
Full Demo 99MB (uploaded by Supernova)
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Full Demo 96MB (uploaded by roioros)
Full Demo latest build (02/25/2012) 99MB (uploaded by Supernova)

Super Laser Racer New Star Games Ltd [top]

This is an exciting combat racing game set in outer geometric space. Blast your way to the top of the leaderboards using lasers, missiles, bombs and more. 24 exhilarating tracks, 12 racers, 8 challenging tournaments, online multi-player and a track editor. Features: Bombs, cannons, lasers, mines, missiles, plasmas; Online leaderboards; Eliminator and Survival race modes; Create your own tracks.
Steam Level Demo (uploaded by Steam)
Full Demo ( provided by Wastrel & Scaryfun) 120MB

Suwako's Shooting Jumping Game UTG Software [top]

Suwako has a lot of free time. Way too much free time, in fact, so she decides to go for a walk. And then, what was once in 2 dimensions is now in 3. What is this frog's specialty, that this 3 dimensional world has long awaited? Jumping, which is now different than how it used to be. Danmaku is incoming, from now on you must jump to avoid it. Imagine your standard Touhou game. Now imagine it if it weren't in 2D, or 3D even, it's isometric view. Enemies shoot patterns of bullets at you, and you dodge them, while shooting your own danmaku back. What this means, basically, is that you can go under bullets AND jump over bullets. You can choose to play alone or by sharing with fellow sufferer, thanks to mode of 2 simultaneous players. There's a multitude of enemies, they gain in strength as we move forward, and there's capsules to collect to provide us with improvements and, of course , the essential and "damn" "Final Bosses" that await us at the end of each phase. In Nov/2013, the game was made freeware.
Free Game 38MB (uploaded by Moriya Shrine)

THContra Unknown [top]

This is a shooting game developed using Action Game Maker 1.03 and based upon Contra, a 1987 run and gun action game developed by Konami. Playing as Marisa Kirisame, the player's ultimate objective is reaching the opponent's fortress to destroy Remilia's ultimate weapon. Marisa begins with unlimited star shot, but once she has advanced far enough into enemy territory, the weapon can be upgraded into one of three other guns; a semi-automatic machine gun, a fireball gun and a spread gun that sprays bullets in five directions. The player loses a life if gets touched by enemy or an enemy bullet. The game consists only one level and doesn't have continues. If the player loses all lives the game will resume from the beginning.
Full Demo 11MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Tori-Tatsu II: Avengers Ambition Sorafune Atelier [top]

This orthodox 2D vertical scrolling STG is a sequel to Tori-Tatsu I: Death Label.
Free Game v0.31 50.5MB (uploaded by Vector)

Touhou 12.5: Double Spoiler Team Shanghai Alice [top]

This game in the Touhou series is a direct continuation of the 10.5 title Shoot the Bullet. Like most games in the series it is a 2D vertically-scrolling "bullet hell" danmaku game with photography as a theme and gameplay element. The player controls Aya Shameimaru (and unlockable character Hatate Himekaidou), Tengu Crow reporter. She wants to take photos of various bosses and theirs spellcards. She cannot shoot, but her camera can annihilate enemy bullets. For each fight she must take a predetermined number of pictures.
Japanese ISO Demo 284MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Full Demo 172MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Touhou Akijinroku: Everyday Autumn Black Curtain Agency [top]

Touhou Akijinroku, literally translated as Eastern Autumn God Chronicles, is a vertically scrolling shooter which unfortunately has been discontinued. The latest version was released at Comiket 79 on December 31, 2010 and consists of one stage with normal difficulty only. It features two playable characters to choose from; Minoriko Aki and Shizuha Aki, each having two distinct attack types with personalized spell card bombs. The scoring system is almost similar to the Faith meter in Touhou Fuujinroku which has a refillable gauge and slowly depletes unless the player is defeating enemies or collecting point items.
Full Demo 21MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Touhou Gekiren Ki Moon Goddess [top]

This is the fifth game by developer and unlike its predecessor, it is the first horizontally scrolling shooter. The game consists of five levels and no background story or plot is given. The player controls Cirno and progress through the levels, fights through various fairies and obstacles before ultimately facing a boss at the level's end. When gameplay begins, Cirno has only a straight shot but she can gain greater capabilities by collecting and using power-up items. The last extra Cirno can get are two partner options who provide more firepower. The game has unlimited lives, but whenever Cirno defeated she had to start over from the last checkpoint.
ISO Demo 136MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Touhou Koukayaku The Game [J] Peposoft / Conagusuri [top]

This is a fan-made Touhou Project Mega Man clone while using tracks from 東方虹華薬 (Touhou Koukayaku) hence the addition to the name "the game". It was released one Comiket after the initial release of the music CD itself, as an bonus to it. You play as Byakuren Hijiri. The game allows you to select an stage, each having a Undefined Fantastic Object character as the boss. After you beat the boss, you are allowed to switch characters, each having their own different abilities to use.
Full Demo 85MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Touhou Shisengeki / Toho Dead Line Chibikko Musumemusume [top]

This is a simple vertical shooting game where Nitori must shoot waves of aliens and monsters behind her defense lines. Both Nitori and the defense line have life meter, if one of them runs out, the game will end. At the initial level only one wave per rounds, but at higher level several waves of monsters will corner player. Each time Nitori won the mission, she'll be rewarded with new weapons. The game runs with three standard buttons: Z (shoot), X (cycle weapons) and C (bombs). Player can choose the difficulty setting for each rounds and they can play co-op mode.
Full Demo 17MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

V.I.O Kobe Institute of Computing [top]

This shmup is a first-year students project. Variable.Infinity.Organization has shooting from three-sided configuration, and is comparable to the retail versions of the previous decade. One unique feature of this game, is equipment with an arm that is deployed on the left and right to capture the enemy, and it is possible to strengthen its own purge system which becomes a major key to the stage. The fuselage deformation is due to the fact that to purge the enemy you are strengthened with all four. Other small enemies are placed in front of the ship, to play the role of a shield. In addition, a powerful means of attack is to fly and just avoid the bullets of the enemy, rather than shoot them down. To calculate the range of the arm, it sometimes is needed to dive into the enemy to have extended gameplay. The graphics are eye-catching and self-made by the team members. Very rare in the game software field, to find such genius.
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Free Game 155MB (uploaded by Supernova)

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