| Time of Reckoning

First Person Shooters:

| Aliens Online | Blood II: The Chosen | Blood: One Whole Unit | Bobenstein 3D | Burning Soldier | Damage Incorporated: Never Cry Submission | Delta Force | Des Blood 2 [J] | Emissary (cancelled) | Escape | Escape! 3D: The Breakout | Eternal Destiny | Extreme PaintBrawl | Fraggin | Gunmetal | Half-Life | Half-Life: Counter-Strike | Half-Life: Team Fortress Classic | Hexen II: Portal Of Praevus | Liquidator | Megacop | Mr. Pibb: The 3D Interactive Game | NAM (Napalm) | Osarium | P-Zone | PC Gamer: The Extended Play Collection Volume 2 | Private Wars (cancelled) | Pyl (The Dust) [PL] | Q.E.D. II Level Creator | Qoole for Quake II, Quake & Hexen II | Quake 2 Netpack: Extremities | Quake 2 Total Conversion: Juggernaut - The New Story For Quake 2 | Quake 2: Complete Gamer Add-on | Quake 2: Deathmatch Maker II | Quake 2: Total Destruction (Toolkit for Quake 2) | Quake 2: Unseen (cancelled) | Quake II MissionPack 1: The Reckoning | Quake II MissionPack 2: Ground Zero | Quake II: Fault Line | Quake: Abyss Of Pandemonium | Rainbow Six, Tom Clancy's | Raptanks | Redneck Rampage Rides Again: Arkansas | Redneck Rampage: So You Wanna Be A Redneck | Sin | Sirens' Chamber | Sky City Blues | Spec Ops: Ranger Team Bravo | Spec Ops: Rangers Lead The Way / Spec Ops: Ranger Assault | Star Trek: Klingon Honor Guard | Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Mysteries Of The Sith | Starsiege: Tribes | Sword Of Ares, The | Tao / Rujian Dao [Tw] | Target | Thief: The Dark Project | Time of Reckoning | Total Conversions for Quake 2 | Trespasser: Jurassic Park | Twin Dragon | Tyrannizer (cancelled) | Unreal | Unreal Add-on CD | Unreal Add-on CD | Unreal Add-on CD | Unreal: Creative AddOn | Unreal: Not Real | Unreal: Official Strategy Guide GW Press Addons | Unreal: S3 Gallery Beta 2 | Unreal: Special Edition | Unreal: The Real Add-On | Unreality: Das Ultimative Tool & Level Addon Fur Unreal | Unreality: Expansion Set | Varginha Incident, The / Alien Anarchy / Alien Shootout | Vigilance | Wheels! | Z.A.R. (Zone of Artificial Resources) | Zaero Add-On Pack for Quake II

Third Person Shooters:

| 3D Asteroid Impact | Adrenix | ARA NGC 6397 | Asteroids | Astrorock 2000 | Beast Wars Transformers | Breakneck / N.I.C.E. 2 / Excessive Speed | Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now | Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now - Official Graphics Pack | Centipede | Crime Killer | Dead Reckoning | Dethkarz | Eliminator | Enigma [J] | Esoteria: Techno-Assassin of the Future | Expendable / Millenium Soldier: Expendable | Extreme-G: XG2 | Fifth Element, The | Fireteam | Firo & Klawd | Flesh Feast | Forsaken | Geisters: Another Truth Behind The Fact [K] | Godzilla Online | Guns & Ammo: The Ultimate Target Challenge | H.E.D.Z.: Head Extreme Destruction Zone | Hardwar | Hell-Copter | Heretic II | Hot War / Huanying Te Gong [Ch] | Incoming Subversion: The Official Expansion Pack | Incoming: The Final Conflict | Interstate '76: Nitro Pack / Nitro Riders | iPanzer '44 | M.I.A.: Missing in Action | Mad Trax | Metro-Police | Mission Helicopter | O.D.T. - Escape: Or Die Trying | Outrage | Outwars | Postal: Special Delivery | Przekleta Ziemia [PL] | Recoil | Remington Top Shot | Return Fire 2 | Robo Rumble | S.C.A.R.S. | Shadow Master | Shockwave 2: Beyond the Gate [MAC] | Space Bunnies Must Die! | Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D | Starsiege | Thunder Brigade | Tomb Raider 3: The Adventures Of Lara Croft | Tomb Raider Gold: Unfinished Business | Urban Assault | V2000 / Virus 2000 | Wargasm | Zero Prototype

Free Fan-Made Games:

| Astroship Evader | Chokage | Hover War | Lord of Lightning, The | NekoFlight [J] | Sonic Robo Blast 2 | Wrath of Darkness


| 3D Hunting: Grizzly | 3D Hunting: Trophy Game | 3D Hunting: Trophy Whitetail | African Safari Trophy Hunter 3D | Ares Rising | Barrage | Battlecruiser 3000AD v2.0 | Battlezone | Battlezone: Battle Grounds | Battlezone: The Red Odyssey | Bird Hunter: Waterfowl Edition | Browning African Safari: Who's Hunting Who? | Browning Duck Hunting Club | Cabela's Big Game Hunter | Cabela's Big Game Hunter II | Cabela's Big Game Hunter II: Open Season - The Expansion Pack | Cabela's Big Game Hunter: Special Permit Expansion Pack | Carnivores | Close Approach | Comanche Gold | CyberStrike 2 | Deer Hunt 3D | Deer Hunter 2: The Hunt Continues | Deer Hunter Companion | Deer Hunter Screen Saver | Deer Hunter: Extended Season | Descent: Freespace - Silent Threat | Descent: Freespace - The Great War | Enemy Engaged: Apache/Havoc | European Air War | Evil Core: The Fallen Cities | F-16 Aggressor | F-16 Fighting Falcon: The Afghanistan Campaign | F-16 Multirole Fighter | F-22 Raptor | F-22 Total Air War | F22 Air Dominance Fighter: Red Sea Operations | Falcon 4.0 | Fatal Abyss | Field & Stream: Trophy Buck | Fighter Pilot | Fly Hunter | Flying Saucer | Future Cop L.A.P.D. | Global Domination | Golgotha (cancelled) | Grand Slam Turkey Hunt | iF-22 Persian Gulf v5.0 | iF/A-18E Carrier Strike Fighter | In the Service of the Fatherland | Independence War: The Starship Simulator / I-War: Enter Infinity | Jane's Combat Simulations: F-15 | Jane's Combat Simulations: Fleet Command | Jane's Combat Simulations: Israeli Air Force | Jane's Combat Simulations: WWII Fighters | Jetfighter: Full Burn | Luftwaffe Commander: WWII Combat Flight Simulator | M1 Tank Platoon II | Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator: WWII Europe Series | MiG-29 Fulcrum | Mission Helicopter | Mountain Game Hunter | Panzer Commander | Red Baron 3D | Redneck Deer Huntin' | Safari Hunt Challenge | Safari Hunter | Shogo: Mobile Armor Division (Heavy Metal) | Spearhead | Sportsman's Paradise | Star Trek: Starfleet Academy - Chekov's Lost Missions | Star Wars: X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter - Advanced Tactical Missions | Star Wars: X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter - More Fights | Stratosphere: Conquest of the Skies | Super Maneuver Pilotage Trainer [Ru] | Team Apache | TNN Outdoors Pro Hunter | Top Gun: Hornet's Nest | Turkey Hunt Challenge / Turkey Hunt 3D | Uprising 2: Lead and Destroy | Void Pirates (cancelled) | WarBirds | Way Point Zeta | Whitetail Fever | Wing Commander: Secret Ops | Wings: Saigon to Persian Gulf | X-COM: Interceptor

ShootEm Up 2D/3D:

| ¡Schof! | 3D Alien Invasion / Galactic Invasion | 3D Space Fighter | A2: The Ultimate Sequel To AUTS - The Ultimate Stress Relief Game | AI (Alien Invaders) | Apodrasi (Runaway) | Assault Wing | B.U.G.S.: Bill's Unbelievable Ghastly Spaceships / Alien Bugs | Baller! And Forget | Bert Higgins: The Man From H.E.L.L. | Bloodie | Bulsajoteog Choehuui Jeonsa / Duck | Carax '95 | Cow Hunter | Darius Gaiden | DemonStar | Devil's Death | Eternal Striker Operation R | Extreme Warrior | Feroze | Final Impact | Frontal Attack | Galactic Patrol | Ganja Farmer | Get Saddam | Gunners Broom | HalfLight | Heli-Jeep | Island Hopper | Iwatsuki | Juggernaut Corps: First Assault | Magic Polalamin | Magical Chase | Maxforce | Mercenary Sniper | Mission Cobra 98 | Monospace | More Aggressive! | Namco History Vol. 4 [J] | Net-Maze | netPanzer | New Order | Oxide | Phobia II | Plasma Spheres 2 | Polaris Rebellion | Quadnet | Razor | Revon | S.T.G. [J] | Space Crash | Space Invaders Deluxe | Space Quarry | Spheres of Chaos | Sporting Clays | Starfire | Starship Troopers: Battlespace | SWAR | Swarm / Space Blaster / Galactic Swarm | Tiger's Bane | Total Asteroids | Ultimate Tapan Kaikki, The | Ultra Violent Worlds | VajraVanish | Virtuelle Moorhuhn Jagd | Wham! | Winowar

FPS Year Summary - 1998

This was the year when the term "Doom clone" was finally overtaken by "FPS" (First Person Shooter) as the standard when writing about these type of games as more influential games came to be released. Unreal had impressive graphical capabilities, supporting very detailed textures, connected linear levels and fairly advanced artificial intelligence for the enemies. This resulted in moments where enemies would narrowly dodge projectiles at the last moment, a nasty surprise to players. The engine supported more complex and both sci-fi and natural environments. It created believable and lush pseudo-tropical landscapes. The levels featured effects such as waterfalls, transparent water, colored lighting and greater interactivity with objects such as boxes, which could be pushed and used to create stairs. Thief was best described as a First Person Sneaker, where the object of the game was not to loudly blast through enemies, but instead to avoid detection while stealing valuable or interesting objects. The gameplay that was novel, encouraging players to hide in the shadows and use a variety of arrows to ease their path. Thief featured truly dynamic lighting, with almost every light source able to be doused, a vital component of the gameplay. It created the stealth shooter that led to games like Splinter Cell. It also illustrated that there was a market for titles played from a first person perspective other than violent slaughter-fests. It also relied heavily on audio as an element of player involvement. You could hear where an enemy was by their footsteps, whistling a tune if they were unaware or shouting out an alarm if you were spotted. You could also throw objects or use special noisemaker arrows to distract opponents. Silently sneaking up on a guard and knifing him was a new and tense experience for players used to just shooting everything in sight. Rainbow Six started a popular trend of tactical first person shooters, though it was not the first of its kind. It featured a team-based, realistic design and themes based around counter-terrorism, requiring missions to be planned before execution and in it, a single hit was enough to kill a character.

Rainbow Six

Half-Life put players in the shoes of Gordon Freeman, a research scientist at a top secret government facility in the fictional location of Black Mesa, New Mexico. Starting completely unarmed, the player would then have to follow verbal prompts and instructions from Non-Player Characters (NPC's) in order to achieve their goals. The characters featured a form of lip syncing, similar to the appearance of a puppet, that caused their mouths to move in approximations of the proper shapes for certain sounds, giving the impression that the characters were actually human and speaking to you. The story was moved along with in-game scenes rather than stopping your ability to move and showing you a cutscene. There were things to interact with besides doors, leading to great problem solving levels. Instead of an intervening screen between levels, Half-Life would load the next level dynamically when the player reached the end of one map, displaying a small "loading" graphic before resuming the game. It was acclaimed for its artificial intelligence, set of weapons and attention to detail and is considered one of finest examples of the genre. The release of level design and other tools, called a Software Development Kit (SDK), turned Half-Life into an ongoing success in the online gaming world for years after. As lawsuits and higher internet speeds brought about a stop to releasing level packs on cds, there also begun a trend of fans now making total conversion mission packs often with many team members. They are in effect new games with connected levels, new textures, models, weapons, music, voices and gameplay. Some teams go on to form their own companies to release their total conversions commercially or are hired by other companies who are impressed with their talents shown. Counter-Strike was such a Half-Life modification with a counter-terrorism theme. The game went on to become by far the most popular multiplayer first person shooters and is still used ten years later as a standard in competitive leagues where teams of players play for money prizes to determine who is best. With the popularity of online play, many games can be cheated on by the addition of hacks such as being able to see through walls or having an aimbot which automatically shoots opponents with every shot. Many online game servers have to use counter-cheating applications to prevent this.


Team Fortress Classic was originally a team- and class-based online multiplayer mod based on id Software's Quake. The premise of the game is a class-based battle between opposing sides, Red and Blue. Players are defined by which class they select (e.g., Medic, Sniper, Soldier, Demoman, Pyro, Spy, Heavy, Scout, Engineer), with each class having strengths and weaknesses. Each class also has unique weapons (e.g., Pyro has the flamethrower and Heavy has the minigun) and abilities (e.g., being able to run faster). A player can either choose to be on the red or on the blue team. The objectives can vary. You can be battling to gain control of an area, or you could be trying to capture the flag. In escort maps, the players are split into three teams—a single VIP, the VIP's bodyguards and a group of assassins. The goal of escort maps is for the bodyguards to escort the VIP to a given point on the map, while the assassins attempt to kill the VIP before he gets there. Some gameplay mods are added into many different games such as this one which saw versions for Quake III, Unreal Tournament, among others but the most popular version was for Half-Life. Tribes was one of the first titles that saw the popularization of teamplay and the 'capture the flag' scenario as a critical game element. It also introduced the first seamless multiple player roles, team communications like waypoints, a unique quickchat system, indoor-outdoor rendering engine, higher player count than ever before, and unique 3-dimensional gameplay with the addition of player jetpacks. It can be considered the ancestor of many modern multiplayer-focused shooters including Battlefield 1942 and contributed greatly to the creation of the massively multiplayer FPS genre (including World War II Online and PlanetSide). Battlezone was a reimagining of the classic arcade original that includes a a tank simulation. But it also was a hybrid that was the first FPS to combine real-time strategy with first-person game play. Although it wasn't a hit, several other games have used this combination of gameplay to enact a more accurate aspect of conducting a war by combining those who plan war strategies and the soldiers that fight the war.

Video of gameplay for FPS games by Balg()rG: 1998, 1998-1999.

Team Fortress Classic

Time of Reckoning [top]

First Person Shooters

Aliens Online Mythic Entertainment / Kesmai [top]

This online-only game ran on the GameStorm gaming service up until May 29, 2000 when it was shut down. Players used to be able to play it by joining GameStorm for $9.95 a month which allowed AO play as well as all of the games offered by GameStorm. The software was free to download, and updates occurred automatically. You could play as an alien or marine and met in a game lobby to chat and then enter missions. There were Ops who monitored the game and ensured all players abided by the Rules of Conduct. You gained rank by accomplishing missions or killing enemies.
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Offline Full Demo v2.12 ~16MB (upped by Scaryfun)
Offline Full Demos v0.70,1.02,1.11,2.12,2.21 208MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demos v0.70, 1.02, 1.11, 2.12 & 2.21 with installer to run on moder o/s 103MB (uploaded by The Collection Chamber)
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Blood II: The Chosen Monolith / GT Interactive [top]

When you are risen from the dead as is Caleb, how can you hunt your dark enemies when you are one yourself? Brutality does not deter him. To say it differently: One must be brutal himself! Innocent passers-by or civilians are killed and leave hearts which give to our game figure again life. It uses the LithTech engine. There is a great variety of weapons as well as a greater number of different enemies than the previous game. The levels themselves are diverse as well. In the first chapter alone, you'll travel from an ornate museum to a huge science facility to the alleys of an ominous city street to a futuristic flying machine. The game sounds just as good, with funny wisecracks, great ambient sounds, and an appropriately dark, techno soundtrack. At first the degree of difficulty is rather low, however, it rises strongly after playing time of some hours I would say (in the flying fortress). As in the predecessor, the humor is also more subtle here again and rather appealing for horror fans, especially those with film knowledge. The sniper weapon is cool and for me it is one of a few games which also provide in the last level some creative fun (another dimension at the end is shown and it leaves you not frustrated and is cool). Indeed there are no innovations in the game itself but it is fun to play nevertheless.

See also: Blood 2 MissionPack: The Nightmare Levels, Blood II: Revelations (cancelled)

Level Demo v1.0a 36MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Full Demo 300MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
Video Reviews
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Movies Addon ~34MB (ripped for 3DSL by dead-meat and uploaded by keropi)
Good Old Games Version ISO Demo *runs on modern systems, includes Nightmare Levels, Manual & Soundtrack ~392MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Clone ISO Demo ~473MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Full Demo including The Nightmare Levels + OST + Manual (provided by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 364+27MB
Full Demo with modifications and texture pack 1.4GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Blood: One Whole Unit Monolith / GT Interactive [top]

This Blood game series collection contains Blood, Blood Plasma Pack and Cryptic Passage. On a second cd is also the GameWizards "Unlock the Secrets" Interactive Strategy Guide for Blood which gives you step by step multimedia instruction on how to win the game and find the secrets.
Fan-Made DosBox Launcher & Map Collection v0.9.6 ~538+4+25+3MB (@ Official Site) *requires full game
Movie Addon ~71MB (@ Deathmask.net) Place in blood/movies game directory, then edit the blood.ini file to reflect your harddrive game directory for each file.
Full Demo [win7+panorama+audioCD(full)+fan-made maps] 1.3GB (uploaded by 3Spot)
The Ultimate Edition with ripped out movies 53MB (upped by 3Spot)NOTE: Unofficial pack that includes maps etc... and works with WinXP
2CD ISO Demo 1.12GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Best Addons 1.53GB (uploaded by 3Spot)
Good Old Games Version ISO Demo 353MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Clone ISO Demo 472MB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Mega Pack Raze FPS Games - Full Demos with new APIs to run on modern o/s 1.8GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Bobenstein 3D StupidSoft [top]

Bobenstein 3D is a 3D shooter much like DOOM or Wolfenstein 3D, but none of the weapons hurt the enemies (they just fall down), therefore it is non-violent. Your mission is to seek the person responsible for sending you your cheese of the month sample in an un-refridgerated transportation unit. Your "weapons" are rotten eggs, water balloons, and a rubber chicken(?). Your enemies? Postal Service Workers in armed mail delivery trucks. One of the worst Wolf3D clones ever made.

Shareware Demo ~1MB (upped by Scaryfun)

Burning Soldier Genki Software / Itochu [top]

A first-person space shooter first on 3DO console in 1994, similar to Shock Wave and Total Eclipse, that has the player take control of a state of the art Strike fighter in missions ranging from the asteroid belt to the final fight on the Earth's surface. This is all done in an attempt to stop the Kaisertian (which resemble the Aliens from the Alien movies) race from destroying mankind. The gameplay is very simplistic. The player moves around a cursor on the screen, to aim wherever the player wants the weapons to fire, and the main buttons to fire the two main weapons of choice, a Laser Vulcan Cannon and a Blast Smash that is guided automatically at incoming enemies. However, unlike other first-person space shooters for the 3DO, there is no way of controlling the actual ship as its' movement is on a predetermined course and can't be manually deviated. The story is told through CGI cinemas.
ISO Demo 294MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
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ISO Demo 318MB (uploaded by UCrest)

Damage Incorporated: Never Cry Submission Paranoid Productions / WizardWorks [top]

Using the Marathon 2 engine, this as well as ZPC look accordingly bad. You lead a platoon of marines in the game and can give orders to your team colleagues. It incorporates a number of real-time strategy game mechanics. The game takes place in modern day, and the player is cast as a sergeant in the Marine Corps. in charge of a team of thirteen Marines. The player is sent on a long sequence of covert missions fighting various rogue militia and paramilitary organizations based in assorted locations around the United States. The player takes up to four squad members on each mission, and though he is not always required to use them, the missions become significantly easier if he does. Squad members are extremely chatty and each have well defined personalities. The squad members can die during combat, resulting in the player potentially being short on men for the later missions. The game also includes a separate multi-player game where players can each have their own squad, resulting in some chaotic battles. Though obscure today, the game was one of the first FPS that took place in a realistic modern military-based environment and was likely the first to have the player command a fire team of NPCs. The original for the Mac appeared earlier more than one year and was very popular there - as was the entire Marathon series (see Mod-Addon section for direct PC ports.
Map Pack
Full Demo (upped by keropi)
ISO Demo 103MB (upped by Egon68)

Delta Force NovaLogic [top]

Using the Voxelspace engine this shooter was made. As a member the Delta Force, one fights on the side of some companions in southern fields and mostly outside against drug barons and terrorists. The missions are eventful and offer in gun battles some of the coolest moments of the present 3D-shooter genre. The multiplayer gameplay is successful, only the graphics are somewhat dull, but it permits realistic area structures. In the realistic procedure almost every hit will injure the player, however one can vary this. Choose from a complete arsenal of weapons like the H&K MP5-suppressed for close, silent combat or the Barret .50 caliber sniper Rifle for explosive long range killing. Play in either 1st or 3rd person across miles and miles of vast outdoor environments. Engage the enemy over unprecedented distances in over 40 gut-wrenching single player/cooperative missions across five continents. Mission objectives include airfield takedowns in Asia, stopping Nuclear & Bio terrorism in Russia and capturing terrorists in Africa. It's very fun and for me a top game!

See also: #Delta Force Xtreme

Level Demo 18MB ( @ FileFront)
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Full Demo ~100MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)
Fan Made Maps
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Full Demo 144MB (uploaded by Egon68)
ISO Demo 436MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
ISO Demo (v1.00.00.05p) 536MB (uploaded by Shattered)

Des Blood 2 [J] Illusion [top]

The heroine of the game awakens in a cryo chamber. She doesn't remember anything. She doesn't know who she is, where she is, or what year it is now. She finds a medallion with the name "Lily" engraved on it, and a date: 2156 AD. As she begins to search for answers, trying to get her memory back, the heroine realizes she must also face the Space Army - an intergalactic organization controlled by the computer Isys. The Space Army is looking for something that apparently only our heroine can give them - and the cost would be her life. This is set in the same universe and time period as its predecessor. Unlike the first game, it has third-person exploration mode along with the shooting mode. The shooting parts are quite similar to those of the first game. You aim and shoot at enemies from a fixed first-person perspective; enemies appear at pre-set locations. The sex scenes have enhanced interaction. You are able to choose objects and interact separately with the girl's body parts.
Japanese 2CD ISO Demo 689MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Japanese 2CD ISO Demo 815MB (uploaded by cam)

Emissary (cancelled) Cyberlore Studios [top]

This game was supposed to be an FPS with certain tiny RPG elements. It began development in early 1996 and the developers originally intended to use the popular and proven Build engine, however later they became one of the few developers to license the Unreal engine while it was still in development. They later went on to make MechWarrior 4 expansion packs. It appears work on the game continued until the middle of 1998 when the game was finally cancelled due to financial problems at GT Interactive. Only Alpha versions of the game exist.
Alpha Build 083 (provided by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 11MB
Alpha Build 084a (provided by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 17MB
Alpha Build 0864v (provided by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 8MB
Alpha Build 0866q (provided by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 9MB
Alpha Build 0871d (provided by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 21MB
Alpha Build 0874d (provided by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 62MB
Miscellaneous Development Files (Raw textures and models, Tools, Design documents, Source code) (provided by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 583MB
Alphas + Miscellaneous Development Files (mirrors) (uploaded by Delacroix)

Escape Ben Glick [top]

This is a single player, shareware, 3D first person shooter. Your task: to escape from the bowels from an alien prison and try to save mankind. Many alien races are at war with earth. and your job is the save mankind by killing Shao Kang, the mastermind behind the alien invasion of the planet. The game is keyboard controlled and has five levels with multiple weapons and power ups to collect.
Free Game 7.9MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Escape! 3D: The Breakout Speeding Bullet Design [top]

After literally years of planning and re-planning and financial set backs, this game was made with Pie In The Sky's Game Creation System. The game uses the GCS Mega art pack, the GCS Midi pack, its very own menu system, and features 20% original art. The game follows the life of a Prisoner of War in the year 2010. The object of the game is to escape from the concentration camp and break out of the city boundaries. You will meet and talk to many people, some friends, some foes. Either way, you must remember what each person has told you or else you will miss out on important information and this could even mean revisiting places!
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Free Game Beta 1.1a 3.1MB (uploaded by GCS Games)

Eternal Destiny Talos Interactive [top]

Eternal Destiny is an innovative, classy FPS originally released on RiskPC (Acorn) machines. You play through a variety of Egyptian, High-Tek Japanese and Manga themed levels, discovering power cells and unravelling the story, which basically revolves around a Time Machine and defeating a horde of wacky humans and scary monsters.
Acorn Risc Level Demo (requires emu) 3.8MB (uploaded by OrpheusWeb)
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Extreme PaintBrawl Creative Carnage / Headgames [top]

One of the worst shooters ever made. Touted as 'The 1st Non-Violent 3D Shooter', it replicates the sport of paintball where players shoot balls of colored paint instead of bullets. It was developed from start to finish in two weeks before it went gold. The game also shipped without any kind of AI for the opposing players. Even though it uses the Build game engine, it has so many bugs, bad a.i. and design that it's best to avoid it.
Two thumbs waaaaay down!
Full Demo 7MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
 1  2  3 
ISO Demo 172MB (upped by Scaryfun)

Fraggin A A & D Enterprises [top]

This Player's Disc is a German collection of wads and utilities for Doom II & Heretic.
ISO Demo 76MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Gunmetal Mad Genius Software [top]

Gunmetal is set in the 23rd century, a fairly typical futuristic setting where megacorporations control everything. You begin the game as a new recruit in the service of the Nataka Corporation's Imperial Armored Cavalry. In order to protect Nataka interests on a multitude of planets, you must pilot a series of custom-built hover tanks - or RPVs - via remote control. You begin with a line of credit and the ability to piece together a basic but formidable RPV. After some basic training, your first mission - a routine patrol of a peaceful world - erupts into a nasty firefight as forces of Nataka rival Argus Industrial launch an all-out assault on the planet. The rest of the game unfolds around the ongoing campaign between Argus and Nataka, as the war rages from planet to planet. As you make your way through the 26 missions, you'll uncover more information about the Argus attacks and the reasons behind them. You earn money towards additional equipment and better RPV chassis by accomplishing missions and recovering salvage from enemy units you destroy. Gameplay is reminiscent of the Descent series, with the notable exceptions being that your tank does not move up and down (at least, not of its own accord), and most of the action takes place outdoors. The enemy units in the game are heavily reminiscent of Descent, as are the tactics they employ to make your life miserable. The AI in Gunmetal is impressive - enemy tanks, drones, and gun droids will bob and weave all over the place, making it quite difficult to get a bead on them, and quite necessary to keep moving. For the most part, the level design in Gunmetal is very good. The locations are varied, they include plenty of neutral units and impressive scenery, and most of the maps are just the right size. On the downside, getting the red, blue, or other-colored keys required to finish a level can be frustrating as they are often in the most bizarre, hard-to-reach spots on the map. It includes realistic lighting, spotlights, direct sunlight, and partial reflectivity (for reflections in pools and other details). At the time, very few video games had all these features.
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Level Demo v1.31 ~31MB ( @ ag.ru)
ISO Demo ~207MB (upped by otiscrusher)

Half-Life Valve / Sierra [top]

Valve licensed the Quake 1 engine (and built in the course of the game's development time, parts with the Quake2 engine). At first Half-Life was under the list of announced games rather inconspicuously (Sin and Daikatana were the ones most anticipated - although Sierra published full-page announcements for Half-Life for a long time). However, it turned out to be a huge hit and created a huge and lasting empire. In the game, you play as Gordon Freeman - a theoretical physicist and employee of the Black Mesa Research Facility who is a survivor of an experiment gone horribly wrong, allowing aliens from another planet to invade Earth. It was inspired by Stephen King's The Mist but script was from sci-fi writer was Marc Laidlaw. As you try to escape the destroyed facility you soon discover that you are caught between two sides: the aliens, and the forces of the United States military which has been dispatched to cover up the experiment - including you. It had an exciting story, numerous astonishing ideas, realistic weapons (including sound aspects), and revolutionary use of numerous in-game scripted sequences. It was also the first FPS to have: a training segment which is presented as an integral part of the storyline, blood-splatters and other persistent stains, semi-random NPC speech and 'interaction' in an otherwise straightforward action game, and weaponry which needs to be manually reloaded between magazine changes. The game does not consist of distinct levels. With some exceptions, you can walk totally free in the game world, even back to the beginning of major sections. The enemies were the most intelligent ever seen in a game up to this point (especially the soldiers which provided for adrenalin rushes without end) and with the free addon Team Fortress, a brilliant team multiplayer game. Half-Life has also been used as a base for many mods (add-ons) such as the immensely popular and free multiplayer mod, Counter-Strike. Other popular mods include Day of Defeat, Action Half-Life and Natural Selection. All this contributed to the fact that Half-Life brought new improvements and a lasting impact in the 3-D action genre and remains the best-selling FPS game of all-time as of the 2008 Guinness World Records. A graphic high-definition pack was later released as part of the Blue Shift expansion. A shoddy port to the more modern Source engine was also done as Half-Life Source which only added some physics gameplay and water effects.

See also: #Black Mesa, #Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update, #Half-Life Add-Ons, #Half-Life: Decay, #Half Life: Further Date V.1 & V.2, #Half Life MP: Opposing Force, Half Life: Blue Shift, Half Life: Deathmatch Classic, #Half-Life Source, #Half-Life: Threewave (cancelled), #PC Gamer: The Extended Play Collection Volume 3, #PC Zone April 2000 Coverdisk: Unreal Tournament, Quake III & Half-Life 500 Levels, #Ricochet, #Underworld Bloodline

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Uplink Level Demo (level not in retail game) ~49MB (uploaded by GameFront)
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Total Conversions & Source Port
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CD key (upped by keropi)no-CD patch ~4KB ( @ MegaGames)
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Fan-Made Mods/TCs
 1  2  3 
High Definition Pack ~6MB (upped by Scaryfun)Mirror ~6MB (upped by Maraakate)
 1  2 
Full Demo Final v1.1.1.1 223MB (made by Maraakate & upped by Scaryfun) Mirror ~223MB (upped by Maraakate)
 1  2 
Half-Life Day One - ISO Demo 167MB (uploaded by Virgil)
Half-Life Generation 3CD ISO Demo (includes HL, Opposing Force, and Counterstrike) 1.38GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Half-Life Generation 3 - 4CD ISO Demo (includes HL, Opposing Force, Counterstrike, and Blue Shift) 2.18GB (uploaded by Shattered)
ISO Demo v1.0 US Release (provided by Maraakate & upped by Scaryfun) 470MB
1997 Alpha v0.52 ISO Demo 262MB (uploaded by Wastrel)
Half-Life: Day One ISO Demo 171MB (uploaded by Wastrel)
Half-Life: Preliminary Findings ISO Demo 142MB (uploaded by Wastrel)
Uplink included in Half-Life Addon Pack - Fan-Made ISO (provided by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 460MB
Half-Life Day One + Team Fortress Classic included in Half-Life: Initial Encounter - ISO Demo 373MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
1997 Alpha Demo 256MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Game of the Year Edition v1.1.0.8 included in Half-Life: Generation - UK 4CD ISO Demo 2.2GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Steam CD Release - ISO Demo *needs valid key 278MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Half-Life: Counter-Strike Valve / Sierra [top]

After Valve already with a patch provided Team Fortress for free, an independent developer team came up with "Counter-Strike" which deepened the teamwork of Fortress still essentially. One is either as a terrorist or as counter-terrorist in the game. Weapons, ammunition and equipment must be bought (in each case different ones, depending on which side one plays). One has at first a low start capital that it is a matter to invest wisely. Subsequently one receives money for victories and partial successes. Every killed enemy brings money to your account, but especially the mission purposes bring money (as just surviving won't retain equipment gained). As a terrorist it is a matter, for instance, of laying bombs in certain places and one should prevent this as a counter-terrorist. However, the bombs do not explode immediately - one must cover the area some seconds as there may come a counter-terrorist and defuse the bomb. However, mostly it is a matter of guarding as a terrorist some hostages who will be released by the anti-terror troop. Sometimes the terrorists also must try to flee from an area. Also, the maps are very different. For instance, an Italian place, a forest, a 747 plane, or the icy tundra - for practically every taste there is something present. And Counter-Strike is developed constantly. In the beta 7.0 vehicles were implented (a tank within a level could deal a crushing blow to CT's but mostly will not succeed because of the anti-tank protections). Counter-Strike went over in the version 1.0 to be a full product. Now there is a standalone retail version but the same mod version of CS still remains free of charge to be downloaded on the internet by Half-Life owners. With the version 1.1 patch, they tried to reduce the susceptibility against exploits and cheats like the speed hack and others. Whoever now wants to play in a safe environment where nobody cheats could play with the tool Punkbuster in the background (on suitable servers who will throw out anyone without the program running in the background. Also the anti-tank weapon was defused due to it being too strong and too simply caused multiple frags (which was not the purpose it was intended for). Different levels were modified to make them better playable. The models received more polygons and look better now as one piece. Also a spectator view was inserted, so that one even can watch easily and get later back into the game. Counter-Strike fascinates with its realism. Before version 1.60, players could personally update the version by themselves. It was originally played online through the WON gaming service, but WON shutdown in 2004, while Valve introduced its own online content delivery system which forced players to switch to Steam. In March 2007, Valve implemented mandatory advertisements through Steam in official maps and in the game's GUI overhead. It remains since its release, the most popular online shooter and is often used for competitive tournaments. If one buys for himself no protection vest, one is killed even more easily. Often one shot is enough and one is dead and must wait until a new mission is started (barely more than 5 minutes). For those just learning it can be a bit intimidating, but for all those who like teamplay Counterstrike is a must play!

See also: #Counter-Strike Source, #Mods and Maps: More Than 1000 Maps for Counter-Strike
v1.6 newest working on steam 252MB (uploaded by 3Spot)
Beta Demos (@ BetaStrike.de)
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Mod Conversions
Full Demo ( @ ModDB - requires Half-Life)
Standalone Full Demo v1.6 ~567MB (upped by 3Spot)NOTES: non-steam version playable in LAN
Full Demo v1.6 V40.1 ~361MB (upped by 3Spot)NOTES: playable on the NET
Half-Life Generation 3CD ISO Demo includes HL, Opposing Force, and Counterstrike 1.38GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Half-Life Generation 3 - 4CD ISO Demo includes HL, Opposing Force, Counterstrike, and Blue Shift 2.18GB (uploaded by Shattered)
Standalone Retail - Clone ISO Demo ~495MB (provided by dead-meat & uploaded by Scaryfun)
Counter-Strike for Girls Full Demo (contains girl models) 260MB (uploaded by 3Spot)
Full Demo v1.6 (No Steam) 37MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Browser-Playable Free Game v1.6 (uploaded by PLAY-CS)
included in Counter-Strike 1 Anthology (2005) - 2CD ISO Demo 661+647MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
v6.0.0.0 included in Half-Life: Generation - UK 4CD ISO Demo 2.2GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
v1.6 TC Counter Strike Global Offensive 3.3GB (uploaded by 3Spot)
Korean ISO Demo (Hanbitsoft) + full patch CD ISO Demo 440+228MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
1.6 v0 (First Build on Steam with Beta mp.dll) 190MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Various Modified Versions (uploaded by CS16planet.ru)

Half-Life: Team Fortress Classic Valve / Sierra [top]

At first there was a similar gameplay modification for Quake, then the makers compiled an even better version for Half-Life. This is a team-oriented and goal-oriented mod (available for free in the official Half-Life patches since 1.01). Different classes have different abilities, weapons, speeds and hit-points. There is a scout (very fast and lightly armed, better to steal flags); soldier (all-around good abilities, with rocket launcher); the heavygunner (with Gatling gun, but moves slowly. Also there is the medic who can heal his own teammates (healthpoints even more than 100% is possible; also opponents can lose health with a poison syringe which you can infect them with if you get close enough). If you get infected, you need a medic from your team to be cured, otherwise one dies and can infect other team companions who come in close contact with you in this time too. One can call the medic by hitting a certain key (and hope that somebody plays one from your team and is nearby). There is also a sniper and a demolitions man (who carries a packed explosive on himself with which one can open passages at special places). The spy can reach into the opposing base while he takes the identity one of the players there (whom there will be a double of and bad luck if one approaches exactly to your double and can read his own name as your identity). With the knife, the spy can kill all opponents with a push (if he reachs behind them and is close enough). The engineer can build up stationary machine guns and recharging stations for ammunition and to renew arms. The pyro guy has the deadly flamethrower weapon.

Most times, TFC is about taking the flag from the opposing fortress. In some levels, one must also protect a civilian (there is also in CS). But there are also levels in which it becomes a massacre. One storms opposing positions which are bitterly defended. If one has taken a point, you can go forward to the next. Before CS came, TFC was the absolute most popular mod to play and is also played even today by a dedicated fan conmunity. However, most have gone over to CS which simply offers more. In the HL patch 1.106 the TFC models got a new quite cool design and also light modifications of the single abilities were carried out.

See also: #Half-Life Add-Ons

3-Level Demo 33MB (uploaded by ModDB)
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Full Demo v1.5 requires Half-Life, contained in Patch v1.1.1.0 82MB (uploaded by Game Pressure)
High Definition Pack ~6MB (upped by Scaryfun)
ISO Demo ~52Mb CD2 of Half-Life Platinum Collection (uploaded by Scaryfun)
included with Half-Life Day One in Half-Life: Initial Encounter - ISO Demo 373MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Steam CD Release - ISO Demo *needs valid key 278MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Hexen II: Portal Of Praevus RavenSoftware / Activision [top]

This mission-CD for Hexen 2 introduced a good new character (Demoness), better puzzles, and more diverse levels which, however, are quickly played. Take on the role of the lethal femme fatale and wield demonic mayhem with her cunning weapons and spells. There's two new hubs - the first is Blackmarsh (medieval Europe) you've seen in the original Hexen II as well, but this time it's winter and thus the look is somewhat different. The second, longer hub is Tulku (theoretically Tibetan, but it's been mixed with Indian and Chinese), featuring amazing new architecture and a cool weather effect, snowflakes. There's 15 new single player levels in all, and three new enemies
Full Demo 17MB Proper Crack ~1MB (upped by keropi)
 1  2 
ISO Demo 376MB / Music-Rip ISO Demo 195MB / Ready-To-Play Hexen 2 Full Demo plus Portal of Praevus, Updates, Mods and Maps, HexenWorld and Pa3PyX's v1.15 port ~119MB / v1.12 Patch for Source Ports (@ FPS Legends)
Full Demo v1.12 included in iD Software: The 90's Collection 653MB (uploaded by yamibito)
Ru/En Fan-Made Pack with jsHexen II, Portal of Praevus, retextures & fan addons 611MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Liquidator A.B.T. / Partizan Software / Akella Company [top]

This is one of the first 3D action games produced in Russia. It came to our notice due to the release of Liquidator 2 in 2005 which we gather is a sequel. This game has Duke Nukem 3D type of graphics.
Screenshots/Official Site
Russian Full Demo 23MB (@ Old-Games.ru) *Modified to work on Modern Systems
Russian ISO Demo ~24MB (upped by Scaryfun)

Megacop NewSoft [top]

This is a virtual shooting gallery from Spanish developer you play the role of a police officer, alone (except for the Star 30M service pistol fighting a very well-organized criminal gang. The gang controls at least an entire block, and skirmishes will have to be conducted with opponents entrenched in buildings. Armed to the teeth: in addition to small arms, they use grenade launchers and hand grenades; they do not disdain to hide behind hostages from among civilians, who, of course, should not be killed. Moreover, there are several types of opponents, and they are quite numerous, and in order to go to the next level, you need to kill them all. It plays in a small (640x480) window, with static backdrops and animated enemies, plus the only musical accompaniment is in the main menu - in general, all features of a budget game. The game is difficult - some gangsters shoot as soon as they appear on the screen, and you need to show a remarkable reaction to get ahead of them. In addition, the cartridges and life here are quite finite, although they can be replenished occasionally with bonuses.
Full Demo 17MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
included in New Games - Spanish 2CD ISO Demo 289MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Mr. Pibb: The 3D Interactive Game BrandGames / The Coca-Cola Company [top]

This was released on a floppy disk as a promotional item for the Mr Pibb soda. A mad scientist has turned all your school mates into zombies to do his bidding. It's up to you to cure all of them and capture the mad man responsible for this. It's similar to Doom in a sort of way, but you find cans of Mr. Pibb that have an antidote and use burps instead of guns to turn the zombies back into high school students. In the game you collect keys and stuff to fight the last boss. Megaphones scattered around the school turn them back to normal even faster. Your school mates aren't going to sit around while you burp on them of course. They'll attack if they see you, draining your life. If your life runs out, it's game over, and you'll be stuck at school forever. Its back-to-school theme involves the rescue of students and teachers by a hero fueled by Mr. Pibb. 750,000 floppy-disk video games were distributed at quick-service restaurants in the West and Southwest U.S.A. It targets boys ages 12-15 and was available for 99 cents to $1.99 with the purchase of a combination meal at participating McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's and other restaurants featuring Mr. Pibb in Dallas, Houston, Oklahoma City, San Antonio, Denver, Sacramento and Austin, TX. Mr. Pibb is a direct competitor with the Dr. Pepper soft drink.
Full Demo ~1.4MB (provided by Chouser & uploaded by Scaryfun)
Gameplay Video
Floppy Image ISO Demo 1.4MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

NAM (Napalm) TNT Team / GT Interactive [top]

This Vietnam game uses the Duke Nukem graphic engine. It began with the brilliant addon Platoon and, in the end, was developed and released as its own game. It was the first FPS to be based on a real war. In Germany, on account of the war representation and shooting of persons, it was never distributed. You play a U.S. soldier fighting the enemy in the jungles, riverbanks, and airfields of Vietnam. Starting off with the standard-issue Colt 45 pistol and knife combination, you'll come across much heavier weaponry as the game progresses, including machine guns, rocket launchers and the always-effective grenade. The computer-controlled Vietnamese are always cunning and the game has plenty of levels to keep you occupied. Multiplayer support gives Nam an aspect of teamwork, as you fight with other soldiers positioned around you and learn important defensive tactics. The graphics indeed have become quickly outdated but still together with the strong music and exciting missions, in my opinion it's enough to recommend it particularly as the only "war game" in the 3D area up to this time. Always one has to pay attention in the jungle to hidden threats and even bombardments and you could order also air raids. Part of the way, one is accompanied by medics and radio officers.
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Full Demo ~24MB (upped by keropi)
Fan Levels
Napalm ISO Demo ~603MB (upped by Scaryfun)
ISO Demo 602MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
included in Mega Pack Raze FPS Games - Full Demos with new APIs to run on modern o/s 1.8GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Osarium Stratos [top]

This is a little known Doom clone from Spanish developer Stratos with amateurish sprites and textures. You are a futuristic soldier. There's some underwater levels for variety and the quality improves as the game goes on but still only advised for FPS completists.
Spanish Full Demo 17MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
Spanish ISO Demo ~46MB (upped by Scaryfun)

P-Zone Ari Games [top]

This is a rail shooter in the style of arcade games with a real gun or pistol which shoots on digital targets that appear on the screen such as Virtua Cop, Area 51, Maximum Force and The House of the Dead. In addition to elementary control by means of a computer mouse, there is a recognizable gameplay and a reactive soundtrack with no less energetic comments of a certain young person whose voice turns high-speed action into a futuristic TV show. The remarks of the system concern basically improving the characteristics of our starship of "bonuses", which should be selected in the same simple way - by firing on a flying pictograms. And the game process, as time can now guess, boils down to the dispersion of the clouds of importunate "gnats", which at a boarding distance begins to furiously shell the transport of the player. With long-term survival in airless space among alien debris, it is easy to distinguish a whole fleet of different flyers, fighter-interceptors, aircraft, orbital stations, asteroid belts and other extraterrestrial rubbish, the effective overcoming of waves depends entirely on the mark, weighted shooting, including advancement. The ship, including weapons, is filled to the top with electronics, and power guns are quickly discharged for unintended use. Restoring energy can be in three ways: less pressure on the trigger, more often withstand a long pause between shots and in time grab the necessary reinforcement, which at once will return all indicators a cheerful look. However, the only worthwhile motivation for such a time-consuming, even tedious task, is what happens in the background during each mission. The backdrop of the military operations was a series of dizzying first-person travels in open space, along a giant frigate like Salvation's rebel ship from the Star Wars universe, and over the surface of various known planets of our solar system. The foreign landscape is constructed in the spirit of old 3D screensavers, and every flight of the user shuttle is safely converted into a full-fledged video clip.
2CD ISO Demo 611MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

PC Gamer: The Extended Play Collection Volume 2 PC Gamer [top]

In this exclusive add-on disc, you can get the best add-ons for the greatest games. They've managed to stuff hundreds of hours of gameplay on this single CD. So pop in this sucker into your CD-ROM drive, follow the simple directions for adding new gameplay to your favorite titles, and don't expect to leave your computer for weeks. It includes: Age Of Empires - plenty of new multiplayer and some custom-made sing-player and campaign adventures; Doom II - some great new levels; Interstate '76 Nitro Pack - new cars and new tracks; Jack Nicklaus 5 - some of the best homemade courses; Quake - experience some serious multiplayer mayhem with Capture The Flag and Painkeep mods; Quake II - new single-player and multi-player levels as well as some killer new mods like Jailbreak and Capture the Flag; Shadow Warrior - new custom levels; StarCraft - some of these new maps will push your strategy skills to the ultimate limit; Total Annihilation - tons of new units; Unreal - the best of the best deathmatch and single-player maps.
ISO Demo 709MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Private Wars (cancelled) TS Group Entertainment / 1C Entertainment [top]

This takes place not in fictional game universe of mega-corporations and hideous villains, but in our real world of 1990s. If you think there's not too many exciting places to go and people to meet in real world, you are definitely wrong. In this game, you'll deal with a dozen of various threats, from sinister barons of Colombian drug empires to the Middle Eastern terrorists. Industrial espionage, VIP kidnappings, border conflicts... the stuff you see on your TV every morning. Now you have a chance to deal with a real enemy instead of alien aggressors. The game begins with you, as a former secret service executive, founding a private mercenary agency doing any small-scale para-military operations. Your primary goal is to make money, and you cannot make money by picking and choosing. You work on whatever pays well, and your VIP clients are sure ready to pay, if you do your job right. If you don't do it right, you're in serious trouble. If you avoid serious trouble and earn money and fame, in time your clients may start offering you more important assignments, which pay great and also have a great chance to get your people killed. Those who survive gain experience and perform slightly better in their relative fields of expertise. You can voluntarily accept or reject any mission offered to you. However, the trick is you never know which mission is good for your reputation and which will make you known as a cold-blooded murderer. Sometimes it depends only on your actions. Try slaughtering innocent people in an assassination mission, and the next client will be less than willing to accept your services. Your main character is a former secret service executive who's trying to start his own business after his all too early retirement. The only thing he's learned to do really well is to plan small-scale military operations. So he decides to start his own mercenary business company. His mentality is completely beyond political and moral standards; he thinks in terms of profit and losses. In his opinion, reputation is not determined by number of victories, but by number of zeroes in the received pay check. The game is a sequence of a fixed number of pre-defined missions. Before starting a mission, you have to decide whom of the available mercenaries you're going to send to do the job, how much you'll pay them, settle their equipment, transportation means, medical insurance etc. etc. When your team is ready and equipped, you send it to the mission. Visually, the missions themselves are looking much alike any modern 3D-shooter levels. Terrain, constructions and enemies are modeled in full 3D, and while controlling any of the mercenaries in the field, any dedicated Quake player should feel at home. However, there's a slight but critical difference - it's virtually impossible to complete any of the missions alone, even playing the top-class mercenary with the best equipment. Strategic thinking and team cooperation are the terms you have to learn by heart if you want to be a Private Wars winner. You cannot do much alone on a real battlefield, whatever Star Wars fans may say. To win a battle in Private Wars, you have to control all of the mercenaries in the field, instead of a single Supermarine. Speaking of 'real', the game gets as real as you want it to be. Virtually any feature in the game can be customized according to the player's preferences. You can play in Arcade mode where your mercenaries survive grenade explosions, medical kits miraculously restore health to the full, term 'weapon jam' is just a joke, and enemies drop like flies under your unlimited firepower. If you're in for 'game realism', you can select the Simulation mode, and enjoy death after the first bullet hits your face, and be unable to carry twelve different guns with a box of ammo for each, and drown in water, and break both your legs jumping from four-meter-high ledges. The game was cancelled before completion but there is a playable early demo available.
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Level Demo 2.59MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Pyl (The Dust) [PL] Optimus Nexus [top]

This is a Polish shooter, done in the mood of Quake. As a captured soldier you fight on an intergalactic arena. It's one of the first Polish titles realized in 3D technology. A core team of four people with an unbelievably tight budget led this title from its very beginning to the final effort on the shop shelves. The screenplay, graphics and engine were made from scratch. Although press opinions on the game were varied, even critics giving the game low scores always found something that seemed noteworthy to them and appeared to be revolutionary in some way. It's a very tough game. It was written for DOS Glide driver.
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Level Demo 47MB (uploaded by Pyl1998)
Polish ISO Demo 242MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
Fan-Made English Translation 52kb (uploaded by Vogons)
Full Demo with DOSBox including 2 Glide hardware versions (OpenGL & Direct X) 278MB (uploaded by The Collection Chamber)

Q.E.D. II Level Creator WizardWorks [top]

This is a mapping editor for Quake II, Hexen II, and Quake. It contains a large amount of tutorials for help with making maps for the said games. It also includes 12 monstrous Quake II and Quake add-on levels.
ISO Demo 23MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Qoole for Quake II, Quake & Hexen II Lithium Software [top]

Qoole stands for Quake Object Oriented Level Editor. Do you want to create your own Quake II levels? You've found the right tool! It's easy to design levels with Qoole because it has an elegant and intuitive user interface. This CDROM contains: 46 minutes of video tutorials & extensive HTML tutorials, 739 premade map-building objects for Quake I & II, 1007 textures, comprehensive documentation on Quake map editing from the Internet, 46 map editing programs and utilities, 12937 Usenet Quake editing articles, and 5628 messages from Qoole mailing list. Qoole v2.5 supports these Quake I & II add-ons: For Quake II: Capture the Flag II, Battle of the Sexes, Jailbreak, King of the Hill, and Rocket Arena II. For Quake I: Team Fortress, Hipnotic's Scourge of Armagon, Rogue's Dissolution of Eternity, Capture the Flag, Quake Rally, QTeam, and Custents. Qoole also supports these features: Object Oriented editing; Support for editing Entity properties Context Sensitive Help; Fast 2D and 3D wire frame, solids, and texture previews; Object manipulation including: move, rotate, scale, cut, copy, paste, duplicate, CSG Subtract (cookie-cut) and Hollow functions, apply texture; Brush vertex, edge, and face manipulation tools; Texture tools: select, align, scale, rotate, file support, selector with bookmarks. The source code was eventually released under the GPL v2. Qoole uses a brush-based method to construct new maps, in which monsters, items and lights can be placed, or any of the onboard prefabs. It can import individual textures from WAD files, and can convert maps from one game to another. It has 2D and 3D views in which the map can be edited, and it supports Glide API and OpenGL for rendering the views.
ISO Demo v2.50 123MB (uploaded by AnimalBear)

Quake 2 Netpack: Extremities Activision Publishing, Inc. / id Software [top]

Quake 2: Netpack Extremities is a compilation of the best Quake 2 multiplayer mods at the time, hand-picked by id Software. It includes Action Quake 2, CAPTURE!, Chaos Deathmatch, Jailbreak, Kick, Powerball, QWar 2, Rail Arena, Red Rover, Rocket Arena 2, the Eraser Bot, plus other multiplayer maps, a couple of plugin player models and various skins. These are all available free on the internet.
Info-Download sites/Screenshots
ISO Demo ~201MB (uploaded by noblessus)
Clone ISO Demo 202MB (@FPS Legends)
skins & maps only are included in Quake 4 Special Edition - Fan-Edited 2DVD ISO Demo 3.04+1.69GB (uploaded by hgdagon)
ISO Demo + Quad Damage GOG v2.0.0.3 ISO Demo 200.8MB+658MB (uploaded by hgdagon)

Quake 2 Total Conversion: Juggernaut - The New Story For Quake 2 Canopy Games/Head Games [top]

As a colonist on Europa, one of the Jovan moons you must fight to prevent the monstrous mutations from Callisto (another of Jupiter's moons) from destroying all human life on Europa. Juggernaut offers 11 new singleplayer and 3 new multiplayer levels. It has new opponents, new weapons (2) and new textures. There are more and bigger game segments which occur outside, as in the original game. In general, the levels are big and are eventful.
Full Demo 27MB ( @ ftp.kraft-s.ru - use download manager)
Quake II: Ultimate Edition (includes Q2, Juggernaut, Ground Zero, Reckoning, Zaero, and Tournament) ~321MB (uploaded by 3Spot)
ISO Demo 459MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)NOTE: Includes Quake 2.
Free Full Game with 21 SP & 4 Deathmatch Maps 122MB (uploaded by Mark Shan)
included in Quake 2000 - Russian Bootleg ISO Demo (Quake v1.09, Quake: Shrak v2.0, Quake II v3.20, Quake II: Juggernaut, Quake II Mission Pack: The Reckoning, Quake II:Zaero, Quake II Mission Pack: Ground Zero, Quake III: Arena) 687MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)
ISO Demo 31MB (uploaded by GigaWatt)
included in Quake 4 Special Edition - Fan-Edited 2DVD ISO Demo 3.04+1.69GB (uploaded by hgdagon)
ISO Demo 133MB (uploaded by ModDB)

Quake 2: Complete Gamer Add-on UK Complete Gamer Magazine / Instant Access [top]

An unofficial add-on disk for both Quake I and Quake II by Instant Access, the publishers of an UK magazine Complete Gamer. Includes 100 new levels for Quake II, Infinity: The Kai'Ren Threat Demo (TC for Quake II), Abyss of Pandemonium single player expansion pack for the original Quake and Disposable Heroes - a deathmatch mod for both Q1 and Q2.
ISO Demo 154MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Quake 2: Deathmatch Maker II Virtus Corporation [top]

Deathmatch Maker 2 is a level-editing tool that works with id Software's Quake II. This editor enables you to construct intricate maps; populate them with monsters, weapons, and secrets; and, finally, compile them into a format Quake II can read. Once complete, you can load your map from the Quake II command console and take a virtual spin through your creation. The product uses a well-designed interface to help make level editing easier and faster. The screen is split into three main windows. The first serves as an extended menu, showing you what textures and pre-made objects are available for placement in your map. The second and third provide 2-D wireframe and 3-D rendered previews of your map, respectively. Editing is primarily a drag-and-click process and is fairly intuitive after some practice. The combination of fully-stocked drag-and-drop palettes, robust object oriented drawing tools and Virtus Corporation's renowned WalkThrough technology, creates a level editor unrivaled for accessibility and ease of use.
ISO Demo + Mirror ~34MB (upped by Shattered)

Quake 2: Total Destruction (Toolkit for Quake 2) Walnut Creek CDROM [top]

Included in this addon are Over 30 New Single Player & 200 Multiplayer Levels, New Capture the Flag Maps with Cool Skins, Textures & Weapons, console apps, and utilities that will help you get the most out of Quake 2.
ISO Demo 358MB (uploaded by Egon68)
ISO Demo 48MB (uploaded by GigaWatt)
ISO Demo 413MB (uploaded by ModDB)

Quake 2: Unseen (cancelled) Tequila Software [top]

Three UK teenagers aged between14 and15 get together (Peter Hopkins, Tom Francis and David Wilson) decided to start creating a freeware 'Mission Pack' for Quake 2. It goes public, people from around the world start to get involved. News sites pick up on it; begin to call it "official" as it carries the title "mission Pack" which has been trademarked by Id Software for their products. Unknown to them at the time, they are informed by Id to lose the "mission pack" title. It was renamed to expansion pack. It's a 12 level Quake 2 SP map pack weighing about 200 megabytes with 13 new weapons, 13 new enemies, 4 new bosses, 5 deathmatch levels, and engine enhancements. A publisher gets interested in the product. Tequila goes through various meetings but end up with a choice - pay various companies who hold the rights to the game for licence agreements or let it be 'unseen'. The latter was the final decision. Tequila Software was then informed by the publishers to create an "expansion pack" for a game they hold rights to and publish. The concept for Blood 2: Revelations is born. Tequila works on Revelations for 6-8 months before the publisher decides it’s a no go due to limited sales of Blood 2.
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Free Expansion & patches (provided by vicpas, Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) *requires Quake 2* 75MB
Free Expansion & patches *requires Quake 2* 75MB (uploaded by vicpas)

Quake II MissionPack 1: The Reckoning Xatrix / Activision [top]

Like Quake II, you're a marine in an elite group of commandos. As you were flying a reconnaissance mission, your aircraft was shot by a stray missile. Because the ship was so damaged, you were forced to make a crash landing on a hostile alien planet made up of all sorts of Strogg forces and intelligence. It will be up to you to annihilate the alien cities along with their forces and resources in an attempt to hamper their planetary advances. You'll scour through sewer systems, large military complexes and installations finally winding up on their secret moon base (which is absolutely essential to destroy). This comprises of 18 singleplayer and 7 deathmatch levels for Quake 2. The singleplayer levels are divided into 3 episodes. New opponents include the small, quick Gekks and the Repair Bots. There are also new weapons like the phalanx particle gun and ion ripper, and items such as mag slugs and quad fire. Additionally, new textures have been added to give the game a newer, more enhanced look over Quake II. The computer AI was also reworked allowing for smarter enemy reactions and the ability to use the new weapons.
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included in Quake 4: Special Edition - 2DVD ISO Demo 4.33GB (uploaded by Shattered)
Quake II: Ultimate Edition (includes Q2, Juggernaut, Ground Zero, Reckoning, Zaero, and Tournament) ~321MB (uploaded by 3Spot)
ISO Demo 344MB & Music CD-Rip ISO 231MB (@FPS Legends)
included in Quake 2000 - Russian Bootleg ISO Demo (Quake v1.09, Quake: Shrak v2.0, Quake II v3.20, Quake II: Juggernaut, Quake II Mission Pack: The Reckoning, Quake II:Zaero, Quake II Mission Pack: Ground Zero, Quake III: Arena) 687MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)
included in Quake 4 Special Edition - Fan-Edited 2DVD ISO Demo 3.04+1.69GB (uploaded by hgdagon)
included in Quake: The Offering GOG ISO Demo v2.0.0.6 1.1GB (uploaded by hgdagon)
ISO Demo + Quad Damage GOG v2.0.0.3 ISO Demo 345.9MB+658MB (uploaded by hgdagon)
Full Demo included in iD Software: The 90's Collection 653MB (uploaded by yamibito)

Quake II MissionPack 2: Ground Zero Rogue / Activision [top]

This is another 14 singleplayer and 10 deathmatch levels for Quake 2. A new weapon of the Stroggs, the Gravity Well is brought into play. One belongs to few marines who have made it successfully to the planet surface. The fleet is still caught in the orbit around Stroggos and barely 5% of the ground forces are ready for battle and with every second this become less. In this position there is only one purpose - one must destroy the Gravity Well to release the fleet in orbit. New opponents, like the Medic Commander, Daedalus and the Queen Bitch, make the life difficult. New weapons, include the chainsaw :o), the ETF rifle and the plasma beam and make the tasks a little easier. Altogether the degree of difficulty draws comparison to those of the original missions a little bit.
Full Demo ~51MB (upped by keropi)
Quake II: Ultimate Edition (includes Q2, Juggernaut, Ground Zero, Reckoning, Zaero, and Tournament) ~321MB (uploaded by 3Spot)
ISO Demo 383MB & Music CD-Rip ISO 233MB (@FPS Legends)
included in Quake 4: Special Edition - 2DVD ISO Demo 4.33GB (uploaded by Shattered)
included in Quake 2000 - Russian Bootleg ISO Demo (Quake v1.09, Quake: Shrak v2.0, Quake II v3.20, Quake II: Juggernaut, Quake II Mission Pack: The Reckoning, Quake II:Zaero, Quake II Mission Pack: Ground Zero, Quake III: Arena) 687MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)
included in Quake 4 Special Edition - Fan-Edited 2DVD ISO Demo 3.04+1.69GB (uploaded by hgdagon)
included in Quake: The Offering GOG ISO Demo v2.0.0.6 1.1GB (uploaded by hgdagon)
ISO Demo + Quad Damage GOG v2.0.0.3 ISO Demo 345.9MB+658MB (uploaded by hgdagon)
Full Demo included in iD Software: The 90's Collection 653MB (uploaded by yamibito)

Quake II: Fault Line East Valley Software [top]

This is an unofficial addon. It's a simple level pack of 190 levels for Quake II. The CD is menu controllable. In addition there's also new weapons, new monsters and many new graphics in the package.
Download: None currently available

Quake: Abyss Of Pandemonium Impel Productions [top]

This was to be a commercial mission pack ... but it was later released for download as freeware. It takes you to the final battle with the Dark Reaver Legond, Quake's most feared general. There are some new opponents and weapons in 16 levels. In the tradition of the official expansions, it's nothing special (also there are barely new textures), but there is good and respectable level-design.
In 2008, the two single player episodes (11 maps) were restored and repak'd as The Final Mission v2.0, with improvements and fixes, to match current Quake engine requirements.
Level Demo v1.05 13MB (uploaded by ModDB)
Deathmatch v2.00 3MB (@ Download.com) The Final Mission v2.0 13MB (@ ModDB)
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Included in Ultimate Quake 1 Fan-Made Compilation *plus Quake MP 1: Scourge Of Armagon, Quake MP 2: Dissolution Of Eternity, Quake TC: Malice, Quake TC: Shrak, Quake TC: X-Men, Quake: Abyss Of Pandemonium, maps, modern source ports, mods, movies 825MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)
Cancelled Retail ISO 455MB (upload by Shattered) Soundtrack 40MB (@Quakeaddicted)
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ISO Demo 455MB & Music CD-Rip ISO 297MB (@FPS Legends)

Rainbow Six, Tom Clancy's Rebellion, Red Storm, Saffire / Majesco Sales, Red Storm [top]

Red Storm Entertainment celebrated a considerable success with Rainbow Six, based on the book of the critically acclaimed joint founder Tom Clancy. You have been recruited by John Clark to be a member of Rainbow, the most elite counter-terror team in the world, with members from all over the world, even Russia and Israel. You start out rescuing hostages from the terrorists, but as you go on, you discover there are bigger things at stake... Such as the entire world. You must use existing intelligence like floor plan layouts to plan your assault. You can use up to four teams, with a variety of equipment from simple body armor to biosuits, breaching kit and more. There are many different weapons available, from pistols to machine guns to shotguns to grenades. Rainbow Six also features a robust multiplayer with variety of maps and mission types to choose from. The tactics part is essentially more significant than in Spec Ops and also more polished. In addition to the missions in the book, there are numerous others. With the help of the mission map one can assign to the single team members at every place certain actions which turn out unfortunately not always free from problems, on account of the defective AI. Rainbow Six's was still a substantial success (recognizable in the numerous mission packs and sequels) and was an important milestone in the tactical FPS genre.

See also: Rainbow Six MP: Eagle Watch

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Level Demo 33MB ( @ FileFront)
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Full Demo (provided by keropi & upped by Scaryfun) 49MB
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AlcoholClone ISO Demo 392MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Fan Levels

Raptanks DD Interactive / Bmm Gesellschaft, Modern media Ges.mbH [top]

This is a little-known rail shooter made in Germany but all in English. An evil genius has seized a machine which can make anything and with its help gave birth to a huge number of all kinds of monsters (dinosaurs, arthropods of incredible sizes, and so on), including several especially large giants, whose images are clearly inspired by the so-called kaiju - colossal monsters from Japanese films. You control a combat aircraft and must shoot through scripted scenes to kill appearing opponents and periodically come across bonuses. There are four scales at the bottom of the screen, two one above the other on each side. "Upper" left (with a conventional aircraft icon) - "shield", which in this game is an analogue of health; this indicator is reduced in the event of any harmful effects on the aircraft, but at the same time it is restored automatically and rather quickly, if we do not undergo new attacks for at least some minimal time and, what is important, do not fire. Below is the ammunition scale marked with lightning for the "basic" weapon, which is two onboard machine guns: de facto, it is infinite, because the said strip, although it shrinks with each shot, is almost instantly restored after that; no "recharge" is, of course, required. At the top right is the indicator again with the airplane symbol, but outwardly different from the one mentioned above; the divisions here indicate the number of "lives" we have (of which, it should be noted, there are quite a few). Finally, below it is a scale with a sun symbol, indicating the number of available rockets; this right-click weapon is much more powerful than the first. There are four types of bonuses. Something like a multi-barreled machine gun - "Power Up", slightly increasing the "base" ammunition; taking into account the self-fulfillment of this indicator described above, in fact, it is useless. The greenish spheres - "Extra Life", represent additional "lives". Brownish objects of the same shape - "Shield Up", the local counterparts of first-aid kits, restoring "safety margin". Finally, "Fusion" - the same missiles; this bonus occurs only at the last stage. All of the above items are usually lying on the surface, and to "capture" them you need to shoot. There are only six levels; on each of them we are confronted by from two to four types of opponents, plus sometimes there are additional dangers; points are awarded for the destruction of both the first and the second. Any stage ends with a fight with the boss, and after defeating him - the issuance of a password, which later, if necessary, can be entered by accessing the corresponding item of the main menu in order to resume the passage from the last segment reached.
2CD ISO Demo 314+481MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Redneck Rampage Rides Again: Arkansas Xatrix / Interplay [top]

This sequel using the now oldish looking Build engine has Leonard and Bubba managing to hijack one of them fancy flying disks from the invading aliens, but just when they thought they had it made, it took a nosedive into the desert in one of them states west of Texas. When the game opens, you are trying your dangdest to get back to the garden spot that is Hickston. Along the way you square off against vicious jackalopes (rabbits with antlers), rabid pit bulls, clone bikers who've watched Blue Velvet one too many times, cheerleaders chucking dynamite batons, and a pack of other critters ranging from placid pigs to scary skeeters. There's only a handful of new weapons and enemies, and it still uses the clumsy multiplayer mode of the original which means everyone's gotta start at the same time and. But the pleasure here's in the details, friends - and the best are the new insult lines the enemies spout. The Skinny Old Coot from the first game won a free trip to Vegas, and he must've paid as much attention to the lingo of the locals as he did to the card count at the blackjack table. When you get close to him he cackles "Groooveee, bay-bee, he he he...." just as he's whipping out a hog leg to end your time on this here planet. Move up into the higher levels, and the Coot starts shouting stuff like "Craps, you lose!" and "New shooter comin' out!" But my fave has gotta be Daisy Mae, the clone cheerleader with the TNT batons. She's got so many good lines: "I'm gonna slap you bald-headed!"; "Do you like that, boy?"; "Were you raised in a barn?"; "Now you've gone and done it!" (one of Leonard's multiplayer taunts); and the hands-down winner for best line in a computer game: "Now I'm gonna have to open up a can of whoop-ass on you!" - the same line Leonard used at the start of the original Redneck Rampage. With 14 single-player levels - most of 'em really big - and some interesting diversions involving motorcycles mounted with machine guns and hydro-boats equipped with mortars, there's much great action here.
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Fan Map Pack
Redneck Rampage Rides Again Fan Compilation (includes Redneck Rampage Rides Again: Arkansas, "Redneck Rampage Rides Again, AGAIN" fan map pack + custom maps) ~113MB (uploaded by 3Spot)
Fan-Made Levels
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included in Redneck Rampage: Family Reunion 2CD ISO Demo ~889MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)
UK Clone ISO Demo 254MB (uploaded by Egon68)
included plus OST in Redneck Rampage Collection GOG Digital ISO Demo 711MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Mega Pack Raze FPS Games - Full Demos with new APIs to run on modern o/s 1.8GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Redneck Rampage: So You Wanna Be A Redneck Headgames [top]

Behind the info of "75 all new levels" (all new? wishful thinking) and "over 15 new death match levels" lies in reality a compilation of amateur fanmade levels. :o)

As far as I know, these were constructed exclusively for a level design-contest, at least, and are not randomly pulled from the internet as was done for some other cheap Doom level compilations, for example.

Full Demo 1MB (upped by keropi)
Redneck Rampage Fan Compilation (includes Redneck Rampage, So You Wanna Be A Redneck, Suckin' Grits On Route 66, plus The Hickston Swamp fan map pack + custom maps) ~113MB (uploaded by 3Spot)
ISO Demo 2.6MB (uploaded by Wastrel)

Sin Ritual / Activision [top]

Set in the near future of 2037, it is revealed that the police force collapsed 10 years prior due to inefficiency and ineffectiveness against the rising tide of crime. Private security companies have taken their place, some patrolling the streets like the former police, some in charge of protecting their employer's assets such aa SiNtek, a large multi-national biotechnology firm owned by the beautiful and charismatic Elexis Sinclaire. As John R. Blade, commander of one of the largest security forces in the city of Freeport, HardCorps, you are working to rid the streets of a potent new recreational drug named U4. You are supported on radio by a hacker friend named JC. Also here the Quake2 engine was used and was reworked. The radio messages between Blade and JC are over and over again witty, the levels diverse, the bank raid to begin the game is one of the best ones. Many levels have multiple ways in which to complete them, and actions could trigger drastic changes in future levels. The opponents are people and mutants in the central story, and there's driveable vehicles. Much of the environment can be interacted with, computer terminals can be manipulated through a DOS-like command prompt, and various objects could be destroyed. Sin comes up over and over again with some bugs, nevertheless there are some update patches which fix these, and also allow the levels to load more quickly. Sin featured the first-ever multiplayer level with multiple gravity axis (the Escher house-themed paradox), as well as the first commercial miniaturization level (spry), which let players duke it out in a giant living room. Sin was a lot of fun for me to play. In 2000, ADV Films released their first self produced anime film, Sin: The Movie. Although loosely based on the game, with similar characters and plot elements, there are some big differences.

See also: #Sin MP: Wages Of Sin

Level Demo 35MB ( @ FileFront)
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Full Demo / Music Addon / Speech Addon (by keropi) Movies Addon (created by loki1985, upped by Scaryfun)
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Steam Edition v1.12 (provided by 3Spot & upped by Scaryfun) 396MB
Full Demo v1.11 ~350MB (upped by Maraakate)
Sin Gold User Repack ~580MB (made for LW by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) NOTE: Contains Sin and Wages of Sin
ISO Demo 601MB (upped by Egon68)
Full Demo v1.1 (@FPS Legends) 360MB
SiN Ultimate Edition (Sin 1.11 + Wages of Sin + Ctf + redemption bots + skins + multiplayer maps + Win7 resolution patch) (provided by 3Spot & upped by Scaryfun) 800MB+56MB
Sin Gold GOG Digital ISO Demo v2.0.0.9 + Extras 510MB (uploaded by hgdagon)
Sin Gold GOG Digital ISO Demos - Windows v1.13b (36951) & Mac v2.0.0.9 including extras 570+752MB (uploaded by Shattered)

Sirens' Chamber Capitol Projects [top]

This FPS game made with Pie In The Sky GCS engine has a stunning 3D environment, full menu interface, eye-popping graphics, 10 save positions, intelligent enemy types, remote detonated bombs, rocket launcher, hand grenades, ninjas, raptors, orbs, wizards, soundblaster sound, midi music, and is fully playable / savable.
Shareware Level Demo 3.2MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Sky City Blues Jochen Wall [top]

This is a 3D action shooter. It consists of one big level that takes place in a flying city - the SKY CITY. The goal of the game is to find the teleporter that takes you out of the city, brings back to earth. The guard droids from SKY CITY will try to prevent this. So go on a search for the teleporter and turn off the guard droids that get in your way.
Download: None currently available

Spec Ops: Ranger Team Bravo Zombie / Ripcord Games [top]

This pack has 9 new missions in 3 scenarios (Bosnia, Vietnam in 1968 and Iraq), and is the main part of this add-on. Unfortunately, design-wise there has been no improvement and so Ranger Ream is cannot be said to be Bravo! but rather weak. Nevertheless, the missions are rather well-arranged and whoever liked the original game, will like this as well. After the installation of the mission pack, one may also select all missions of the original game individually and play. In addition, a multiplayer option with six rather big levela which one can play only in teams (on a network or Internet) was added.
Full Demo incl. Original Missions ~85Mb (upped by Scaryfun)
Spec Ops Gold ISO Demo 410MB (upped by Egon68)) * includes Spec Ops MissionPack: Ranger Team Bravo
Spec Ops Platinum ISO Demo 441MB (upped by Egon68) * includes Spec Ops, Spec Ops: Ranger Team Bravo, Spec Ops 2, Spec Ops 2: Operation Bravo
ISO Demo 296MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Spec Ops: Rangers Lead The Way / Spec Ops: Ranger Assault Zombie / Ripcord Games [top]

One should come to Spec Ops knowing that one will not be able to quickly shoot everything and hope to get especially far. Indeed there are some health kits, however, if you go forward with no plan it will lead quickly to your death. One goes forward in twos and has to struggle through 16 missions and to plan. One can give to his comrade-in-arms orders, but there's also an automatic response system where they recognize and fire on enemies. The software engine with its polygon graphics is far from pretty, the 3d maps version is a little better however not completely at the height of current state-of-the-art. Altogether, still, it's a good game. Though not completely developed, it shows the potential of the genre and, therefore, came many imitators (much better) after itself.

See also: #Spec Ops MissionPack: Ranger Team Bravo

Level Demo v1.3 8MB (@Download.com) / 3DFX-only Demo 16MB ( @ AG.ru)
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Full Demo ~57MB (upped by Scaryfun)
ISO Demo 198MB (upped by Egon68)
Spec Ops Gold ISO Demo 410MB (upped by Egon68) * includes Spec Ops MissionPack: Ranger Team Bravo
Spec Ops Platinum ISO Demo 441MB (upped by Egon68) * includes Spec Ops, Spec Ops: Ranger Team Bravo, Spec Ops 2, Spec Ops 2: Operation Bravo

Star Trek: Klingon Honor Guard MicroProse [top]

KHG is basically one massive FPS game with you, the Klingon seeking honor and revenge wandering around solving puzzles and killing people...the puzzle solving is a bit iffy, you don't see a Klingon solving puzzles, they just kill people. You start the game in the middle of a training exercise, and quickly move into the real plot: save Chancellor Gowron by uncovering a sinister plot to overthrow the empire and mercilessly slaughtering the conspirators. The story is above par for your standard first-person shooter, and the well-known and liked Star Trek universe certainly helps draw the player in. As a Klingon warrior you get to use a varied arsenal of weapons, from your trusty D'k Tahg (a small blade you use for disembowelling your enemies or throwing into their backs) to the more impressive Bat'leth (the sword of honor, a traditional Klingon weapon). The game also includes energy weapons, from the standard disrupter pistol up to the Sith Har blaster and Particle Dispersal Cannon - although a true Klingon warrior must see the fear in his enemies' eyes before leaving his knife in their throat. The game itself was based on a relatively new engine...Unreal. At that time the Unreal engine was notoriously buggy, not the refined one it is today, and the bugs were apparent all the way through the games from the various blips on the screen to full blown crashes for no apparent reason. It was definitely the first Star Trek computer game in a long while that broke the trend of mediocre Trek games. It looks great, and captures the mood of ST:TNG almost perfectly. You will battle in many Klingon locations including a suburb, the penal atroid Rura Penthe, and even the interior of a famous Bird of Prey spaceship. In true Star Trek spirit, you will make use of various gadgets throughout the game, including the tricorder and combat goggles. Also like in Unreal, the enemy AI is excellent. Your opponents will stage ambushes, and they do dodge and fire accurately especially on the "Klingon" difficulty setting which is very challenging. Multiplayer, via IPX and Internet, is supported, although the levels are not very interesting for multiplayer action.
Level Demo 33MB ( @ gamers.org)
Full Demo ~121MB (upped by keropi)
2CD ISO Demo 755MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demo with Custom Installer to run on modern o/s 949MB (uploaded by The Collection Chamber)

Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Mysteries Of The Sith LucasArts [top]

This is a mission pack for Jedi Knight. The single-player story is set five years after the events of Dark Forces II. The player controls Kyle Katarn, protagonist of Dark Forces II, and later in the game, Mara Jade, one of the most popular Star Wars Expanded Universe characters. There are much more diverse and better levels. There's also cool sniper weapons, and better puzzles. Cutscenes use in-game graphics. It contains 14 new levels, one new player character, 4 new weapons, 5 new force powers, 20 more enemies and multiplayer enhancements. Some non-hostile NPCs may help the player by attacking enemies. It includes fifteen multiplayer maps, four of which only allow players to battle with lightsabers which are very irritating. The player can choose an avatar and the lightsaber color, and compete with up to seven other players over the internet or a local area network. The game includes a ranking system that tracks the player's experience. The multiplayer mode allows the use of pre-set characters featured in both Mysteries of the Sith and Dark Forces II. There is the choice of characters from the Star Wars films, such as Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and Boba Fett. A great new feature is the improved 3D graphics engine, which now is able to display coloured light via 3D acceleration. The artificial intelligence has been developed further to produce more realistic actions from the NPCs. The hostile and non-hostile NPCs can fight amongst each other with little or no input from the player.
Standalone Demo 15MB ( @ FileFront)
Multiplayer Client
Full Demo (upped by keropi)
Fan Levels
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Clone ISO Demo & scans 409MB (uploaded by Egon68)
3-Level Demo included in The LucasArts Archives Vol. IV 6CD ISO Demo 1.40GB (uploaded by hgdagon)
GOG Digital ISO Demo v2.0.0.2 208MB (uploaded by Molitor)
Graphics Enhancement

Starsiege: Tribes Dynamix / Sierra [top]

This is actually from the Earthsiege series of multiplayer games of Dynamix/Sierra (long before UT or Quake3). Nevertheless, here the races fight for lack of better equipment not with Mechs, but in battle armor. The missions play outside and on account of the equipment it is also possible to fly. Every equipment has different strengths and weaknesses, light ones permit more agility and longer flights than the heavy ones which can take more damage. Also different vehicles can be used which is also necessary due to the large areas. Hostile vehicles and plane hulls can be destroyed and be taken over even. In Germany it was not successful, because at the time of its appearance no internet connection was affordable. Tactics is a must, the quickest and most precise shooters working alone will not compete against a good team. Big changes can be achieved by the automatic protectors which guard your team as well. A player as commander can select best routes and assignments to give. As in Counter-Strike weapon purchases was later taken up. While not a major commercial success, this game was also very influential. Supporting large numbers of players, vehicles, wide-open landscapes and innovative movement mechanics provided by the jetpack all players spawned with, Tribes can be considered the ancestor of many modern multiplayer-focused shooters including Battlefield 1942 and contributed greatly to the creation of the massively multiplayer FPS genre (including World War II Online and PlanetSide). Before the release of Tribes 3: Vengeance, the first 2 Tribes games were released as freeware. On Oct 30/2015, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Tribes franchise, Hi-Rez Studios released the whole series as freeware.
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Level Demo ~25MB ( @ Download.com)
Hi-Resolution Textures
Freeware Full Demo ~135MB ( @ Abandonia Reloaded)
Proper ISO Demo ~396MB (upped by Scaryfun)
Full Demo v1.41 154MB (uploaded by ModDB)
Free Downloads (4 different configs) on Discord (uploaded by PlayTribes)

Sword Of Ares, The Simitar [top]

This was a commercial shareware total conversion for Quake that was later released in 2003 as freeware. A robot total conversion with 18 small to medium sized levels (incl. start map), it also includes all new textures, monsters, and sounds. It has new player models with 5 selectable skins, new animations like jumping, flipping, ducking, and rolling. New weapons: Unigun - combines 4 ammo types to create 15 different attacks, Plasma Torch - used like a sword and can block some attacks, Unarmed - try to subdue your enemies with punches and kicks. A more interactive environment - destroy walls and push boxes, throw enemies into lava and see them explode, and multiple level exits and entrances. There's many ways to view the action: the 1st person view used in regular Quake, the popular chase camera view used in many quake add-ons, and an all-new overhead view and three-quarter views. There's new models made for the Free Models Project, player model based on the FMP humanoid, GuardiaN's Sentry from the FMP, exclusive new CyberDawn models, customized version of Jon Gorden's Wildwing model, helicopter by Rene Post, and unique models by Simitar.
Free Addon ~8MB (uploaded by Quaddicted)

Tao / Rujian Dao [Tw] Engine Technology / Soft-World International [top]

This extremely rare and little-known Taiwanese game reminds of Shadow Warrior . It tells of the adventures of a young warrior named Yan Chisya (translated as Red Dawn). The game is made ​​in the genre of 3D-shooter. It shows a sad example of the decline of the Ming Dynasty where everywhere there is corruption, drunkenness, debauchery and drug addiction. And in such a situation, evil forces start to shape the creation of "chaos" in the public. He must find described in the legends a Heavenly Bow in a deserted town. Two closely related games are Mars 3D and 3D Hero (both 1997) which were all made ​​by the same developer on a slightly modified 2.5D engine, which reminds of Build and Doom-engine simultaneously. There are some RPG-parameters including health that must be monitored. The default view is set in the third person (as "cooler" look, if only because of the constant camera work), but can be switched by pressing F11 to the first-person view. You can also change the weapons.
Taiwanese Full Demo 12MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
Taiwanese ISO Demo 357MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
English Translation Patch 6MB (uploaded by Doomworld)

Target De Lyric Games / Hurtownia Oprogramowania USER [top]

This is a Polish developed FPS. It contains 3 characters to choose from (female sniper, sabotager and commando), some RPG elements (experience points) and uses a Build-like engine. You are a hired soldier working for everyone who can afford. For every accomplished mission you will receive both cash and experience points. You can spend these points to increase your capabilities. For cash you can buy weapons, armors, etc. You can carry only four different weapons. If you find a new better weapon you can drop one of your old weapons. It features: simulated "real-world" physics models, colored lights, fog effect, ten levels for multiplayer mode in split screen or network mode, single or multiplayer gameplay over serial connection, modem, Internet, LAN (up to 16 players). There's many enemy character types with different characteristics, 17 types of weapons (flamethrowers, rocket launchers, bombs, mines etc.), 10 multilevel missions for Single player (up to 6 levels in each mission). It has 3D moving objects as doors, elevators, etc., motorcycles, interaction with environment (breaking window panes etc.), automap, original CD soundtrack and realistic 16-bit sound effects, enhanced 3D Sound techniques to improve realism of gameplay, and new objects: binocular, sniper rifle, night vision.
Polish ISO Demo ~398MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)
English Full Demo (provided by Sarrus95 & upped by Scaryfun) 27MB
English ISO Demo (provided by Sarrus95 & upped by Scaryfun) 368MB

Thief: The Dark Project Looking Glass / Eidos Interactive [top]

This is not really a shooter however it is very influential to the tactical shooter genre. One creeps as a thief by villas and dungeons and steals whatever is valuable that one can find. In numbers the guards will always defeat you, but one shoots the unsuspecting with an arrow in the back or lashes out at them with a club and one can stealthily pass them by. Looking Glass once again came up with an innovative game! Indeed the graphics are weak, however, the atmosphere is strong (even if the melding of the Middle Ages with industrialization might strike you as strange) and crouching down in the shadows leads sometimes to adrenalin rushes. The degree of difficulty is high and goals are announced with each mission. Miscellaneous items will help with fulfilling the orders: moss arrows dampen the step noises, aquatic arrows extinguish the torches and give more welcome shadows to hide in, rope arrows can in wood beams be shot and serve to climb into otherwise unattainable places. Sometimes one must consider how one can proceed onward. The levels in the houses are the most fun and those that are stuffed with dungeons, monsters, and zombies are indeed creepy, however they would not have been necessary for the game to succeed. Altogether, the game is very much innovative and exciting but also can be frustrating. It is only suitable for the patient shooter fan who can resign themselves to the fact that one cannot kill every opponent here just like that.

See also: Thief Gold

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Level Demo 47MB Assassins-Mission Demo 56MB Gold-Mission Demo with Intro 72MB without Intro 44MB ( @ thiefmissions.com) WinXP Patch ~1MB ( @ Thief:The Circle)
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Fan-Made Mission
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Full Demo ~136MB / CutScenes Addon ~67MB / Speech Addon ~42MB (upped by keropi)
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Fan-Made Missions
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ISO Demo 452MB (upped by Egon68)
Video Reviews
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2CD Gold ISO Demo 968MB (upped by Shattered)
Thief Collection 4CD ISO Demo 3.2GB (upped by Shattered)NOTES: Includes Thief, Thief 2, and Thief 3.
Portable Full Demo v1.14 432MB (uploaded by Legends World)
UK v.1.0 Clone ISO Demo 561MB (uploaded by Egon68)
TFix: unofficial patch for Thief1/Gold v1.20a 149MB (uploaded by TTLG Forums)
Thief Collection includes ISO, update patches, Fan Missions, GOG installer, manual, Fixes, mods & addons, Soundtrack 28.2GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Time of Reckoning Weird Science [top]

This is an add-on compilation featuring content for Quake, Doom II and Duke Nukem 3D. It was released for the PC but also the Amiga, despite Duke Nukem not being available for that system at the time. Fantastic, easy to use front end menu for launching any of the add-ons or levels directly from Windows 95. AGA Amiga with 8Mb RAM or a Pentium Class PC, 16Mb RAM, Windows 95. The program allows you to easily set features that are otherwise set using command line parameters in DOS. Using the program you can jump directly to any of the in built levels in each of the games as well as enable or disable functions such as Monsters, Respawns and Multiplayer games. Also on the CD-ROM are many Custom levels for each game, along with custom Add-ons for Quake such as Weapons, Monsters and Game changes. Doom II - 500 levels with thumbnail images of each displayed when the level is selected. The levels are split into 250 single player and 250 death match multi-player levels. All levels are played directly from the CD with no installation required. Direct access to any of the built in levels of the game with warp to any of these levels as soon as the game is loaded. The menu will again control the loading and setting up of single and multi-player games. Select the player skill level, alter the speed of the player in the game and load any save games the user may have. Select a time limit for any level in death match mode. Duke Nukem 3D - Over 1,100 levels with thumbnail images of each displayed when the level is selected. All the levels have been categorized by number of players required and type of arena provided. All levels are played directly from the CD with no installation required. Direct access to any of the built in levels of the game. Support for the standard game and the Plutonium or Atomic editions. The menu will load the game for single or multi-player games. Support for fake multi-player games with artificially intelligent computer controlled players for single player death matches. Complete control over monster, items and inventory re-spawning in the game. Select skill level for the game. Quake - More than 350 custom levels with thumbnail images of each displayed when the level is selected. Levels installed correctly when the game is run and the level loaded automatically. When the game has exited the level can be automatically un-installed by the menu system. Over 100 extra weapons and add-on patches for Quake provided. Full installation of these is completed seamlessly by the menu system when the game is run. Again these can be un-installed automatically if required. Every weapon or add-on has been set-up with the required key bindings to save the user having to do this. The menu can display the full text file provided with every level or add-on. The keys and configuration files for Quake can be edited and saved out. Set-up common features of Quake direct from the menu. These include joystick use, memory, colours of players, mouse speed, players name, skill levels and more. Play with standard Quake, WinQuake or GLQuake. Single player mode or multiplayer modes selectable. Set-up a server or join another computer game. Play over a local area network, modem link or the Internet. Find a list of active Quake servers on the Internet. Check the speed of each of these from you own computer and log onto any of these servers when the game is loaded. The server list can be amended and saved for later use. This provides information on the fastest link from the users own computer on the Internet to provide the best game play. Support for the Mission Pack 1, Mission Pack 2 and Shrak add-on levels direct from the menu. The menu system also supports any existing Levels or Add-on patches already installed on the user's machine.
ISO Demo 402MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Total Conversions for Quake 2 Unknown [top]

A whole CD full of mods, maps, skins and tools. The back cover advertises it various levels, new weapons such as pipe bombs, proximity mines, flamethrower, chainshotgun and other weapons. There are also a lot of new player models and skins. Basically an all-round “worry-free package”. This is an unofficial add-on for Quake II with New levels: Play Back, First Strike, Abandon All Hope, Arkanian. It also has collected levels including: The Old Storage Area, Mutated!, Fatal Opportunity, Incarceration, Infiltrate Subjugate Eliminate, Death is Not Worth Trying, Gib me Liberty, The Strogg Downfall, Strogg Garage, Strogg Particle Laser, Vostok Rising, Water Works. New weapons and items: MIRV Proximity Mines, Chain Shotgun, Pipe Bombs, Realistic Railguns (can shoot through walls), Proximity Scanner, Life Brainer, Watch & Compass Combo, Grapple Hook, Homing Missiles, Cluster Bombs, Plasma Proximity Bomb, Portable Teleport, Blaster, Multi Grenades, Flame Thrower.
ISO Demo 137MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Trespasser: Jurassic Park DreamWorks Interactive / Electronic Arts [top]

In this video game, a plane crashes in the midst of Jurassic Park one year after the incidents of The Lost World. Now the sole survivor, Anne (voiced by Minnie Driver), must free herself from this position and make it off the island. There are no health bars, ammo displays, or power-ups, and players can't pick things up just by walking over them. Instead, interaction with the environment is done using Anne's arm, which can be moved around using the mouse and which can be used to pick up items, throw rocks, push down crates or wield weapons. Anne's voice gives a rough estimate of the amount of ammo left whenever she wield a gun, and Anne has a heart-tattoo that fills with red as she becomes more damaged. By pressing a key, Anne will extend her arm out in to the game world, allowing the player to pick up, swing, push and throw objects. This allows the player to create improvised weaponry, for instance: grabbing a large rock off the ground and bashing a velociraptor with it. However, this feature is extremely cumbersome, as it requires up to five buttons (maximum) to be pressed to fully manipulate the arm (picking up, dropping, moving, swinging, and rotating). This makes u tilizing the arm in the heat of battle somewhat frustrating. Anne can only carry two items at once and when bumping into things will often drop items. In a lot of areas, Trespasser is very realistic. It was the first 3D game to incorporate actual physics in the gameplay into how objects can be used and change very accurately. Nevertheless, the game's fun is low. The dinosaurs are silly (maybe realistic, however there is no particular fun in dealing with them) and are seen rather rarely. The levels are generally boring. The graphics are bad and that's just a few of the downsides to the game. Maybe some guys will get a thrill when looking down, your female character obviously has breasts. Hehehe.
Unique Level Demo 30MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Various Beta Demos (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
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Total Conversion
Fan-Made Levels
Full Demo ~53MB (upped by Scaryfun)
ISO Demo ~589MB (upped by Scaryfun)
Various Beta Demos (uploaded by TresCom)
Full Demo with Trespasser CE patch to run on Win10 546MB (uploaded by The Collection Chamber)

Twin Dragon Wylde Productions / Level Infinity [top]

This was to be another commercial add-on but all were cancelled due to poor game sales of Shadow Warrior. Some months pass and the rights for the add-on are finally given back to the original developers after a lot of complaining. This eventually led to the freeware release of the originally planned to be commercial add-on. It has 13 SP levels & 3 Wang-Bang deathmatch levels with new art, sounds, and end boss. It features music by Castles Music Productions. Lo Wang finds he has a brother, Lo Hung, that was adopted and raised by the evil overlord Pu Tang. As can be expected, Lo Hung did many evil deeds because the evil overlord taught him the dark ways of ninja fighting. Now Lo Wang is up to the task to battle through Lo Hung's evil fortress and face his twin brother.
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Free Addon ~6MB (uploaded by Proasm)
Included in: Shadow Warrior Complete Good Old Games Version ISO Demo 230MB (uploaded by Molitor) plus Wanton Destruction
included in 2013 Shadow Warrior Classic Redux - ISO Demo 191MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Shadow Warrior Classic Complete - GOG Free Game (uploaded by Good Old Games)
included in Mega Pack Raze FPS Games - Full Demos with new APIs to run on modern o/s 1.8GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Tyrannizer (cancelled) Viper Byte 3D Game Development [top]

This is a first-person shooter game with a mix of sci-fi and fantasy elements, likely inspired by Quake. The player character uses a sword for a close-range weapon alongside modern era firearms, but the game is set in a medieval looking castle populated with mythical creatures. The game was developed with the ACKNEX 3D GameStudio construction set, which is more similar to the Build 2.5D engine than to the true 3D Quake engine, and uses sprites for enemies, items and decorations. Build-engine like advanced features are used like bridges or balconies that can be walked on and passed under, and the ability to swim underwater. There are two enemy types and four player weapons (keys 1-4). You must collect three keys of different colors and visit three corresponding locations, to which wrought-iron doors block the path from the common “hub” (keys are needed to open them). You will constantly improve your health with mushrooms that grow right on the floor in the castle, under your feet. The engine even has an implementation of underwater conditions. A playable demo includes one level. Although the full game was never completed, the developers reworked it into a completely different first-person shooter game called Winthorp's Mansion where the payer explores a haunted mansion. That game uses an updated, Windows version of the ACKNEX engine.
Level Demo 2.9MB (uploaded by DOS Games Archive)
Level Demo with Old-Games.RU DOSBox Launcher 2.66MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Unreal Epic Megagames, Digital Extremes / GT Interactive [top]

This revolutionary game has fantastic graphics and the first level is very atmospheric. Many levels, however, have many rather dull dungeons. Others have very good design and very strong gameplay, mostly those in the inhabited areas. Otherwise the game is uncomplicated, without big puzzles and long playing time. One is on a prisoner's transport which crashes on a planet. One has luck, because one manages after the crash to escape from your cell. At first you must arm yourself and escape from the ship. One finds recordings of other occupants over and over again who have already fought for their survival. Peaceful inhabitants of the planet help, while they show secret hiding places if one has saved them before or at least has spared their lives. Unreal was the first FPS shooter to official include Bots, A.I. characters which mimic the actions of live players during multiplayer deathmatches. The gorgeous Unreal engine took 4 years to design. It had several features that weren't included in the Quake II engine: Volumetric Lighting (an effect for generating fog, smoke or plasma used in great effect for obscuring vie), Dynamic Lighting (a real time render of colored lights; you could mix colored light sources to produce other colors; you also could see moving shadows). Unreal brought to life not only highly-detailed indoor environments, but also easily the most impressive outdoor landscapes ever seen at the time. They improved the lighting and surrounding in the game, giving them a grittier darker look.A map editor and overall complete modification program called UnrealEd also came with the package. It also came with its own scripting language called UnrealScript, and soon developed a large community on the Internet which was able to add new mods (short for "modifications") in order to change or enhance gameplay.
Unreal Gold(99) contains the original Unreal game as well as the mission pack, Return to Na Pali.

See also: #PC Gamer: The Extended Play Collection Volume 2, #PC Gamer: The Extended Play Collection Volume 3, #Todo Unreal & Unreal Tournament [Sp], #Unreal Add-on CD, #Unreal Add-on CD, #Unreal Add-on CD, #Unreal: Creative AddOn, #Unreal: Fusion Map Pack, #Unreal: Not Real, #Unreal: Official Strategy Guide GW Press Addons, #Unreal MP: Return To Na Pali, #Unreal: S3 Gallery Beta 2, #Unreal: Special Edition, #Unreal: Steele Dawn (cancelled), #Unreal: The Real Add-On, #Unreality: Das Ultimative Tool & Level Addon Fur Unreal, #Unreality: Expansion Set, #Unreal World

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1995 Technology Demo [5 maps which never made into any later beta or retail version] 2.77 MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
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Alpha Version 0.83 (October 3, 1996) [4 maps which never made into any later beta or retail version] (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 7.61 MB
Fan levels
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Alpha Version 0.83 (October 18, 1996) [updated version of the previous alpha] (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 8.16 MB
Old Unreal 227i patch, Hi-Res Textures & Map Pack, Tower of Shrakith'a TC, Unreal engine Direct3D 10 & 11 renderers
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Full Demo ~156MB (upload by keropi)
Direct2Drive Version Update Enabler ~20MB (upload by keropi) overwrite existing file in your game directory to be able to use official game patches.
Unreal Gold updated ISO Demo (made by Delacroix & uploaded by Scaryfun) Includes Unreal, Unreal MP: Return To Na Pali and more. 495MB
EU ISO Demo ~322MB (by Shattered)
eBooks Prophet's Power & Hard Crash (OCR'd & fixed publishing errors) (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 6MB
included in Unreal Gold - Good Old Games Version ISO Demo 249MB (uploaded by Shattered)
EU ISO Demo v1.0 (provided by Vigi & upped by Scaryfun) 252MB
Alpha Version 0.84a (December 10, 1996) [1 showcase level] (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 4.55 MB
Alpha Version 0.864v (May 24, 1997) [monster preview] (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 6.74 MB
Alpha Version 0.866q (June 17, 1997) [engine only] (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 6.77 MB
Alpha Version 0.867z (June 18, 1997) [1 showcase level] (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 9.84 MB
Alpha Version 0.868z (July 18, 1997) [1 showcase level] (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 6.76 MB
Alpha Version 0.871d (August 3, 1997) [4 maps, 2 of them unique] (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 23 MB
Alpha Version 0.874d (September 8, 1997) [9 maps, 3 of them unique] (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 36.1 MB
Alpha Version 0.88 (November 18, 1997) [1 showcase level] (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 22.6 MB
Beta version of Unreal, including many levels later included in Return to Na Pali or cut from the game entirely. (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 140 MB
Pre-release materials (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 196 MB
Alphas + Beta + Pre-Release Materials (uploaded by Delacroix)
Russian ISO Demo 301MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Unreal Gold - Russian ISO Demo (8-bit publisher) & Mirror 266MB (uploaded by scaryfun & Delacroix)
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Patch, Maps, Docs, Mods, Pre-Release demos, S3TC Textures, Videos 5.62GB (uploaded by hgdagon)
Beta release from November 1997 (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 172MB
ISO Demo 260MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
USA ISO Demo v1.0 252MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Unreal Add-on CD UK Complete Gamer Magazine [top]

This is the CD added to the fifth issue of Complete Gamer magazine. The CD includes ~100 levels for Unreal. Most of them work wih all versions of the game, but there are few that include scripts compatible with the unpatched version only.
ISO Demo ~64MB (thanks to Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun)

Unreal Add-on CD SilverShark [top]

This is a Polish CD, however everything here is in english, so no worry. Over 300 levels are included here, countless skins and lots of cool add-ons. A must have for an Unreal fan.
Polish ISO Demo ~179MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)

Unreal Add-on CD Unknown [top]
This is a CD that showed up in german PC Games magazine, a month after the game itself. Contains lots of add-ons, including those by premier German mappers like David Munnich.
German ISO Demo ~152MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)

Unreal: Creative AddOn Creative [top]
This bonus pack demonstrates how rich EAX sound effects can be used in Unreal. It was released by Creative shortly after the Unreal Special Edition demo and was available for free download. It contains 6 maps: - Deathmatch1, Deathmatch2 (central core rooms with satellite hallways and rooms and no enemies; emphasis is on keeping the navigation simple for game play and for experiencing EAX), Raver2Revrb (layout was designed to emphasize EAX experience; contains enemies, and you have to get to the end and step on teleporter to open doors), Hall1A (Deathmatch level is more spread out with no enemies and some secrets; not all walls are solid and all things are not as they seem), 2Shadow (enemies are set to friendly so they won't shoot until fired upon; there is a female human bot in this level which usually manages to find the eightball - be ready for this if you happen to open fire on her), 3Shadow (Deathmatch level in the form of a castle with no enemies; it's dark in here so be sure to pick up one of the searchlights; and unless you like making small craters, don't jump off the top without armor and/or a force field of some sort).
Free Download (unrealao.exe) 1.66MB (uploaded by Old Unreal)
included in Unreal Gold updated ISO Demo (made by Delacroix & uploaded by Scaryfun) Includes Unreal, Unreal MP: Return To Na Pali and more. 495MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Unreal: Not Real CDV Software Entertainment AG [top]

Not Real is a level addon for Unreal. This addon features 59 death match, 7 single player levels and 10 archives containing cool skins, 12 patches and updates and 12 tools.
German ISO Demo ~43Mb (provided by Mr. Blue, upped by Scaryfun)

Unreal: Official Strategy Guide GW Press Addons Epic Megagames / GW Press [top]

This Official Strategy Guide book written by Craig Wessel featured: Game-busting tips and strategies on how to defeat the Skaarj; Custom 3D maps cover every square inch of the Skaarj territory; Extensive multiplayer deathmatch coverage; Detailed profiles of the merciless enemy creatures; Comprehensive descriptions of all weapons and secrets; An expert introduction to UnrealEd, the revolutionary Unreal level editor. It also contained an Unreal soundtrack cd and had an offer of a "FREE Download Exclusive Add-On Levels with the Purchase of this Book. Check www.gwpress.com". You entered a password of 31m52s in order to download 3 levels - DMLocke.unr ( a wooden Nalitown building interior, a central area with 2 side extensions with water passages under parts of the level), DMVilla2.unr (boat docks leading to a wooden building with something of a simple shrine) these both by Myscha the Sled Dog, and DMScruular.unr by Allan Willard (a spaceship level looking a bit like a SkaarjShip).
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Fan-Made Division Bonus Pack v2 (includes GW Press Addons & Unreal: Special Edition 3dfx maps) 4MB (uploaded by Unreal Archive)
included in Unreal Gold updated ISO Demo (made by Delacroix & uploaded by Scaryfun) Includes Unreal, Unreal MP: Return To Na Pali and more. 495MB

Unreal: S3 Gallery Beta 2 S3 Graphics [top]

This is a set of 12 small showcase maps that demonstrate how S3TC texture compression can be used by Unreal. The largest part of the pack is the texture set - out of 263 MB required to install the pack, only 5 MB is used by the maps. Previously released online in parts: Control Room (s3mov.zip) - DMFly1b, DMS3Movie; Egypt - DMEgypt1; Gallery (s3gal.zip) - DMS3Gallery, DMS3GalleryB; Streets: DMSavageStreets1, DMSavageStreets1Bots, DMStreet1, DMStreets2, DMStreets2Bots, DMStreets2Light. The pack's main distribution channel however was with an OEM bundled with - you guessed it - S3 Savage4 video card.
S3TC Map Pack 163MB / S3 Gallery Beta 2 - 171MB (uploaded by Old Unreal)
included in Unreal Gold updated ISO Demo (made by Delacroix & uploaded by Scaryfun) Includes Unreal, Unreal MP: Return To Na Pali and more. 495MB

Unreal: Special Edition Creative [top]

This is a shareware version of Unreal, bundled with the original SoundBlaster Live! cards. It includes a bonus 3dfx pack with 3 OEM Demo maps made by Epic which includes DMKrazy, DMBayC, and DMCreek. It also contains support for Creative's Environmental Audio Extensions and the first 10 singleplayer levels. The last one, Darkarena, is more difficult in the end than in Unreal and it ends in Harobed.
Unreal Shareware CD 122MB (uploaded by Hyper Unreal Services)
Download 3 exclusive maps only (3dfxmaps.zip) 1.18MB (uploaded by Old Unreal)
Fan-Made Division Bonus Pack v2 (includes GW Press Addons & Unreal: Special Edition 3dfx maps) 4MB (uploaded by Unreal Archive)

Unreal: The Real Add-On Digi Rom [top]

The Real Add-On is a text based cheat, hints and tricks addon for Unreal. This addon features plenty of comprehensive cheats to adjust the skill level within Unreal gameplay and to overcome destiny. Do you encounter difficulties fighting "Brutes"? Are "Skaarj" moving to fast? Aren't you able to defeat "Titan" in gameplay? Do you need hints on movements? Then this addon is a must addon for the Unreal game.
German ISO Demo ~3Mb (provided by Mr. Blue, upped by Scaryfun)

Unreality: Das Ultimative Tool & Level Addon Fur Unreal S.A.D. GmbH Germany [top]

Unreality is the ultimate tool & level addon for Unreal. This addon features more than 60 new levels for single and multiplayer mode. Plenty of cheats (ammo refill, flying and more), new weapons (Bazooka, Flame-thrower, Smoke-grenates and more), tools (enter Nets Server Pinger, Pingtool, UnSound. Patches and tools for all related graphic, sound, server and system problems.
German with some English Full Demo ~42Mb (provided by Mr. Blue, upped by Scaryfun)

Unreality: Expansion Set Micro Star [top]

Unreality is the ultimate tool & level addon for Unreal. This addon features more than 50 new levels, new monsters, new advanced weapons, and new single player and deathmatch options.
ISO Demo 43Mb (upped by Scaryfun)

Varginha Incident, The / Alien Anarchy / Alien Shootout Perceptum / Midas Interactive, IncaGold [top]

A rare Brazilian developed game based on a famous UFO case. In January 20, 1996, an UFO incident ocurred in Varginha, Brazil, involving reports of UFOs and aliens, supposedly captured by Brazilian officials. Frustrating the military forces involved, some of these aliens escaped toward the city, where they were seen by some witnesses, including the player, who receives a special mission from them: to find and recover their captured space ship! This FPS mixes fact and fiction exploring the real happenings in Varginha. In the game, the player will discover that a whole undergroud city called Stonedrome was built in southeastern Brazil, where aliens and human secret agents work together. The game engine is 2.5D, mixing 3D models (for the background objects and vehicles) and sprites for the characters. The game explores real Brazilian locations, like the Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro, the Sé metro station in São Paulo, besides the city of Varginha itself. At the very beggining of the game, the player receives a Bioproc: an alien device which works both as a map and a translator. He can use four kinds of weapons, including an alien one. He'll also need to find key items to unlock areas and proceed in game. It was distributed only in Europe, Asia and South America.
The Varginha Incident Demo 3MB ( @ DOS Games Archive) Alien Anarchy Demo 3MB ( @ Tiscali)
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Full Demo 6MB (upped by keropi)
Clone ISO Demo 261MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Portuguese (Brazil) ISO Demo 392MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Alien Shootout - ISO Demo 314MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Vigilance Postlinear Entertainment / SegaSoft [top]

In the all too near future, acts of terrorism plague the world more and more frequently. Only one strike force can defend humanity from the rising tide of violence: the Special Intelligence Operations Network (SION). Despite this tremendous team, terrorism continues to mushroom. And some are beginning to suspect that these seemingly random acts of violence might be part of a larger conspiracy. As a SION recruit, you are among the best operatives from the world's most elite intelligence agencies. You can choose between 8 different SION operatives to play. Each operative is an expert in their field. Where one is a computer genius, another is an expert in biomechanical engineering. And demolition specialists join forces with masters of reconnaissance. The storyline is engaging and realistic. The characters have cool backgrounds, which add to the story and even cooler voice-overs, which add to their individuality and help to flesh them out. But then you play the game, and it ends just being mediocre when you compare it to other games of the action shooter genre. A nice bonus is that there are three different perspective options to view you character and play in (3rd person, up close 3rd person and 1st person). Overall, though the graphics are good, the game play and character handling is a little choppy. You have access to an arsenal of over 40 deadly weapons and power-ups ranging from the Viper sub-machine gun and the Nitro 800 Ball Gun and more. Multiplayer mode over HEAT.NET was just average. What was nice was the fact that you had 8 different agents to choose from which made it easy to tell each other apart during team vs. team multiplay. The project took over 2 years and $2 million to create.
Level Demo v1.3 64MB (uploaded by Absolute Games)
Full Demo (upped by keropi)
ISO Demo ~465MB (upped by Egon68)

Wheels! RJ Cooper & Associates [top]

In Wheels! you play as a student who must navigate through labyrinths of school rooms and hallways without touching walls, in a first-person shooter perspective. Unlike other shooters though, this one is meant for handicapped children and you will be shooting clowns and robots with pies instead. Depending on the difficulty you play at, the hallways become more narrow and enemies more common. Get the key, escape the maze, and win! It was made with Bungie's Marathon 2 engine for both MAC and PC. To use any type of pointing device in Wheels!, like a mouse, trackball (SAM-Trackball), joystick, Tracker or HeadMouse, etc, you must launch the Mouse4Wheels! utility, which translates cursor movement or position, into Wheels!-specific keystrokes.
Shareware Level Demo 2.16MB (uploaded by Official Site)
7-Use Trial Demo 6.54MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Z.A.R. (Zone of Artificial Resources) Maddox Games / Auric Vision [top]

Z.A.R. concerns a fully automatic factory, run by a computer. Not unexpectedly, as in most shooter scenarios, things go wrong when control over it is attempted and the computer gets angry and puts all robots and rockets which are produced in Z.A.R. in the service of his bad creator. On Earth, they send to correct this problem not a space fleet but a single man, you. After the jump into a fight area, one gathers at first weapons and then starts to destroy opponents and to fulfill your orders. Z.A.R. uses of a Voxel graphics (with 3d support for Glide and Direct3d). Everything happens outside (and because one can jump high and gravity is not the same as on Earth), it reminds me a little of Terminal Velocity and similar games. Now and then one may also fight in the group and enjoy more high-action battles, however, mostly you go against - like other famous shooters - the (silly) evil foes. Z.A.R. is not an especially bad game, but it's also nothing that special. Therefore, amongst better 3d-shooters, this one faded fast and offers no incentive for most players to try.

See also: #Z.A.R. MissionPack

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1 & 3 Level Demos 6+13MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection + DOS Games Archive)
 1  2 
Full Demo (upped by keropi)
Russian ISO Demo ~449MB (upped by Scaryfun)
English ISO Demo 382MB (uploaded by roioros)

Zaero Add-On Pack for Quake II Team Evolve / Macmillan Digital [top]

In this single-player Quake 2 expansion pack you get 14 interconnected levels, 4 new enemies including hellhounds, laser-toting cyborgs, fixed gun emplacements and a final boss. There are also new weapons such as a flare gun, infra-red trigger bomb, sonic cannon, sniper rifle, EMP Nuke and Armageddon 2000 suicide bomb. This pack is not as good as the earlier ones.
Level Demo 24MB (uploaded by AG.ru)
Full Demo ~88MB (upped by keropi)
Quake II: Ultimate Edition (includes Q2, Juggernaut, Ground Zero, Reckoning, Zaero, and Tournament) ~321MB (uploaded by 3Spot)
ISO Demo 141MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Clone ISO Demo 109MB (@FPS Legends)
included in Quake 2000 - Russian Bootleg ISO Demo (Quake v1.09, Quake: Shrak v2.0, Quake II v3.20, Quake II: Juggernaut, Quake II Mission Pack: The Reckoning, Quake II:Zaero, Quake II Mission Pack: Ground Zero, Quake III: Arena) 687MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)
included in Quake 4 Special Edition - Fan-Edited 2DVD ISO Demo 3.04+1.69GB (uploaded by hgdagon)

Third Person Shooters

3D Asteroid Impact Gamescape / Ultisoft [top]

A 3D graphical PC game similar to the classic arcade game. Your mission is to protect mother earth from destruction, wave after wave of high velocity asteroids hurtle towards earth from every corner of the universe. How long can you hold them off before the planet is pulverized. Enjoy seemingly endless levels of asteroid blasting, rock smashing mayhem, it's massive and relentless obliteration on a grand scale, also loads of fun. It has 3D rendered graphics, an excellent soundtrack adds to play, and is as fun as the original game but more challenging.
Full Demo 1.4MB (uploaded by Wastrel)
included in Super 5 Pack - ISO Demo (provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 6MB

Adrenix Digital Dialect / Playmates Interactive [top]

Adrenix takes place in a future in which military leaders have developed a drug which strengthens the soldiers more, allowing more perseverance and pain resistance. However, this experimental drug has a side effect: death. One slips into the game in the role of the pilot Scott Griffon who becomes a member of an opposition movement, who used to be Medtech's best pilot - and Medtech are the evil ones. The opposition movement is comprised of former soldiers who want to prevent spread of the drug Adrenix. Thus you sit down in your hovercraft and fight from now on against the Medtechs to prevent the further spread of Adrenix and to release his lovely girl Maria.
Level Demo 14MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Full Demo ~41MB (by keropi)NoCD Fix ~1KB (by Scaryfun)
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ISO Demo 310MB (uploaded by Egon68)

ARA NGC 6397 I. Hoffman & Associates Inc / H + A Action Games [top]

This catchy title (LOL) refers to a real dense globular cluster of stars in our Milky Way galaxy. In this rail shooter cyberpunk adventure, Earth has been taken over by an unpopular governing alliance called The Syndicate, who have been locked in a vicious struggle to maintain their dominance over humanity. Become an undercover agent and unravel the plots of conspiracy-seeking journalists, mad scientists, and the Syndicate alliance. The game is divided into three levels, the first and third being a virtual shooter and the second a graphic adventure. You land in a group that survived the effects of an mind-controlling virus, and disembark from a spaceship to a space station. The shooting levels are just a matter of aiming and shooting enemies in each room. At some points, we can speak with our companion, to issue orders to him. In the second level we will not have to use our weapon, but will have to use diverse objects to be able to escape. We can move between rooms, and manipulate objects where the cursor becomes a hand. Basically, the problems of this game are the total lack of freedom and its short duration. The game can be finished in one hour by an average player. If you do not win a battle which does not lead to the correct solution of the game, we die and must return to the beginning of the level.
Full Demo 94MB (uploaded by keropi)
ISO Demo ~327MB (by Scaryfun)

Asteroids Syrox Developments, Ltd. / Activision, Inc. [top]

Unlike Activision's earlier remake of an Atari arcade classic, Battlezone, this one stays close to its namesake. Take the original, Atari coin-op game Asteroids, add in the features of the Atari 2600 cartridge, then give it 3-D graphics and a bunch of power-ups, and you've got Activision's Asteroids remake. You are an employee of the Astro-Mining Corporation. Your mission is to simply go to an assigned area of space and clear the area of asteroids and the occassional debris. The game consists of five zones, each with a different background and some with special features. Each zone has 15 levels. In addition to the standard asteroids, there are also mined asteroids that explode; indestructible asteroids that are, well, indestructible; fireball comets; crystal asteroids that regenerate; alien egg asteroids containing deadly baby space worms; and ancient energy asteroids that shoot back! And there's plenty of enemies in addition to the asteroids, such as Standard and Super Saucers, Asteroids Tugs, Fuel Transports, Hexes, Nuke Drivers, and Vulturoids. There are three types of ships to choose from, each with different strengths and weaknesses. There are also three skill levels. If you beat the game at Expert or higher, you gain access to a fourth type of ship. All ships features the standard laser, shield, flip (instantly flips your ship 180 degrees), and hyperspace. There are also limited power-ups you can pick up such as GunSat, Mines, Homing Missiles, Plasma Drill, and Trigger Bombs. The game supports either one or two players. In two player mode, the object is to simply outscore your opponent in a random zone and level. You cannot directly kill your opponent by shooting him, but there are other ways. Lastly, if you shoot the classic-style asteroid in level 15 of the first zone, you'll find the option of "Classic Asteroids" now appearing on the main menu.
Clone ISO Demo 269MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Browser-Playable Free Flash Game (1977 version with enhanced graphics) (uploaded by Atari)
Browser-Playable Free Flash Game (1977 original version) (uploaded by IGN)

Astrorock 2000 Logicware Inc. / Ideas From The Deep [top]

This features fast action, a rockin' soundtrack and more levels than a Spinal Tap amp volume setting! More aliens, more weapons, more asteroids, more attitude and more explosions than ever. The righteous tunes of Rock n Roll are once again threatened by the uptight aliens from the Bee-Gee cluster! Jump into your newly suped up Fender-Astrocaster Annihilator 10000 and give those mutant aliens a little attitude. But watch your tailside! They've brought some all new fiendish aliens with them, and the're not any cooler than the last bunch. It's fast paced arcade action on the edge of your sanity when you shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger. Feel the awesome new rock tunes slapping through your speakers in countless levels of alien assault! Let these aliens know that no one messes with Rock n Roll...Nobody. Features: 3D rendered sprites fast action tons of pickups a barrage of sound effects a 14 song kick-ass soundtrack more attitude than Axle Rose. So many guns, so little time.
Full Demo + mirror 29MB (uploaded by Wastrel)
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Beast Wars Transformers Takara / Hasbro Interactive [top]

Based on the TV show, Beast Wars Transformers puts you in control of one of several transformers, allied with either the Maximals or the Predacons. The game includes five original and one hidden transformers for each team, all from the show. You must make your way through a total of 24 missions, through desert or urban environments. Each transformer can transform into it's own unique animal, which is necessary when traveling through the game. When transformed, each transformer has an upgradable weapon to defend itself from machine enemies but must return to its animal state to protect itself from harmful energon rays. You choose either the Maximals or Predacons to decide the fate of the galaxy. Unlike the console version, on PC it had an option to play with up to 8 people over LAN or online on MSN Gaming Zone.
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Level Demo 8MB ( @ Physics Ohio State)
Full Demo 27MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
ISO Demo 492MB (by Egon68)

Breakneck / N.I.C.E. 2 / Excessive Speed Synetic GmbH / Magic Bytes, Southpeak Games [top]

The sequel to Have a N.I.C.E. day! has a lot of improvements: instead of 3 cars you're now able to choose between more than 42 cars (including monster trucks and semi-trailers), 24 tracks with 96 variations and a lot of new race modes. The most significant feature is the new powerful graphic engine, it's able to display a lot more polygons and has some nice new effects (plus 3d accelerator support). The tracks are based on locations around the globe such as Egypt , Arizona , Australia , Germany , Hawaii , Corsica and Austria. For each country, three routes are available, in addition there are also Formula 1 race circuits from Melbourne, Hockenheim and Spa-Francorchamps. Weapons can be used only in a few racing types (for example, Deathmatch and Fox hunting) and are only available for one of the various vehicle classes.

See also: #N.I.C.E. 2: Tune-Up

N.I.C.E. 2 + Tune-Up - German Full Demo 375MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Level Demo 15.3MB (uploaded by JeuxVideoPC)
Breakneck ISO Demo 526MB (uploaded by Wastrel)
Track Editor (various language versions) 52MB (uploaded by games.reveur)

Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now Stainless Software Ltd. / SCi Games Ltd. [top]

Carmageddon II is essentially more of the same. Whether this is a good or bad thing pretty much depends on how you liked the first. In case you need to be told, this game sends the politically-correct-o-meter flying towards absolute zero, perhaps only beaten by Duke Nukem 3D. The framework is a futuristic race inspired by Deathrace 2000 and The Cars That Ate Paris: The contestants, in sport cars, monster trucks, and other motorized abominations, are placed on a track, a real populated area. Getting to the finish line first is secondary, and in fact seldom happens; the real winner is the one to trash everyone else, running over pedestrians on the way for extra profit. It was one of the few racing games at the time to feature deformable models on its cars, making for more realistic dents and crashes. In fact, the player's car can even be bent in half, leaving the player to drive with only the front wheels on the ground. The car can also be sheared in half, causing retirement from the race if the damage is not repaired before the vehicle touches the ground. As with Carmageddon, there are 3 ways to finish most levels: complete the race while passing every checkpoint before the time runs out, destroy all the opponents, or kill every zombie/pedestrian in the level. As the player progresses through the game, sets of levels are gradually unlocked (10 in total), each consisting of 3 standard "Race, Wreck, or Wreak havoc among the zombie/pedestrian hordes/populace" levels, followed by a mission. Each mission has specific tasks that must be completed before unlocking the next set. The time limit in the game is generous, and the player can kill pedestrians, crash into opponents, or do tricks to gain time as well.

See also: Official Graphics Pack

Alpha Level Demo ~11MB ( @ Road Reaction) Level Demo ~22MB ( @ Download.com)
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Full Demo 39MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
Fan-Made Addons
ISO Demo ~427MB (upped by Egon68)
GOG Digital ISO Demo v2.0.0.26 176GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now - Official Graphics Pack Stainless Software Ltd. / SCi Games Ltd. [top]

This is an official bonus CD for Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now. It includes new pedestrian skins, patches to switch between human, alien and zombie pedestrians, Blood Patch & SuperPatch, and an exclusive slideshow screensaver.

Centipede Leaping Lizard Software, Inc. / Hasbro Interactive, Inc. [top]

This is a remake or "modernization" of the classic arcade shooter Centipede, originally released in arcades by Atari in 1980. This remake keeps some of the original game's shooter-style gameplay while mixing in more console-style exploration. Gameplay progresses through five "worlds": Weedom, Frostonia, Infernium, Enigma, and Evile. Players blast away at the classic centipedes, spiders, fleas, and scorpions while fighting new enemies like the mosquito, cockroach, and killer mushroom. A "classic" mode is also included, which allows players to play the classic game in a new "3D" isometric perspective.
ISO Demo 637MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Crime Killer Pixelogic Limited / Interplay Entertainment Corp. [top]

Crime Killer is unique, however, in that the game has multiple vehicles and environment types spread over 20 levels. You play a cop in the future in all of them, taking out the bad guys in either a powerful cop car, motorcycle, or flying wing. The car levels are set up much like the city sections of Felony 11-79, with complete 3D streets to drive around. Hoods are running rampant, and you must take them out, per your orders from headquarters. In one level, they've even hijacked other police cars. The motorcycle levels, by contrast, are set up like races. These take place on closed tracks, with the enemies looping around you. They must be destroyed within a certain number of laps. With a two-player split-screen death match mode, and sharp graphics running at 60fps, Crime Killer should make a strong contender against all those other action titles.
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ISO Demo 488MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Dead Reckoning Goldtree Enterprises / Piranha Interactive Publishing [top]

Is There a HELL in Space? A bolt of searing pain jolts you awake. You've been abducted by a dark force called the Master Race, and been recruited to represent the human race in a universal deathmatch against a horde of sadistic aliens in strange and vast arenas. If you lose, the Earth will be destroyed and its inhabitants will become fodder for the Master Race. Each cylindrical 3d world is unique, but they do contain some common elements: pylons, radar bases, and energy squares. You must use these elements effectively if you are to survive the arena. When you start the game you can choose from a variety of ships. Each ship's abilities are different. Each ship is equipped with an advanced weapon system array. This includes standard laser cannons, missile launchers, and a special purpose weapon system unique to each ship. The special weapons are described in the Ship section. Your missiles are radar controlled, so once they lock onto an enemy, they will chase them until they explode. You are accompanied into combat by two wingmen of your choice. You are in command. You can issue orders to each wingman to perform certain tasks like attack enemies, get pylons, etc.
Playable Demo 33MB ( @ ag.ru)
Full Demo ~59MB (upped by Scaryfun)
ISO Demo 370MB (upped by Scaryfun)
Clone ISO Demo 433MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Dethkarz Beam Software Pty., Ltd. / Melbourne House [top]

Dethkarz is a futuristic racing game containing much futuristic cars and tracks. Special about this game is the fact that the tracks fly above the ground, and when you fall off you get put back on the track. There is no kind of invisible wall around the track this way. There are maily 5 tracks, from which each are 3 versions, a short, a medium and a long one. There is a time trial, arcade and a championship mode. The game also includes weapons and powerup in arcade as well championship mode. Dethkarz is an excellent futuristic racing game that rivals, if not exceeds, UBI Soft's better-known POD in the fun department. The game's name purposefully sounds like "Death Cars" to signal its style as a "combat racing" game: futuristic cars equipped with weapons to fire opponents off the track. The usual cross-the-finish-line-first objective is augmented with having to pick up power-ups and upgrade your car with better weapons. Anyone who has played Interplay's outstanding Wipeout XL will be familiar with Dethkarz's excellent 3D graphics, branching tracks, and cool-looking cars. There are twelve different tracks you can compete in, each created with a lot of background detail and great flurry of psychadelic colors. If you have a 3D card (3Dfx or Direct 3D compatible), you will be treated to outstanding visuals that look as good today as they did in 1998. As good as the game looks, the gameplay it not flawless. For one thing, it is extremely difficult, at least to novice racers. The cars tend to slide across the road very easily, which makes cornering next to impossible without slamming on the brakes. Since none of the tracks are guarded by rails, this means you will often see your car slip right off the edge of the tracks at sharp corners, losing you valuable time, until you either master the controls or give up playing entirely. Another shortcoming is the limited selection of power-ups: you will find plasma balls, but little else besides these uncreative weapons. The last major downside in my opinion is that you can play only four tracks at a time, gaining access to the next group only when you finish in the top three for each race of the first four tracks.
Level Demo ~17MB ( @ Download.com)
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Full Demo 35MB ( @ Fajnegry)
ISO Demo 522MB (upped by Egon68)
included in Score 96 CD-ROM (2003-02) - Czech CD2 ISO Demo 735MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Eliminator Psygnosis [top]

In this game similar to Forsaken and Tunnel B1, you take the wheel of a hovercraft and try to survive the Eliminator. You tackle the challenges of the Penitentiary, Maze, Asylum, Cage, Chasm, Monastery, Tomb, and Fortress levels, but pay attention to the clock, because if it runs out, so does your life. Blast enemies on the ground or in the air thanks to a revolutionary new targeting system. Should the arena challenges become too easy, challenge your friends with the Versus mode. You zoom around narrow corridors, fighting your way through wave upon wave of robotic monstrosities, picking up power-ups (which improve weaponry and top up your health) and taking on the obligatory end-of-level bosses. There are traps galore, doors to unlock and secret weapons to bolt on as you plough your way through to the end of the game. There's four unique ships, huge arenas with eight different levels and eight bonus levels, over 30 types of enemies, and 12 different weapons.
Full Demo ~27MB (uploaded by keropi)
ISO Demo ~377MB (upped by Scaryfun)
Full Demo with dgVoodoo to run on modern o/s 184MB (uploaded by The Collection Chamber)

Enigma [J] Omega Force / Koei Co., Ltd. [top]

Prerendered backgrounds and 3D characters were becoming common themes in adventure games after the success of Resident Evil. This title which came out in Japan on PS1 and on PC for PowerVR cards is no exception and has even gone so far as to copy the exact controller mapping scheme from the popular Capcom adventure. Players control one of several different characters in a feudal Japanese historical adventure. The character animations are excellent. Saving is accomplished via save game points, which denote the points between major events in the adventure. You have to choose between 3 different characters: Akira, Catherine & Thomas. The story will change depending of the character that the player choose. Akira: A master of Ju Jitsu, his father teached him all his secrets to create his own fighting style, unfortunately he hasn't seen him for over eight years and now when he is 21 years old he has began his search. His investigations has lead him to a lost temple in a recondite part of China. As a martial arts master he usually fights with his own body. Thomas: He is part of a rich family of United States. He starts his adventure in the pyramids of Egypt. Thomas begins his adventure with only a knife but later he will use a gun. Catherine: She lives in Great Britain, and even when she looks like a delicate lady he loves dangerous situations. His adventures will leave her from her victorian mansion in Great Britain when she watch a murder to Greece and even to a hindu temple. Catherine in the game fights with a sword. To advance in the game the player will have to face different kind of enemies and solve different kind of puzzles. If you choose Catherine story the game starts at her father's mansion when he is killed she will have to starts her adventure. Akira's story begins when he returns home and prepare again for a new journey. Thomas' story begins when his boss in New York send him to an Egypt pyramid to explore it search for old artifacts. There is also a new sense of adventure elements 3D fighting action hero of three people fight for the future of humanity over a mysterious secret stone. Will arrive at (Enigma) great mystery surrounding the holy mystery scattered all over the world while engaged in a thrilling battle monsters to choose from one of three "Akira" "Catherine" "Thomas", wandering. Features: Third person perspective, 3D graphics, Prerendered graphics, Mystery theme.
Japanese 2CD ISO Demo for PowerVR 936MB (uploaded by myloch & scaryfun)
PS1 Video

Esoteria: Techno-Assassin of the Future Mobeus Designs Inc / Bandai [top]

This is an overlooked and underrated fun shooter similar in style to MDK with an emphasis on stealth and sniping. A nuclear weapon has been stolen by terrorists intent on destroying the land of Esoteria and its colonies, and you must stop them. Raven is the name of a secret military project to create a cyberneticly enhanced super-soldier. The aims of the Raven's military creators are of questionable morality, and Raven ultimately turns against them. Raven's primary weapon is the arm-mounted ARC blade which is used for close attack or to fire bolts of energy at a distance. Holding the fire button charges up the ARC blade, allowing multiple projectiles to fire in a spread pattern to hit multiple targets. Secondary weapons can also be added to the player's arsenal such as heat-seeking missiles. You are extremely outnumbered, by well equipped enemies with innovative AI. It has a huge 3D complex with environments and structures done in beautiful graphics, which include cities, forests, deserts, and aquatic areas. Many missions require a fine balance of reflexes, cunning, stealth, and even strategic planning. You have to ambush and assassinate, disappear and destroy, and plan how to kill. It also has multiplayer capabilities where up to 16 players can meet head-to-head or engage in co-operative play.
Level Demo ~12MB ( @ Download.com) Prequel Demo (Unique level not in game which precedes game's events) ~13MB Large Demo with Intro ~42MB ( @ ag.ru)
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Full Demo ~47MB (uploaded by keropi)
ISO Demo 291MB (upped by Egon68)
Full Demo with Custom Installer to run on modern o/s 227MB (uploaded by The Collection Chamber)

Expendable / Millenium Soldier: Expendable Rage Software Limited [top]

In 2463 a race of vicious aliens has invaded human planets, wiping out the population of Novocastria first. Only the Millennium Soldier can lead the human fightback. This is a great action-packed simple arcade-type game with plenty of firepower and awesome graphics. In top-down view, you are one soldier against an army of aliens. There are 20 huge levels with unique locations such as a ruined city, jungle, and train station. The amount of explosions and effects on screen is amazing. The 18 weapons include miniguns, laser cannons, missile launchers, flamethrowers, and grenades, all with 5 levels of increasing power. It has great sound effects too. It's not easy to beat the levels after the 5th one either. An all-around great addictive shooter.
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Level Demo 49MB ( @ Download.com)
Retail CD ISO Demo plus WinXP crack (upped by hfric)
Good Old Games Digital Download ISO Demo 356MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Score 82 CD-ROM (2000-10) - Czech CD2 ISO Demo 470MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Extreme-G: XG2 Acclaim Studios London / Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. [top]

In this second installment of Extreme-G (the first game was only on Nintendo 64), you once again will race with and against the incredible capabilities of G-bikes (they closely resemble of the ones in Tron) through several surreal, twisting tracks. Be hell on wheels blasting your challengers with an arsenal of vicious weapons and even break the sound barrier! Each bike (12 in all) you maneuver moves at blinding speeds. There are also over 40 tracks to compete on. Each is crafted to give the player an extreme rush of adrenaline with twisty curves, cliffs, ramps, etc. On your path to victory lane, you'll also be able to blast away at your opponents since you can pick up all sorts of missiles, rockets, mines and other weapons to hurl at them. Doing this will cause them to wipeout and allow you a chance to take their position. The game is expanded on its predecessor by many ways; however, while being converted from the original N64 version for the PC, it loses some of its features like the multiplayer support (and its enhanced multiplayer options).
ISO Demo 444MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Proper Clone ISO Demo 394MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Full Demo & Patch to run on modern o/s 18MB/657kb (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Fifth Element, The Kalisto Entertainment / UBI Soft Entertainment [top]

This a mediocre Tomb Raider type game based on the sci-fi film. You must go through 15 levels as the Bruce Willis character (who uses guns) and again as the Milla Jovovich character (who uses hand-to-hand combat). The story line of the video game follows the movie plot to some extent. Leeloo and Korben must save the world from an attack from an alternate dimension. They must get Leeloo to a certain area where symbols of the other four elements wait to be reunited with the fifth element and will stop the invasion. All the major locations are faithfully reproduced, from Corben's claustrophobic apartment, to the bizarre spaceport-cum-junkyard, and climactic Egyptian tomb. Enemies range from sluggish policemen to robots, and far more dangerous alien foes, armed with some seriously sauced-up weaponry. The streets of future New York are as towering as in the film, and choked with flying traffic that is more than merely scenery; you'll be leaping from ledge to ledge, or climbing beneath walkways, the whole time avoiding flying taxis and cars lest you be knocked the several miles to the ground: it's not a game for vertigo sufferers. It's probably these early stages which most impress, but later sections, such as those set on the Fhlotsam Paradise floating space hotel, impress with their visual oppulence.
Level Demo 13MB ( @ Soft Lookup)
Full Demo ~27MB Movies Addon ~166MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)
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Full Demo ~40MB ( @ Fajnegry)
ISO Demo 377MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Full Demo with Custom Installer to run on modern o/s 341MB (uploaded by The Collection Chamber)

Fireteam Multitude / Cryo Interactive [top]

This is the first-of-its-kind, team-oriented combat action game with live over-the-Internet voice communication. You play in to three teams of four compete in a choice of four different tactical combat games. The game comes with a headset so that you can hear and talk to your teammates that could be around the world. You must have internet access to play this, there is no single-player game that you can play with it. FireTeam is the only online game that integrates the Internet, the game, and its player Community to offer team play with people all over the world. You have access to real-time stats, as well as customized, individual and Company Web pages. Games are fast paced and last a maximum of 10 minutes, Choose from 3 combat characters that each have their unique strengths and weaknesses. Included game types are "Team Deathmatch"; "Basetag," try to destroy your opponents' base; "Gunball," basically American football, except tackling your opponent for the ball involves pumping him full of lead; "Capture the Flag," differing from conventional CTF rules, a number of flags remain in fixed points around the map, and your job is to claim them for your team by running over them – every 10 seconds, your points are increased according to how many flags you possess at that moment.
ISO Demo 418MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Firo & Klawd Interactive Studios Ltd. / BMG Interactive [top]

In the depths of New York City live two animal cop characters living out their own dreams (Firo, an orange ape and Klawd, an alley cat). But when counterfeit crimes push the city to its limits, the two must knock their differences to the side and clean up the mess that the other cops are yet to achieve. Includes a mix of Isometric platform action, and 1st person shoot 'em up stages, with plenty of laughs along the way.
Full Demo ~43MB (upped by Scaryfun)
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ISO Demo ~442Mb (upped by Egon68)

Flesh Feast Ingames Int./SegaSoft [top]

Flesh Feast is a 3D third-person action game with an overhead view similar to Take No Prisoners. The game's plot concerns a secret ingredient invented by the food company Nutrition Applied Science and Technology Inc. (NASAT), which has been released and has infected the entire island's water supply. The citizens are dying and rising as flesh-hungry zombies, buried dead break through the groundsurface to attack the living. You fight through 12 areas (including graveyard, airport, sports complex, hospital with morgue, and even the shopping mall like in the film Dawn of the Dead) by controlling a main character as well as up to three helpers. You can control a character directly, or you can give them commands using a strategic mode. Weapon variety includes golf clubs, chainsaws, and sub-machine guns to kill the unending army of zombies. Also, save human survivors and they'll be able to join your team at the end of each level. Collect weapons and power-ups as you go and relieve stress by shooting some zombies. Heheh. Multi-player games can be played via a local area network and online via the heat.net service. Both cooperative and competitive game modes are available for two to eight players.
Level Demo 20MB (uploaded by Download.com)
Full Demo + Manual ~25Mb ( @ Fajnegry)
ISO Demo 460MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Forsaken Probe Entertainment / Acclaim [top]

Similar to Descent this uses hovercrafts (many are available to be chosen all with different abilities) on a hunt for gold. Earth has been rendered largely uninhabitable by an explosion caused by a bungled experiment. Few would dare to brave its unstable and searing environments - only those determined to grab a little of its remaining gold. You are one of those, taking your hover-bike into disintegrating caverns for a few hours of dangerous work which, successful or not, will be your last. It has super graphics, and is less complicated than Descent. There are diverse levels, but unfortunately the degree of difficulty is not particularly well-balanced in parts. Level 3 on account of a time limit is one of the most difficult ones. Each level has a defined exit which must be reached within a tight time limit. The surrounding areas are collapsing around you, with spikes and turbine fans among your hazards. The singleplayer-mode has four difficulty modes: easy, normal, hard and total mayhem. Each has progressively stronger enemies and less ammo to spare. There are 15 levels which have to be completed by the player — sometimes within a time limit — and occasionally include a huge end-boss against which the player must exhaust a fair amount of ammunition while dodging excessive retaliatory fire. In order to complete a mission, different efforts must be made by the player such as finding the exit or activating triggers to open locked doors. There are six different types of multiplayer games: Free For All (deathmatch), Team Game, Capture The Flag, Flag Chase, Bounty Hunt, and Team Bounty Hunt. Cool game. Forsaken was featured as a comic book series published by Acclaim Comics shortly after its release.

See also: #Forsaken Remastered

Level Demo 18MB (uploaded by AG.ru)
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Full Demo ~69MB (@ Forsaken Planet)
Fan-Made Levels
Full Demo ~55MB (upped by keropi)Movie Addon ~37Mb (upped by MasteromaN) Update v1.01 ~2MB (created for 3DSL by Hellsgate & upped by Scaryfun)
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ISO Demo ~460MB (upped by Scaryfun)
Source Port
Full Demo using Forsaken X works on Win10 332MB (uploaded by The Collection Chamber)
included in Score 86 CD-ROM (2001-04) - Czech CD2 ISO Demo 606MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Geisters: Another Truth Behind The Fact [K] Quasar / HiCom [top]

This is a little-known Korean horror action-adventure based on an anime series. You play as Saul and have to battle space aliens on a giant space station and distant space colonies. Backgrounds are pre-rendered but characters are in 3D, similar to Resident Evil. There is some shooting required. General aspects of gameplay: 1. All interaction with the world around the hero carries out after pressing the "Space"; 2. The game menu is invoked by pressing F10 or Alt; 3. Inventory is opened and closed by pressing F2 key Shift; to navigate through its categories, use the vertical arrow keys to navigate within the chosen category - horizontal.
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Korean 2CD ISO Demo + fix 519MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
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Godzilla Online Mythic Entertainment, Inc. / Centropolis Interactive [top]

Based on the Hollywood remake of the same name, Godzilla Online was a multiplayer-only action game for the GameStorm service. It marked the first time that a computer game based on a major Hollywood film has been released on the day of the film debut. In a partnership with Taco Bell and selected movie theaters, the company distributed 500,000 CD-ROMs featuring Godzilla historical info, movie stills and GameStorm's Godzilla Online software. Players created a character and improved their stats by earning server-tracked experience points. Three maps were included - the 23rd St Subway Station, the Fulton Fish Market, and Madison Square Garden - with multiple instances and game types running at the same time (selected through an in-game browser). Players could play as a solider class, collecting weapons and shooting opponents, or as a "baby Godzilla," using claws, teeth and fire breath to survive. A third option was to play as an unarmed reporter who was invincible while crouching, and earned points by getting shots of the match's action with their videocamera - which the soldiers could also view for recon. Four match types were released before GameStorm was disbanded: Free-For-All was a standard deathmatch with no teams or allegiances; Team Deathmatch pit the blue team against the yellow team (teams could be of mixed species). The first team to kill a set number of opponents won; Eggstatica was a simple capture the flag game. Soldiers would try to remove Godzilla eggs, while the baby Godzillas protected their nest; Escape from New York pit the soldiers against the baby Godzillas. The Godzillas tried to eat enough fish (scattered around the level as power-ups) to grow to their maximum strength and escape. Soldiers tried to kill a set number of Godzillas before this could happen. The game used voxels to render its graphics.
ISO Demo 211MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Full Demo v0.71 10MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Guns & Ammo: The Ultimate Target Challenge Xicat Interactive, Ltd. / Electronic Arts [top]

This is a comprehensive gun almanac, complete with a side game that includes skeet shooting, target practice and a rifle range. Made by the people at Xicat, this point and shoot game features real sounds and actions of authentic guns. Every ping, click and chamber sound is present, as are all of the types of guns you could think of. Each firearm is displayed with statistics like speed, bullet size, capacity and model number. The types of guns you can select include handguns, magnums, rifles and shotguns. There are over 100 guns in total. The "Ultimate Challenge" lets you choose from the four different types of games, choose a gun and then start shooting. Skeet shooting requires you to hit clay disks as they fly through the air, but you only have 2 shots per disc. The rifle range mode makes you shoot at targets from near and far, forcing you to use accuracy and depth perception. Finally, the target shooting game lets you fire away on pop-up targets that appear all over the screen. A main portion of the cd is also devoted to the history of guns. It shows you military, hi-tech and classical guns. All of these firearms are represented with audio, video and text. Many guns and protection methods are chronicled and it also shows safety tips when handling the real thing.
Full Demo ~114MB (upped by Scaryfun)

H.E.D.Z.: Head Extreme Destruction Zone VIS Entertainment / Hasbro Interactive [top]

This is an innovative third-person cartoony platform arcade shooter. You play an alien and choose five Heads to progress through the first of 20 Levels (scattered across 4 Asteroids). All the Heads come with unique weapons and fighting abilities and can be switched to be worn from your head case. You collect new Heads by shooting another headhunter until its head pops off, but be quick to grab it for yourself. These go into a backpack but you need money, found scattered through the levels, in order to make them available in the 5 head case slots. There are 225 heads each with its own signature sound as you put it on and unique weapon which will run out of ammo and take some time to recharge so you must keep switching to new heads. There are few puzzles which require you to find a certain head that can solve them, mostly the game is purely action shooting. It has some nice music too but can be quite difficult.
Level Demo 22MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Full Demo ~31MB (uploaded by Scaryfun)
ISO Demo ~585MB (upped by Scaryfun)

Hardwar Software Refinery, Ltd., The / Gremlin Interactive Ltd. [top]

The craters together is named Misplaced Optimism... And it's completely appropriate. Located on Titan, one of Saturn's moons, the colony started as a mining colony. As the wealth of mineral discovery spread, gangs moved in... until the whole place is held by two rival gangs, some misc. factions, and a lot of people caught inbetween, with no way out. You are just one of the "moth" flyer owners, and you want to get out of this godforsaken hellhole, and the only way to do is to play the game... a mean game of survival. Hardwar is a free-form and plot-driven game that was inspired by Elite and Privateer. Entire Misplace Optimism is simulated with other crafts moving about their own business, from transport to piracy to bounty hunters and more, and you can join them. Transport your own goods from source to destination to earn a profit. Chase down helpless merchant moths and cut them apart with your weapons and then retrieve their cargo. Chase down pirates and other evildoers on commission of the local police. Upgrade your craft with better components, software, or even new moth models. You can even own buildings in this game world, and charge others for repairs and such. Follow through the plot, where you need to undertake a few special missions, and you may even get a chance to escape this hellhole once and for all.
Unique Scenario Level Demo ~12MB (uploaded by Download.com)
Clone 2CD ISO Demo 1.18GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Patches & Utilities / Install & patching instructions (uploaded by Captain Zedo)
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Hell-Copter Drago Entertainment / Ubi Soft Entertainment Software [top]

The Hell-Copter flying squadron and its leader Robert Fortune are feared around the world. You play Fortune in these 20 missions, in a 3D action game where you, the player, maneuver a highly armed helicopter. Sometimes, you'll have to rescue somebody; in other cases, you need to destroy something or even protect your own base. To accomplish this task, you shoot everything that moves with miniguns and missiles You have limited weapon stocks, but it's possible to find some refills on the ground.The missions are always straightforward - you can fly everywhere on the map, but your little radar will show you where to go next.
Full Demo 110MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
ISO Demo 439MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Heretic II RavenSoftware / Activision [top]

This is not strictly a shooter, and you see your character from the third-person behind view and uses the licenced Quake2 engine. As Elf Corvus one tries to find a remedy against an epidemic. There are nice locations, many magic spells (with nice effects) and numerous opponents provided for variety. Also the story is quite good. The graphics in general are very pretty and add something to the fantasy ambience. However, shooter fans may have problems with the perspective, but the game has many run and jump puzzles which require the behind the character perspective. Be sure to get the official Patch v1.06 which has an enhancement pack with many additions including 8 new deathmatch levels.

See also: #PC Gamer: The Extended Play Collection Volume 3

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Level Demo 40MB ( @ FileFront)
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Full Demo ~125MB (upped by keropi) Movies Addon ~94MB (made for 3DSL and uploaded by MasteromaN)
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Video Reviews
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ISO Demo 574MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
ISO Demo + Maps + Mods + Extras 570MB (uploaded by hgdagon)
Fan-Made Pack with Enhancement Pack v1.07 & inmm audio 341MB (uploaded by The Collection Chamber)

Hot War / Huanying Te Gong [Ch] InterServ International Inc. / Sinister Games [top]

The game is based on the Chinese film of the same name - a film which is known as "Hot War" in english speaking territories, although the title doesn't actually translate to that. The name seems a play on "Cold War" given the nature of the plot, but the Chinese title translates to something along the lines of "Phantom Commando". So, it's a film licence video game in essence, and we all know what we think of those. It also doesn't help that the film is supposed to be pretty rubbish, but InterServ seems to make pretty cool games, so the game might play alright. The background of the original script is set in the near-future. It has RPG elements, in addition to showing cinematic style, lighting, and scenery. The 3D graphics has varied perspectives, real fighting pleasure, fascinating story, allowing you to have a virtual experience movies realism, with simple interface and considerate clearly stated instructions, most easy to get started. Play multiple roles, search and investigate all kinds of clues in the game. The game is full of essential items to choose from and a variety of tricks; cinematic grade lighting effects, lifelike sound and light effects.
Chinese Full Demo 65MB (uploaded by ClubShrimp91)
Chinese 2CD ISO Demo 413MB (uploaded by Terje_P)

Incoming Subversion: The Official Expansion Pack Rage Software / Instant Access International [top]

Released in October, 6 months after the original game, Subversion is an expansion pack for Incoming with all new crafts, missions, and landscapes. Excellent graphics (for 1998) along with fast arcade action are the norm as you command gun turrets and/or various air/ground vehicles and shoot a lot of bad guys in full 3D. The Incoming alien threat has been eliminated, and many new corporations became mega-powerful as they exploit the alien technology left behind. The Earth Defense Forces were reduced as nobody expected the peace to end... Until the US Superblock and European States suddenly were attacked by HUGE numbers of unknown invaders. The bases were overwhelmed so quickly they barely have time to call for help. Earth Defense Forces were called out to protect Earth once again. Will they be enough and what threat are they fighting?
Standalone Full Demo 20MB (uploaded by keropi)
ISO Demo 22MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Incoming: The Final Conflict Rage Software / Xicat Interactive [top]

This 3d shooter title was usually bundled with 3d cards to show off the 3d hardware assisted graphics power as at the time of it's release it had some of the best looking graphics to date. The plot is the same-old "defend the Earth from invading aliens" premise. Your goal is to kill alien invaders by manning turret, tank, helicopter, harrier jet, and even captured alien fighter. Battle will take you to various continents, culminating in your leading a massive counterattack on the moon. You can play the game in 3 different modes. The "arcade" mode is a straightforward shooter, where you only need to worry about shooting everything in sight. The "action" mode is slightly more realistic and more challenging, and the "action-tactics" mode gives you limited control over other friendly units. It's mission-based, each introduced with a briefing that sets out your objectives, as well as provides plot development. The best thing about the game is the wide range of units you will control. This diversity and nonstop action keeps Incoming from being repetitive, and excellent 3D graphics (especially if you have a 3Dfx-compliant video card) will entice you to relive the experience from time to time. The game also has excellent multiplayer support: split-screen, and up to 8 players via LAN or modem.

See also: Incoming Subversion: The Official Expansion Pack

Full Demo 14MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
ISO Demo 313MB (uploaded by hfric)
included in Incoming + Incoming Forces - GOG ISO Demo v2.0.0.14 458MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
ISO Demo 306MB (uploaded by Abandonware France)
Multi-8 3Dfx Voodoo 2 - ISO Demo 400MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
included in Score 75 (2000-03) - Czech ISO Demo 723MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
included in Score 294 (2018-08) - Czech DVD ISO Demo 7.9GB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Interstate '76: Nitro Pack / Nitro Riders Activision [top]

Nitro Pack is an expansion to Interstate '76, set in the southwest United States of America in an alternate version of the American oil crisis. The game focuses on the activities of the auto-vigilante movement known as the AVG or Auto-Vigilante Guild, between the years 1974 and 1976. Taurus, Jade, and Skeeter (along with allies the Wolf Pack, Radiator Mother, and Hell Toupee), face a variety of auto-villains and slowly learn of the conspiracy that is the centerpiece of Interstate '76. The game's opening sequence features the first meeting of Jade and Taurus, and the final mission takes place two days before Jade's murder, itself the opening sequence of the first game. It also adds a few more features, such as D3D support, GLIDE and Rendition support, more multiplayer maps and options, and force feedback support. There are more weapons, more cars, "Capture the Flag" and advanced Host-options. "Interstate '76 Nitro Riders" is a stand-alone version of this add-on. Interstate '76 Arsenal was a combo pack of Interstate 76 and the NitroPack in one.

See also: #PC Gamer: The Extended Play Collection Volume 2

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I'76 Arsenal 3D Card Demo ~30MB ( @ Download.com)
Standalone Full Demo ~72MB (upped by keropi)
Standalone ISO Demo (upped by Scaryfun)
Interstate '76 Arsenal - Custom Pack 676MB (uploaded by Supernova)
UK ISO Demo 410MB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Interstate '76: Arsenal - GOG ISO Demo v2.1.0.17 401+234MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

iPanzer '44 Charybdis / Interactive Magic [top]

It's 1944, the final months of world war 2 and you are in command of a tank division. With the choice of 3 nations (Russian, German and American) to campaign with and either the western or eastern fronts to chose from... you must strategically direct your tanks to the areas where they'll do much good. Tanks are slow unweilding vehicles however and you'll be reaching for your binoculars as well as spotter and advance units to determine where to direct your fire. Individual objectives are varied and determined by the map you are playing as well as the starting point that you choose. Accurately simulates the three most important tanks of WWII: M4A3(76) "Sherman" (America), PzKw V Ausf.G "Panther" (Germany), or T-34-85 (Russia). Includes other tanks, tank destroyers, assault guns, half-tracks, trucks, jeeps, and more. Eighty combat areas with randomly generated battles for unlimited gaming. Four different campaigns - command Americans or Germans in the famous "Battle of the Bulge" or Russians or Germans on the cataclysmic "Eastern Front".
2001 Budget - Clone ISO Demo 402MB (uploaded by Egon68)
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M.I.A.: Missing in Action Glass Ghost / GT Interactive [top]

M.I.A. gives players a chance to fly helicopters and other craft during the Vietnam War. Available choppers include the AH-1 Cobra, OH-6 Loach, the HH-53 (the "Jolly"), the M113 APC, the H-21 (the "Shawnee"), UH-1 Gunship (the "Huey"), and the ACH-47A Gunship (the "Chinook"). Players will navigate 26 missions, experience 3D terrain and action, rescue troops Missing In Action, escort commandos, destroy enemy targets, and assault Vietcong installations. Historical campaigns (1965-1975) feature realistic technology and upgrades. Weapons include the M16, the M60, the GUA-2A mini-gun, the 20mm cannon, 40mm anti-personnel grenades, 2.75" rockets, and TOW missiles. Top-secret weapons include the "flamer" flamethrower, the 30mm cannon, and napalm grenades. Pilots will also drop flares and smoke grenades, call in napalm strikes, request artillery support, drop SEAL teams, and participate in gunship assaults.
EU 2CD ISO Demo 1.09GB (uploaded by Egon68)
v1.0 No-CD Patch for modern o/s 1.05MB (uploaded by Tranit)
Repack Full Demo (without CDA tracks) (provided by Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 765MB

Mad Trax Rayland Interactive / Project Two Interactive BV [top]

It's one of the most deadliest tournaments in racing. It features multiple cars and each one is hungry for the victory. It is where the best come to race and where the best come to win. What is the name of this tournament? Mad Trax! Prepare to be thrown into the drivers seat of a car that truly does "mean business." You will be competing against other "super-cars" that all can move, turn and fight just as hard as you can so don't expect anything to be easy. You will also have several choices when racing against the competition. You can either blow by them, at a booming 200 mph, or you can blow them to bits with one of the many weapons you'll be able to equip. Sure, you can take along missiles, mines, lasers and many other little gadgets that will help make the game that much more violent, although you won't have much time to celebrate after a kill, as these bad boy can do the same back at you in a heartbeat. Oh, and you thought the racers were the only problem? How about the courses themselves? Featuring unique nuances in each area, you'll always have to be at the ready and keep your foot on the gas. Expect the unexpected as you fly over a jump and have to actually land on four wheels, compensating for the speed you were going. Or maybe it's the corkscrew and drop-offs that will be your final chapter in this racing world gone bad? Featuring 3dfx support for maximum looks and resolution, you'll need to have your guns and wits fine-tuned or crash and burn city is where you'll be. Visually, Mad Trax excels and positions itself as one of the finer looking titles in the genre.
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ISO Demo 143MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Metro-Police Virtual X-citement / BMS Modern Games Handelsagentur GmbH [top]

The player takes the role of Jeff Conrad who is a cop in the New York of 2048. The 26 missions are all constructed the same: First the player is at a crime scene where he interrogates a witness by selecting keywords. When he knows enough he walks or drives to the new location where he interrogates more witnesses until he finds the culprit. Then he uses his weapons to kill or knock out the criminal. In this game, New York is divided into five plains and is built in the underground. The game starts in the lowest one and every bunch of missions the player rises one up. The player can move freely within a plain and can use several vehicles like cars, trains or zeppelins. The game is played in a 3rd person shoulder perspective.
German ISO Demo 498MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demo v1.6d (cracked) 383MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Mission Helicopter Dosch Design / Microforum [top]

The Attack Begins. The reconnaissance flight is one of the missions more dangerous. Flying over enemy terrain it's very difficult. You don't have to consider not for anyone, but think only of your base of belonging. It won't be easy, but your skill should overcome any opponent. Don't forget that you are fighting for your safety and your safety. MISSION HELICOPTER will give you the feeling of truly driving a helicopter, giving you the thrills of a firefight that only thanks to the type of graphics used you can try.
ISO Demo (provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 372MB

O.D.T. - Escape: Or Die Trying FDI / Psygnosis, SCEE [top]

ODT is a 3rd person perspective 3D action adventure. You crashland your ship while on the way to cure a city's epedemic with the magical Green Pearl. You need to acquire fuel for your ship and explore the city. Play as one of four different characters, each with its own special abilities (weapon control, magic ability, physical strength, fighting experience). The tower to be explored has 8 levels each consisting of many sectors with their own ambience and dangers (weather effects, sounds, environment [water, machinery, vegetation], and enemies). Gameplay involves a combination of action (hand combat, weapon power or magic spells), exploration and puzzle solving.
Level Demo ~8MB ( @ Download.com)
Full Demo ~98MB (upped by Scaryfun)
ISO Demo 382MB (upped by Egon68)
included in Score 72 CD-ROM (1999-12) - Czech CD2 ISO Demo 719MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Outrage NMS Software / GT Interactive [top]

This is your basic Wipeout clone with high packed action graphics and full explorable 3D landscapes. It has great multi-play over tcp/ip and ipx, weapons and an original nitro effect. Features include: real fog, particle effects, variable lighting. There's more than 15 different tracks, the ability to select one of eight cars, about 5 weapons and protection, excellent 3-D graphics, alternative music, and ease of management. It's the fastest action you've seen since your video was stuck on fast forward.
Full Demo 304MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demo with dgVoodoo to run on modern o/s 137MB (uploaded by The Collection Chamber)

Outwars Singletrac Entertainment / Microsoft Games [top]

This game from Micosoft is similar to Terra Nova (where team members need to be commanded). It has polygon graphics, a good background story and nice cutscenes. It's a fun, innovative 3D shooter/strategy hybrid that has a more stereotypical plot than Terra Nova (think Starship Troopers) and "canned" NPCs but adding plenty of fun multiplayer options. You play an elite futuristic Marine protecting the universe from vicious hordes of aliens. The game has a lot of details and accurate physics that it's better described as a "combat simulation" (like Mechwarrior 2) than a "3D shooter" like Quake. The game is based on missions. To advance, you need to complete each mission in sequence. You start the game by going through a few training missions, with the final session turning into an impromptu encounter. Your suit comes equipped with a standard assault rifle (low power but infinite ammo) and another, more powerful weapon with finite ammo—like a flame-thrower, or a more powerful blaster. Bomb charges are available for destroying larger mission objectives, and grenades and rockets abound for when the little guns won't quite do the trick. A lot of fun in the game involves taking advantage or your jetpack, which allows you to spend a lot of time in the air if used correctly in short bursts. This gives you the ability to maneuver and to cross various different types of terrain easily. Hang time is maximized when you obtain the glider wings. Controlling your marine is the hardest part in Outwars. It takes a lot of practice to maneuver and use the jetpack effectively, which is crucial in the most difficult missions. The game is much more difficult than your average FPS game, but fortunately you can spend a lot of time practicing during the training missions. A good variety of missions and addictive gameplay will keep you trying until you "get it right."
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Level Demo 22MB ( @ softwaremoz.com)
Movies Addon ~16MB / Music Addon ~36MB (uploaded by keropi)
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Full Demo 55MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
Multiplayer Client
ISO Demo 784MB (uploaded by Egon68)
No-CD Patch for modern o/s 409kb (uploaded by Tranit)
Full Demo with Custom Installer to run on modern o/s + Soundtrack and Manual 320MB (uploaded by The Collection Chamber)

Postal: Special Delivery Running With Scissors / Ripcord Games [top]

In this mission pack for Postal, one takes over the role of "Postal Dude" again, who shoots everything that comes in his way. This time, for example, nudists or lawyers are hunted or "Postal Dude" commits murder in a supermarket. Aside from the new levels (also playable in multiplayer co-op) there are new opponents and sounds as well as some new sayings of the Dude. The graphics are like in the original game: the scenery is drawn like in comicbooks and the figures are three-dimensional though in pretty small size.
(Rev. by Enrique-Portuondo Ochoa)
Full Demo ~73MB (upped by keropi)
ISO Demo 195MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Postal Plus ISO Demo ~250MB (uploaded by Scaryfun) NoCD ~0.4MB (uploaded by hurenBock)NOTE: Includes both original game and Special Delivery addon
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Fudge Pack DVD ISO Demo includes Postal: Classic and Uncut, Postal 2: Share The Pain, Apocalypse Weekend, Eternal Damnation, A Week in Paradise, and Extras. 2.49GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Postal Classic and Uncut - GOG Digital ISO Demo v2.1.0.8 175MB (uploaded by Shattered)
included in Postal X: 10th Anniversary DVD + CD ISO Demo 3.54GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Postal Classic and Uncut - MAC GOG Digital ISO Demo v1.1.0.4 160MB (uploaded by Shattered)
included in Postal Classic and Uncut - Full Demo Repack 103MB (uploaded by UberLamer)
included in Postal Plus - Linux ISO Demo 599MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
included in Postal Classic and Uncut - Full Demo v1.0 - 05.07.2018 (21993) 292MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Przekleta Ziemia [PL] L.K. Avalon / Riki Computer Games [top]

This is an isometric shooter with strategic elements. The aim of the game is to pay off debts incurred in the corporation Peace. To do this the player must find three precious crystals hidden on the planet Cursed Earth. The whole tactic comes down to the equipment of the team using the available funds. The team can count from one to three mercenaries. The player can choose from ten mercenaries with various abilities to handle weapons. Mercenaries and weapons must be adapted to the specific mission. The gameplay reminds of the Syndicate games, but the player can control only one mercenary at the same time. The mission is usually to kill someone or destroy something. Apart from enemies the player encounters ammo, extra energy, armor, money and other useful items. There are twenty missions in total, 15 types of weapons, more than 50 types of enemies, an amazing dark atmosphere, and industrial metal music soundtrack.
Polish ISO Demo 185MB (provided by hfric & uploaded by Scaryfun)
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Polish CloneCD ISO Demo + demo, manual and other scans (provided by Karsa Orlong & upped by Molitor) 482MB

Recoil Zipper Interactive / Westwood Studios / Electronic Arts [top]

In Recoil, players are transported to a futuristic 3D world to drive a state-of-the-art carbon fiber tank where fast shooting and fast thinking are required to save not only themselves, but the entire world.
The XB-80 tank is made of a future high-tech carbon composite that is exremely light weight and provides for unprecedented agility, speed, and ability to navigate among the different environments.
Players, however, must find addional technologies for the vehicle to continue its quest. Player's must use the tanks hovering capabilities to get through lava and quicksand fields, morph into an amphibious vehicle to glide across water, and become completely submersible to travel underneath water when above ground is impassable.
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Level Demo ~36MB ( @ AG.ru)
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Full Demo ~110MB ( @ Old-Games.RU)
ISO Demo ~549MB (uploaded by Trey)
Clone ISO Demo 552MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Remington Top Shot Logicware / Head Games Publishing [top]

America's oldest gunmaker teamed up with the game makers to bring you the most advanced shooting simulation game in the world. Test your ability in a variety of reality-based target shooting games, or let loose and watch the bullets fly. Compete for high scores, increase your player-rank, and try to become the Top Shot. You choose from over 20 different guns including rifles, shotguns, automatics and handguns. You can import your very own custom target graphics too. The guns look, recoil, and sound like the real thing. There's over 10 shooting games to play including trap and skeet shooting, 5 different police-style shooting simulators using stationary, moving and custom targets. Breathing, bullet drop off, and barrel accuracy all play a part in how accurate you are
Full Demo ~39MB (upped by Scaryfun)
ISO Demo ~422MB (upped by Egon68)
Clone ISO Demo 451MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Return Fire 2 Silent Software / Ripcord Games [top]

Multiplayer madness continues in the souped-up sequel to Return Fire. The basic premise is the same: get your enemy's flag at all costs. This involves destroying their flag towers until you find the one which contains it, then blowing up defences so that your jeep can get in to grab it. There are 30 different scenarios to take the AI on at. These encompass ground, air and sea action, with tanks, jeeps and helicopters among the hardware on show. New technical features include hardware acceleration and force feedback support, new viewing perspectives, and Internet/LAN games for up to 16 players. The orchestral music of the original remains.
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3Dfx Level Demo ~5MB Software-Rendered Level Demo ~5MB ( @ Download.com)
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Full Demo 80MB (uploaded by MyAbandonware)
ISO Demo 418MB (uploaded by Scaryfun) *note: cda track 2 has error
Patch v1.2 441kb (uploaded by Supernova)
Proper ISO Demo 334MB (uploaded by cubanraul)

Robo Rumble Metropolis Software House / TopWare Interactive [top]

One of the first 3D real time strategy games, offering a quite new concept. Instead of gaining resources and building your units using them, this game starts with a standard number of 'money', which can be spent on new units. With these units you can attack the enemy’s base, which is nothing more than a 3D-card effect which glows up and rotates (a colored black hole where the enemy units come out of). When this is defeated you'll proceed to the next mission. When your units die in battle you gain the money you paid for them back and you can get them to the enemy base again. It takes some time to construct them so in this time you're weaker than the enemy for a while, and that's all where the game is about. The 3D action pits you against three human opponents over a LAN or the Internet, or lets you be the best you can be at 30 missions in two solo-player campaigns. The UN has selected two arms manufacturers as finalists in the race to build high-tech robotic weapons to fend off an impending alien return to Earth. Mars is the battlefield of choice since the conditions provide the ultimate test range with an abundance of mines, canals, alien artifacts, and wide-open spaces. It features more than 120 types of robots to build and destroy, light sourcing, terrain morphing, bump mapping, puzzles, and background animations, as well as support for native 3Dfx and Direct3D acceleration modes. Options include playing for either the Red Star Robotics or Terraflux corporations, normal or advanced difficulty levels, saving after completion of a mission, and a host of customization controls such as scrolling speed, rotation, zooming, display, and volume settings. Multiplayer action is limited to a pure deathmatch format but offers nine battle maps. The host sets the parameters including the amount of money and which robot components are available, as well as the usage of Alien Boosters (speed, firepower, range, frequency, shield, camouflage, attack, and defense). Though the storyline is as simplistic as the AI, real-time strategy elements make it exciting during actual bouts.
Clone ISO Demo 492MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Level Demo 9MB (uploaded by CNET Download)

S.C.A.R.S. Vivid Image / Ubi Soft Entertainment Software [top]

S.C.A.R.S stands for "Super Computer Animal Racing Simulation" giving you the wheels behind animal-based vehicles as you race for the finish line. Featuring two-player split-screen action as you compete and try to destroy your feral opponents in a contest of life and death from within a super computer. Features include a variety of race modes including Grand Prix, Challenge and Time Attack. Chose from nine fast cars that mimic fierce animals like lions, scorpions, and cheetahs. Earn nine powerful pick-ups and weapons to give you the edge. Four modes of play including Head-to-Head and Time Attack.
Full Demo 10MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
ISO Demo & Scans 711MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Spanish ISO Demo v1.1 (mdx image) 701MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Shadow Master Hammerhead / Psygnosis [top]

Shadow Master is a first-person action-shooter that has received a lot of attention because it was designed using artwork and concepts developed by fantasy illustrator Rodney Matthews. Matthews is best known for his work on album covers during the 1970s, with Thin Lizzy, Scorpions, and Asia. There's no question that Shadow Master uses a breathtaking graphics engine. Taking full advantage of 3D hardware (the game supports all major chipsets), Shadow Master presents you with an unbelievable array of fancy explosions and creature animations. It also makes good use of lens flare, alpha blending, and transparency to present a truly impressive look, which is somewhat similar to G-Police. You have a variety of typical action game weapons at your disposal, which you can pick up by running over the various pods you see throughout the game's 16 levels. In this respect, the game is a lot like Necrodome, except that you can't run the enemies over.
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Level Demo ~12MB (uploaded by Download.com)
PS1 Videos
Full Demo ~51MB (by keropi)
ISO Demo 479MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demo with Custom Installer to run on modern o/s 349MB (uploaded by The Collection Chamber)

Shockwave 2: Beyond the Gate [MAC] Electronic Arts, Inc. [top]

In this sequel to the 1995 flight combat shmup, Shockwave Assault, it has been twenty years since the invading aliens have been driven back through the jumpgate. On a planet close to the dormant gate, an alien artifact is found. When unknown aliens steal the artifact, privateer Captain Flint of the spaceship Cortez and his crew follow their ship through the jumpgate, which leaves them stranded in an unknown star system. To find their way back, they have to find the artifact and the aliens. You take control of Flint. Aboard the Cortez, you can receive messages from your crew members, scan the planets in the system for possible mission sites and select suitable weapons and equipment for the next mission. Three different craft are available for the missions: a fighter, a hovercraft and a stationary turret used to give cover to your crew mates when they are on a mission. After completed missions, the wreckage from destroyed aliens is analyzed and used to produce better weapons and equipment. The storyline will take you through six different systems, each with a variety of missions to complete. Live-action cut-scenes continue the story. When the game sold poorly on the 3DO in 1995, EA canceled all the ports for other platforms. The Mac version was almost done however, and was completed within a few weeks. EA sold the rights to publish it to Aztech New Media and it was released in early 1998 as part of their Mac Pack Blitz compilation.
MAC ISO Demo 463MB (uploaded by Macintosh Garden)

Space Bunnies Must Die! Jinx/Ripcord Games [top]

Yet another Tomb Raider wannabe but this time they try to inject some humor also. The female heroine must defeat killer alien rabbits which are nicely designed. You take on the role of Allison Huxter, a truck-stop waitress who must save her kidnapped sister from the clutches of the evil Space Bunnies. Along the way you'll discover the Bunnies' plans and stop them to save the earth. Gameplay involves Allison running about, climbing on things, hopping from various ledges, and shooting whatever stands in her way. Use strange and effective weaponry: the H.A.R.E. Guns blast DeBoner Rays, Plasma Bullets, Fireballs, and more. You can also use unusual navigational aids: activate monkey bars, copters, and mutants like the Bunny Frog, Bunny Mammoth, the Manbit and Sharkbit. Help Allison figure out bizarre bunny technology to escape Smashers, Laser Fields, pools of molten lava, mutating slime, and more. She has some funny one-liners like Duke Nukem too. It uses white trash humor, goofy designs, and silly objects. At times, you can start dancing at will and the bunnies will lay down their weapons and dance along to make it easier to shoot them. The weapons and level designs are not that good however.
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Level Demo 34MB (uploaded by Download.com)
Full Demo ~132MB (by keropi)
ISO Demo 431MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D Factor 5 GmbH / LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC [top]

Set in the fictional Star Wars galaxy and inspired by the Star Wars: X-wing Rogue Squadron comics, the game takes place primarily between events in the films Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. The player controls Luke Skywalker, commander of the elite X-wing pilots known as Rogue Squadron. As the game progresses, Skywalker and Rogue Squadron fight the Galactic Empire in sixteen missions across various planets. It's a fast-paced, arcade-style action game. Each of the game's sixteen levels introduces mission objectives that must be completed to progress to the next level. These objectives are divided into four categories: search and destroy, reconnaissance, rescue and protect. Enemy aircraft are primarily composed of TIE fighters. Ground defenses are more varied and include three different walkers, laser and missile turrets, tanks, probe droids, shuttles, stormtroopers and speeder bikes. The heads-up display features a health meter, a radar and an ammunition count for secondary weapons. The player can control five craft: X-wing, A-wing, Y-wing, Snowspeeder and V-wing. Each vehicle offers a unique armament arrangement, as well as varying degrees of speed and maneuverability. The game initially restricts the player to a particular craft for each level; however, after a level is completed, it can be replayed with any available craft. Levels set on non-atmospheric moons expose the player's craft to space, but as on other levels, the craft is vertically confined. Nine bonus power-ups are hidden in different levels throughout the game. These bonuses improve a craft's weapons or durability and are applied to each eligible craft for the remainder of the game. The player's performance is measured throughout the game, and performance statistics are checked after each level against three medal benchmarks. Each benchmark contains five categories: completion time, number of enemies destroyed, shot accuracy, number of friendly craft and structures saved and number of bonuses collected. If a player's performance exceeds one of the level's three benchmarks in all five categories, a medal—bronze, silver or gold—is awarded on completion. Acquiring these medals promotes the player's rank and helps unlock hidden content. Shortly after the release of Phantom Menace, Lucasarts released a patch to allow use of the Naboo Starfighter in completed missions. The sleek, almost pretty starfighter is VERY fast with a complement of powerful lasers.
Level Demo ~26MB (uploaded by ModDB)
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ISO Demo 55MB (upped by Old_Schooler)

Starsiege Dynamix / Sierra Online [top]

Starsiege is Sierra/Dynamix's attempt to create a universe that rivals Battletech. This entry in the Earthsiege series greatly expands the ES "universe". Professional sci-fi writers were hired to develop the plot, and many new characters have been created, and the humans are divided into two groups (Rebels and Imperials). It's 2829. There are 7 planets, about 25 HERCs and vehicles that you can pilot, and 40 weapons. The HERCs in the game have shields, which means you need to coordinate your weapons to bring down the shields, THEN punch through the armor. The weapon mounts are different sizes, which means you can fit different types/sizes of weapons to them. The other mounts for equipment (engine/shields/powerplant) also have different sizes, limiting/challenging your outfitting decisions. Other equipments include shield amplifier, cloaking device, ECM, and much more. You have multiple sizes of Hercs available, and even some ground vehicles (which cannot be shielded). Outfit your squad/quad's HERCs within the design and availability limits. Each weapon looks different on the Herc! Load the camo scheme into a paint program and edit your own! Play the campaign on either the Human or the Cybrid side. Fully 3D accelerated and OpenGL compliant, you can join other players online in huge multiplayer battles. It will even use multiple CPUs if you're running Windows NT or Windows 2000. On Oct 30/2015, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Tribes franchise, Hi-Rez Studios released the whole series as freeware.
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Level Demo ~53MB ( @ Download.com)
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Full Demo 112MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
2CD ISO Demo ~1.1GB (by Scaryfun)
Patches, Weapons mod, Win2000 installer fix & Vista fix 8MB (uploaded by Supernova)
Starsiege Universe - Freeware ISO (includes Starsiege & Starsiege: Tribes) 520MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Thunder Brigade Bluemoon Interactive / Interactive Magic Ltd. [top]

Thunder Brigade is an arcade hover tank game made by an Estonian developer. 50-ton armored war machines fly in the air and race each other using advanced anti-gravity drives. There are three federations: Earth Alliance, the Halon Empire, and the United System. The player is a member of the United System's People's Army and must fight against the two opposing federations for their independence. Thunder Brigade takes place in 12 different locales and involves 30 different missions. There are four tank classes, Stealth, Battle, Heavy, and Demolisher: Stealth tanks are weaker with lower firepower but are hard to hit with missiles; Battle tanks are the most agile; Heavy tanks have the strongest armor and greatest firepower but are slow and clumsy; and Demolishers are perfect to attack enemy installations but are not maneuverable enough for tank warfare. There's six weapons systems at your disposal. A scenario editor is also included for both the single and multiplayer modes. The game suffers from being rushed out of the door and the unfortunate timing: it was made when publisher Interactive Magic was in its last throes before shutting down.
Level Demo ~13MB ( @ Official Site)
Full Demo ~40MB ( @ Fajnegry)
ISO Demo 539MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Tomb Raider 3: The Adventures Of Lara Croft Core Design / Eidos [top]

This time Lara's adventure begins in India where she searches for the Infada stone. It is in the ruins of an antique temple, in the middle of jungle. She follows the way and meets Dr. Willard, a friendly Scottish scientist. She tells to him that the Infada stone is only one of 4 artifacts from a meteorite and he wants to find also the remaining ones. 4 artifacts are: the Infada stone, the element 115, the Ora dagger and the eye of Isis. The meteorite had been found by British sailors who saw these 4 artifacts on the meteorite. The only survivor sold the artifacts when he was again in England. Willard needs the material from them for experiments. After Lara has found the artifacts, she travels to the Antarctic where Willard pursues his experiments. Nevertheless, Lara finds out that the material possibly has bad effect on human evolution. Willard then steals the artifact from her and she pursues him.

See also: #Tomb Raider 3 Gold: The Lost Artifact, #Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

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Demo (South Pacific Level and India Level) 13+7MB ( @ tombraiders.net)
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ISO Demo + Patch & Scans + mirror 326MB (uploaded by HappySmile33)
Fan Levels
Full Demo ~49MB (upped by keropi) Note: rename files from .r00 to .part01.rar / .r01 to .part02.rar / etc. Music Addon ~39MB (made for 3DSL by dead-meat & upped by Scaryfun)
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Running on XP/Vista
Full Demo ~206MB (upped by keropi)
ISO Demo ~415MB (upped by Scaryfun)
Beta Demo 8MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Tomb Raider 1+2+3 - GOG Digital ISO Demo 712MB (uploaded by Shattered)
Original Soundtrack (uploaded by hgdagon)
included in Tomb Raider Bundle - EU AlcoholClone 3DVD ISO Demo 17.4GB (uploaded by Shattered)

Tomb Raider Gold: Unfinished Business Core Design / Eidos [top]

The gold edition contains 4 additional levels. The first two make up "Shadow Of The Cat". In this, one must find the concealed temple of an Old-Egyptian divinity in the town Khamoon and obtain the statue of the cat. Both other levels are called "Unfinished Business" and in them one returns to Atlantis and there Lara attempts to turn away an alien invasion.

See also: #Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

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Level Demo Software+3Dfx Versions 6MB ( @ tombraiders.net)
Full Demo ~15MB (by keropi)
Free install on GOG or Steam
ISO Demo 99MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Include in Tomb Raider Gold (98) ISO Demo CD1 Tomb Raider ~368MBCD2 Unfinished Business ~525MB (upped by Trey)
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Urban Assault TerraTools / Microsoft Games [top]

This is a futuristic combo of real-time strategy and FPS action game. The game is set after a nuclear holocaust and alien occupation. Most surviving humans have cybernetic implants. You play the leader of the human rebellion whose implants allow him to control what's left of earth's defenses. The game consists of a series of challenging missions as you try to defeat the invaders and unite humanity. Resource management plays an important part, you accumulate energy in order to build units that allow you to continue the war. The hub of the game is a world map and you use this to access missions. Missions are played on detailed maps rendered in 3D. Experience a variety of heart-pounding action gameplay by piloting up to 15 different types of vehicles from tanks, helicopters, jets, to jeeps, bombers or satellites, each with their own specific weaponry. Jump into ANY vehicle at any time to feel the intensity of the battlefield's frontline. Battle going poorly in one vehicle, then switch to another at any time. Incredible diversity of combat and tactics with six competing factions and 50 different vehicle ranging from tanks, helicopters, jets, bombers, satellites, jeeps, to bionic aliens, or retro WWII vehicles like biplanes or zeppelins. Foreboding environments with hide n' seek cityscapes and varied open battlefields bring original and challenging combat conditions (more than 100 destructible diverse buildings). A non-linear level tree with 40+ levels brings multiple paths to victory for a better replay value. The game is challenging and boasts good design and innovative gameplay. The graphics and audio are good. As well as the single-player game there is a multi-player option for games via LAN or on-line for up to eight people.

See also: Metropolis Dawn

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Level Demo *levels not in retail version ~13MB (uploaded by JeuxVideoPC)
Full Demo ~27Mb ( @ Fajnegry)
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ISO Demo 372MB (upped by Egon68)
Clone ISO Demo 431MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Prototype Demos (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

V2000 / Virus 2000 Frontier Developments / Grolier Interactive [top]

V2000 is a 3D space shooter based on the 80's game Virus.
Aliens are using a virus to corrupt and possess many creatures from different worlds by opening up links between the worlds they are trying to conquer. From many of these links emerged the hives.
The usual mission objectives in the game are to destroy the mutated creatures and the hives, rescue local inhabitants, while "beaming up" weapon upgrades along the way. Players are then awarded "trophies" for each world saved or if it is saved quickly. These trophies allow the player to receive new ships.
ISO Demo ~326MB (upped by Scaryfun)

Wargasm Digital Image Design Ltd. / Infogrames, Inc. [top]

WARGASM (which stands for War Ground Air Special Missions) is a 3D real-time strategy game that includes FPS sections. The game uses the 3Dream engine which allows for rich, atmospheric and varied battlefields as well as cutting edge (for its time) graphics. The game is set in 2065, and the world's military forces have been transferred to the World Wide War Web in an effort to eliminate the loss of actual human life. Every country, whether they be a superpower or in the Third World, have been represented accordingly. Wars are fought through this system, and the winner of each battle takes the loser's electronic infrastructure. However, the system is flawed, and is prone to be hacked. In this state of "wargasm," the world has fallen into a state of corruption. It is the player's duty to bring order back to the world. The player acted as commander and could direct AI friendly units as to what to do via a simple control interface on a 2D overhead map, and if desired could jump directly into any allied unit and control it in the 3D real-time environment. You can fight as a regular infantryman, special forces soldier, in a tank, in an armored personnel carrier (APC) or in a helicopter. Airstrikes are also available that are carried out by ground attack aircraft and stealth bombers but they cannot be controlled by the player.
Level Demo ~49MB (uploaded by Softpedia)
Full Demo 131MB ( @ Old-Games.ru)
ISO Demo ~559MB (upped by Egon68)

Zero Prototype M.F.G.C. [top]

This is a side-view Shoot'em up, in which we will take control of a car equipped with the most lethal weapons, in which we will have to cross the enemy terrain destroying everything we see in our path. A "kind" of remake of Breakthru, which will give us a good time, although in the long run it becomes a bit repetitive and monotonous.
Free Game ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 27MB

Free Fan-Made Games

Astroship Evader Josh Bender / Europress Software [top]

The aim of the game is to shoot all of the enemy crafts without getting hit. Collect the bonuses and shoot the baddies to score as many points as possible. The pilots with the most points are awarded a place in the High Scores for their bravery. In Battle Mode (2 player only) shoot the Turbo-fire bonus which enables rapid firing of the laser by holding on to the relative shoot key. This reduces the control advantage of the mouse, by player 2. In Meteor Storm, the aim is to avoid the asteroids and meteors. Carefully manoeuvre the Astroship through the meteor storm and collect bonuses on the way. The level lasts for 2 minutes, and to finish the stage, the Astroship must cross the finish line. It was made using The Games Factory.
Free Game 4.9MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Chokage Chris Chokan [top]

In 1998, Wolfenstein was re-released by Activision which led to a rise in its popularity. This was the first fan-made mod with a changed EXE that was hex-edited. It changed menu text and simple stuff like that. This classic 30-level fun pack uses modern cartoony graphic characters. There's new missions, cool Enemies and lots of fun new options. Play as a teenager looking for a supersoaker to torch Evil Brother (and everyone else that stands in your way)- or as a very psychotic KRAZZY who wouldn't fit in with the crowd at school cause just a plain FREAK. And take along the best C7 Heavy Metal hits for the Ride, they'll really get you pumped for action. When you're in one of those adventureous moods, live life as five different morons (including Mr. Buff in search for fun, and in Super Dave's case... self destruction.
Freeware Game ~1.4MB (@ Herc's Super Chokage)

Hover War Lone Wolf 3D [top]

This is a free FPS made with Game Creation System's Pie In The Sky engine.
Free Game 1.8MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Lord of Lightning, The Alexander Seifriz [top]

This is a freeware first-person shooter game that puts the player in control of no other than Zeus, the Olympic god himself, referred to as the Lord of Lightning by the game. After visiting the mortal realm to watch over Hercules' feats - or rather, shenanigans, as the game's back-story implies in a rather unsubtle manner, - Zeus is about to ascend back to Mount Olympus, but finds the Beam Gate that leads there barred. Worse still, there are hordes of undead mummies sent out to kill Zeus by the Egyptian gods, knowing that while on Earth, the Olympians' immortality is temporarily relinquished. Now the Lord of Lightning must fight through these enemies and find the way back to Olympus. It was created with the ACKNEX 3D GameStudio development suite and features level architecture comparable to that of Build engine games, which is to say a notch or two up compared to Doom. The extra features include underwater areas, destructible decorations, walkways above the floor of the level, and even intricate pseudo-3D objects like a spiral staircase. However, even with these enhancements the level layout is not as complex as in most Build engine games, and is more reminiscent of many early 90s Doom user maps. Combat is straightforward: the player's attack - which does not look like a lightning at all - is a fireball that flies in a straight line, without any auto-aiming that could be expected in this type of first-person shooter. Each attack costs a small amount of mana, which needs to be replenished. For this, the game employs a simple inventory system: when the player picks up an item (typically a bottle or a jar with health/mana), it is not used up immediately but gets stored in one of eight inventory slots instead, which are split equally between health and mana items. There is only one enemy type, the mummies which also have a ranged attack, but it appears as a green orb. The player's fireball can destroy enemy projectiles in mid-flight, providing some protection and a certain tactical element to the fights.
Free Game 1.23MB (uploaded by DOS Games Archive)

NekoFlight [J] Kaneko [top]

NekoFlight is a flight simulator for Windows free that has been developed with the goal to achieve the movement of natto missiles in the anime "Macross". It is compatible with Direct3D. Because it is a software environment rather than a game, please enjoy the trajectory of the missiles as they dance wildly. If you select the demo mode, the computer autopilots, and it is possible to see a flashy aerial combat.
Japanese Free Game v1.0 Beta2 676kb (uploaded by Official Site)

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Sonic Team Junior [top]

This is a free 3D Sonic the Hedgehog fan-game built using a modified version of the Doom Legacy source port of Doom. SRB2 is closely inspired by the original Sonic games from the Sega Genesis, and attempts to recreate the design in 3D while also providing a full host of multiplayer modes and features in a fast-paced mix of FPS and platforming gameplay. It comes complete with rings, springs, baddies, reversible gravity and more. Insanely fast-paced multiplayer combat with support of up to 32 players online, as well as 2 player splitscreen. 3 playable characters: Sonic (Speed), Tails (Flight) and Knuckles (Glide/Climb), all balanced for online match play. 9 multiplayer game modes: Cooperative, Match, Team Match, Capture the Flag, Race, Classic Race, Tag and Hide and Seek. Over 30 levels spanning a variety of locations, from green meadows to deep underwater ruins, mines, mountains and space stations - not counting an extensive list of unlocks. 7 unique weapons for use in Match / CTF play: Red Ring (Starting Weapon), Automatic Ring, Bounce Ring, Scatter Ring, Grenade Ring, Explosion Ring and Rail Ring round out a complete FPS arsenal. Original soundtrack, produced by some of the most renowned Sonic music artists on the internet. Loads of unlockables to keep you busy far past completing the single-player campaign, including hidden levels, game modes and cheats. Well-supported level design tools (such as SRB2 Doom Builder) that allow easy creation of your own custom content. Easy mod creation using the Sonic Object Configuation (SOC) system, where you can script new items, enemies, bosses, scenery effects, etc. using included tools.
Free Standalone Game ~82MB (@ Official Site)
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Extra Levels & Mods

Wrath of Darkness Rainer Deyke [top]

In this freeware action/role-playing game, your apprenticeship finally is over. You are now officially a sorceress. As you walk along the underground passages that lead to your home village, you reflect with pride upon your accomplishment. Suddenly you stop. Something is wrong, your sixth sense tells you. You hold still, listening for any sign of danger. You hear nothing. Then it strikes you: that is exactly what's wrong. This close to the village, the air should be filled with the sounds of life. Instead, there is only a horrible silence. Quickly you run for the entrance to the village. You step through the final tunnel. Before you lie the empty streets of your home village. Has it been abandoned? Why? Or did something worse happen? Surely there must be some clue somewhere. You stifle the impulse to run away and set out to explore the village. This action role-playing game is played in first point perspective. It is the story of one dark elven sorceress' quest for revenge. It was re-released in 2000 with a better rendering engine and various bug fixes.
Free Game v2.0 733kb (uploaded by Official Site)


3D Hunting: Grizzly ManMachine Games / Macmillan Digital Publishing [top]

Track grizzly bears from a first-person perspective through interactive 3D landscapes in a virtual world filled with realistic environmental touches such as streams, hills, valleys and different types of foliage so there's no threat of a large bear tearing a chunk from your buttocks. In order to successfully hunt and kill a grizzly bear, you need to master various tools, such as bait types, binoculars, scopes, and camouflage outfits that match the terra firma, as well as traps and weapons. There are four weapons to choose (including bolt and lever action rifles) that become progressively harder to use, although more effective. And don't forget your faithful hunting dog. Although you can hunt in a free-roaming, non-linear fashion, there is a Maneater Mission mode that allows you to track bears down before they kill again. After mastering the art of grizzly bear hunting, you have the option of hanging with human players in an online multi-player mode via the Internet or a direct cable connection linking two computers. It features weather, and night and day effects. You can also snap photographs for a digital album -- take pictures of fallen grizzly bears or the surrounding scenery.
Full Demo 20MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
ISO Demo 159MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

3D Hunting: Trophy Game MachineWorks Northwest LLC / Macmillan Digital Publishing USA [top]

There's some truly tricky prey out there, and it's up to you to stop the little beasts in their tracks. Realistic big game hunting comes to your PC in this detailed excursion through the best hunting environments in the U.S. Make your way through four huge levels, tracking elk, moose, deer, and antelope all the while. You'll have a wide range of weapons, bait, and traps to choose from, and there are plenty of unpredictable weather conditions to spice things up. Play alone or challenge a friend.
ISO Demo 55MB (uploaded by Egon68)

3D Hunting: Trophy Whitetail MachineWorks Northwest LLC / Macmillan Digital Publishing USA [top]

The first of the first-generation deer hunting games to offer complete freedom of movement, Trophy Whitetail uses a build-like engine to create fully explorable 3D (well, 2.5D) environments. Choose your weapon from an arsenal that includes a .357 magnum, a bow, a 7mm bolt-action rifle and a 30-30 lever-action rifle, and then choose your hunting location from either Oregon, New York, Arkansas or Kentucky and you are all set. You have in-game options to camouflage yourself, attract scent, etc. as well as a gps to show your position in the gameworld. You'll have a wide range of bait, and traps to choose from, and there are plenty of unpredictable weather conditions to spice things up. Play alone or challenge a friend.
Full Demo 9MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
ISO Demo 48MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

African Safari Trophy Hunter 3D Quantum Axcess / WizardWorks Group, Inc. [top]

This features powerful weapons (bolt action rifle with scope and big bore double barrel rifle), a full ecosystem bustling with African wildlife, and the ability to climb trees to scope out your surroundings. Check out movements on the horizon with your binoculars or drive around the landscape in your trusty truck. The game supports 3D acceleration for enhanced environmental views. Hunting areas include remote lands such as Zimbabwe's Humani and Chewore locales. Wild game includes elephants, zebra, kudu, and eland, as well as predators, such as lions, crocodiles, and vultures. Track and take down animals by locating your prey with a variety of items including binoculars, a compass, a wind direction indicator, and camera.
Full Demo 46MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
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ISO Demo 289MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Ares Rising Imagine Studios [top]

A group of former Origin staffers and members of the original Privateer team got together to create this space sim, which is a spiritual succesor to the original Privateer. You play Mike Marlowe, a romantic Han Solo-like character who finds himself on the run after scoring with a certain princess. In his run from the law, he finds a haven and steady jobs through a mysterious woman who eventually gets you caught into the main game plot involving the obligatory alien device and a group of warring factions, the IPEC, the Scavage, the Mayjr, etc. You are able to freely decide your relationship with every faction by the way you treat other ships, the missions you take, and other plot decisions which can lead you to 5 possible endings. There are two selectable flight model (the standard Wing Commander-like and an inertial one that resembles I-War's). Gameplay consists of standard space "sim" action, with a series of missions that range from the usual patrols to bounty hunts, ambushes, all-out confrontations, etc. There's no trading whatsoever in the game, and the cargo space in the ship is used only to measure the quantity of equipment you can carry, and speaking of equipment you have a humongous selection of weapons (under three categories) missiles, and other goodies like active/passive radars, cloaking devices, jamming mechanisms etc. As well as 6 ships to fly in. Multiplayer support is also available, with a persistent pilot who has to gain money and goods by duking it out on the net or via modem/lan in plain deathmatch, team battles or cooperative missions.
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Level Demo 16MB (uploaded by Download.com)
ISO Demo 413MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Barrage Mango Grits / Activision, Inc. [top]

Barrage is a 3D shooter in which the player pilots a futuristic aircraft. The purpose of the game is to destroy as many targets as possible within a certain time limit. This action takes place in five different environments: Prairie, Tunnel, Canyon, Chicago and Ocean. In each environment there is a new weapon added with its own advantages to find and master. In a high-speed hover fighter aircraft you can fly freely anywhere in outdoor, underground and underwater 3D environments. Blast away at the military targets, watch out for their return fire as you race to locate the portal and activate the gateway into the next world before the clock runs down and your fuel runs out. Great flight dynamics using simple flight and fire controls, spectacular explosions and wild pyrotechnics along with great enemy AI and bystander reaction add to the thrill of competing and the pure joy of flying unrestricted. The game supports Internet, modem, serial link and LAN multiplayer for 2 to 8 players in four environments.
ISO Demo 295MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
No-CD Patch for modern o/s 1.41MB (uploaded by Tranit)

Battlecruiser 3000AD v2.0 3000AD, Inc. [top]

Battlecruiser 3000AD gives the player full control over a starship's every system, fighters and shuttles. Assign orders to over 150 onboard personnel (each simulated individually) including officers, engineers, medics, marines and fighter pilots. The action takes place in a dynamic universe featuring 13 different alien races each with their own ships and attributes, and attitudes. Visit 25 star systems containing 75 planets and 145 moons all modeled in 3D. Trade with dozens of planets and space stations in dozens of different commodities. Stock up on equipment and supplies or watch your ship go unfixed and your personnel die of hunger. Take the ship anywhere in this little corner of the galaxy and even take one of the fighters or shuttles for a 3D flight above the planet (or even ground level). Anything that you can think of doing, you can probably do it in this game
included in Universal Combat Collector's Edition v2.0 Full Demo 770MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Freeware 134MB (uploaded by GameFront)
ISO Demo 220MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Battlezone Activision [top]

The Space Race was a lie. In the late Fifties, the U.S. and U.S.S.R. discovered a superior alien technology that could be used in the construction of space-age war machines. This began the REAL Space Race... The one too brutal to televise. Now you are in command! Lead your troops across the galaxy on a mission to control the alien technology before the Soviets do. Only one super-power can survive in the Battlezone. This is a remake of the ground-breaking 1980 arcade game. Because of its use of first-person 3D graphics combined with an actual "viewing goggle" that the players puts his face in to, Battlezone was widely considered the first true Virtual Reality game. Likewise a modified version called The Bradley Trainer is considered the first VR training device used by the US army. This remake was the first FPS to combine real-time strategy with first-person game play. Aside from the name and presence of tanks, this game bears little resemblance to the original. Activision remade it into a hybrid of a tank simulation game, a first-person shooter and a real-time strategy game. The game has two campaigns, the American campaign and the Russian campaign. Battlezone Gold Pack includes the original Battlezone, two expansion packs - Battlegrounds and The Red Odyssey, and the official strategy guide.

See also: #Battle Grounds, #The Red Odyssey, #Battlezone 98 Redux

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Playable Demo 27MB ( @ Download.com)
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Full Demo ~70MB (upped by Scaryfun)
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Fan-Made Free Version v1.5.1.17 ~169MB (@ BZ Federation)
Fan-Made Maps
Battlezone Gold Pack ISO Demo ~789MB (by Scaryfun)

Battlezone: Battle Grounds MacMillan Digital Publishing [top]

Continue the fight between the superpowers! The NSDF and CCA forces are at war again with over 95 new single-player missions and multiplayer maps for Battlezone! Only the best missions and maps have been selected from players around the globe. Take charge of a small brigade or a large mobile army and crush those who oppose you.
Play as the NSDF or the CCA as you take on the rival superpower, or go up against the deadly Furies. Play in capture-the-relic games, race along futuristic racetracks, or become a deadly sniper. Maps were chosen after conducting a contest in which players submitted their own creations.
The Pack contained 45 Instant Action missions and 50 multiplayer maps, along with providing a new utility to launch and manage maps.
Battlezone Gold Pack ISO Demo ~789MB (by Scaryfun)
ISO Demo ( provided by Wastrel & upped by Scaryfun) 21MB

Battlezone: The Red Odyssey Team Evolve / Activision [top]

Official Mission Pack for Activision's BattleZone. It is a Battlezone add-on from Team Evolve (the folks behind the respectable Zaero for Quake II) consisting of 23 missions set on the moons of Jupiter.
A platoon has disappeared while playing nursemaid to bio-metal-collectign scavengers on Ganymede, and Russian involvement is suspected. In fact, the enemy is China - a China using cloaked vehicles that suddenly turn up, guns ablaze, in the middle of your base. When playing the 15 missions as the US's Black Dogs, you can also play as the Chinese. This lends the game an increasing sense of uncertainty.

See also: #Battlezone 98 Redux: The Red Odyssey

Free Fan-Made v1.3 Installer 40MB (uploaded by BZ Federation)
Playable Demo 21MB ( @ FileFront)
Standalone Full Demo ~135MB (upped by Scaryfun)
Battlezone Gold Pack ISO Demo ~789MB (by Scaryfun)
ISO Demo 443MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Bird Hunter: Waterfowl Edition Sunstorm Interactive, Inc. / WizardWorks Software [top]

From the creators of Deer Hunter for the PC comes this game of a trilogy. Players can enjoy detailed surroundings in virtual locations including Manitoba, North Dakota, Arkansas, and Louisiana, while taking aim at Giant Canadian geese or other desirable game birds, such as Mallards, Pintails, and Canvasbacks. Adding to the realism are a number of detailed shotguns including the 20-gauge Auto, the 10-gauge double barrel, and the 12-gauge pump. Light levels, water effects, and weather conditions such as rain and snow add realism and difficulty. The selection of hunting grounds includes a field, the shore, a boat, a pond, and swamps. Life-like birds react to decoys but are easily spooked. Gain an advantage by using aerial view maps, binoculars, and calls.
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ISO Demo 18MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Browning African Safari: Who's Hunting Who? Oquirrh Productions / ValuSoft, Inc. [top]

This is a typical hunting game: The player hides behind bushes, waits until an animal crosses and shoots it. As the name suggests this game is set in Africa and uses real hunting grounds, e.g. Mutova Basin or Rutenga Wash. Shot on location in Africa...and produced in hunter surround vision. 360 degree scrolling on actual photographs, original 3-D animations of the animals of Africa, all original artwork and music. 7 locations to hunt on your safari. Best of all see actual photos of some of the finest hunting ground in Africa. There's very realistic hunting for both dangerous and non-dangerous animals indigenous to the African landscape. Hunt with Bow or Rifle in seven real, filmed on location in Africa sites for Lion, Rhino, Zebra, Impala, Blue Wildebeest, Cape Buffalo and Crocodile. The 360 degree photography and authentic African soundtrack. For every kill the player receives money which he uses to buy bullets and a hunting license. If he is unsuccessful he goes to jail and loses the game. The ultimate goal is to get special trophies for a museum.
included in African Safari Deluxe: Trail to the Big 5 (2000) ISO Demo 190MB (uploaded by Egon68)
ISO Demo 98MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Browning Duck Hunting Club Valusoft [top]

Hunt Flocks of Birds in 4 Realistic Locations. Take flight with this incredible hunting experience. It will get your adrenaline flowing and your heart pounding as you test your hunting skills against several species of duck. Choose from a vast collection of calls and equipment to maximize your hunting experience.You can bag both drakes and hens at four unique duck clubs. Collect "Browning Bucks", and spend them wisely to progress from novice to expert, and go hunting at the most prestigious duck clubs. Use the proper calls and equipment to bag the ducks you want. You can hunt several species of ducks both drakes and hens on four different duck clubs. Learn to identify your ducks and bag those that give you the most points, so you can have enough money to go again. As you earn Browning Bucks, you can buy better equipment and go hunting at the more prestigious duck clubs. Make sure you obey the rules and regulations at each club so you don't get a fine, 'cause you'll run out of money and start all over. Features: Four Realistic Duck Clubs: Public grounds, Al's duck club, Green club, Millionaire club; Tools of the trade - Single shotgun, Browning auto gold hunter, Browning citori, Federal steel shot, Calls for the different ducks, decoys; Awesome Graphics - Actual photographs of some of the most productive marshes in North America; Interactive Hunting Experience.
included in The Hunting Lodge ISO Demo 279MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Cabela's Big Game Hunter Elsinor Media / Head Games Publishing Inc. [top]

This is the first video game to be published in the long-running Big Game Hunter series of animal hunting sport games in conjunction with hunting supply company Cabela's. Hunt big game in 8 different locations in North America including Labrador, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania with 32 specific hunting areas. There's Quick Hunt and Career modes. It features male and female hunters with age range from teenage to mid-60s with unique strengths and weaknesses and you can unlock eight bonus characters. Arsenal includes 9 different weapons such as rifles, shotguns, bows and handguns . Game species include bear, bighorn, caribou, elk, moose, among 16 different big game animals. This game uses real-video of the creatures for the best authenticity. There's even a "hunt challenge editor" to edit your own "missions". Take some practice on the Virtual Target Range and earn money and sponsorships from your wild forays. Features include over 65 hunting accessories and a fully rendered 3D hunting lodge as well as a Hunter Safety Course.

See also: Special Permit Expansion Pack

ISO Demo 482MB (uploaded by Trey)

Cabela's Big Game Hunter II Elsinore Multimedia Inc. / HeadGames Publishing, Inc. [top]

On this hunting trip, the player will visit four distinct locations and environments including Alberta, Colorado, New Mexico and the African Plains in search of 18 varied species. It utilizes over 300 live action videos, realistic sound effects and variable weather to create wilderness conditions conducive to hunting big game. Special effects such as snow, darkness, rain, storms and lightning test each hunter's knowledge of terrain and hunting techniques. Sixteen weapons are available for the cyber-hunter in the guise of nine rifles, three different bows, three specialty guns and a shotgun. There are 16 types of ammunition, 50 specific 3D hunting locations and a hunting catalog with over 80 items including ten hunting calls. Gameplay options allow for user adjustments to features such as frequency of background sounds (five settings ranging from rare to constant), video display size (small, medium, large) and appearance of weapon reticles (small crosshair, large scope or weapon) that can enhance game speed. Selection of gender is an option as are the three settings of difficulty levels (beginner, advanced, expert) that affect in-game aspects such as money, health and animal activity. The 18 species are realistically placed within specific hunting areas. For example, a trip to Colorado will find animals like elk, cougar, wild turkey and mule deer. Go to the African Plains and expect to encounter cape buffalo, warthogs, wild turkey and zebra or head to the cold country of Alberta and stalk bear, caribou, moose, large bucks and even mountain goats. Finally, journey to the arid, dry lands of New Mexico where mule deer, desert deer and pronghorn antelope play. It also contains a hunting safety guide and rules for each region and the player can earn extra points for use in the equipment shop by correctly answering at least eight of ten questions.

See also: Open Season - The Expansion Pack

Clone ISO Demo 762MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Cabela's Big Game Hunter II: Open Season - The Expansion Pack Elsinore Multimedia Inc. / HeadGames Publishing, Inc. [top]

Don't put up that gear just yet. The makers of the bestselling Big Game Hunter 2 are bringing you even more exciting hunting action. In Open Season, you head back to hunt the high, rugged terrain of Alberta, Colorado, and the all-new Kentucky region. With a range of new weapons, ammunition, animals, authentic Cabela's hunting gear, a new map, and beautiful new graphics, you'll face plenty of new challenges. And with more than 100 new live-action animal videos, you'll want to keep on hunting until you find that perfect trophy. So grab your pack and head for the hills 'cause it's Open Season.
ISO Demo 495MB (uploaded by MyAbandonware)

Cabela's Big Game Hunter: Special Permit Expansion Pack Head Games Publishing Inc. [top]

Now that you have sharpened those hunting skills with Cabela's Big Game Hunter, it's time to get your Special Permit. With 9 new firearms, new equipment, a new world - The Teton, additional camps, and 23 all-new stands, you'll be stalking and hunting more than 50 new video animals from the Northwest Hunter TV series. From choosing the environment to bagging a trophy, Special Permit expands your Big Game Hunter boundaries to give you the greatest virtual hunt of your life.
ISO Demo 450MB (uploaded by MyAbandonware)

Carnivores Action Forms / WizardWorks [top]

In 2190 a planet is discovered on which there are dinosaurs. A society is founded through which well-to-do people are allowed to hunt on this dinosaur planet. One can hunt in 6 areas which only become bit by bit become more open air ones. In addition, one sees only the animals to be hunted on the radar so one must always be alert. There are 3 weapons: a knife, a crossbow (for different distances) and a sniper rifle. In addition, there is some more rudimentary hunting equipment. There are 10 kinds of dinosaurs, with a mixture of herbivores and carnivores.
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Level Demo 18MB ( @ FileFront)
Full Demo ~40MB (upped by keropi)
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ISO Demo 74MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Close Approach Abstract Worlds Ltd. / Crystal Interactive [top]

This is a 3D first person asteroids shooter which was the first 3D accelerated space shoot 'em up action game for the PC developed in Microsoft's Visual Basic (VB5/VB6/C/ActiveX DLL object models/Direct3D/DirectSound3D/DirectInput/DirectX). Despite past misconceptions about VB's performance as a gaming language, this proved that it was possible to produce an enjoyable, fast paced realtime 3D action game in VB. It's a true 3D, first person shooter, space combat action game where you had to destroy the asteroids before they reached the Earth. Although the game was available as a download, the game also hit some retailing shelves, including as its own individual product release, CompUSA in the USA (CompUSA was a bit like PC World here in the UK), and demo versions were also included in various retail Game Compilation CD products around the world.
ISO Demo 36MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Comanche Gold NovaLogic, Inc. [top]

This is a repackaging of the best-selling helicopter simulation of 1997, Comanche 3, with a host of new features. It has an enhanced version of Novalogic's patented VoxelSpace2 engine with new weather effects. There's 4 new campaigns in addition to the 5 original Comanche 3 campaigns, and over 80 missions (8 in each campaign, plus other single missions). Missions span from Ukraine, Jordan, Siberia, Cuba, to Iraq, and it includes a new mission editor. It now allows player to configure weapon loadouts for each mission and increases screen resolutions from 320 x 200 to 800 x 600.
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Level Demo 12MB (uploaded by CNET Download.com)
Clone ISO Demo 504MB (uploaded by Egon68)

CyberStrike 2 Simutronics Corporation / 989 Studios [top]

Your clan is under attack, and it's up to you to lead the battle to protect your kinfolk. Armed with an enormous arsenal of devastating weaponry, you'll fight for freedom in this real-time, 3D mech-battle. The game's solo modes allow you to take part in more than 50 missions, journeying to different cities for each. Choose your clan, pick out a mission, and then get your offensive and defensive modules set for intense battle. Up to 32 players can get in on the white-knuckle action on the Internet, competing on two separate teams.
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MP Level Demo ~14MB ( @ Download.com) Multiplayer & 2 Singleplayer Levels Demo ~29MB ( Official Site)
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Full Demo ~110MB (uploaded by keropi)
2CD ISO Demo ~804MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Deer Hunt 3D Flair Software / ValuSoft [top]

The most advanced hunting simulation available for the PC, features state of the art technology and stunning graphics to bring the thrill of the outdoors to life. Test your mettle in three unique hunting environments. Match skill and patience as you utilize multiple weapons, camouflage, scents and calls to draw the big bucks in. 360 degree movement lets you explore the full breadth of your environment. With Deer Hunt 3D it's always Open Season. Weapons to choose from: Bow, Rifle, Shotgun with Slug. Real time 3D modeled deer with over 1,000 frames of animation. Stalk your kill or use the well sited tree stands Ambient sound effects. It has realistic changeable weather conditions, a 3D Trophy Room to explore, authentic tracking, a choice of camouflage, multiple deer to choose from, telescopic sights and binoculars to seek out that best buck, and vocalization deer calls and rattling antlers. It's enhanced for 3dfx and Direct 3D cards.
included in The Hunting Lodge ISO Demo 279MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Clone ISO Demo 38MB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Outdoorsman 3-Pak - ISO Demo 305MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Deer Hunter 2: The Hunt Continues Sunstorm Interactive, Inc. / WizardWorks Software [top]

This offers four locations, more than a dozen accessories, nine weapons, and unlimited seasons for hunters keen on tracking, stalking and taking down big bucks and graceful does in pre-rut, rut and post-rut situations. Terrain is based on actual USGS information and reflects 12 hunting areas (three in each state) featuring diverse environments and weather conditions. Hunters can brave the winters in Pennsylvania, enjoy the foliage of a Michigan autumn, trek through the snow pines and firs in mountainous Washington, or traverse the woodlands of Georgia. For honing shooting skills, it provides a multi-targeted practice range with paper targets and deer silhouettes. Accessories include items like rattling antlers, binoculars, various calls (grunts, doe bleats, rutting grunts), a scent dripper, decoy, scents (buck urine and doe estrus), tree stands, a Global Positioning System, maps, and more. Trackers can search for deer scrapes, tracks, blood trails, and scat while stalking, and novice hunters can utilize various codes to make finding deer easier. Weapons range from a semi-automatic shotgun and bolt action scoped rifle to compound bows and a .44 Magnum Revolver.
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Level Demo ~19MB ( @ Brothersoft)
ISO Demo 58MB (upped by Trey)

Deer Hunter Companion Sunstorm Interactive, Inc. / WizardWorks [top]

A companion set for the hunting game, this package includes the Deer Hunter Companion book as well as a CD-ROM with tips, videos, and five add-on hunting areas. The videos have tips and strategies about hunting. In actuality, the main focus of the package is a 100-plus-page book entitled Deer Hunter Companion, published by GW Press (a division of GameWizards, Inc.), which is divided into three parts: Deer Hunter - The Game; Real-Life Deer Hunting Stories; and Facts, Tips, and Table Talk. Part I, Deer Hunter - The Game, along with the accompanying CD program, includes tips on using the Deer Hunter editor to best advantage in creating new hunting locations, cheat codes, and an interview with the game's developers. Tips and strategies, in-game pictures, pros and cons of each weapon, and details (deer population, maps, specific areas, and so forth) of each of the six hunting locations from Deer Hunter: Interactive Hunting Experience and its expansion Extended Season are also covered. Five new hunting areas include Pondsview Pass, Birkshire Copse, Shadyview Down, Fox Run, and Greentree Woods. The Real-Life Deer Hunting Stories section features ten short stories about actual hunting experiences ranging from a "girlfriend's" first hunting experience to an Appalachian Mountain haunted trails tale. Part III includes a comprehensive quiz of nearly a hundred questions on white-tail deer, a section on wacky hunting laws, an overview of characteristics, habitats, and habits of white-tail deer, 20 specific tips for hunting trophy bucks, and the Hunter's Pledge.
included in Deer Hunter: Monster Buck 4-Pack ISO Demo 195MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Sunstorm Interactive Hunting Pack - Full Demo to run on modern o/s 147MB (uploaded by Zomb's Lair)

Deer Hunter Screen Saver Sunstorm Interactive, Inc. / WizardWorks Software [top]

Deer Hunter’s Dream Come True! . . Now you can view your favorite outdoor images from the hit game Deer Hunter 24 hours a day. Deer Hunter Screen Saver decorates your PC with exciting hunting themes and keeps the thrill of the hunt alive. It’s time to break out the blaze orange and show off your sportsman status! Stunning Desktop Themes: Camouflage Theme with natural colors and sound effects. Blaze Orange Theme. Sensational Screensavers: Deer Hunter screen shots slide show. Photo slide show of nature scenes. Add your own trophy room to the slide shows. The Hunt Continues: Extend Deer Hunter gameplay with 10 new, exclusive hunting areas. Create Your Own Hunting Location: Use the Woods Layout Utility to create unique hunting locations. These Requires registered and installed version of Deer Hunter to use the Woods Layout Utility and the new hunting areas.
Full ISO Demo (uploaded by Old_Schooler)
included in Deer Hunter: Monster Buck 4-Pack ISO Demo 195MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Deer Hunter: Extended Season Sunstorm Interactive, Inc. / WizardWorks Software [top]

This second add-on doubles the number of locations offered in the original title to six, and adds an additional unconventional weapon, the black powder muzzleloader, which ups the challenge with its imprecise accuracy and firing mechanism. In addition to the woodlands of Arkansas, Colorado, and Indiana from the parent game, Extended Season offers hunting grounds in the Adirondack Mountains, the fall season in the Kentucky woods, and the cold setting of a Nebraska winter. Gameplay features of Deer Hunter remain intact, including two viewing perspectives, a top-down map for easy relocation, a Target Range for honing aiming skills, wind factors, a variety of equipment (scents, deer calls, antler rattles, tree stands, compass), and a Trophy Room. The largest buck in Deer Hunter's Extended Season has 24-points, as opposed to a limit of 20-points in the original game. The expansion also adds a Map Editor to the mix that permits editing item placement (trees, deer marking points, and so forth) to create custom maps.
ISO Demo 18MB (upped by Trey)
included in Deer Hunter: Monster Buck 4-Pack ISO Demo 195MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Sunstorm Interactive Hunting Pack - Full Demo to run on modern o/s 147MB (uploaded by Zomb's Lair)

Descent: Freespace - Silent Threat Volition, Inc. / Interplay Entertainment Corp. [top]

Silent Threat is an add-on for Descent: Freespace. It features 2 new ships, 4 new weapons and 40 new missions. After the end of the war with the Shivans, you are asked to join the Galactic Terran Intelligence service, to help preserve peace. However, you'll soon discover that the GTI has other purposes in its mind. With the help of Shivan technology, the GTI is secretly building a new ship, the Hades, which has the power to annihilate other capital ships in a few seconds. But now that the war is over, what are they going to do with it?
ISO Demo 252MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Freespace + Expansion - GOG ISO Demo v2.0.0.7 848MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Descent: Freespace - The Great War Volition, Inc. / Interplay Entertainment Corp. [top]

As a pilot in the Gallactic Terran Alliance (GTA), you've known the Vasudans as the enemy for a long time. But things are about to change. An unknown menace, with technology beyond both ours and Vasudans, are destroying both sides. And now, old enemies must unite to fight this common enemy, and the dissenters and traitors on both sides. Descent: Freespace is a space dogfight simulator. The game features a vast amount of weapons, missiles and bombs, as well as large capships. It also has online multiplayer. Take fighters and bombers on attack, recon, escort, and sweep missions against enemy capships and fighters and bombers. Defend your own capships and other assets. Your rating and performance is noted after every mission, with suggestions (if applicable). You can call in reinforcements (if available), and your wingmen actually do fight intelligently, as there can be dozens of fighters flying about.

See also: #Descent: Freespace - Silent Threat

Freespace + Expansion - GOG ISO Demo v2.0.0.7 848MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Level Demo 26MB (uploaded by Download.com)
2CD ISO Demo 888MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Enemy Engaged: Apache/Havoc Razorworks / Published by Empire Interactive Entertainment [top]

Take control of two of the hottest attack choppers in the world in a state-of-the-art simulation! Control either the AH-64D Apache Longbow or the Mi-28N Havoc-B multiple semi-dynamic campaigns in full contoured 3D terrain with 3D acceleration support. Hide among the trees to stay out of enemy view and launch deadly anti-tank missiles. Fly in all times of day, from dawn to dusk to rain and fog. Multiple options and difficulty configurations let you customize the sim to your preference.
ISO Demo plus Patch & Manual 218MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Included in: Maximum Flight 4CD ISO demo 1.60GB (uploaded by Egon68)
German v1.1e No-CD Patch for modern o/s 5.21MB (uploaded by Tranit)
GOG Digital ISO Demo v2.1.0.4 204MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

European Air War MicroProse Software, Inc. [top]

This is an action based flight-sim which features 20 flyable aircraft: On the American side, P-51 (B, D), P-38 (H, J), P47 (C, D); For the RAF, the Spitfire (I-A, IX-C, XIV-E), Hurricane (I), Typhoon (IB), and Tempest (V); and for the Luftwaffe, the Bf-109 (E-4, G-6, K-4), Bf-110 (G-2, C-4), FW-190 (D-9, A-8), and Me262 (A1). Also, the game features several non-flyable aircraft: B-17 (F, G), B-24, B-26, Mosquito, Ju-88, He-111, Ju-87 Stuka, and Me410! The game is meticulously detailed. The physics of flying are accurately modeled, the markings on the planes are historically accurate, and the map takes into account the curvature of the earth. Your wingmen speak German if you fly for the Luftwaffe, and speak with an English or American accent if you fly for the RAF or US. When you play a "career", the choices of units to fly in are actual historical units and you will attack the same targets they attacked. Your unit will even refit with new types of aircraft when they did historically (P-51B to P-51D, for example). The game is highly customizable. You can turn on or off: wind, stalls, the torque effect on single-engine planes, black/red out, engine overheating, structural limits, mid air collision, etc. You can attack tanks, trains carrying guns and tanks, ships (freighters and destroyers!), halftrack/car convoys, and lots of other types of ground targets. Pretty much everything can shoot back. It also features several newsreels that show familiar black & white footage from WWII documentaries, complete with narration.
Level Demo ~14MB ( @ Download.net)
included in Totally Flying 3CD ISO Demo 1.63GB (uploaded by Egon68)
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UK Clone ISO Demo 605MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Patch 1.28E Upgrade Installer (uploaded by EAW Wikispaces)
Custom campaign/mods (uploaded by Sandbagger.uk)
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Basic EAW 1.40 (Movies, Music, Speech are ripped) 115MB (uploaded by SimHQ)
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EAW 1.40 RV2 (adds back CDF files for movies, music, speech) 191MB (uploaded by SimHQ)
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EAW v1.50 All-In-One 734MB (uploaded by Supernova)

Evil Core: The Fallen Cities ABTS Intelligent Group [top]

In the year 20,000 AD humans have long since moved away from the planet Earth to a mysterious planet called Malia, characterized by gorgeous sky views and secret underground passages. Malia is split into an Old Sector, composed of caves, mines, temples, and ruins known as the Fallen Cities; and a New Sector, with advanced technology including nuclear power, genetic engineering, and space stations. The New Sector is made up of three distinct cultures: the peaceful Bloblics, who have recently had to develop weapons for their own defense; the N'Leth, torn apart by civil war; and the Marcs, the most menacing group, who are using their advanced technology, chemical weaponry, and a genetically enhanced army to try to gain total control of the planet.
You play the role of Vein Black, and as the game begins there are a series of devastating attacks from an unknown source on innocent cities on Malia. The N'Leths and the Bloblics band together to defend themselves against the as-yet-to-be-identified enemy, and they focus their concern on detecting the source of the disruptions on the Fallen Cities in the Old Sector. They enlist you to scout out this area and report back to them with what you see above and below ground.
In this 3D shooter you'll be commandeering a futuristic fighter plane as you explore the vast cities, completing objectives and earning money to refit upgrades to your ship. The game has two modes of play, Adventure and VS. In Adventure, you may play with one player or two, but VS is a mandatory two-person game. VS multiplayer mode, which has 6 worlds and 8 different ships. There is a cooperative split-screen mode for team play as well.
Full Demo ~29MB (upped by Scaryfun)
ISO Demo ~416MB (upped by otiscrusher)

F-16 Aggressor General Simulations Incorporated / Bethesda Softworks LLC [top]

F-16 simulator which uses a mercenary-squadron concept a la Strike Commander (though in here your earnings are merely for ranking). The game throws you into a series of pre-made missions based on Africa, with the option to play multiplayer dogfights for up to 8 players. Included are the usual amount of features found on hardcore sims, like blackouts, redouts, etc though there is no padlock view. Graphics are Direct3d and Glide accelerated and include various smoke and lighting effects
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Clone ISO Demo 427mb (uploaded by Egon68)
Full Demo 67MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

F-16 Fighting Falcon: The Afghanistan Campaign Digital Integration Ltd. / Ocean Software Ltd. [top]

Take on the might of the Russian Federation in this new Afghanistan Campaign mission campaign, over some of the most stunning terrain the world has to offer. Race through breathtaking rendered valleys and canyons, taking full advantage of F-16's new 3Dfx capabilities. This brand new edition of F-16 brings you an entire new campaign, ten single missions and a new flying area.
included in F-16 Fighting Falcon + The Afghanistan Campaign included in Front Line Fighters - 3CD ISO Demo + Patches 288MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

F-16 Multirole Fighter NovaLogic, Inc. [top]

F-16 Multirole Fighter was developed with John A. Fergione, who is the chief F-16 test pilot for Lockheed Martin, and contains many new realism models not seen in previous Novalogic simulations. In addition to the 6 tutorial missions and numerous quick missions, there are scripted campaigns in varied terrains such in Serbia, Liberia/Sierra Leone, Burma, and Somalia/Ethiopia. F-16 MRF is also playable on Novalogic's free Integrated Battle Space with up to 128 other pilots using Novalogic's MiG-29 and F-22 Raptor (it was developed in tandem with their MiG-29 Fulcrum product for this sole purpose). Graphics are 3D-card accelerated (without any of the old Novalogic VoxelSpace codebase), with resolutions from 640x480 to 1024x768. Other options include a virtual cockpit and the LANTIRN system. Almost all the F-16 weapons such as the AGM-88 anti-radar missile and the new JDAM are available.
ISO Demo 486MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Level Demo 22MB (uploaded by JeuxVideoPC)
Full Demo 91MB (uploaded by Supernova)
included in Jet Pack - Clone 3CD ISO Demo 509MB (uploaded by Egon68)

F-22 Raptor NovaLogic, Inc. [top]

F-22 Raptor from Novalogic is a flight/combat simulation for Windows 95. The game features campaign style missions that cover a range of types and styles. Featuring over 30 campaign missions, F-22 Raptor lets you take on ground and air targets with the help of your Sidewinder missiles and 20mm Cannon. Fighter jets, Stealth Bombers and enemy bases are all targets and threats that you will have to contend with. Air, land and sea are where these bad boys are located, but don't take them lightly, they know how to take you out. They all possess armaments similar to yours and can pick you off from long distances. Also, your campaign's feature many other tasks like landing, taking-off, following waypoints and escorts. The missions will span over several months, with the difficulty slowly ascending. There are also several other modes of play such as a Tutorial mode, where all the basics and proper techniques will be taught to you, this is especially helpful as there are many controls and maneuvers that a player must learn to totally master the game. Also, there is plenty of multi-player support, whether it be a modem or Null modem cable game, IPX network or the Internet. You can go head to head with someone around the world or just a friendly skirmish with a local friend.
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ISO Demo 374MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
included in Jet Pack - Clone 3CD ISO Demo 715MB (uploaded by Egon68)

F-22 Total Air War Digital Image Design Ltd. / Infogrames Europe SA / Ocean Software Ltd. [top]

An F-22 flight simulator that offers you the chance to manage and control your own dynamic campaigns in addition to flying. Each campaign is randomly created around scenarios located around the Red Sea, with numerous factions trown into randomly selected alliances or opposing sides. As the war proceeds, the game generates flight missions for both sides and you can select at any time when to fly a combat sortie by accepting to fly a mission or enter into the editor mode and modify any aspect of the mission. The game registers the success or failure of your missions and reflects the results in the overall campaign. You can also take the more strategic route with the addition of an option to fly E-3 AWACS sorties rather than F-22 ones. (you don't actually take to the sky in the planes, but rather you direct their movements on a tactical map and are able to issue commands to allied forces and control the drama in a tactical way).
ISO Demo & Useful Extras Custom ISO Demo 142MB/10MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
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Total Conversion
Unofficial v2.30 All-In-One 288MB (uploaded by Supernova)
included in Score 90 CD-ROM (2001-08) - Czech CD2 ISO Demo 368MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Japanese Direct3D CD Version Full Demo + mirrors 65MB (uploaded by HcH)
Japanese Direct3D Patched Version Full Demo + mirrors 65MB (uploaded by HcH)
Japanese ISO Demo 224MB (uploaded by HcH)
Spanish MVM 2002 release ISO Demo + Infos 178MB (uploaded by HcH)
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Japanese Generic Crk for CD and patched versions of both Direct3D and Glide versions 4kb (uploaded by HcH)
Japanese Glide CD Version Full Demo + mirrors 65MB (uploaded by HcH)
Japanese Glide Patched Version Full Demo + mirrors 65MB (uploaded by HcH)

F22 Air Dominance Fighter: Red Sea Operations Ocean Europe Limited / Infogrames UK Ltd. [top]

This is an expansion to F22 Air Dominance Fighter, and includes 30 new missions in the Red Sea operational area.
ISO Demo 28MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Falcon 4.0 MicroProse Software, Inc. / Hasbro Interactive, Inc. [top]

You're flying the F-16 "Fighting Falcon", a U.S. Air Force fighter, over the skies of Korea. The learning curve is VERY steep and will take time to learn, let alone master. There is a way to "jump in and fly" so the game can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of experience. Falcon 4.0 comes with a dynamic campaign, which is full blown strategy game within the simulator itself. As the virtual war develops, the campaign engine moves ground, naval and airborne troops around the battlefield and generates missions for the player.

See also: Falcon 4.0: Allied Force, FreeFalcon

Level Demo 44MB (uploaded by Download.com)
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ISO Demo 364MB (uploaded by Old_Schooler)
Total Conversion
included in Totally Flying 3CD ISO Demo 1.63GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Full Demo 138MB (uploaded by Supernova)
Windows only v1.08 included in Falcon Collection - GOG ISO Demo v2.0.0.1 870MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Fatal Abyss Human Soft Inc. / SegaSoft, Inc. [top]

In the future, people are fighting a war over Bacteria 241, a strange new energy source found at the bottom of the ocean floor. While scientists at Eco Systems have developed a way to extract energy from the bacteria, renegades from Proteus Tech want to gain control of the situation and prevent control by Eco Systems. As a consequence, a war has broken out between the two.
Fatal Abyss is a pure underwater 3D combat game, with no complexities of resource management or puzzle solving and an emphasis on a quick-reflex shoot-out near the ocean floor. You can look at the action from many different viewpoints, including both third-person and first-person perspectives. You do have a console map view available showing a 2D relief map of your area as well as a sonar view available showing more clearly which vehicles, structures, and missiles you are approaching.
Choose a set of vehicles to take into combat and explore 7 underwater realms, with 24 missions to complete, with a vehicle that has more than 10 offensive and defensive equipment and weapons to blast the obstacles in your path!
Full Demo 11MB ( @ Old-Games.ru)
ISO Demo 424MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Field & Stream: Trophy Buck EAI Interactive / Sierra On-Line, Inc. [top]

This is a 3-D hunting game that has the player take the role of a hunter, hunting in eight prime locations such as the Rocky Mountains, Pacific Northwest and Texas just to name a few in the quest to bag the biggest buck imaginable. The player can use authentic equipment such as buck calls, doe scents, rattling antlers as well as binoculars and gun stands to steady their shot. There are also many grades of rifles to choose from, including the smallest like a .22 caliber to the more powerful 30.06. There are two main deer species to hunt, Whitetail and Mule, points are rewarded using the real life standards of the Boone & Crockett scale, with the ability to save their largest bucks in a "Trophy Room" in the game's main menu. Deer react true to their real-life counterparts, as players will have to stay down wind to their quarry, sneaking up to get the best shot or staying in place and call in their prey. Players can also track wounded deer, following blood trails as well as looking for deer tracks and scrapings on trees. There is a bag limit to each location, each varying depending on the location, the player must take a buck each time. Also, if a player wounds a deer, they must find that deer before they can take another trophy or be penalized, as well as shooting does will result in a penalty as well. There are three main modes to the game, a "Tournament" consisting of all locations, bagging the biggest deer and at the end of the tournament be judged on the combined total of their trophies. There is also an "Exhibition" mode where players can choose their locations as well as the starting location and weather patterns and the ability to turn on a "Deer Radar" for novice players. There is also multiplayer hunting online using LAN.
Level Demo 33MB (uploaded by Download.com)
ISO Demo 331MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Fighter Pilot Charybdis Enterprises, Inc. / Electronic Arts, Inc. [top]

Fighter Pilot is an arcade-style simulation of a fighter plane. Simplified controls, physics, and tactics allow beginners to the field to still have fun. After every mission, you even get a score based on your performance. Set in the Middle East, you will fly 24 missions in 4 different planes. Missions range from escort, to patrol, to attack. A multiplayer mode is also included.
ISO Demo 218MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Fly Hunter Nanotainment [top]

Get small, then get even. This is the antithesis of your typical shoot’em up video game. As player size and weaponry gets larger, Fly Hunter comes in with a different take. Instead of macro, you are nano. Instead of blasting huge mechanical warriors you are dealing with flies and pests. This action-oriented flight simulation game offers the unique perspective of exploring ordinary environments on the scale of an insect. Pilots join the Nanocorps and grow in rank as they complete 30 increasingly difficult and unexpected pest control missions. Customization of nanochine craft, weapon selection and communication with headquarters are the key to a pilot’s success.
ISO Demo 339MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Flying Saucer PostLinear Entertainment / JoWooD Productions / Software 2000 [top]

You are Boon, a military pilot, who lives together with Emily in a house somewhere in the USA. Your brother Steven disappeared during a thunderstorm when he was on a military mission. When you get a telepathic message from him, you travel to Dreamland (Area 51) in Nevada. Fleeing from the military forces you find yourself inside a huge hall with a flying saucer at the center. The game starts when you enter the UFO and lift off. The game leads through 22 terrestrial and extra-terrestrial missions, where you have to fight the military as well as an alien race called the "Cyners". These tentacle creatures hunt the greys (the friendly aliens) and want to destroy the earth. Your mission is to stop them.
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Full Demo with Windows 95 Emulator 621MB (uploaded by The Collection Chamber)
ISO Demo 656MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demo 63MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Future Cop L.A.P.D. Electronic Arts [top]

In the 22nd century, criminals have taken over the streets of Los Angeles. You take control of a giant robot, armed to the hilt, and try to clean up the streets. Battle through eight levels of action using flamethrowers, plasma bursts, mini-shockwave mortars, and many other weapons. Crime War is a story mode, following a day in the life of an LAPD X1-Alpha pilot. The story events range from rogue lunatics arming observatories with weapons, to a malfunctioning supercomputer. Players begin in a futuristic Griffith Park, but as they advance through the game they may unlock areas such as Venice Beach, LAX and Long Beach. Crime War also supports a second player in cooperative play. Cooperative play features the unique feature that the life bars of the two players are intertwined; if either player is destroyed, it counts as a failure for both players. For those who like strategy games, play the Precinct Assault mode, a capture the flag-type game. Each player starts with a single base and can capture automated Turrets or Outposts across the level. The objective is to defeat opponents by purchasing and deploying Hovertanks to invade their bases. The game ends when one player's base is breached by either a standard or super-sized "Dreadnought" Hovertank. Players may also deploy defensive Helicopters or the "Flying Fortress" Superplane to assist in securing their perimeter, shooting down enemy tanks that enter the base. Single-player mode consists of fighting a computer opponent named "Sky Captain", whose in-game avatar is a Superplane, more powerful and advanced than the X1-Alpha. Two player mode is a competitive battle between two X1-Alpha robots. Load FUTURE COP: LAPD, and take a bite out of crime.
Level Demo 23MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Full Demo ~98MB ( @ fajnegry.krakow.pl)
ISO Demo ~366MB (upped by Egon68)
Full Demo 130MB (uploaded by Supernova)

Global Domination Psygnosis Limited [top]

This is an action-based strategical wargame that is based on the fictional game James Bond plays against Maximillian Largo in the 1983 film Never Say Never again. Elements of this game are combined with the classical board game Risk. In this game you play as an agent for a secret agency called ULTRA. You are hired by countries all over the world to protect them from their enemies. Each of the twenty missions begins with a full motion video briefing. After that you are presented with a spinning hologram globe representing the earth. The world is divided into different countries, similar to risk. It is your job to defend your country from incoming attacks and strike against enemies. With your keyboard you can switch between weapons and you can aim with your mouse for a target location for your rockets, aircraft and naval vessels. More and more weapons come available as you progress in the game.
Full Demo ( provided by Wastrel & Scaryfun) 329MB

Golgotha (cancelled) Crack dot Com [top]

This was to be a real time strategy game, with elements from first-person shooter games from the developer of the sides-scrolling platformer Abuse. The game's name came from Shakespeare's King Lear tragedy, wherein Golgotha was a massive plain and a future battlefield. In the year 2048 AD in the game, global nuclear disarmament and the coincidental murder of a beloved American archaeologist leads to an American military incision on Iraq which, in turn, elicits a European military power play and consequently begins World War III. The commander of the American force sent to invade Iraq, named John Fisher II, questions his mission. With no suitable answers, he abandons his country and takes his troops on the quest for truth. In the try to recover what really happened at Golgotha they discovering a supernatural conflict behind a veil of political discord. This FPS/RTS hybrid should draw inspiration specifically from Doom and Command & Conquer. The last released demo, version number 5c, was playable in Windows. It supported both software rendering and 3dfx Glide-based 3D cards. The demo included two levels, one based on Switzerland and one based on Cairo. The Switzerland demo level was the more complete one. In addition to this, the demo also had a non-interactive demo level that showed the terrain rendering capabilities of the graphics engine. In the demo, the gameplay worked in the following fashion. The player controlled a super-tank, which can be driven in first-person mode. In third-person mode, the player is presented with a bird's-eye view of the battlefield, and can command squads of individual units. The object of the level is to secure the enemy base and move any unit capable of taking over enemy bases to the "takeover pad" in the base. You could leap into a tank vehicle and attack at will. Multiplayer over TCP/IP was shooting for 8 players (chosen partly because that's how many members the Crack team had), and featured complex RTS features where multiplayer joiners had a bank account, a home base to protect, and a production pad, all active while they engaged in team and deathmatch war. An easy-to-use in-game level editor was also featured. The game was cancelled after the company ran out of money. The unfinished game's assets were released to public domain on October 22, 2000.
Level Demo v5c 9.3MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Grand Slam Turkey Hunt Sunstorm Interactive, Inc. / Wizard Works [top]

North America's largest game bird awaits you in this remarkably realistic 3D hunting adventure. Be the envy of your buddies and bag the 4 major subspecies to achieve the Grand Slam. This is no easy game. The turkey's finely developed survival skills, excellent sense of hearing and remarkable 300-degree field of vision will challenge even the most experienced woodsman. Is there a 30-pound tom in your future? The ultimate collection of real-life hunting weapons and tools for the most realistic hunt yet. It has: 4 Challenging Subspecies - Eastern, Merriam's, Rio Grande, Florida (Osceola); Authentic Calls - Locator, Friction, Air-activated; 12 Locations throughout the 4 States - Florida, Texas, Indiana, Idaho; Sure Fire Scouting Methods - Droppings, Scratchings, Tracks; 7 Premium Weapons - 12 gauge semi-automatics with scope, Compound bow, crossbow, longbow, 12 gauge pump without scope, 12 gauge semi-automatic without scope, Black powder shotgun; Essential Gear - Decoys, GPS Unit, Aerial Maps, Compass, Blinds, Range-finding binoculars; Bonus - National Wild Turkey Federation's Turkey Call video footage.
ISO Demo 230MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

iF-22 Persian Gulf v5.0 Interactive Magic Ltd. [top]

iF-22 Persian Gulf version 5.0, from Interactive Magic, represents the culmination of a wide-array of enhancements to the original iF-22—first released in the summer of 1997. Notable differences in this latest appearance include combining the Persian Gulf campaign with the Bosnian and Ukrainian theatres onto one disk, a virtual cockpit similar to those seen in the latest fighter-sims, and a bevy of solutions to problems addressed in the intervening months by numerous patches.
German Custom ISO Demo 282MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Pocket Price - Clone ISO Demo 393MB (uploaded by Egon68)

iF/A-18E Carrier Strike Fighter Interactive Magic Ltd. [top]

A flight simulator based on the U.S. Navy's new carrier fighter super-hornet. The game puts you in command of a Hornet squadron in two possible campaign scenarios, one vs the Turks in the Aegean theater, and one vs Iran and Irak in the Persian Gulf. Before each flight CSF generates a set of missions for the entire squadron based on the current campaign status, and you may then proceed to plan and edit a selected mission on the mission planner. Once the mission ends, the results are tallied and the cycle begins again taking into account the new stats. Available game modes include, in addition to the campaign mode: training flights, a quick-mission generator, randomly generated single missions, an instant action mode (and yes, those three are all different things) and multiplayer deathmatches. Graphics are all 3D accelerated, and the game boasts terrain based on actual satellite projected images.
Level Demo 27MB (uploaded by Download.com)
included in 2 in 1 Pack - Air Warrior III & iF/A-18E Carrier Strike Fighter 2CD ISO 983MB (uploaded by Egon68)

In the Service of the Fatherland Copper Feet [top]

This Russian game by two people set in 2170 has you in control of an interational space force fighting against pirates. Rise from a lieutenant (in this rank we start the game) to - just - an army general. They won't let you become a marshal. For someone has already prepared a warm place, and you are without connections. It's a rail shooter with limited movement but you can change the direction of movement, move back and forth, and even adjust the speed from the cockpit of the IL-144k space attack aircraft. There is a powerful laser cannon and rockets for shooting off lawbreakers you meet, there is a protective force field that allows you to be sure that no one will definitely send us to a better world with one shot. On the radar you can see the types of enemy ships in the form of bars differentiated by color, as well as an indicator of the status of your ship (depending on the damage it received). Moreover, this indicator consists of two "parts": a ring of one color or another, symbolizing the general level of danger at the current moment, and a whole set of scales indicated by phrases from the enemy language; each such scale shows one or another parameter: the state of protection of a particular structural element of the aircraft, fuel reserves (yes, they are not infinite), the number of remaining missiles and even temperature indicators - for example, the ship's hull or the aforementioned laser gun, from overheating of which an explosion can occur ... There are only three types of enemy ships, they differ in the power of the weapons installed on them, strength of the force field, speed and maneuverability. Enemies can easily kill (more precisely, knock out and blow up), especially since fights against several opponents at once are not uncommon here. Graphics are mininal though.
Russian Free Game 64kb (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Independence War: The Starship Simulator / I-War: Enter Infinity Particle Systems Ltd. / Infogrames, Inc. / Ocean Software Ltd. [top]

The Indies, colonists from Earth, and the Commonwealth are engaged in a never-ending war in Space. As an officer of the Commonwealth it's your job to strip these rebels of their defiant natures and force them to re-join with Earth. I-War is a space-sim with a twist. Instead of flying the usual fighters, you take charge of a 150-metre long Dreadnaught-class corvette. And all the goodies of a capital ship are included: big guns, big shields, lots of missiles. All the daily essentials for an officer of the Navy. The manual explains all functions of the ship. Whether weapons, engines, tactics, tips & tricks. The mission time varies from 5 minutes up to 35 minutes without save point. 35 Minutes if you play the complete Mission Corectly about 100 % within reach. If you have successfully completed the mission, the game will save. There are primary and secondary missions and, later in the game, you can change the sides from the Navy to the Indies. Later, the Dreadnaught become updated with more firepower, new missiles and a friend. The game has 3 endings. Don't forget to install the patch. Without it you can't not complete the game.
See also: #Independence War Deluxe / Independence War: Special Edition - Defiance
3CD ISO Demo 1.56GB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Independence War Deluxe - GOG ISO Demo 1.85GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Jane's Combat Simulations: F-15 EA Baltimore / Electronic Arts, Inc. [top]

Take the F-15E (Strike Eagle) and own the sky! Instant action gives you quick adrenaline fixes, while training missions teaches you the basics. When you're ready, wage war over authentic terrain of Iraq and Iran, over 3 million square miles! 3D accelerated visuals will amaze you! Radio chatter, authentic F-15 squadrons, missions based on actual Desert Storm sorties, and ability to play online on Jane's Combatnet are all in this ground-breaking package!
ISO Demo 373MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Jane's Combat Simulations: Fleet Command Sonalysts Inc. / Strategy First Inc. [top]

Take a US fleet and survive the various encounters with the former Soviet Navy, the Chinese Navy, the Indian Navy, and many others. Most of the world's navy are included. Issue orders in real-time and watch your orders being carried out. Launch strike aircraft to take out enemy ships. Launch cruise missiles to destroy enemy airbases. Launch helicopters to prosecute hostile subs. Watch your ships defend themselves against incoming cruise missiles. This is the ultimate real-time challenge. Do you have what it takes to assume Fleet Command?
Clone ISO Demo 594MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Jane's Combat Simulations: Israeli Air Force Pixel Multimedia / Electronic Arts, Inc. [top]

Jane's IAF: Israeli Air Force is a military jet aircraft Combat flight simulation video game released in 1998. This simulation was developed by the Israeli company "Pixel Multimedia" and was released under the Jane's Combat Simulators line from Electronic Arts. The game which is set in the middle east featured a single campaign mode which included several missions and a Massively Multiplayer Online Arena. There were two type of campaigns; the first types of campaigns featured recreations of several historic operations of the IAF such as the 1967 Six-Day War, the 1973 Yom Kippur War and the 1982 Lebanon War. The game also features the historical Operation Opera, in which the Israeli Air Force bombed and destroyed the Iraqi Osirak nuclear reactor. The second types of campaigns featured several fictional futuristic operations with Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The combat flight simulation is a survey simulation but featuring good photo realistic graphics and decent flight models. The game became very popular in Israel, and is used until this very day by the Israeli Air Force as a recruitment tool, showcasing in Air Force open days, recruitment centers and community events. It was one of the first simulators to use a realistic terrain based on stereoscopic satellite terrain data of the Middle East used as the main arena of the game. The terrain becomes more pixilated and less attractive the closer you fly to the ground. In 1999 a Patch 1.1 was released for free downloading on Jane's website which eliminated the terrain shimmer seen in the earlier version of the game. The game supports both hardware acceleration and software rendering.
Level Demo 54MB (uploaded by Download.com)
ISO Demo 520MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Jane's Combat Simulations: WWII Fighters Electronic Arts, Inc. [top]

Jane's WWII Fighters is a World War II era European Theater of Operations Combat flight simulation video game set during the U.S. American termed "Battle of the Bulge" in 1944 and 1945. You get to fly either as an Allied or German pilot. he simulation features seven stock player flyable aircraft such as the P-51D Mustang, P-47D Thunderbolt, P-38J Lightning, Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IX, BF 109G-6, FW-190 A-8 and ME-262A. The fighters featured highly detailed cockpits for that era in gaming. Other non-player flyable warplanes featured in the simulation are the Arado AR 234 Blitz, Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, Consolidated B-24 Liberator, Douglas C-47 Skytrain, Heinkel He-111, Junkers JU-88 and Martin B-26 Marauder. The simulation features music of the World War II period and has in depth video interviews with both Allied and Axis fighter aces. Jane's WWII Fighters also features ground combat forces in its combat flight simulation. There's a lot to learn, but it's very easy to get in and fly. You also have the option of playing single missions or starting off on a career.
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Level Demo ~56MB ( @ Download.com)
CD2 ISO Demo (upped by neo_viral)
Fan-Made Mods
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2CD ISO Demo 1.01GB (uploaded by Egon68)

Jetfighter: Full Burn Mission Studios / Interplay Entertainment Corp. [top]

Somewhere between Jetfighter 3 and 4 came Full Burn, a game that takes a turn towards arcade action over simulation and adds a Wing Commander-like interactive movie air to the game. As the game starts, a conflict between the U.S., er sorry NATO and Russia erupts over some Norwegian oil fields. This sets the stage for the main storyline of the game which can be viewed from either the NATO or Russian side. The campaign is made of linear pre-made missions interspersed with FMV sequences between missions. As in the Wing Commander games, scenes occur in different locations, you move to the corresponding room and click on hotspots that trigger the sequences. The airplanes in the game have simple, yet functional flight models and include the F/A-18 and F-22N on the NATO side as well as the fictional MiG-42 on the Russian side. The game engine used is identical to the Jetfighter 3 one, and the game supports multiplayer support of up to 16 players.
Level Demo ~26MB ( @ Brothersoft Games)
ISO Demo (uploaded by Egon68)

Luftwaffe Commander: WWII Combat Flight Simulator Eagle Interactive / Strategic Simulations, Inc. [top]

Luftwaffe Commander: WWII Combat Flight Simulator is a flight simulator that allows you to see the second world war from the German side. In the campaign this game offers you play as a German fighter pilot and get to fly missions starting in the Spanish Civil War, through the French, British, Russian and West Front Campaigns. There are 10 planes available in the game: four versions of the Bf-109, the He-51, and Me-262 on the German side and the I-16 Spitfire, P-39Q, and P-51 on the allied side. The Allied planes are only available in quick play and single missions. The game includes 50 scripted missions to fly, the ability to create simple custom missions, and a multiplayer mode.
ISO Demo 474MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

M1 Tank Platoon II MicroProse Software, Inc. [top]

This gives you command of a platoon of four M1A2 Abrams tanks and their crew. You make all the important decisions; including firing your tank's weapons and using the state-of-the-art thermal view to seek out and destroy enemy forces. Switch between fully-functioning internal cockpits or, observe the conflict at first hand with the external 3-D view. It is the sequel to M1 Tank Platoon. This vastly improved version incorporated many new features, including much improved graphics as well as multiple campaigns, and multi-player options. The ability to play as Armoured Cavalry, Marines or Army Platoons added another dimension. The manual accompanying the game, at over 100 pages, was itself a work of art and a suitable technical primer on such things as armour types, tactics, vehicles and much more. This version allowed the player to play many positions in the four tanks that comprised the platoon. A player could play as a tank commander under cover ("buttoned up") or open on the .50 Cal HMG Commanders HMG. Other positions included: Gunner and 'Outside 3-D Scrolling View' of any unit on the battlefield.
Full Demo ( @ Old-Games.ru)
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ISO Demo ~585MB (upped by Scaryfun)
German v1.1 No-CD Patch for modern o/s 229kb (uploaded by Tranit)

Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator: WWII Europe Series Microsoft Corporation [top]

Microsoft's flight simulators aimed realistically portray life as a commercial pilot for over a decade before combat was added. In this offshoot (pardon the pun) of the series, you are a combat pilot during World War II, for either the RAF, USAAF or Luftwaffe. Eight different planes and the battered cities of Berlin, Paris and London are incorporated. Full cockpit designs and damage models are featured - watch for engine smoke and explosion debris. There is a full campaign mode, which takes in the Battle of Britain, defending London during the Blitz, and finishing the job started on D-Day by pummeling ground targets.You can also play individual missions or fly freely. Online multiplayer options allow you to take this worldwide fight around the real world.

See also: #Aoki Uru Combat Flight Simulator Plane And Mission Module, The [J], #Battle for Midway, #Behind Enemy Lines, #Korean Combat Pilot, #Air Power: The Cold War, #Luftwaffe Collection, #Harrier Jump Jet, #Royal Air Force 2000, #Tuskegee Fighters, #Combat Squadron, 1999 - Wings Over China: Air Battles of the Flying Tigers, #Pacific Theatre

ISO Demo 334MB (uploaded by Egon68)
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ISO Demo 468MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

MiG-29 Fulcrum NovaLogic, Inc. [top]

Under the advisement of Yuri V. Prikhodko, former Soviet MiG-21 combat pilot, instructor, and MiG-29, MiG-31, Su-27 test pilot, Novalogic created their simulation of the Mikoyan Gurevich Mig-29 Fulcrum. Built on the F-16 Multirole Fighter engine (and developed almost concurrently with F-16 MRF), MiG-29 was released shortly after. It features the same advanced realism modelling as F-16 MRF not found in previous Novalogic sims such as unbalanced loadout effects and the ability to perform the MiG-29's famous "Kobra" maneuver. It was designed with the intention of running on Novalogic's free Integrated Battle Space with up to 128 other pilots using Novalogic's MiG-29, F-22 Raptor, or F-16 MRF. The graphics are 3D-card enabled using only polygons (without any of the old Novalogic VoxelSpace codebase), with resolutions from 640x480 to 1024x768. There are single player quick missions which include tutorials, as well as numerous campaigns, two of which are shared with F-16 MRF (Serbia and the Congo) for multiplay. The terrains vary from snow-capped of Europe mountains to Africa's flat deserts. Weapons range from the R77 (Russia's AMRAAM equivalent) to bombs such as the KAB500 guided munitions. For further immersion, the "Bitchin' Betty" cockpit warning voice and other pilot voices are recorded in Russian.
Full ISO Demo 445mb (uploaded by Egon68)
Full Demo 70MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
No-CD Patch including Update v1.01.00.14 for modern o/s 353MB (uploaded by Tranit)
included in Jet Pack - Clone 3CD ISO Demo 904MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Mission Helicopter Dosch Design / Microforum [top]

For those who love flying games, Helicopter Mission here, is one of the most interesting combat games with the helicopter. It will not be easy, but your ability should be able to overcome any opponent. Don't forget that you're fighting for your salvation and for your safety.
ISO Demo 385MB (uploaded by Sarrus95)

Mountain Game Hunter Aludra Software / Expert Software [top]

North American Grizzly Bears, Black Bears, Bull Moose, Big Horn Sheep, Mountain Lions. You experience the thrill of tracking and taking down North American big game animals - and never think twice about seasons, permits, or tags! Choose your hunting spot, your prey, and your weapon, and set off by foot or jeep on pulse-quickening adventures that will test the limit of your hunting skills and knowledge. Take down your target in one clean shot - or you may become the hunted. Get ready for the good times - and good hunting. Select from spectacularly scenic locations in Idaho, Alaska, Montana, and Wyoming. Outfit yourself with all the gear you need for the big hunt - and some fine kills - including crossbows, muzzle loaders and rifles. True-to-life animal action keeps your adrenaline flowing and your senses keen.
Full Demo 23MB (uploaded by MyAbandonware)

Panzer Commander Ultimation Inc. / Strategic Simulations, Inc. [top]

Panzer Commander puts the player in the lead tank of a WWII tank platoon, fighting for the German, Russian, US, or British forces in one of 40 standalone scenarios, or in one of three German Russian campaigns. You have the task of driving a vintage Nazi or Allied tank in a variety of combat scenarios. Play selected missions or participate in campaigns, each of which consists of a series of linked missions, the outcome of which will determine the course of the campaign. In addition, successful players will be given command of a platoon of tanks which can be deployed in several different formations. It sends you to battle in over 24 different tanks, featuring the American M4A3E8, Chaffee, Pershing; German Tiger, Panther, PzIVD; Soviet T-34/41, T-34/42, T34/43, and British Churchill, Cromwell, Crusader. Just about every tank that saw action in the Big One is featured here. And the scope of this sim doesn't end with the tank models either. There are three German and three Soviet campaigns, though not completely dynamic, that will begin in 1939/1941 and take you through the entire war. The campaigns are "based in part on actual unit histories and take place in all the major areas of operations in Europe, North Africa, and Russia". You will have literally months of playing ahead of you. You are offered the single scenarios, custom scenarios, and IPX/Internet multiplay. There are 40 single scenarios to choose from and several tutorials to get you started. The scenario editor is efficient and fairly easy to employ. In multiplay, you can choose between several modes of play which include melee and capture the flag. During a multiplay game, you stalk through a village or small city, trying to pounce on your opponents while being watchful that they don't surprise you from behind. There is a sense of anxiety during this type of game - you cannot see 360 degrees around you. As in real life, you must pan the view around as you move from one covering building to the next. It's pretty intense! Exactly what you would want in a multiplay tanksim. And if your buddy does blast you, you and your tank reappear in a random spot on the edge of town - no reloading the game necessary.
Level Demo ~24MB ( @ Download.com)
Full Demo 46MB ( @ Old-Games.ru)
Fan-Made Scenarios
ISO Demo 580MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Red Baron 3D Dynamix, Inc. / Sierra On-Line, Inc. [top]

Red Baron 3-D is a World War I combat flight simulation, essentially a heavily patched version of Red Baron II. The game is playable as a single-player game in either campaign or instant mission mode, or in a multiplayer dogfight mode against up to 100 opponents via internet game matching services. Players can play as French, British, German or American pilots and can choose from 22 authentic WWI planes.
Level Demo 27MB (uploaded by Download.com)
German Free Game 282MB (uploaded by Chip.de)
ISO Demo 299MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Redneck Deer Huntin' Xatrix / Interplay [top]

Xatrix took for itself the (little bit old ...) Build engine from Redneck Rampage (originally Duke Nukem) and created a hunting simulation. Fans of Redneck Rampage will be disappointed, because this sim is too serious and has none of the humor of the series. One is able to come with pistol, crossbow or also gun (without a sight telescope) and machinegun to hunt around a ski chalet to practice. On the keys F5 to F8 there lie mating calls. F1 is to prepare the weapon and F2 for reloading. It is a matter of paying attention to the wind direction. Man can also use cartridges of animal scent to attract animals. The levels are standard with a sea (or marsh), an autumnal wood, and winter scenery. The passable part of the maps is relatively small, one cannot venture far from certain paths, while the animals quickly search protection in the undergrowth where one cannot follow them. If one sees an animal, it appears far away as a bunch of pixels (by the way, this if is a big IF because frequently nothing happens for a long while. Even with the sight telescope it is no improvement (only the pixels are bigger ...). Xatrix would probably have chosen better in making it a fun hunt but alas this is not. Shooter fans will throw the game quickly into a corner (and Redneck fans probably also).
Full Demo ~21MB (upped by keropi)
ISO Demo 113MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Safari Hunt Challenge Aludra Software / Microfoum Italia [top]

Hunting simulator that allows the player to make inroads in 3 different scenarios in search of that animal selected from those available at the beginning of the game. You can choose which weapon to use and how to move (on foot or by car). There is also a very useful pair of binoculars! In 2003, the game was made freeware.
Freeware Game 20MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Safari Hunter Aludra Software / Expert Software, Inc. [top]

This is the wildest hunting adventure expedition you can experience on your computer. It's open season and your chance to bring down elephants, lions, zebra, and rhinoceros. On this rugged safari, you're in charge of selecting the terrain, locating the prey, choosing your weapon and tracking your compass positioning. Be steadfast, yet very quiet in your pursuit -- if the animals smell or hear you, you'll lose them for sure. When you've located your target, it's ready, aim, fire! But, don't miss your shot or you'll become the target of one angry charging animal. Also, be sure to stick to your initial target, shooting the wrong, and sometimes endangered, animal can put you behind bars. This easy-to-use adventure game allows you to pursue animals on foot or travel over African territory in your safari vehicle. Seek out your elusive prey in one of four different types of rugged terrain. Pick your weapon from a variety of hunting gear including an AK-47, handgun, rifle or shotgun and equip yourself with accessories such as radar to locate your target and binoculars to get a closer look at the animal. Realistic sound effects surround you in the wilds of Africa and create an exhilarating hunting experience. At the end of your expedition, proudly display your conquests in The Trophy Room, if you live to recount the tales of the hunt, that is.
ISO Demo 41MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Shogo: Mobile Armor Division (Heavy Metal) Monolith [top]

On the LithTech game engine created in-house by Monolith, was created this hybrid game which is between a Mech simulator and 3D-Shooter. It has heavy influences from Japanese anime, particularly Patlabor, Appleseed, and the various Gundam series. In practice you play as a Mech, but one has the feeling of an arcade shooter on account of the quick movements not usually found in Mech games. The mech missions are of average difficulty, and feature a variety of energy-based or explosive projectile weapons. Much of the action takes place within city areas. The on-foot missions feature a variety of mostly hitscan firearms, such as dual pistols, an Uzi-like machine gun, and an assault rifle (non-hitscan weapons include two types of grenade launchers and a TOW rocket launcher). These sections of the game are quite difficult; your character (Sanjuro) cannot survive much damage, enemies are equipped with rapid-fire hit-scan weapons and have great aim, health items are somewhat scarce, and armor is extremely rare. Shogo also has an interesting gameplay feature in its critical hits system, whereby attacking an enemy will occasionally bring about a health bonus for the player while the enemy in question loses more health than usual from the weapon used. However, enemy characters are also capable of scoring critical hits on the player. It should also be noted that each of the weapons in the game have different likelihoods of scoring critical hits on an enemy. A cool background story and diverse missions provide the fact that Shogo remains pleasantly in memory after playing.

See also: #Legacy of the Fallen (cancelled)

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Level Demo 44MB ( @ fileaholic.com)
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Level Pack
Full Demo (upped by keropi)
Fan-Made Maps
Good Old Games Version ISO Demo 311MB (uploaded by Molitor)
Clone ISO Demo 498MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Linux ISO Demo 306MB (uploaded by Molitor)
Linux ISO Demo 273MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Spearhead Zombie LLC / Interactive Magic Ltd. [top]

This is a tank combat simulation from the makers of iM1A2 Abrams focusing more on arcade action than simulation. The premise behind the game is that the U.S. intervenes as Libya invades Tunisia. There's a set of tutorial missions, fixed missions and a randomly generated campaign (non dynamic)mode to test your mettle in the desert behind a platoon of three tanks plus artillery and infantry. The game has both the tank-sim interface and a tactical one where you direct the actions of your forces. However the game is aimed at more arcade/action crowds. There are no interior views, so you get just the driver's and gunner's screens, there's only HEAT and SABOT rounds to choose from, and the whole "sim" aspect has been significantly simplified to put the emphasis on action. Also included are a mission editor as well as multiplayer support. The US National Guard purchased several hundred copies to use for training, and a sequel was built solely for use by the US Armed Forces.
ISO Demo 347MB (uploaded by Egon68)
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Sportsman's Paradise Wizard Works [top]

This has six great games. Duck Hunt II - Look down the barrel of your virtual shotgun and take out as many ducks as you can. Features real-life outdoor setting, multiple ducks on-screen, realistic hunting sounds, hunting dog and mouse controlled scrollable aiming. Pigeon Hunt - Pigeons eveywhere! Take out your virtual 12 gauge shotgun or 9mm semi-automatic pistol for this pigeon fest. Pigeon Hunt features mouse controlled scrollable viewpoint aiming. Fly Fishing - Catch the big one with this fly fishing simulation game. Select your fly, line and hit the river. Fly Fishing features beautiful 256 colour graphics, animation and realistic fishing, river and nature sounds. In addition, you have a full 180 degrees scrollable view of the fishing spots. Prairie Dog Hunt Pro - You have to be quick to nail these prairie dogs! The prairie dogs in this game are fully animated and you have the ability to adjust the speed and quality of the dogs. The gun features include a zoomable gun scope and adjustable ammunition clip size. Pheasant Hunt Pheasant - Hunt is your favourite kind of "field trip"! This pheasant hunt includes a digitized photo background, multiple pheasants on-screen and a hunting dog to pick up the birds. All seen from behind the barrel of a virtual shotgun. Trap Shooting Pro - The most accurate rendition of Trap Shooting for the PC! Trap Shooting gives you 180 degree movement, 20 frames per second graphic performance, full head motion aiming, one or two bird play, adjustable mouse tracking and adjustable clay pigeon colours.
Clone ISO Demo 14MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy - Chekov's Lost Missions Interplay Entertainment Corp. [top]

Chekov's Lost Missions for Starfleet Academy features 7 new single player missions as well as two multiplayer missions, and several improvements. The single-player missions are largely independent of each other, and of the storyline of the original game. They are longer than those in the original, and emphasise leadership and tactical skills over shooting. Walter Koenig and George Takei are on hand to provide advice and links through FMV sequences. New Game features: External views, on screen shield indicators and the ability to change the speed of the game. Mo' Profit the sequel to Net Profit: takes on the role of privateer. Capture the flag: Play with your friends in this game with Federation, Klingon, Gorn, Romulan, and Venturi starships at your disposal.
included in Star Trek: Federation Compilation (1999) European 10CD ISO Demo 5.12GB (uploaded by Egon68)
ISO Demo ~321MB (uploaded by Old_Schooler)

Star Wars: X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter - Advanced Tactical Missions Micro Star Software [top]

This unofficial addon features 38 new levels for the game X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter. It features 22 new combat scenarios and both single and multi player missions. It has 16 original advanced melee and combat missions. It has both single and multi-player missions (up to 6 players).
Full Demo 2.17MB (uploaded by Virgil)
ISO Demo 3.9MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Star Wars: X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter - More Fights X-Media Publishing [top]
More fights is a compilation of new levels, editors, tools and patches. You can so easily create missions, change pilot's properties change and more... It features 73 new missions for the side of the Empire and 55 new missions for the side of the Rebels. There's a save game patcher, mission builder, editors, rwo XvT-desktop-themes for Microsoft Plus!, a complete Windows interface with mouse pointers, sounds, and pictures to change the game.
Full Demo 12MB (uploaded by Virgil)

Stratosphere: Conquest of the Skies Kodiak Interactive Software Studios Inc. / Ripcord Games [top]

This is a vehicular combat game and also a real-time strategy PC game which focuses on floating island battles which players control. Gameplay consist of the player controlling a single floating island which are called flying fortresses in the game. These fortresses float because they are built from 'floatstones' which can be collected from mountainsides and also from other fortresses after damaging them. There are three types of floatstones each used to build different structures on the fortress. Extra land can be added to the fortress but at a limit of its fortress size class. Through the build view, fortresses can build structures that increases maneuverability such as thrusters for moving forwards and backwards, and side thrusters to rotate the fortress. The amount of these maneuverability structures determine the power. They can also build gun turrets and defensive structures such as walls and shields as well as energy generating structures and also some unique structures. Each requiring different amount of resources from three different types of floatstones. All flying fortresses float at one altitude. Turrets are controlled with the mouse and can be fired at wanted direction after clicking on position that is in its firing range. Some turrets can also shoot at ground level, which is used during missions in the campaign to destroy turrets placed on the ground.
ISO Demo 437MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
Full Demo with Custom Installer to run on modern o/s 289MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Super Maneuver Pilotage Trainer [Ru] Sukhoi Design Bureau / Constanta Design [top]

This is much like the Su-27 Flanker. The Prototype of this version is not classified and was granted to the public during MAKS-99 air show. The map of island with LII airbase is used in this version. The modern version is used for the real test and combat flights preparations. Controls used are: ESC-Exit Game, STRG + Q - Quit Game, A-autopilot, H- height stabilizer, G-chassis, F-Flaps, B air brake, W Radbremse, Q-Flares, T-smoke, direction of thrust vector is activated by M button.
Level Demo (provided by EASandMartin & upped by Scaryfun) 11MB

Team Apache Simis Limited / Mindscape, Inc. [top]

Team Apache is an attack helicopter flight simulator developed by Simis and published by Mindscape Group. The game emphasises on commanding a group of six AH-64 Apache crews of the US Army in battles against the Communist FARC insurgents in Colombia and the Russian military in Latvia. Team Apache was at first developed by Simis under Eidos Interactive. When Simis' two lead developers, Jonathan Newth and Ian Baverstock bought the company back from Eidos, they became an independent development team once more and Mindscape purchased the publishing rights of the game. Team Apache is a different breed of helicopter flight simulator. Unlike most flight sims, Team Apache focuses less on the realism of flight and weapons systems modelling, and more on the gameplay aspects - consisting of command, tactics and battlefield realism. Team Apache is unique among simulations in that it gives the player unparalleled control over his/her combat unit. The player is not just flying missions- he is also managing the morale of his/her men, supply and maintenance, and the tactical planning that takes place before the mission. Although the player's control over these factors is rather basic, few, if any, simulations have as much depth as Team Apache. The geopolitical causes of Team Apache's wars, related in both the game's manual and the "daily" newspaper, are both sophisticated and plausible. Detailed military-style SITREPs create a thorough picture of the tactical situation, and ground forces can be seen in the game fighting each other all throughout the theater using fairly realistic deployments and movements. These details provided by the game, combined with the player's control over his/her men and his/her equipment, make Team Apache one of the most immersive combat simulations ever published in some player's opinions.
Level Demo 23MB (uploaded by Download.com)
Full ISO Demo 328mb (uploaded by Old_Schooler)

TNN Outdoors Pro Hunter DreamForge / ASC Games [top]

TNN Outdoors Pro Hunter features some impressive options, graphics and gameplay elements, is more of a shooting game than a hunting simulation, and uses the Unreal Engine. There are nine species in all, including white tail deer, elk, ducks, rabbits, and turkeys to name just a few. All of these animals may be hunted in four different U.S. locations, ranging from the rocky terrain of the southwest to the flat open fields of the southeast. These locations can be hunted during the spring, fall, and winter, and the different seasons basically change look of the environment. The game features eleven different weapons to choose from. Most notable are the .30/06 deer rifle, 12-gauge bolt action shotgun, and .338 bolt action deer rifle. For an added challenge the designers have added what they call "prestige weapons," such as a .357 magnum pistol, longbow, compound bow, and muzzleloader. These weapons require that you are not only a sure shot but also that you can get close enough to the animals without spooking them. The game also has a ton of different gear that you can choose to take with you on your hunts like cover scents, gloves, temperature aids, and even hunting dogs. These items when used correctly actually aid in attracting game and cloaking your presence. Plus they're just kind of fun to fool with. Multiplayer for 2-4 people is available over a LAN or through heat.net.
ISO Demo+Updates 287MB (uploaded by Egon68)
ISO Demo ~251MB (upped by Virgil)

Top Gun: Hornet's Nest Zipper Interactive, Inc. / MicroProse Software, Inc. [top]

This is the sequel to Mindscape's 1996 flight sim-adventure Top Gun. Once again you'll take the role of Maverick, the unconventional but skilful US Navy pilot assigned to a squadron of F-18 Hornet fighter-bombers. The game progresses through over thirty missiosn in three theaters of conflict, including the Persian Gulf. As in the original, this release contains plenty of full-motion video footage to set the scene and provide briefings between missions. There is a wide array of ordinance from which to choose and you'll be chatting and interacting with your Radar Intelligence Officer and the wingmen (and women) of your squadron. In addition to the coherent campaign, there are also many 'instant action' missions for immediate play and practice to keep your skills at their peak. For fans of the 1986 film and of the original Mindscape release, it's an adventure game, a flight simulator, and a aviation database all rolled up onto one CD-ROM.
Smile & Buy release ISO Demo 392MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Level Demo 25MB (uploaded by Download.com)
ISO Demo 379MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Turkey Hunt Challenge / Turkey Hunt 3D IncaGold, Fusion Digital Entertainment / Valusoft [top]

Experience all the excitement and realism of world class hunting with Turkey Hunt 3D. Test your skills with a shotgun, muzzleloader or bow. True 3D graphics means you can actually walk through the landscape looking for the perfect shooting location. Hide next to a tree, rock or cactus, as you use your skills to draw turkeys to your location. You have complete 360 degree field of view and the ability to walk anywhere you like, in this first ever total 3D Turkey Hunt. Use your turkey calls, camo and binoculars to get them. Enhanced graphics for 3DFX and Direct 3D accelerated machines . Different 3D environments to hunt in, including forest, grassland and desert. True to life turkey calls. Different species of turkey, Osceola, Eastern Range etc. Intelligent wild turkey to call, hens and toms. Realistic 3D modeled and animated turkeys. Innovative 'walk-in' real-time 3D trophy room.
Included in Ultimate Hunt Challenge (2000) 3CD ISO Demo 1.55GB (uploaded by Egon68)
Ultimate Hunt Challenge: Turkey Level Demo 17MB (uploaded by Download.com)
ISO Demo 38MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in Ultimate Hunt Challenge - AlcoholClone 3CD ISO Demo 1.57GB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in Outdoorsman 3-Pak - ISO Demo 305MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Uprising 2: Lead and Destroy Cyclone Studios / 3DO [top]

After a century of bloody galactic battle, a horde of intelligent, bloodthirsty aliens, know as the Kri'iSara, threaten to exterminate all human life. New Alliance Command is counting on you to destroy the alien menace. Lead your combined forces from a second-generation Wraith battle tank. Fight your way through 28 brutal missions featuring maxed-out weapons and powerful units at your disposal.
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Level Demo ~29MB ( @ FileFront)
Full Demo ~132MB ( @ Old-Games.RU)
ISO Demo 527MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Void Pirates (cancelled) Diversions Software / SofSource [top]

2135 AD, Lundy Outpost: Europa Colony. Recently unemployed, you accept a cargo run into the asteroid belt. The pay is good, a little too good... But you need the money. The job goes wrong... a simple pickup turns into 24 innocent dead. Who set you up? Why? Hours later, there is a bounty on your head and your crew's. Thrust into a career you never thought of. Nowhere to turn, but into the Void. Hair raising strafing runs on hapless frieghters. Disable them, and pillage them with remote piloted drones. Steal credits and equipment to sell and trade to finance your exploits, enabling you to discover the secret of your former employer. Fend off the authorities from the gun turrets. Can you keep them at bay until the jump drives come online? Can you discover the secret to the cargo shipments to the outer planets? The game was cancelled before being published but there is a playable demo.
Level Demo 2MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

WarBirds Interactive Magic Ltd. [top]

WarBirds is a version of the famous online flight simulation - winner "Online Game of the Year" by numerous publications over several years. The game involves dueling with WW2 era fighters and bombers over both mock and historically accurate battlefields. Players can practice offline against enemy air and ground targets through a training mode or go head to head through matchmaking. The main way to play is to go online and fight for supremacy by choosing a side, and taking over enemy air bases in a continual war. One of the nice aspects about WarBirds, is the incredible variety of planes, over 50 of them. Most use extremely accurate physics as well as plane modeling and take time to fully master flying. In the bombers you can change to gunnery spots or act as the bombardier. In the fighters the focus is more on engaging enemy screens, bombers, and doing strafing runs on ground targets. In addition to lots of planes, the are working aircraft carriers, naval ships, and ground vehicles operating in the online arenas.
Clone ISO Demo 58mb (uploaded by Egon68)
The Complete WWII Collection: Warbirds ISO Demo (provided by mklgw1985 & upped by Scaryfun) 326MB

Way Point Zeta Elpin Systems [top]

This is a 3d adaptation of the classic Asteroid concept. You are supposed to fly around space and break up asteroids. When you shoot an asteroid it breaks up into several smaller pieces. A new twist is added as different color ores and crystals will appear after you break apart the asteroids. It also throws in enemies that look like they were ripped straight from Wing Commander as well as a mothership resembling one in X-Wing. You are supposed to gather the crystals while defending your mothership. After pressing a key, you roll in that direction and then stop with no inertia. The game gives you three different maps that you are supposed to overlay to figure out where enemies are.
ISO Demo 125MB (uploaded by Abandonware France)

Whitetail Fever CyberGraham Interactive, Inc. / Valusoft [top]

Each hunt is one of 16 unique scenarios resulting in 18 possible deer trophies. Each hunt is packed with photographed scenes, lifelike animations, and an original sound track. Climb mountains, cross streams, and follow trails when hunting on foot. Or choose to hunt in one of four genuine treestands or an actual hunting blind. Many of the scenes are 360-degree panoramas. And each scene was photographed on location in Harmon Den and the 2000 acre Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina.
Download: None currently available

Wing Commander: Secret Ops ORIGIN Systems, Inc. [top]

Secret Ops continues the story of Wing Commander: Prophecy. Casey and some of his wingmates are transferred to the Confederation's newest cruiser, the TCS Cerberus. They are assigned patrol duties close to the Sol system. However, the bugs are back and this time, they are close to Earth. It's up to Casey to stop their plans once more. Secret Ops uses essentially the same engine as Prophecy. You can fly upgraded versions of the Prophecy fighters equipped with some new weapons. The story is no longer told with videos but with cutscenes using the game engine. Starting August 27th, 1998, when the basic game files and the first missions were released, a new episode containing 6-8 missions was made available weekly over a period of seven weeks. Fiction leading in to a new episode was released on the Secret Ops website a few days prior to the actual episode. The release ended October 31st, 1998. Secret Ops probably was the first major experiment in distributing a game over the internet. Split into one major download, an add-on speech-pack and seven mission parts, you could choose what you wanted to have. Every week you could download the latest missions, which you had to activate with a code you got when you finished the last mission of the predecessor and best of all the game (in that form) was for free.
Original Free Versions - Starter Pack & Episodes 2-7 ~116Mb ( @ Wing Commander Combat Information Center)
Wing Commander Prophecy - Gold Edition 4CD ISO Demo 2.08GB (upped by Scaryfun) *includes Wing Commander: Secret Ops
Total Conversion
Mission Pack

Wings: Saigon to Persian Gulf Maris Multimedia Ltd. [top]

This is a multimedia encyclopedia of fighter aircraft. It contains descriptions, photographs, and short movie sequences. It also contains three flight simulator missions in which the player can fly as either: a Soviet Su-27 'Flanker' on an anti-drone training mission; an Israeli A-4 Skyhawk on an anti SAM mission; an USAF A-10 Thunderbolt II on a tank busting mission. All missions are keyboard controlled and are played in either 320 x 200 or 640 x 480 resolution.
ISO Demo + Win3xO Collection Package 632MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Win3xO Collection - FrontEnd + Emus 60MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

X-COM: Interceptor MicroProse Software, Inc. [top]

The year is 2067, and the Earth's resources are nearly depleted. In search of raw materials essential for the survival of the humans, powerful corporations send explorers into a region of space known as the Frontier. However, upon arriving there, the humans find out that they are not the only ones needing resources. The alien races who had invaded Earth nearly seventy years ago have their own claims for the Frontier, and it looks like there can be no peaceful solution for the situation. X-COM: Interceptor has elements of strategy, but its primary gameplay style differs from most previous installments in the X-COM series, focusing on space combat simulation and resource managing. The player commands an elite force of starfighters sent to protect the human corporations in the Frontier. As the X-COM commander, the player must manage space stations, resources, and finances of the organization. Researching alien technology is also necessary to ensure the safety of the humans. When an enemy craft is spotted, the game's mode switches to space combat simulation. The player pilots starfighters, co-ordinating their wingmen, similarly to Wing Commander: Prophecy. Mission objectives usually involve destroying or capturing enemy ships, sabotaging alien trade routes, escorting friendly ships to specific locations, and raiding alien bases.
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Full Demo 59MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
ISO Demo 459MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in X-Com Collection Clone 2CD ISO Demo 918MB (uploaded by Egon68)
GOG Digital ISO Demo v. 394MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

ShootEm Up 2D/3D

¡Schof! Code Factory [top]

This game was released by the humour magazine "El Jueves". Faces of Spanish politicians and celebrities from the late 90s of the 20th century appear on the screen. The game consists of throwing tomatoes in their faces while the faces move around the screen.
Floppy Image ISO Demo 1.2MB (uploaded by myloch)

3D Alien Invasion / Galactic Invasion Webfoot Technologies, Inc. [top]

You're tasked with defending your space station from wave after wave of incoming alien invaders in this more modern take on the classic Space Invaders. Unlike the original game, you can earn weapon power ups (up to three shots at the same time), and there's two special weapons: The Boomerang (which flies back and may destroy your ship) and the Missile (which can only be fired once, but destroys everything in its path!). Another gameplay feature is the ability to jump and evade incoming enemy fire.
included in Swift Your 3D Game Pack - 2CD ISO Demo 117MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
ISO Demo 173MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
included in Your 3D Game Pack Disc 1 - ISO Demo 16MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

3D Space Fighter Cheegrah InterActive / UltiSoft [top]

Throughout the 20th century we have called the time that is now 'THE FUTURE'. We have longed to meet other life forms, to learn from them and to finally see proof that we are not alone in this universe. Now at the dawn of the 21st century we have finally found that proof. Everybody expected this first contact would be peaceful and friendly... sadly it was just the opposite. When we first discovered alien forms approaching they were still light years away, but approaching fast. Earth's defenses were weak and the first wave of alien destroyers wiped out most of the human structures. Earth united and gave birth to the 'ULTIMATE SPACE FIGHTER' who could stand ground against the alien destoyers. The code name of this space fighter was 'Sigma Terminus' and you have been given the chance to fly it in the name of the victory of mankind.
Full Demo + DOSBox Version 3MB/8MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

A2: The Ultimate Sequel To AUTS - The Ultimate Stress Relief Game Olli Lyytinen (aka. MIPS), Jaakko Lyytinen [top]

The idea is to fly in caves and shoot other players. You can choose between team mode or pure deathmatch. Players can select from multitude of diverse weapons and use them to destroy each other. A2 is a side scrolling, split screen shooting game where you control space ships and try to kill opponents with bullets and a secondary equipped gun You can choose the secondary gun from a big collection of different ones. Game supports up to 6 players. Improvements includes: Complete rewrite of code, High color graphics with alpha blending, Computer AI, Random level generator, New weapons.
Shareware Level Demo v1.02 1.3MB (uploaded by Zak.fi)
Browser-Playable Full Demo with DOSBox (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

AI (Alien Invaders) Ambrosine [top]

Arcade action, inspired by the classic Broderbund game AE. This is a single-screen shooter. The player's spaceship is constrained to the bottom of the screen and can be moved left and right. The alien invaders, always in waves of six, enter the screen from the top and move towards the player. However, they'll veer when they almost reached the player and only hurt with their shots. The player can only shoot one missile at the time towards the alien ships. It detonates as soon as the player stops pressing the shoot button and only the explosion harms the enemies. After killing three waves, the scenery changes and the difficulty rises. The player loses a ship after receiving one hit and the game ends when all are gone.
Free Game 1.3MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Apodrasi (Runaway) Cybertech / ΜLS Multimedia [top]

This is a rare and impressive shoot em up released in Greece with pre-renderend graphics and the possibility for a co-op game.
Greek ISO Demo + Scans 346MB (uploaded by keropi)

Assault Wing Studfarm Studios [top]

This is a fun shareware "caveflyer" from Finland that that has been released as freeware. If you have never played a caveflyer before, the idea is simple: two or more players fly their ships in cave-like two-dimensional arenas, trying to destroy each other. Similar to other great caveflyers for PC such as AUTS and V-Wing, this offers different ships to chose from, each having its own strengths and weaknesses (typically based on the conventional power vs. speed tradeoff). You can equip your ship with a number of cool weapons, although some are so powerful as to hurt the balance of gameplay. In addition to neat weapons, you also can pick up different kinds of bonus items during the game, which can have both beneficial (e.g. replenishing your health) or detrimental (e.g. slowing your ship down) effects. The only bad thing is that there is NO computer player - you must always play against friends. But hey, if you play caveflyers regularly enough, you'd already have plenty of friends (or habitual enemies) to fight against ;) Excellent level and ship editors round off one of the best caveflyers you'll come across.
Free Game 2.9MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

B.U.G.S.: Bill's Unbelievable Ghastly Spaceships / Alien Bugs Cramon Utilities / Stardock Systems [top]

Each decade has brought us new challenges - Flower Power, Punk Rock or designer underwear: We've survived and defeated them all and finally sent them back to where they belong. But now our oddest nightmares are coming true - a new enemy is sending masses of invaders to infect our computers, palmtops, dish washers and even some of the coffee-percolators. The only way to prepare for the final battle is to live abstinent (OK, this one isn't _that_ necessary), think fast, practice hard and - of course - use the appropriate training tool. Therefore, we decided to create one of the best training devices ever designed, which (as a side effect) is also: The Ultimate Arcade Game for Windows. So: Fasten your seat belts and blast your way through the hordes of mutant bugs, spiders and other nasty creatures in this original fast-paced galaga style arcade game. Dazzling graphics and explosive sounds meet you as you pilot your lonely ship trying to free the galaxy from Bills Evil BUGS. Features: Dazzling 256 color high resolution graphics using DirectDraw; Extensive use of DirectSound to ensure high sound quality (optional); Joystick and keyboard control; Beautifully scrolling backgrounds; MasterBugs; 50 levels on three different difficulties; RANDOM LEVELS (really powerful).
Alien Bugs v1.5 - Full Demo 28MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
included in PC Fun 2 - Polish ISO Demo 460MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Baller! And Forget Bad Bone Software [top]

This is a vertical scrolling shoot-'em-up for one or two players that can be compared to Tyrian. "Ballern" is a German colloquialism for 'to shoot', so the title is a bilingual pun on the phrase "fire and forget". The game's story, sparsely related via mission briefings, hints at a military conflict between space faring factions (it is never made clear whether these are descendants of Earth's humans, aliens, or both), and the player takes on the role of a fighter pilot for the invading force that wants to conquer the mineral-rich planets of the Velanus system. They meet with heavy resistance from the natives, so the player's task is to carry out various offensive operations to bring their side to victory. The core gameplay has virtually no deviations from the genre's established formula: the player's ship files towards waves of enemies and must destroy as many as possible while dodging their fire. Destroying enemy targets yields credits which may be spent between missions to purchase shield and weapon upgrades, as well as additional equipment like scanners that detect cloaked ships and vehicles. The player's craft has several slots for different weapons (air-to-air, air-to-ground and both air and ground), which range from energy projectiles to various missiles, all fired simultaneously (but at a different rate) as the fire button is pressed. Additionally, some bonus items may be acquired during play by picking them up from destroyed enemies. A level typically ends with a battle against a boss enemy. The two-player mode omits the weapon purchase part and instead produces more frequent weapon upgrade pickups and other bonuses. The game uses 3D rendered stills for the mission briefing, shop and other screens, but all in-game objects, terrain and effects appear hand-drawn. It was marketed as shareware, with the unregistered version only including several levels from the full campaign.
Shareware Level Demo 565kb (uploaded by Official Site)

Bert Higgins: The Man From H.E.L.L. Esoterica Software [top]

This is a top-down shooter that may be described as similar to Alien Breed and Project Paradise, but featuring many weapons, items and a generally high degree of interactivity with the environment. According to the background story of the game, things are not going all that well in 2025. Everything changed back in 2009, when Earth started receiving alien transmissions that contained valuable information about high-end technologies. Although whoever sent these signals never showed up, this contact alone was enough to produce worldwide panic followed by a global crisis. As the old governments collapsed, a new world power emerged in the form of a mega-corporation called Future Developments Incorporated that utilised this alien knowledge to various ends. Among other things, FDI created sophisticated cyborgs to maintain order - the so-called Bio-Electronic Robotic Technology, or B.E.R.T. However, those who had not embraced alien technologies united under the banner of EDEN, a group that calls for global re-armament and opposes FDI in order to purify the planet of extraterrestrial influence. The player controls Bert Higgins, a cyborg created by FDI, on various missions. The game is not all about shooting and encourages to explore the environment and carefully approach enemies as opposed to simply running around with guns ablaze. Many objects in the levels may be damaged or destroyed, and many are interactive: for example, you can open a drawer or a fridge, sometimes to find a useful item inside. Colour-coded keycards that should be familiar to anyone since Doom are also prominently featured as a staple of level progression. There is a lengthy tutorial split into several sub-levels that walk through the basics of game play, culminating with a small training mission where Bert needs to escape from a guarded facility. The actual missions spread over three campaigns with non-linear progression, nearly 30 weapons and over 20 different enemy types. It was originally sold as shareware, with the demo including only the first two levels from the registered game. In 2011, one of the developers made the full version available as a free download.
Freeware Game 2.6MB (uploaded by DOS Games Archive)

Bloodie Future Games [top]

This is an action freeware game released to promote the Czech puzzle game Boovie from the developer that later went on to make the adventure The Black Mirror. It uses the same graphics engine as Boovie and is similar to the Moorhuhn series. It's a remake of the game of the same name, which the authors programmed in 1994 for the ZX Spectrum. The gameplay is very simple. The main characters of the Boovie game move across the screen - sometimes one, sometimes two. Gradually, various opponents "enter" the playing field - again from Boovie... The player, controlling the sight with the mouse, must destroy these very enemies, not allowing them to come into contact with Boovie, as this is fatal for him. The game ends when the last Boovie on the screen dies. The only bonus in the game is bombs that destroy all opponents on the screen. The tool is very effective and capable of saving the situation, but they rarely come across. The usual weapon is a not very powerful pistol - to destroy opponents, you need several shots at each. Graphics are similar to Boovie, however, instead of beautiful backgrounds, there is just land on which different creatures move.
Free Game 963kb (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Bulsajoteog Choehuui Jeonsa / Duck Microbase / Gamebox [top]

In this vertical shmup, you control a superhero-duck, and completely humanoid, without any wings, but who can fly, wearing a superhero costume and the unchanging cloak behind him. We fly from the bottom up the screen, collecting rare bonuses, shooting not very interesting opponents, which basically can only hurt us, and other items such as binoculars, hamburgers, gears, airplanes and so on. After some time, our (apparently) real enemies begin to appear, already able to conduct remote fire - in this game their role is played by giant insects. And if the same huge (much more than our hero) wasps, like other "trifles", are killed with a single shot, then by the middle of the first mission there will be semi-bosses, and then the boss; these creatures are able to periodically "leave" the boundaries of the screen and then come back again, and they, naturally, can not be destroyed with a single shot. In the rest everything is standard: ammunition is endless, "lives" are enough. Picture - a nice VGA-palette, and if the effects of shots and "characters" are simply pleasing, then the backgrounds stretching under us bring to real delight - the action unfolds over a huge night city with skyscrapers playing a myriad of lights and partially covered by clouds ... Very beautiful. The verdict is nothing special, but if you recall the rarity of the game, more than the unusual main character, and then add an objectively entertaining gameplay - then the game will turn out to be an entertaining one, which will not be seen by any fan of vertical shooters.
ISO Demo 6.5MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Carax '95 Bio_100% [top]

This is a fun retro-style vertical shooter designed by one of Japan's oldest freeware design group. It resembles Galaxian and Space Invaders, in that you basically wait at the bottom of the screen while waves of enemy ships fly toward you. However, the game uses an innovative and challenging mechanic: instead of a limited number of lives, you have unlimited lives in this game. But you have only 3 minutes in which to score as high as possible and to evade enemy fire: each hit will cost you 10 precious seconds. On the other hand, if you manage to complete a wave with a hit-ratio of 70% of better, you will be rewarded with more game time on the timer. This means it is essential to accurately aim your shots - holding down the fire button won't get you far in this game. In terms of longevity, the game has plenty of enemy types, and the action is fast and furious enough to keep you coming back. The ships are well-designed in anime cartoon style, and the animations are very smooth. If you enjoy Galaxian, you will find this an excellent coffee-break version that deserves a spot on your computer.
Free Game 353kb (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Cow Hunter Tuna Technologies, Advanced Cybertech Enterprises / Xicat Interactive [top]

Ya done playin' around with shootin' cute little Bambis and gobblin' turkeys? Are you ready for the real "Heavies of the Pasture"? These Moo-Moos want you. Just when you thought it was safe to go down on the farm, it's "Cows with Dung." See how much fun it is when the Heifers fight back. Intended as a parody of more serious shooters, this is a collection of four 2D mini-games in which bovines are your target of choice. Select between Target Practice, Bovine Skeet Range, Championship Cow Tipping, and Pop-Up Cow Hunt. You can take aim at these grazers with a variety of weapons such as a Cowabunga Rifle, Super Mag Pistol, and a Mooozi Machine Gun. But watch out, or you may find yourself the victim of a surprise dung attack.
Full Demo 10MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Darius Gaiden Taito Corporation / Interplay Entertainment Corp. [top]

Take command of your Silverhawk fighters once again as you battle to take back the planet Darius from the evil forces that had overpowered it! This was converted from the Taito 1994 arcade game. Taking the controls, gamers work their way through 28 levels while blasting away the opposition with wave lasers, missiles, and bombs either alone or with a friend in cooperative multiplayer action. The ship is armed with forward-firing missiles, aerial bombs and a protective force-field, all of which can be upgraded by various power-ups that are dropped by specially-colored enemies when they are destroyed by the player. New to the Silver Hawk's arsenal is the 'black hole bomb.' When fired, the black hole bomb will create a large vortex in the center of the screen, which sucks in enemies and projectiles on the screen for a short moment, until it explodes into a powerful ball of lightning that inflicts massive damage onto every enemy on the screen. Another feature introduced is the ability to capture minibosses, who appear in every stage. Each miniboss has a small, circular ball placed on them that, after receiving enough damage, will detach and float away, causing the miniboss to turn idle. If the player collects the ball, the miniboss will follow and aid the player. After a brief period of time, or the player loses a life, the miniboss will explode.
Full Demo 16MB (uploaded by MyAbandonware)
ISO Demo 152MB (uploaded by Supernova)
Japanese ISO Demo (PC Home release) 262MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Japanese ISO Demo (Media Kite release) 262MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

DemonStar Mountain King Studios Inc. [top]

This is a shareware computer game based on the developer's earlier game Raptor: Call of the Shadows. It is a top-down vertical scrolling shooter game with an outer space theme. The game shares many similarities with the Raiden series. It features various power-ups, including smart bombs and other power-ups which modify the types of projectiles that the player's ship fires. The full version of the game features 18 levels. At the end of each level is a boss ship that the player must destroy to finish the level. A level editor is included in the game, but has to be unlocked first.
ISO Demo 14MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demo + Secret Missions 1, 2 17MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demo v1.1 4.2MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Devil's Death Honafa [top]

An early Iranian game made for the Anti-Narcotics Headquarters to promote their anti-narcotics message. The title is a top-down shooter in which the player must destroy the smugglers' cars. User various shooting weapons including anti-aircraft guns. The motorcycle you're on moves forward automatically. You can move left and right but can also speed up or slow down. You have only a few lives, so keep an eye on your health gauge. Running into large buses will take most of your health, so avoid them. Pick up bullets or missiles as you go. Each level ends with a one-on-one duel against a large boss.
Iranian Full Demo 2.95MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Eternal Striker Operation R MineHiro Satoshi / Studio Sequence [top]

This is a shareware vertical scrolling score trial shooter for DirectX 3 or later. In the game time of 2 minutes and 30 seconds, compete to to earn a high score. It's a MUJI product that sticks to quality thoroughly. Furthermore, it corresponds to a joystick. With version upgrade, you can customize screen display, presence of sound etc.
v1.80 included in Mechanical Brain - Japanese original doujin cdr ISO Demo 346.6MB (uploaded by myloch)

Extreme Warrior Newsoft [top]

Simple in design, but rather difficult in terms of gameplay, this Spanish platformer is from a local manufacturer of budget games of various genres. You have to play as a strange little man in a hat (a bit like a clown or a bum), who has a gun, shooting an infinite number of balls, and able to jump (alas, it is very unimportant). The action takes place in some futuristic-cyberpunk city, flooded with soldiers and bikers with different weapons (including very powerful) and a certain number of tanks: all these units conduct continuous fire "into the air", and as soon as they notice the protagonist, they switch to him. The hero has several "lives" and a small supply of health within each of them, replaced by rarely found first-aid kits. Please note that toxic liquid is also a great danger. It fills abysses that are meant to be overcome (if you touch it in a jump a little - and you don’t seem to get along without it - then your health will decrease a little, but the fall into it is imminent death, demonstrated in the form of a "colorful" transformation of a hero trying to emerge into a skeleton, and this is not the only local reference to the "Terminator"), but also sometimes dripping from somewhere above. In some cases, you will also have to look for switches to deactivate the electric fields in order to be able to go further. In case of death, the protagonist is reborn at the beginning of the current stage; previously achieved results in the form of killed enemies are preserved, but this situation makes little easier. The graphics are quite minimalist, a bit lurid, and sometimes even caricature: at times it seems that all the characters resemble poorly made toys. However, the difficulty of passing will certainly attract the attention of fans of complex platformers.
Full Demo 24MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
included in New Games - Spanish 2CD ISO Demo 289MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Feroze NewSoft [top]

Spanish company NewSoft, which specialized in the production of budget games, decided to try their hand in the sub-genre of shoot-'em-ups. The player will fly on some cosmic battle ship from left to right and fight with periodically appearing few opponents and unresponsive management: Navigation buttons respond with a strange delay, and holding down the trigger does not give, you have to swat your finger on the spacebar. On each of the three stages are not very long in addition to the classic enemy ships and has something special - for example, a meteor rain (yes, meteor rain in space) on the first stage. Boring models, smeared backgrounds, sleepy music and bad management - that's a bad recipe. It is difficult to recommend even to those who beat all the games of this sub-genre, but because of its rarity the game can become a valuable item for collection. P.S. - Like all games from Newsoft, it runs in 640x480 and exit only window in the Spanish language, which is only present on the menu.
Spanish ISO Demo 321MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Final Impact Brain Bug / BMM GmbH [top]

In this game the player is the captain of the "Final Impact" squadron. As the Xarras, an alliance of hostile aliens, conquer the Core sector he accompanies the mothership and perfroms 11 important missions to defeat the Xarras. At the start of a mission the player has to choose one of three spaceships, the weaponry and ammo. Of course the equipment costs money which is sparse and has to be earned by solving missions. Also there is a weight restriction. The missions itself are old-school vertical shooter action: Everything that moves has to be destroyed. The weapons can be switched during battle and with the right ones the player can shoot in up to eight directions. Besides the enemy waves there are other obstacles which influence the flight properties of the space ship, e.g. magnetic disturbances.
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ISO Demo + Addon 483+1MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demo 34MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Frontal Attack NewSoft [top]

This is another virtual shooting gallery from the same Spanish budget game developer that did Megacop. You will have to shoot armed criminals from a first-person view, while avoiding fire on civilians taken hostage and picking up bonuses that restore health and ammunition. There are two levels to choose from - in the first one the bandits sat down in the building, and we are outside, in the second we are fighting inside the warehouse. It turns out Megacop is the same game, but with a half-cut and slightly modified set of levels. Although the “plot” is also different - in Megacop we seem to be a policeman with a pistol, and in Frontal Attack - an incomprehensible blonde in glasses and with a revolver.
Full Demo 20MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Galactic Patrol Ideas From the Deep, Monkey Byte Development LLC / eGames Inc. [top]

This is a 3D homage to the classic arcade hits of the early 80's, and embodies the look and spirit of such legendary hits as Galaga, Phoenix, and Galaxian. In addition to the classic top-down and side-scrolling views, this adds a unique 3rd person 3D view. Has 5 boss aliens across 25 waves and over 300 levels, including secret and bonus levels.
ISO Demo 14MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Ganja Farmer EvilX Systems / Xtreme Games LLC [top]

You are John Parker, Rastafarian soldier, trying to defend your herb/pot/weed/marijuana/ganja field against American soldiers. You stand on your Volkswagen bus 1969 and fire bullets to the landing soldiers. It's basically a variant of the classic Paratrooper game. Also don't forget to destroy bombers, helicopters and later on UFO, too. Game takes part in levels and after each level Rastafarian god Jah comes to help you, renew your weed plants and to give you some more power.
Full Demo 706kb (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Get Saddam John Blackmon , Neal Wakler [top]

This is a free stand-alone game and screensaver. In the game mode, you kill as many Saddam's that run across the screen as you can. On the left and on the right, clones of the former Iraqi politician of two types "enter" the screen. Some of them are carrying a cart with rockets, a flask and a gas cylinder, while the others are empty-handed, but they stop approximately in the center of the screen and begin to make a speech (no voice acting). All this happens directly in the background of the current Windows screen. The cursor is replaced by a target sight, and pressing mouse button on any of the Husseins causes them to be eliminated in one of four possible ways. Those who are currently moving in any direction are hit by either a missile, a torpedo, or a cannonball fired from a muzzle, and an anvil falls on those who are standing and holding a speech. The attraction is terminated by pressing Esc, after which statistics are displayed: how many were killed, how many were missed, the percentage of hits. After each killed, symbolic remains are left on the screen, which are removed when you completely exit the game. It is also worth mentioning that, despite the gameplay described above, there is no blood or disfigured bodies. In the screensaver, there is only one Saddam at a time and you just watch the computer do it.
Free Game 296kb (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Gunners Broom B-Room [top]

Amazing side-scrolling hentai shooter reminiscent of Cotton. Great parallax scrolling and nice speed. Cool character design and pleasant use of colors. Mixing genres is an often risky exercise, especially when it comes to two schools as far apart as the horizontal shooter and the RPG: yet it is the gamble of this game. The heroine of the game is a little kitten riding a broom, in the Cotton or Mystic Riders style, using elemental magic to defeat the bad guys. The shooting is excellent, in a style "big sprite " quite typical of a certain dojin scene (with games like Gundemonium). The graphics are very fine and cute, with each level a theme marked and treated with care. The general atmosphere is very funny: the enemies have faces not possible, bosses make grimaces, grow idiotic cries, etc. A bushy armament helps to get rid of the critters encountered in its path: 6 weapons to select (fire, wind, nature, water, stone and a basic frontal ), each with 3 levels of power, supported by a wide range of objects accessible by a small menu (bombs, shields, power ups and various bonuses). It is with this menu, and the contemplation of the control panel under the play area, that the entry into the RPG begins. The game manages, among other things, a system of experience ("level up"), A currency, and even the fatigue of the heroine: too tired, he will have to make a jump to the hostel. Between each level of shooting appears a good old map seen from above, with places on which we can walk. To unlock the next level of shoot, you have to talk to the different characters on the map. Some characters are simple suppliers (such as the innkeeper or the saleswoman who will exchange bonuses and smart bombs against small change) but others advance the story, through dialogues to select. The game is 100% in Japanese, but the choices are rarely more than two: good pressure is enough 9 times out of 10 to advance. On the map screen it is also possible (another trait borrowed from the RPG) to save you game, recording the progress, the time, the playing time and the amount of money possessed. The progression does not seem to be really linear, it is thus possible to make the levels in the disorder, or to meet characters in different places. Small static scenes mark the advance in history, but not only that ... it has a good package of hentai scenes. The bosses (systematically beautiful ladies) defeated are shown in positions uh ... unequivocally. Visiting certain places at certain times can also give unexpected encounters, such as madams fingering in the shower or other. The difficulty is well measured, the levels are fast and well animated. The villains of end of level are very scripted, but also very fast, the first passages are not always obvious, effect of surprise obliges. It's very endearing, well done, rich in detail, with good gameplay.
Full Demo 49MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Japanese ISO Demo 602MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

HalfLight David Grace / Gaping Wolf Software [top]

This is a fun freeware space shooter starring furry animals. It's not revolutionary by any means, but it does offer one thing that most shooters ignore: a plot. And an interesting one at that. In the future mankind has ventured far into the depths of space, colonizing entire worlds. In time, mankind splits into two different races, the furry Jvarans, and the Gn'rthan. With each species believing their religion is the one true faith, a war between the Jvarans and Gn'rthans flares up. It's here where you begin the game, taking on the persona of Captain Kvor Arrlson, a wolf pilot, who fights on the side of the Jvarans in the hope of dealing a crippling blow to the Gn'rthans. Each level in the game (six in total) gives you a different assignment, although it generally involves destroying a key Gn'rthan piece of equipment. The game graphics are primitive by any standard, but it delivers with many special effects and lead-ins, as well as fun plot developments that you are informed about by lion-morph General Kveld. Similar to Solar Winds, your mission objectives may change mid-level, and surprises are well thought out. The game itself plays well, with good control and a decent variety of power-ups. An Anniversary Edition ported HalfLight 1.01b to Windows and added a lot of new features, including: Inertia - ship moves naturally; No more single-hit kills, you 'bounce back' if you ram into something; Removed pesky enemies-attacking-while-dialogue-ocurring 'feature'; New translucent foregrounds, so you can see what's going on; Two new game modes: Time-Attack and Gauntlet. Both now record your score, including the normal game; Additional new super-weapon, that can be picked up during gameplay; Brand new ending to the game.
Anniversary Edition - Free Game v1.03b 6MB (uploaded by allegro.cc)

Heli-Jeep PLBM Games [top]

This is a fast-action scrolling side-shooter with elements of the following games: Moon Patrol, Scramble and Choplifter. Your goal is to patrol the planets in both a jeep and a helicopter. You will encounter enemy units that you must destroy, and obstacles that you need to either avoid or destroy. The jeep has more ""hit points"" than the helicopter and can therefore sustain more damage before blowing up. If you are playing two player simultaneously, the helicopter can help the jeep clear obstacles ahead on the ground, and the jeep can help the helicopter clear enemy units out of the skies. Originally shareware, in 2007 the game was made freeware.
Freeware Game 457kb (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Island Hopper PLBM Games [top]

This is a tribute to the shooter classics of 1980 and early 1990. Those are the coolest games in the world and as such there should be as many of them available as possible. It features a scrolling terrain with flying and ground- and water-based enemies that you must destroy and/or dodge in order to carry out your mission of destruction. Additionally there are hidden bonuses that can increase your firepower or give you additional bonus points at various parts in the game. For every 30,000 points that you accumulate, you will be awarded an additional “bonus” aircraft. When all your aircraft have been destroyed, it is Game Over. When it is Game Over you may have an additional chance to restart and continue from the point where you died. Your score will be reset at this point but you will not have to go all the way back to the beginning. Initially shareware, it was later made freeware in 2007.
Freeware Game ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 753kb

Iwatsuki MSD-Japan [top]

This is a full-scale vertical scrolling shooter set in outer space. The base of the enemy made on the asteroid belt becomes the battlefield of the first stage. As fighter-type and tank-type enemies draw combination attacks, let's definitely destroy each machine one by one while avoiding enemy bullets calmly. When it is done, the rest aircraft system will restart from the middle of the stage. Let's take red or blue items and power up as we do not rely too much on the initial shots against the enemy's melee. Red with a wide attack range is recommended as it can shoot many bullets when approaching. Even bosses waiting at the base can be destroyed by haste if they bring it to the close combat. It is a good idea to fight at a distance because you can not defeat this huge mother ship against the huge mother ship refrained at the end of the stage. If you do not have confidence in avoiding bombs, try bombing in close combat and aim for haste!
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ISO Demo 14MB (uploaded by myloch)

Juggernaut Corps: First Assault Shepherd's Worlds, Inc. [top]

The Alliance has been invaded by an alien force named Species CAN-8932. The Council of Elders decreed that the Juggernaut Corps (J-Corps, or the Corps) must stop the enemy menace at all costs and approved the use of the experimental Juggernaut Armageddon Weapon. This is a space-based arcade style game using the Asteroids concept : rotate your ship left or right, then thrust forward or reverse. You can also use up to 9 weapons and you will also find a save feature, with 9 empty slots. In the options menu, you can configure controls and toggle music on/off. At last, the network menu let you play the game over a LAN. The goal is somewhat simple - destroy all enemy battle cruisers and stop that invading alien force. During the 50 missions, you will have to stay alive to collect the hidden pieces of the Armageddon Weapon in order to destroy the Alien warp complex in the final mission. Long live the Corps! The shareware version of the game only includes 5 missions.
Full Demo 45MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
Level Demo 16MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
ISO Demo 89MB (uploaded by Egon68)
Pocket Price release - Clone ISO Demo 91MB (uploaded by Egon68)
included in 5 in One (Pack 01) - ISO Demo 420MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Magic Polalamin Black Fish [top]

This is a fun top-down anime shooter from a little-known Japanese developer. The game features great graphics, smooth animations, and near-flawless gameplay that great shooters are known for. The hallmark of Magic Polalamin is the great sense of humor. power-ups come in the shapes of magical staffs, and many enemies are directly "borrowed" from other games and popular animes. For instance, one of the end-level bosses is a giant Doraemon, and the final bosses are Multi and Serika. The only flaw is the inclusion of Hentai (i.e. adult) pictures between the levels, which are in pretty bad taste and highly unnecessary. There are also some problems in pressing Up and Left at the same time (all regular with the other diagonals). But these quibbles are minor compared to the wonderful gameplay. If you like Asys' Shooting Heart, you'll like this even more.
Full Demo 8MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Magical Chase Quest / Bothtec, Inc. [top]

This is a 2D side-scrolling shoot 'em up set in a fantasy world. The game's heroine is a little witch called Ripple, who is flying on a magic broomstick. The gameplay is typical for the genre: Ripple flights from left to right and shoots enemies. She has two sidekicks - anthropomorphic stars called Star Maidens, which work like a the options of Gradius. When she destroys enemies, they will leave behind different colored gemstones, which serve as the game's currency that can be used in special shop. The game has six stages, and each level has a mid-boss and an end boss. The TurboGrafx-16 version is one of the rarest console games.
Japanese ISO Demo + Patch 488MB (uploaded by Abandonsocios)
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Maxforce NewSoft [top]

Spanish shoot 'em up with a side view, created by NewSoft - a well-known in narrow circles of connoisseurs manufacturer (and publisher) of budget games. You control a ship with infinite ammunition and a certain the amount of "health" flying from left to right on a scrolling screen with views of "flat" space (later, however, there will be a slightly different subject screen), and several types of enemies (including bosses with a large margin of safety, displayed as a separate scale); whatever bonuses (including for “treatment”), levels, “life” (in case of death, we return to the starting point), additional dangers, etc. are absent. The graphics, let's say, are average - and quite acceptable for old game lovers. The game can be suitable except for very short-term "relaxation": during the first minutes it is simple, but then the concentration of opponents and their fire begin to increase.
Full Demo 30MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
included in New Games - Spanish 2CD ISO Demo 289MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Mercenary Sniper Ismo Horppu [top]

This is a Finnish free virtual shooting gallery, aimed primarily at serious players in the sense that there will not be a bloody meat grinder, but there will be ammunition management and many subtleties associated with it. Yes, and complexity will not allow you to lead a perky firing on everything that moves. The whole plot is that we play as a hired sniper who must kill all the enemy soldiers. The game has ten levels that take place in different terrain, and some even at night. At the levels, in addition to the usual enemy military, there can be convoys of cars, bunkers, prisoners (which cannot be killed), and much more. Unlike the vast majority of games where each new level begins with a full scale of health, here there is no such luxury. To recover, you must visit the hospital and pay money. The cartridges are not endless, moreover - they also have to buy in the store. There you can buy other weapons. However, before that you have to sell the old - you can’t wear more than one. Finally, a large number of different things are available for sale: four types of sights, bipods and tripods that reduce recoil, a night vision device (for night missions), body armor and even silencers. All this not only directly affects the gameplay, but sometimes it is simply necessary. The first level seems simple, and all the troubles with purchases are unnecessary - but already from the second the game becomes really difficult. Already here you have to act accurately and quickly, because very soon, soldiers discover us and start firing, and only a few hits are enough for death. Most importantly, there is only one life. If we were killed, the game ends, and the result is entered in the high score table. Graphics for an amateur game is normal. Of course, the missions themselves could be better drawn, and the permission to choose more than 320x200 resolution would have been better. Still, where accuracy is needed, good detail would not hurt. There is sound accompaniment, moreover - there are a lot of sound settings, including for different types of iron of those times.
Free Game 1.62MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Mission Cobra 98 Dodgy Posse / Ultisoft [top]

This is a single player, side scrolling, freeware shooter which plays like Defender only without the rescuing people part. The player controls a small space ship that flies through a cave system shooting enemy craft as they go. In some sections the way ahead is blocked and the player has to blast through. There is a mini map in the top right which shows the way ahead, this is essential as contact with the walls of the cave is just as deadly as being shot by, or colliding with, an enemy ship. Along the way there are power ups, such as triple fire, to collect. The game is entirely keyboard controlled and has both music and sound effects. Way back in 94 the Pos-E began with the original version of Mission Cobra. Written in 16 bit code it wouldn't work under Windows 95, so they rewrote it and took the opportunity to make a few subtle tweaks. This revamp shares the sideways scrolling action but has totally new graphics, improved enemy attack patterns, and a totally reworked level system. Fly your ship through the various worlds, avoiding the bad guys and picking up powerups, before taking on the super end of level bosses. Originally shareware, the game was later made freeware by it's developer.
Freeware Game ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 989kb

Monospace Milo Sedlacek (a.k.a. "Gradius") [top]

This is one of the best freeware shoot 'em ups you'll ever come across. It features very smooth-scrolling action and an excellent graphical detail even in a limited white-on-black palette (hence the name "Monospace"). There are also plenty of enemies, power-ups, a final boss, and a great control interface. On the downside, the game only has one level, but at least you will have fun with it before it's over. The game was never finished because its designer passed away from leukemia in September, 1998 :( May his game live forever as a testament to a wonderful QBasic programmer who selflessly devoted time and efforts in coding awesome games and helping other programmers.
Free Game / Hacked version to play in full-screen (provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 35kb/30kb

More Aggressive! Studio ARC [top]

An obscure vertical scrolling shoot 'em up where your ship fights against the forces of an evil queen. Before starting the game, you can choose one of several space fighters; they all differ from each other in the types of primary and second weapons used, as well as in the type of super-weapon that will need to be found during the game itself. Gameplay - fly forward (although you can fly back a bit), destroying enemy ships, trying to dodge their shots and not collide with them; Of course, there are various bonuses, but they are quite rare. Graphically, the game performs very nicely, and the dynamics of the gameplay are simply frantic.
Full Demo 2MB (uploaded by MyAbandonware)

Namco History Vol. 4 [J] Namco Limited [top]

Fourth in a series of classic Namco arcade games playable in Windows which includes: Galaxian, Galaga, Gaplus, Bosconian, King & Balloon, Warp & Warp. It also includes screensavers and wallpaper.
Japanese ISO Demo 57.5MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)
Infos (click individual game titles)

Net-Maze Immaculate [top]

This is a freeware IPX network-only tank game developed for the Mekka & Symposium '98 competition under the 32kb category. You and your friends play by controlling your tank, and trying to shoot the other tanks without being killed yourself. There are objects to hide behind, which are randomly generated, and multiple weapons. By default, you have a wimpy laser. But you can get a triple laser and a missile launcher by collecting powerups. The game keeps count of each players kills, but its up to you to decide who is the winner. Maybe whoever gets to a certain number first? Another feature is skins, which lets you change the look of the game. Some skins are included with the game, such as Star Wars and Star Trek skins, or you can make your own.
Free Game 34kb (uploaded by MyAbandonware)

netPanzer Pyrosoft, krom, [+P]fu [top]

This is an isometric view real-time tactical game designed for play across the Internet and over LAN systems. One on one games are possible via direct connect or modem. netPanzer is designed for FAST ACTION combat - it is not another resource management clone. In fact, there aren't any resources at all. Each player will have many units of different types at their disposal. Players can fight until their units are destroyed - then respawn and keep on going. The game is real-time, but it's based on quick tactical action and unit management. Battles progress quickly and constantly; in fact, they never let up. There is no stop in the action because there is no waiting for resources to be collected and converted into weaponry. Players can join or leave multiplayer games at any time. It's a game designed to fit into the real-time tactical game genre. It's art is based on realistic environments and vehicles. Battle will heat up as players challenge for territory, and without the need for resource management battles will emerge swiftly. Features a scalable client/server network architecture. Support from 1 to 100 players over the Internet or on LAN systems depending on the network connection type and game configuration (single/multi dedicated server vs. server-player, max number of units per player, fog of war, and so forth). Players will be able to join or leave multiplayer games at any time. Gameplay: Real-time action without the need to gather resources; Manually aim your units fire while they are moving to another location; Maps range in size from 10x13 to 64x85 640x480 size screens; Three modes of multiplayer combat; objective capture, frag limit, and time limit; Change screen resolutions on the fly to 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, or 1280x1024 to take full advantage of your computers power; A customizable interface layout; MiniMap for quick viewing of the world. Special Effects: Particle system explosions, muzzle shots, missile trails, etc.; Dynamic, real-time lighting; Translucent particles and shadows. Official netPanzer development got basically halted in 1999. Since 2002, netPanzer is available under the GNU GPL and thus Free Software and a GNU/Linux port of netPanzer is ready. From 2007 on there was another developer still working on netPanzer, called himself "krom". He fixed many Bugs and made more stable Releases come true. He was the main responsible Developer and thanks to those efforts the Versions 0.8.4 up to 0.8.5-test-1 were released. In 2015 -after a couple of years without any Developer signing responsible for Netpanzer- our all well known Player [+P]fu took over Development and put Code to Sourceforge Network. Being not a "professional" Developer, he taught himself in how to code C++ and learned a lot about the game by reviewing Code basis. After a while he was even good enough in Coding to fix well known annoying Bugs in Netpanzer. So thanks to him, the Version 0.8.7 was released on 2016-04-09.
Free Game v0.8.7 13MB (uploaded by Official Site)

New Order Unknown [top]

This is a decent ripoff of Epic Megagames/Electronic Arts' underrated shooter Fire Fight, done by a "warez" group. Fire Fight players will immediately recognize the ships, explosions, and even tiny graphical detail. Gameplay is also identical: pilot a futuristic ship in a smooth 360-degree gameworld, shooting everything in sight, both in the air and on the ground. As a rip, the game lacks plot of any kind, although you can progress from one level to the next after wrecking enough havoc. If you like Fire Fight or free-form shooters in general, it's worth a look. Otherwise, steer way clear of this unofficial sequel - it's smooth, mindless, and fun for a while. No real long-term play value, though.
Full Demo 17.5MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
Free Game ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 17MB

Oxide Exelweiss Entertainment / Stratos [top]

This is a Tyrian-style vertical shmup. All Aircraft have been destroyed. Only the "OXIDE"; an experimental is available. The enemies of "Xirius" are directed towards the earth. The sky is filled with ships, the situation is really unsustainable. Cross the enemy lines and destroy the mother ships and the launching platforms. Only a last generation Pilot can undertake this Dangerous "Mission". The whole Universe is in danger. Everything depends on you and your "OXIDE". Destroy armada of enemy airplanes and other flying gizmos of different types (it is absolutely unnecessary to destroy everything and it is hardly possible at all), dodge bullets and missiles they send at us, collect bonuses that fall out of dead enemies or just hang in the air; sometimes we meet with bosses. The graphics here are really very good - this is a game from the times of a very late DOS, so here we are awaited by beautifully traced enemies and a variety of landscapes spread below, shadows cast by airplanes and superbly animated explosions.
English + Spanish Full Demos 4+28MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Phobia II Wah-Software [top]

The follow-up to the original Alien Phobia, this game is a a brainless shoot'em'up. You are up against the endless horde of aliens and you should take as many of them with you before they get you eaten. You can get powerups from the field which include better weapons (the basic rifle and three special weapons: Flamethrower, plutonium rifle and a cluster bomb launcher). Are you ready to be eaten?
Full Demo 3.31MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Plasma Spheres 2 Matthew Bush / Abnormal Software [top]

This is a retro arcade game where players navigate a bouncing sphere through a bizarre, alien world. In the campaign, players must defend their territory against wave after wave of enemies that will rain down from above or spawn from portals that slowly open up as the level progresses. Collect coins to purchase power ups and minions to come fight on your side. Defeat enemies and complete quests to gain experience and level up. Each time you level up you gain skill points that can be used to purchase permanent upgrades to your sphere. In battle mode, a myriad of weapons, items, and objectives make for a nearly limitless array of multiplayer fun. A full physics engine with tractor beams, gravity mines, rockets, bombs, and particle effects makes for exciting, unpredictable battles. Game modes include Deathmatch, Point Match, Tag, King Of The Hill, Pulseling Rescue, and Last Sphere Standing.
Full Demo 2.87MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Polaris Rebellion Prism Leisure / Midas Interactive Entertainment [top]

This is a PC shoot 'em up action game where you ride a Stingray, a triangular craft with weapons. At the controls of your ship, you have to defeat rebel ships and giant robots that have only one desire: to scatter you in the atmosphere. Throughout the fifteen levels, you move through three different environments from the aseptic technology jungle to the wilderness. There's a huge number of enemies, and they all shoot at our vessel. And there are both flying enemies, and walking on the ground, and unexpectedly appearing turrets are the greatest danger. Our hero shoots simultaneously three (!) Types of weapons, and even ahead we have a certain satellite (if you buy), damaging enemies. Laser shells and missiles are designed for flying enemies, bombs - for ground and turrets. In addition, we inflict damage on various structures, for which we get more points. By the way, the levels look rather poor: buildings of circular shape and some walls represent almost the entire landscape of the planets. Before each level, we can buy the best weapons, and initially they give us only $5000, for which you can only buy weak bombs that fall literally in front of your nose. Destroying enemies and gaining points, we thereby earn ourselves more advanced weapons. Powerful rockets, bombs and satellites cost from $100,000, and the most-most - from $200,000. However, we can collect some bonuses during the game. As already noted, the levels are quite long, and even one can go through the hurricane without careful study is rather problematic. After the passed stages we receive passwords to the following. But if we lose all three lives to us and start a new level, then we lose all the money we earned and, of course, all the weapons we got. For each stage passed, we are given only $5000. It is easy to calculate, that even before the last level we have only $75,000 - and what can we get for these miserable money to destroy the ever increasing hordes of enemies? Although our ship can withstand quite a large number of hits (in the right upper corner of the screen our health scale), to withstand a continuous flurry of attacks without good weapons is simply unrealistic. Suddenly, after the already difficult fifth level, the boss is waiting for us (and we did not expect), and after the victory over him our ship leaves the planet, and finally the landscape and enemies change. After the tenth stage and the local boss again fly - and we are met by a desert planet with opponents like insects.

See also: #X-Guard

ISO Demo 438MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Quadnet Brainchild Design [top]

This is a fast and furious shoot-em-up inspired by retro arcade games like Tempest 2000 from Atari. You control a ship on a small square grid. Enemy robots are thrown onto the grid by a drone emitter. The robot drones are initially not too difficult to deal with as the only danger is in colliding with them. But as increasing numbers of drones start bouncing around the playing area it becomes increasingly difficult to keep your ship safe. You are aided in your attempts by the ships invaluable quad directional auto cannon. The game play is unique in that moving and firing is independently controlled by four keys each. This takes some getting used to, but results in intense action once mastered. The concept is simple. Kill more robots to score more points and earn a place in the high score list.
Free Game ( provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 279kb

Razor Engine Software [top]

This Dutch shmup has you control an airplane presented in the perspective "view from above" flying from the bottom of the screen to the top, exterminating various types of opponents - also aircraft, - hostile to it, and also seeks to avoid numerous "relief projections." Any physical contact with both the last and the ammunition of the opponents ends in an instant death, while there are very few places for maneuvering, taking into account the terrain features (sometimes it seems that we play almost in the "cave-flyer", so narrow are here "passages"), as well as the time for passing each stage and the fuel supply of the aircraft is strictly limited. The bonuses that are vital for such flights are in place in all their diversity: there will be additional "lives" (which are initially more than one), fuel reserves, and accelerators, and weapon amplifiers, and the like. Levels are only eight.
ISO Demo 142MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Revon NewSoft [top]

This budget Spanish space shoot 'em up from NewSoft - like all the games from this company, is very rare, and besides - it is different from the traditional representatives of the subgenre. Perspective view - top view; we control the "ax-like" fighter. The most important feature is the inability to leave the limits (quite, I must say, limited) of the space visible after the start of the game, although within it we can move anywhere in four directions and stop at any moment. Almost immediately, enemy ships of the most diverse forms, as well as asteroids, meteorites and other space objects, begin to appear from outside the borders of the screen - first the top, and soon both side ones. Some opponents just fly past (although physical contact with them is harmful in any case), some are firing rays or missiles in all directions, while others purposefully attack the “protagonist” on the fly or even stop for that for a couple of seconds. Our fighter has several "lives", not the smallest store of health (displayed as a vertical scale on the left) and an unlimited amount of energy charges. In addition, three types of bonuses periodically fall on top: white capsules with red crosses - first-aid kits, fully or partially restoring vitality; black ellipses with two orange dots, for a while (it reads on the right side of the screen near the corresponding icon) doubling the power of our "basic" weapon (that is, it shoots the last in this period with just a couple of turns, and not one, as usual) and a similarly shaped object with a horizontal yellow crescent, replacing - again for a while - ammunition with a powerful laser stream. The best tactic, oddly enough, is to stay at the bottom of the screen, and precisely at the point where we appeared: this is how the airplane will fly around until a certain point. Over time, the "diagonal" flights (and attacks) of armadas of enemy ships will begin, as if aimed directly at him, so you have to evade them. Please note that falling bonuses - flying, alas, very slowly - can easily be destroyed by someone's fire or even just disappear, so it’s necessary to make quick “forays” behind them. In the event of death, the fighter is reborn at the same point, but sometimes it can be occupied by the enemy’s host for those fractions of a second that it is not on the screen, and then the machine explodes immediately after it appears. Subsequently, the player is expected to meet with bosses with a large margin of safety, Of course, there is no need to expect any graphic miracles from such a game: the “space” is miniature and “flat”, of the effects are only explosions and shots (albeit as varied as possible); It is worth a little praise and more or less original design of hostile objects, of which there are about a dozen types, as well as not the worst of their drawing. The game can come as a short (several minutes long, because then it starts to bother because of monotony) when you want something simple at the same time and still requiring the beginnings of tactical thinking.
Full Demo 7MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
included in New Games - Spanish 2CD ISO Demo 289MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

S.T.G. [J] Daicom Software [top]

Brilliant! Exhilarating! Shooting ~ Vertical scroll shooting game that run through the stage while defeating enemies using shots and bombs. You can work with the keyboard, but, of course operability joypad support is outstanding. The degree of difficulty can be selected from six levels, from beginner (very happy) to advanced! Since the enemy attack is not quite forgiving, it all lies in the ability of your hands. If that's too difficult for one player, you can also fight together with friends and multiply your strenght because it's also possible for two people to play simultaneously. Every stage includes an enemy boss character.
Japanese ISO Demo *16th anniversary premium upload* 485.6MB (uploaded by myloch)

Space Crash NewSoft [top]

This is a clone of Asteroids from a Spanish budget developer. Classic gameplay - we move around a limited section of outer space on a ship with a top view, and asteroids and, less often, other opponents, as well as bonuses fly in from all sides. The latter can be knocked out of cobblestones or delivered by a friendly comet. If you want to increase your firepower, restore your health, get an extra life or bonus in the piggy bank of points, then you need to try to pick them up. As for other enemies, among them an alien ship and a mine-like mine disco, a collision with which leads to instantaneous death. It is noteworthy that a few months later in the same 1998, Space Crash will be one of the levels of another game from NewSoft, Feroze . And separately, it produces much better impressions: yes, management here is also not the most obedient, but the colorful palette and dynamics of what is happening are pleasing. But the main value of this game lies in its incredible rarity.
Full Demo 13MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
included in New Games - Spanish 2CD ISO Demo 289MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Space Invaders Deluxe Lutz Justen / Kelly Data [top]

This is a shoot 'em up in the style of Space Invaders. Every now and then, when you have destroyed an enemy, a container with the imaginative inscription 'POWERUP' will come towards you. If you manage to catch this container, the type of extra will be displayed in the bottom right of the screen. Extras can be divided into two types: speed-ups and weapons. The first container will give you a speed-up. Then press the spacebar to redeem the extra, your spaceship will become faster and more maneuverable. Containers can also be collected and become extra weapons, e.g. B. missiles or deadly lasers. To redeem an extra weapon, press the Up Arrow key to place the new weapon on the left barrel or the Down Arrow key to place it on the right launch tube.
German ISO Demo (provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 187MB

Space Quarry Briggs Softworks [top]

This is a free asteroid blaster arcade game. Spin your space ship around and fire at the incoming space rocks from all directions. Each new round brings more rocks at a faster pace. Score extra points in the bonus rounds. A high score list keeps track of your best 10 missions. Features: Keyboard or joystick control; For 1 or 2 players (alternating play); Volume control for sound effects; Top 10 high score list.
Free Game v2.20 568kb (uploaded by Official Site)

Spheres of Chaos Iain McLeod [top]

First released in 1992 for the Acorn Archimedes, it was re-released in 1998 for PC. Imagine a world where instead of using his experiences with LSD to become an evangelist of therapeutic psychedelia, Timothy Leary had instead opted to learn assembler and program low-budget shmups for pc-download. For those unable to afford even the smallest portion of crack, Spheres of Chaos will dilate the pupil of your third eye and give you change from a fiver. This is no usual Asteroids family member, it's the difficult nephew. The one with all the good albums who stayed out late and got that girl into trouble back in school. Those particle effects? You can recognize the family traits as being present and correct, but somewhere in the past you can see some Minter has entered the bloodline. You're going to be glad very soon that it doesn't really vacate from the Asteroids paradigm, because whilst the basic game is in the same world - visually, this has vacated the previous galaxy. This is the anti-asteroids. Whereas Logg drew his space pure, flat and black - exquisitely cut with bright white - McLeod gives you all the colors. All at once. And then he cycles them. It was later made freeware. In 2012, a remake was released that delivers a psychadelic experience that one would be remiss to not experience. Taking the simple concept of a single ship shooting various sized space objects from the sky, it delivers an eye-boggling visual encounter using up to 130,000 pixels to create firework explosions, rockets and trails. ...an astonishing range of levels and enemies - enough to keep even the most dedicated gamer occupied, although their sanity after extended play might well be doubted... Confusing, explosive, enticing fun - not to be missed.
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Freeware Game v2.10 853kb (uploaded by Official Site)
2012 Remake - Freeware Game 370kb (uploaded by Official Site)

Sporting Clays Diversions Software Inc. / WizardWorks [top]

Challenge your own shooting skills. The excitement, intrigue and challenge of the sport known as "Golf With A Shotgun" is sweeping the country. Bring the excitement home with the most accurate sporting clays simulation ever. Top notch game play so realistic, you'll swear you smell the gunpowder. Features: 10 fields of play / 5 clay types including rabbits / 3 skill levels / 5 instructional display options / multiple seasons; Unlimited practice rounds / Adjustable gun sensitivity and choke patterns; Tournament play with customs settings for up to 4 players / Bonus Field Editor Models a course to your style or favorite.
Full Demo 15MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Starfire David Karlov [top]

Awesome space shoot-em-up with 256 colour VGA graphics. Fight your way through five enormous levels swarming with enemy fighters and huge alien bosses. Get power-ups to enhance your ship's weapons and other abilities. With fast and furious action, smooth animation, you would not believe it was written in QuickBASIC.
Free Game 370kb (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Starship Troopers: Battlespace Mythic Entertainment Inc. / Sony Online Entertainment Inc., Kesmai Corporation [top]

This was a massively multiplayer space shooter playable on the GameStorm network. Players could fight in campaigns or quick matches as the human Feds or the alien Arachnids, and battled live players from the opposing team. Points and victories contributed to persistently-tracked stats, resulting in regular promotions for skilled players. Both sides could select to fly any one of five ship classes - light, medium, medium heavy, and heavy fighters, as well as a carrier ship that could ferry troops to contested planets. Players could rearm, repair, or dock to save their current score at starbases or friendly planets scattered around the arena (death reset your score to the last saved number). Players could also form teams or guilds called "squadrons." Five arenas were available, with different objectives for each. The first three required each side to capture all planets in the arena. Planets were captured by having a player select and pilot the lumbering carrier class ship, pick up troops from their side's home planet, and unload them on the target planet (ideally with other players providing fighter cover along the way). The fourth arena required teams to destroy four of the enemy's bases. The fifth arena awarded victory to the side that killed 50 enemy ships. It contains no offline features, and online play was shut down in 2001.
Full Demo v0.22 (not playable) 8MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

SWAR PLBM Games [top]

SWAR is a two-player space combat game, based on the ancient early video game Spacewar. You are placed in a bordered-space environment and must blast the other player and/or help them run into the sun in the center, which has a gravity-like effect. Pressing F1 will show in-game help and F2 will allow you to adjust multiple options which could make the game more fun or add some variety, including choosing different ships with slightly different properties. Overall it's a pretty simple game but if you have two players sharing a keyboard it could be fun. The game was later made freeware.
Freeware Game 160kb (uploaded by DOSGames.com)

Swarm / Space Blaster / Galactic Swarm Reflexive Entertainment Inc. [top]

Swarm follows in the Asteroids tradition where the player must pilot a lone ship and destroy a bunch of derelict space debris as well as hostile space-faring creatures while collecting items. This game revolves around a character named Saul who narrates the opening of each level, describing a little more of what he is doing and how he got himself into the present situation. The craft he pilots is called a T-77 which is agile, speedy, and armed with twin cannons. Throughout the levels, the player can collect upgraded cannons and a variety of explosive devices and other weapons with which to dispatch enemies and help with mining EZT, the prized material in this game. Swarm boasts 4 difficulty settings and 100 playable levels.
Clone ISO Demo 131MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

Tiger's Bane Longbow Digital Arts [top]

This is a hybrid of the shoot-em-up and simulation genres, combining side scrolling action with realistic elements such as limited ammunition, accurate modelling of weapons and their effects, flight dynamics that take inertia and wind into consideration, and a wide array of real battlefield machinery to fly, destroy, and protect. You take on the role of air cavalry commander against a growing world terrorist threat. You have full control over which helicopters you and your wingmen (up to 2) will fly, including the Apache, Comanche, and Super Cobra Gunships, and the Blackhawk transport helicopter. You can also call on support from F-16 and A-10 attack planes from the fighter squadron. The more than 80 missions take place in various locales, including large cities, island chains, and blistering deserts. Random weather effects such as rain, wind, fog, and thunderstorms are modeled, in addition to variable time of day. For night missions your helicopters are equipped with infra-red night vision systems. This game was previously developed for the computer Commodore Amiga 1200, and later was converted to PC. Since 2009, the developer made it freeware.
Freeware Game 1.1MB (uploaded by Official Site)

Total Asteroids V-Direct [top]

This is a CD-ROM collection for Windows 95 and Commodore Amiga of games inspired by the classic arcade game Asteroids plus Desktop themes, Savers & Wallpapers: Brickanoid, Crazyoid, Deep Space Intruder, Freeware Asteroids, Meteor Invasion 2095, Astro3D, Debris, Galaxy Space Wallpaper, Star Trek Wallpaper, Gravitation Screen Saver. It's a collection of the the revolutionary retro space shooter and ever-more addictive remakes of the 1980s arcade blockbuster. Featuring immersive 3-D worlds, highly evolved gameplay, and replayability designed to perfection, it promises to be the retro game compilation of the year. All-new Asteroids melds the classic fire-shield-thrust style of gameplay and nostalgic sound effects with vast new hyperspace 3-D worlds, explosive effects, cut-scenes, plus more enemies, weapons and modes of gameplay. Brave a multitude of distinct space worlds or "Zones," each comprised of sub-levels of advancing difficulty, bonus levels and major boss'. Zones vary from a 3-D update of the classic back to the original 80's version with simple 2D vector graphics. Equip one of your asteroid-clearing ships with an additional unique weapons hidden in each Zone. Search for laser nets, repulser shields, shock waves, gun satellites that orbit and add to your ship's firepower and more. Play the classic original version or the super sleek versions.
ISO Demo 216MB (uploaded by Internet Archive Software Collection)

Ultimate Tapan Kaikki, The ErrorFree [top]

The Ultimate Tapan Kaikki (Translates roughly to The Ultimate I'll Kill Everyone) is a simple free top-down shooter made by Finnish developer. The goal of the game is, as the title suggests, to kill everyone on the map by using weapons either picked up from the map or bought from stores. That sounds simple, but it isn't as easy as one might think, as the enemies are numerous and stimpacks are scarce. The game comes with two episodes and ability to create more on your own with a simple level-editor.
Free Game v1.21 1.58MB (uploaded by Jonneweb)

Ultra Violent Worlds Vorlon Software / Crystal Interactive [top]

This top-down shmup was released on dual-format CD (Amiga/PC). There's no phonebook sized manual and no complex control method; there's just you and a whole lotta Zarnaxian slime to shoot down. In the year 2305, the Zarnaxians suddenly entered Earth territory and within an hour the colony on Mars was captured. Zarnaxians ships next targeted the Earth itself when major cities were destroyed. In a final blow, the Moon was crashed onto the Earth using the graviton rays of the largest Zarnaxians ships. With Earth's defence forces annihilated, there is little hope for the remaining human survivors. Unless someone brave enough could stand up and liberate the Earth and the Mars colony. It has the following features: 256 colour AGA graphics; 3 layer parallax scrolling (vertical); Two player simultaneous gameplay; Fast, pumping soundtracks; Brilliant, ambient sound FX; 11 CDDA tracks (playback is independent of the game, however); Loads of awesome explosions; Funky retro shoot-em-up playability; Background animations.
ISO Demo 367MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)

VajraVanish Explosion Games [top]

In this free shump, you aim for a high score by avoiding the myriad of bullets looming. Move on the numeric keypad, "1" to fire, "2" to bomb, and exit is [Alt] + [F4]. You have three lives, five smart-bombs, and five minutes to complete the three levels. "No Problem", you could say. Too bad for you, there are lots of though enemies, which often manage in putting you out of business MUCH before time runs out. The background graphics are nothing to write about, only a plain starfield, while the player's ship (a Macross-type robot, to be precise) and all the enemies are extremely well-done. The most powerful ones even show a pixelation effect when hit, altough it isn't refined as the one in Another Zero. The high point, however, is the extremely fast and furious gameplay: sometimes enemy ships attack in dozens, and the elaborate shots of bosses and mid-bosses give some exercise to your reflexes. Given its short length, it won't last forever, but the high difficulty, along with the time limit, ensures that you won't finish it in a few tries. Recommended as a quick diversion from Tyrian 2000 or Darius Gaiden.
Free Game v1.55 998kb (uploaded by Vector)

Virtuelle Moorhuhn Jagd Art Department Werbeagentur GmbH, Witan Entertainment BV / V und B Werbeagentur, Phenomedia [top]

The is a German shooting game originally created for an advertisement campaign for the Johnnie Walker whiskey brand. It is the first game in the Moorhuhn series. During the campaign, agency employees wearing hunter clothes visited various pubs, carrying laptops on which the game could be played by pub customers. The game was never meant for public distribution; however, the game leaked onto the Internet somehow and in summer 1999, the V und B agency became aware that the game was being offered for download in various places. At first the agency did not like the idea of the game being distributed outside their control, but after seeing its immense popularity, V und B officially made the game available for download in the beginning of 2000. The player has 90 seconds to gain as many point as possible by shooting down the "Moorhuhn" (willow ptarmigans) birds with the left mouse button. The player's rifle holds eight shells and must be reloaded with a right-click after eight shots. Moorhuhns fly past the screen in the background, with more distant birds worth more points. Bonus points (or penalties) can be gained for shooting various other targets, that is the scarecrow's hat, the windmill blades, the signpost, or a passing balloon. After the time is up, the game shows the player's score. A boxed cd-rom version titled Die Original Moorhuhnjagd was released in May/2000 which in addition to the unchanged game includes: Two training levels where the player shoots at cardboard cut-outs; Background information about the development of Virtuelle Moorhuhn Jagd and Moorhuhn 2; A screensaver and a poster.

See also: #Crazy Chicken Remake

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Free Game 2.54MB (uploaded by Old-Games.ru)
included in Moorhuhn: Die ersten 10 Jahre - German DVD ISO Demo 2.34GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

Wham! Avalanche Games [top]

This is a fast arcade game for two players, with a computer or a human opponent through split-screen. The player controls a ship flying in caves trying to destroy your enemies with weapons and bonus add-ons. Opponents fly in the small cave with different spaceships. Some ships are fast but also quite weak, and some ships are slow but they have a lot of energy and power. Players can also design own space ship or cave level. Ships have weapons such as main cannons and special weapons. Special weapons vary a lot, some of them are very powerful, but at the cost of accuracy and firing rate. Some are very quick to shoot, but don't deal a lot of damage. There is also one weapon which can guide you to the goal. The game contains 60 special weapons, 12 cannons, 10 bonuses and 30 different levels.
Clone ISO Demo 159MB (uploaded by Egon68)

Winowar Win Novation Informatique [top]

With the help of your ship, you have to avoid meteorites, destroy multiple enemy ships, as well as at the end of each stage, face the big mothership. To do this, multiple weapons will help you: triangular shooting, small laser, large laser... and many capsules giving ammunition, energy... (the others are to be discovered). This game offers you 10 stages with a different setting each time and 3 levels of difficulty, for each of these stages, guaranteeing many hours of gameplay. It can be played with a keyboard or gamepad.
ISO Demo (provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 133MB

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